ATC Infinite

ATC Infinite

This game is amazing, its great fun for when your bored or when you want to test your brain and being focused and organised.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Management 2D Games.

This game really has a lot problems; some of which are probably unsolvable due to the game design.

First, some pros:

1. The command line design is actually the simplest I have ever seen; this makes controlling a lot easier.

2. The game runs smoothly and has a clean interface.

Now the cons:

Let’s start with something that can be fixed:

1. Graphics error: I see a “discord” button on the airport selection page. (Fixed)

2. Gameplay Bugs: I have experienced problems like collision, even with vertical separation. I have also experienced bugs that planes fail to intercept the localizer even I have guided the plane to the orange line. (Fixed)

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

ATC Infinite on Steam

Endless ATC

Endless ATC

This is an amazing little game.

The game starts out very simply, with just a few planes to control. As you guide them successfully to their destinations, the number of planes in your space increases, and so does your mental load.

A simple and effective interface lets you put your air traffic plan into action almost as quickly as you can think it (via any combination of keyboard, mouse, and touch).

Before long, you must be completely focused on managing the traffic to keep everything running smoothly and your score increasing.

Real player with 512.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Management Realistic Games.

I’m not easily impressed, but this is really good.

It has all the complexities of the real thing:

  • Standard Instrument Departures

  • Standard Terminal Arrivals

  • Parallel approaches

  • Airspace restrictions

  • Minimum Safe Altitudes

  • Separation criteria

  • Wake turbulence separation

  • Emergencies

And it’s all packed into a UI that is so easy to learn and simple to use, it actually makes the complex task of controlling air traffic look like child’s play.

Designers of RL ATC software, move over! Look at this title and explain to me why “the real thing” always looks so damn complicated, because this simulation here proves what an intuitive UI can look like.

Real player with 73.2 hrs in game

Endless ATC on Steam

I am an Air Traffic Controller 4

I am an Air Traffic Controller 4

Excellent game. can’t stop playing it

Needs a few tweaks is all

1. I have multiple monitors, would love approach on one screen, ground on another and airport on another . not all crammed into a single screen

2. Why can’t we put approaching aircraft into holding pattern if we don’t want them to land ? Standard stuff.

3. Freeplay shouldn’t end after too many errors .

4. Freeplay should also allow us to choose the intensity of the timetable, you simply cant do Tokyo in the middle of the day on your own , I’m sure several ATC staff handle those area’s in the real world

Real player with 896.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Management Real Time Tactics Games.

Short Version:

8/10, looking forward to expansion packs

Long Version:

This might be the best ATC game on steam (that is not primarily focused on radar usage).

In Japan, this dev has released numerous games not only in this series, but also previous instalments of this series such as I am an Air Traffic Controller 1 through 3 (ATC 1-3) and other series such as Pilot Story. It is also worth noting that this dev had released multiple Japanese Airport add-ons for FSX, showing that they are quite experienced in terms of aviation in Japan and 3D-modelling.

Real player with 203.3 hrs in game

I am an Air Traffic Controller 4 on Steam

Tower!3D Pro

Tower!3D Pro

I’ve been looking for a realistic ATC simulator for years. Although not perfect, this delivers the closest experience than any other games. The voice recognition is still a little buggy, and I’m assuming newer sp’s will fix the performance speed (occasionally, I’ll notice a little jerkiness in moving objects). I added on a realcolor program (not available on steam) to get the “real-life” airlines for each airport as well as the coloring of the planes match the current airlines paint schemes. I reccomend the real-traffic add-in as well (also not available on steam–darn).

Real player with 65.8 hrs in game

I love this game, personally. It has a high learning curve, but you’ll pick it up quickly if your passion for aviation or ATC (Air Traffic Controlling) is strong enough.

I’m neither a pilot or real ATC, just an enthusiast who spends hours watching aviation channels, and gaming channels that focused on this game. I truly wanted it, If you’ve watched videos on this topic, if you watch people play 30 minutes or an hour at a certain airport on youtube and wanted more? This game may be for you.

I say may because there are too many issues with game itself. EVEN IF you hit all the benchmarks above I still want you to be weary of this purchase.

Real player with 59.5 hrs in game

Tower!3D Pro on Steam

Tower! 3D

Tower! 3D

This is so infuriating. Sick of being deducted 500 points for planes alerts when they take off and land on separate runways. Can never get into positive points tally. That fed up feel like deleting it from my system.

