“Warehouse Tycoon”

“Warehouse Tycoon”

Do you know how to program in Lua? Are you bummed by this game not being as good as it should be? message me. I recommend the game, however only if you know how to program either in Lua or are willing to learn so that you can fix his glitches and crappy programming and make it better. Half of my play-time is due to me fixing the game and running it over and over again. Again, message me if you’re interested in helping me fix this because the developer is never touching it again.

Real player with 109.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Management Economy Games.

Information / Review English

Warehouse Tycoon is a Management and Simulation game developed by EcoGames.

Gameplay / Story

Warehouse management refers to the Management, Control and Optimization of Warehouse and distribution systems with Warehouse management (including quantity and storage space Management as well as Conveyor control and Disposition), with extensive Methods and means for controlling the System status and with a selection of Operating and Optimization strategies . Your task in this Game is to build yourself a Company in which you take on assignments and the better your Reputation gets, the more you get and become better known. No matter if Construction, Logistics, Transport services etc. many more await you. Build yourself a great Empire and become Number 1 in your Region.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Warehouse Tycoon on Steam

Mall Craze

Mall Craze

Have you ever walked into your local mall and started thinking:

“How cool it would be if I could build all of this by myself?!”

YOU CAN! Mall Craze is a shopping center management game where you Build, Customize, and Manage your very own mall.


The first step to becoming a successful businessperson is to actually start building your mall.

Do you want to recreate your local Mall, or would you rather craft your own design

and make the mall truly unique? Go for it!

Shops, Department Stores, Restaurants, Movie Theater, and Fitness Center are just a few among many types of facilities that you will construct.


Your experince in Mall Craze would be rather dull if every single mall looked exactly the same.

Visual customization is the next step in assuring that the mall you build is trully yours.

A piano made out of gold? I’ll take 2, please!


Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get back to business! (quite literally)

Managing a whole shopping center is no joke and there is a lot that needs to be taken care of.

Hire staff, fulfill customer’s needs, advertise your mall, research new products, and set better prices. All of these are very crucial steps that ensure maximum profit, and are helping you to reach that big dream of yours – becoming a tycoon giant!


Types of Shops

  • Classic Shops/Showrooms

  • Small Stalls

  • Services (barber, fitness center, …)

  • Fast Foods and Restaurants

  • Movie Theater

Read More: Best Management Resource Management Games.

Mall Craze on Steam

Airport CEO

Airport CEO

This is theoretically a very good and fun game. The mechanics are certainly towards the easier end of the spectrum, but there’s enough depth and variety to keep things interesting. I would absolutely love to give this game a thumbs up for it’s mechanics and central gameplay loop. I would put in far more hours if it would allow me to.

I give it a thumbs down because as more and more features and mechanics were added, bugs were not focused on or managed anywhere remotely well enough. It’s incredibly rare to go more than 15-30 minutes without something breaking and requiring a restart, even with a small airport. Months ago, there were still frequent game breaking bugs fixable by restarts, but you could go a couple hours in between (except with massive airports). Most of the time, it was just the pathfinding system deciding to check out and needing a kick. Now it seem like every system just breaks anytime you look at it.

Real player with 394.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Management Indie Games.

First off let me say that the game is in Alpha, and the Devs still seem to be very active at this point, and that is why I am giving this an overall recommended tag. Now thats over with let me go into a bit of detail, and show what I see as good (or even potential) and the bad (or frustrating).

I have built a few aiports in the game, and each time I keep hitting the same conclusions:

  1. This is an airport sim, and if you are like me the details matter. The Devs have gone to the lenghts of allowing us to plot out taxiways to each stand, but then not allowed directional control of the taxiways. So planes will use what they feel like, and this always causes major log jams when you scale up the airport.

Real player with 362.3 hrs in game

Airport CEO on Steam

Another Brick in The Mall

Another Brick in The Mall

I’ve played numerous management games, and I figured I’d list down the stuff that I think needs improvement in the game because, hey, I definitely love it.

I’ll be adding more to the list as I log in more hours in the game.

More business types - Arcade, Spa, Events Venue, Staff Room, PC (Console) Cafe, etc.

Staff Management System - The map is huge, and growing the business means a larger staff. It’s hard to keep track of all the employees individually, especially their shifts. I’d also like to see some sort of “staff training”, so I could retain old employees instead of replacing them with other people who have better skills. Retaining the old ones and simply training them in what they lack is much better a way to handle employee productivity than simply replacing them.