Real player with 92.0 hrs in game

I do enjoy playing the game. But, Why would a game be made that can’t be saved ? if the player has to leave the game. not much you can do, but leave your computer on with game paused. or lose all the time spent playing to start all over again later if you quit the game. this is my main disappointment with Tower 3 D non Pro. Sure glad I didn’t purchase the Tower 3D pro version then find out no save option. I sure hope the developers can do an update and put a save option on the Tower 3 D games.

Real player with 56.1 hrs in game

Tower! 3D on Steam

Airport CEO

Airport CEO

This is theoretically a very good and fun game. The mechanics are certainly towards the easier end of the spectrum, but there’s enough depth and variety to keep things interesting. I would absolutely love to give this game a thumbs up for it’s mechanics and central gameplay loop. I would put in far more hours if it would allow me to.

I give it a thumbs down because as more and more features and mechanics were added, bugs were not focused on or managed anywhere remotely well enough. It’s incredibly rare to go more than 15-30 minutes without something breaking and requiring a restart, even with a small airport. Months ago, there were still frequent game breaking bugs fixable by restarts, but you could go a couple hours in between (except with massive airports). Most of the time, it was just the pathfinding system deciding to check out and needing a kick. Now it seem like every system just breaks anytime you look at it.

Real player with 394.3 hrs in game

First off let me say that the game is in Alpha, and the Devs still seem to be very active at this point, and that is why I am giving this an overall recommended tag. Now thats over with let me go into a bit of detail, and show what I see as good (or even potential) and the bad (or frustrating).

I have built a few aiports in the game, and each time I keep hitting the same conclusions:

  1. This is an airport sim, and if you are like me the details matter. The Devs have gone to the lenghts of allowing us to plot out taxiways to each stand, but then not allowed directional control of the taxiways. So planes will use what they feel like, and this always causes major log jams when you scale up the airport.

Real player with 362.3 hrs in game

Airport CEO on Steam

Airport Madness 3D

Airport Madness 3D

Some would call me a hardcore Airport Madness fan. They are probably right. I’ve poured hundreds of hours into this franchise from the PC browser days, to the mobile apps, to the standalone PC versions, and on to repurchasing and clocking hours on the other 4 titles here on Steam. The developer himself is an air traffic controller, and I’ve probably dealt with more digital aircraft than he’s handled real planes. (Although he has a much better safety record than I do!).. So I openly admit that even as a 33 year old man, I giggled like a strange psychotic Schoolgirl when this game was announced.

Real player with 84.0 hrs in game

I’m biased because I have all Airport Madness games. Airport Madness 3D could not be missing in the collection so i was fortunate to get the game as a birthday present.

If you have played previous versions of Airport Madness, the game play won’t be that different. You need to click slightly below the airplane to get the menu and in my experiance the sky cam view is the best way to play. Tower view is my second choice.

Although the game is not yet bug-free, i can’t think of a big negative (yet). The positive is future airport additions and of course the possible addition of the workshop. Looking forward of spending more time in the game.

Real player with 63.4 hrs in game

Airport Madness 3D on Steam



After almost 300 hours of play, I’ll give it a rating after all. Unfortunately, it’s not enough for a positive one. There are a lot of well implemented things in this game, but the negative points destroy the overall picture in the end.


The game runs very stable even with many mods.

The controls are intuitive and logical. The menus are very clear.

Many aspects of the airport are nicely implemented. For example, I have many options to design the security section. There are not only prefabricated security boxes, but I can build individually without getting lost in micromanagement.

Real player with 298.4 hrs in game

Although overall this game does its job of being an airport builder/simulation/management game, and I enjoyed the progression of starting off with a small airport (or starting off with a blank slate), expanding its size, and then eventually building a large airport that covers the whole map with hundreds of flights a day, I can’t recommend this game because there are just too many bugs that you may encounter (I have encountered all of these at one time or another). For those who want to achieve a ‘perfect’ airport, where everything flows smoothly, these bugs will make you want to give up and quit. Honestly, it’s quite ironic and laughable that there is a bonus for ‘Perfect Ops’ (no delays or passengers missing flights in a whole day) in this game because once you reach an airport of a certain size, I’ve had so many times where a Perfect Ops streak has been ruined because of one or more bugs which cause unnecessary delays. When I look around online in search of solutions for these bugs the solutions are usually ‘reload your save’ or ‘send it to the devs and get it repaired’ which I don’t think are necessarily appropriate for a game which is considered released and no longer in early access. No, I haven’t installed any mods, played the ‘Edge’ version, or edited my save file, so this is a pure vanilla save/game.