Real player with 128.0 hrs in game

Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar,

You’re gonna go far, if you got to make a mall

Since the game is a pun of Floyd, i take it one step furhter

Unless you don’t do it right but the Pink Floyd opening was a must considering the name of the game and the achievements, get off your Strat though and realize this ain’t a The Wall fantasy but rather a tycoon game where you build up a mall or a store or a chain of stores or something in between, it’s up to you. It’s still in early access but unlike a lot of other EA games it already features a lot of options like sandbox with settings for how much money you have, if events happen, if shoplifting is a thing, if your staff needs to eat, piss, eat, repeat, if evemts like the start of school, halloween, christmal happen and how much your margin should be for goods. Next to the Sandbox you have Scenarios where you need to fix up fucked up malls, it’s run of the mill scenarios but they add a challenged.

Real player with 72.2 hrs in game

Another Brick in The Mall on Steam



Let me begin with, I was one of the individuals who contributed to the Kickstarter to help this game become a reality. Heck, I remember when Sebastian was showing off his concept work using programmer art to demonstrate the systems he was working on. Then Garret hopped on the train and the game REALLY took off. I would liken this game to a beautiful fusion of the original Theme Park by Bullfrog and RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. I will explain the how and why later on in my review. This game as a whole is a massive labor of love by everyone involved and it truly shines because of this.

Real player with 1688.1 hrs in game

Buckle up; it’s a lot of words!

I initially “reviewed” Parkitect back in 2016, while the game was still in it’s alpha state of development. Not a full-fledged review, more a preview. It would be unfair to judge something that isn’t done. Yet, back then, I felt the urge to write about this wonderful game (as will be clear when you read it below).

The alpha version in 2016, it was already really good. But it has always been good. The thing is, now, it has consistently gotten better - and better. Every month, somehow, the updates are exciting and interesting. Sometimes grand, sometimes small but helpful. Always stepping up from the excellent work that has been done before.

Real player with 1056.2 hrs in game

Parkitect on Steam

Planet Zoo

Planet Zoo

It shows the true meaning of taking care of animals making them feel more alive unlike other games that animals seem more dead than alive, this game is worth the money and i highly recommend this game to anyone that loves zoo’s or who wants to study zoology it has a tab that you can open leading to hours of beautiful notes of each animal from what they eat to if they are endangered to how many in a group and many more things i would write about this beautiful graphic game but i would take hours writing on this amazing game, me myself want to be study zoology and be a vet or zoo keeper so this game is great to learn more about animals, one again I highly recommend this game to others! and it is worth the money!

Real player with 104.4 hrs in game

UPDATE please read if you already have, or especially if you have the game - though i still don’t recommend the game if its not on sale –

I really wanted to like this game, there are so many things about it to love, but oh my god, it is so broken. There are so many game breaking glitches and technical errors, not to mention just straight up poor development choices that really made this depressing to play for me. I love sim development games.

Examples of errors - So you can do construction, as long as you hold down shift as well as other shortcut keys and are able to freely move the walls, still, floors are completely useless, it does make construction a little more fun knowing i can at least use the walls and roofs, I don’t understand why they added floors, snapping the pathways to a grid can help if you want to make a plaza though, as the path will become larger instead of just longer with some branches, but you still have to attach vendors/exhibits to the ends of the path and are not allowed to put it directly on top. which is annoying.

Real player with 66.4 hrs in game

Planet Zoo on Steam

Prison Tycoon: Under New Management

Prison Tycoon: Under New Management

Good thinks first:

  • 2 point hospital style is great for this, UI and control is great

  • Actually difficult eco, it is not easy to balance thinks…

Thinks which must be updated:

  • Nobody cares about building cells. Allow copy/paste of buildings (just like 2PH have room classes across games. This is must have). To build one, two is fine, to build 40 is just a waste of time.

  • Cleaning of the rooms is broken. Sometimes items in the room cannot be cleaned for what ever reason (fckng toilet seat cannot be cleaned) and the maintenance guy looses all his stamina on one item. Then he goes to the rest and another one comes in and spend his stamina on the same item. I have to manually move the item - then it is fine. This could be “fixed” using magic trick - maintenance cleans the room as a whole, not per item.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

I love these kind of games but there could be improvements such as:

1. It would be good to have workshops that prisoners can learn new skills that will help them get a job after they leave prison. There are therapies available that treat their disorders but Workshops are different and is there so they can learn new things in order to adjust to the society once they go back. Such as cooking classes, learning a new musical instrument, learning foundations of business and finance 101.