Real player with 128.9 hrs in game

SimAirport on Steam

Bomber Crew

Bomber Crew

Addictive! If you get all the DLC (you should) then you have two campaigns (with additional RAF missions added) plus sudden death competitive solo gameplay. In the RAF campaign you control a 7-person Lancaster bomber crew over Europe. In the USAAF campaign you control a 9-person B-17 crew (they left out the co-pilot as B-17s have 10 crew standard) in the Mediterranean. You don’t directly fly the plane but rather give orders to the various crew members. At the heart of BOMBER CREW is tagging, which involves using a sight to select objectives (planes, map points, ships, towns, airfields, factories, etc.), which causes your crew to steer the plane, shoot at enemy planes, land the plane, etc. Additionally, each crew member has various abilities, depending on training and experience, and each station in the plane has various controls. A campaign involves a series of missions, like recon, bombing, dropping supplies, clearing an area of enemy planes, etc. The difficulty is keeping your cool and making good decisions under pressure, while your plane is being attacked, blown to bits, running out of fuel, trying to find its way through clouds, etc. Some people won’t like it because there’s too much micro-managing, but that’s the essence of BOMBER CREW: managing a World War Two bomber crew! The sudden death gameplay involves scoring as many points as possible before you give up or get blown out of the sky. Frustration and failure comes when you lose crew and/or planes, requiring you to bring in new crew/planes in the middle of your campaign, possibly dooming the whole thing to failure.

Real player with 292.6 hrs in game


Bomber Crew is a crew management game in which the player has to accomplish bomber objectives in World War Two in an RAF bomber plane. Crew members accomplish tasks by assigning them to stations, with enough skill and enough luck, crew members will accomplish tasks that you hope they will accomplish. Aircraft navigation is accomplished by tagging navigational beacons, some of which appear due to the work of the plane’s navigator, but bombing and recon targets can be tagged (and flown to) when they’re in visual range. Shooting down planes, bombing targets, and photographing recon targets earn XP for the crew, which not only boosts their abilities, but also unlocks special sets of skills within their specialties. Completing mission objectives earns “intel,” which works like experience, but unlocks equipment to purchase for crew members and upgrades for the plane. The player has a choice of military objectives that mostly involve bombing targets, but some missions require air-dropping supplies to friendly forces. Completion of some missions will have a direct effect on the next two missions, and there’s also special missions which (with one exception) are based off of real life British military exploits.

Real player with 168.7 hrs in game

Bomber Crew on Steam

Sky Haven

Sky Haven

Short Review: It’s a quality game but read the game description carefully before you buy. It does exactly what it says there: you aren’t running an airline; you aren’t running an entire airport; you aren’t running the terminal - all you are really doing here is planning out the ground handling operations for an airport and watching the simulation run.

Detailed Review: I’ve played Sky Haven for 200 hours so I feel like I have a pretty good feel for the game now. I’m giving it a thumbs up because it does what it does well and I have found that if you play it right and play it slow with careful planning and patience it runs without glitches. That’s a great feat for this stage.

Real player with 204.3 hrs in game

Lovely game, incredible progress. As an avid SimAirport and Airport CEO player, I enjoyed the game greatly.

Edit: This is no longer an issue, was patched a week after I wrote the review (yeah for responsive Developers!)

One challenge that I [had] found difficult to overcome is avoiding deadlocks caused by traffic jams. My tips are: 1. For planes, set up your ramps with an inbound runway set to arrivals only, a taxi way that leads only to ramp stands entrance. A second network of taxi ways on the outbound part of the ramps to a departure runway. If you make a typical airport layout the planes will not always pick the best route, don’t have affinity for proximity or appropriateness of runway, and won’t re-route themselves if they are stuck. 2. For vehicles, the airport terminals get bunched up frequently. To reset you have to kick out the airplane they’re blocked from servicing. I found making a low ramp to terminal ratio, and setting the roads in a perpendicular angle to the direction of travel to the ramp helped.

Real player with 96.9 hrs in game

Sky Haven on Steam