Then you will be able to hire professional chefs, musicians, lecturers to come and teach.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Prison Tycoon: Under New Management on Steam

20 Minute Metropolis - The Action City Builder

20 Minute Metropolis - The Action City Builder

I’ll confess I’m biased because a friend that works for me did some of the artwork on this and I’ve long been a fan of Dejobaan.

This is a fun, bite-sized strategy game and less than $3. It’s hard to go wrong. I can’t think of any time I’ve actually regretted spending $3, but this was enjoying to play, and I will keep trying to get my name on the top page.

I would love to see a couple quality of life improvements: namely drag and drop roads, hotkeys or an expanded toolbar so I don’t have to fuss with the selection menus. Daily leaderboards would be nice too, so I have a better chance at the top ten.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Super fun and hectic. It can become a little easy after you’ve figured out a good strategy but you can always use a different starting perk which adds and takes away some difficulty. The models are really cute, reminds me of a toy town or Lego.

Some improvements I’d make would be, dragging roads to build instead of clicking for each tile. This isn’t a big issue, but could herald RSI if played too often.

I’d like more maps, a random map generation would be cool, it would make each run very different and unique.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

20 Minute Metropolis - The Action City Builder on Steam

Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game

Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game


So i’ve played this game since a very early version on the ‘Kee’ game engine back around 2011~2012 (long before it came to steam). The game has grown a lot over the past decade and the small development team keeps improving it on a steady basis.

I only rarely review a game and I will be very honest about my feelings on this one and go a bit into detail since I feel this game needs this kind of review.

Target audience:

This game has a very specific target audience. I wouldn’t recommend this game to casual gamers. According to me, the primary target audience could be described as ‘persons who enjoy getting into the technical aspects of designing consumer cars and their combustion engines’. The secondary target audience is ‘persons who enjoy running a car company and try to be a succesfull tycoon selling their own car designs’.

Real player with 1035.5 hrs in game

Managed to create a Pinto that didn’t explode…and then I put a Turbo V12 in it…then it exploded


In all seriousness, Automation is a great ‘build-a-car’ “sandbox” as it is right now. If you are at all interested in car design you should give this game a look. While you will not get the same designability if you were to design the car in CAD or some other program, for a game (and it is a GAME, not a toolset) the options are numerous and your creativity is the real limitation. Seriously watch the vids (though they are of earlier builds and dont show everything available) and look the discourse forums for this game and see what people have built.

Real player with 956.3 hrs in game

Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game on Steam

City Block Builder

City Block Builder

The 1950s. The start of the quintessential American Dream is here. Los Angeles is in the midst of a cultural revolution and is bustling with immense amounts of growth throughout the city. Skyscrapers are being built. Tentwood is taking the city by storm and a utopia is on the rise with beaches, warm weather and palm trees. Los Angeles has become a real estate paradise with millions migrating from all over the world.

Follow the life of Joey, a returning war veteran that has just received a plot of land, as he weaves through his personal life and financial struggles with street smart and innovative decisions. Help him fight his struggles and discover the true face of LA. The time to build and invest is now! City Block Builder will be out for Windows on launch and will release shortly later on the Linux and Mac OS platforms!

City Block Builder is a genre-blending tycoon game with city-building elements. Build your own Business Empire through an immersive game with easy to learn, but hard to master mechanics. Inspired by tycoon games of yesteryear, experience a tycoon tribute to the 50s. Build Cinemas, Restaurants, Bowling Alleys, Shops, News Stands, Drive-Ins, Jazz Clubs and more!

Each business will have its own extensive research system with different nuances. Unlocking different parts of the research tree is based on their opportunity costs. Higher points unlock better rewards but you can adjust your goals for short term solutions. With the research approach in your hand, you are completely in charge.

Explore the game and harness your creative juices into building an engine of a business. Manage, and micromanage every single detail of your empire and aim for the stars. The perfect blend of gameplay with freedom, City Block Builder is surely up to the task of quenching your thirst for curiosity!

Right from the furniture to the lights, from posters to advertisements, feel what it was like to live in that era of America. With the signature style of 1950s LA, experience the art and aesthetic of downtown LA. Interact with, build and place items that once were the staple of that era. Movie posters, food, glitz and glamour, immerse yourself with what’s in store for you!

City Block Builder on Steam