The Cruel Dreamer Marchosias

The Cruel Dreamer Marchosias

About This Game

The Cruel Dreamer Marchosias is a dark fantasy third-person exploration adventure game centered around Wolf and Book joining forces after one night within the forest an attack occurs resulting in the death of Wolf’s family. Book manages to save Wolf in time by forging a “Contract” and escaping through the “Gate”.

A tragedy. A promise. A dark journey. Join Wolf on their mission to right the atrocity committed against their family. Together with the mysterious entity ‘Book’, Wolf will brave the monsters lurking in the shadows, explore long-forgotten ruins and solve mysterious puzzles in order to reach an ancient castle located between worlds, and the key to restoring their lost family.

Take control of Wolf and Book as you play across various levels full of obstacles, mystery, and breathtaking music.

Key Features

  • For fans of experimental story-driven games with some light puzzle solving and platforming

  • A short game that lasts 1-2 hours

  • A personal, dark fantasy story made by a solo developer

  • Supports a fan-translation system for subtitles (see Steam forums for details).

Read More: Best Magic Mystery Dungeon Games.

The Cruel Dreamer Marchosias on Steam



Spellsworn is an amazing warlock arena game that takes a well beloved mod and turns it into a spellcasting competitive game with a high skill ceiling.


In Spellsworn players choose different spells (max 8) at the start of each round cosisting of melee, offensive, defensive spells, utility and mobility and there are over 28 spells for players to create their own combos and playstyles.

The game is 100% skill based and the defensive system works by either using a defensive spell, or casting a projectile to cancel out the other one.

Real player with 179.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Magic Indie Games.

Review effect as at 14/03/2018:

-similar to Warlock (no, you don’t have to get w3 or dota 2)

-1 default mode, Rounds (FFA/TEAM available), adjustable rounds, gold/round & starting gold. 2-8 players.

-gud graphics & keybinds options (actually playable with 2GB RAM kek)

-population : ~100(highly recommended with friends, discord event? psssh)

-Discord, in-game chat, Server lobby, steam invitation connect.

-Account Levels with cosmetic feature and probably more hidden features

-Account stats record

Real player with 60.4 hrs in game

Spellsworn on Steam



AMID EVIL at its core is a wonderfully rendered retro throwback FPS that beckons the nostalgic memories of games such as Heretic and Hexen and Quake with gorgeous environments, beautiful weapon feel and a majestic combat encounters.

However, I come to you today not focused on the weapons, the enemies or the aesthetics, but rather something truly gorgeous: the Difficulty Selection level.

Most games dare not be so bold with something so seemingly obtuse as a Difficulty Selection level where it is not as simple as clicking a rather comedic naming on a menu. AMID EVIL, in this regard, dares to be different. There have been other reviews left for this game with scathing remarks as to the “poor design” of the Difficulty Selection. I disagree wholeheartedly. For you see, the Difficulty Selection tutorializes the player of the movement mechanics and the weight of the Champion in such an elegant and silent way that most take for granted. To go for the Easy difficulty, it is straightforward and one could get by the challenge by only holding the “W” key on the Keyboard. This is Leon Zawada and Simon Rance’s brilliance coming into full display here. By having the Easy difficulty being so easy to access, it makes clear of the very nature of the room so as to not to cause further confusion with regards to the other options.

Real player with 35.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Magic FPS Games.

Amid Evil is strange, half of the game is some of the best level design, music, atmosphere, and art direction Ive seen in a game. The other half is a boring bland repetitive slog. Its a coin flip for which episode is which, but imo the best Amid Evil gets is worth the worst it can be.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

AMID EVIL on Steam

Masquerada: Songs and Shadows

Masquerada: Songs and Shadows

Masquerada: Songs and Shadows really took me by surprise, it really did. The game claims to be a RPG but there are very few elements to support that claim, especially given the fact that the story is quite linear and there are no choices for you to make, you’re basically just watching how everything unfolds. That said, there is a lot to say about Masquerada, both good and bad, and I believe it’s a game that went under a lot of people’s radar and I truly believe it deserves a lot more exposure and credit than it has received.

Real player with 38.5 hrs in game

Once again, this is the type of game where the “Yes” actually means “Yes, but-”, as in “Yes, but only if you like linear story-focused games with lots (and I mean LOTS) of reading”. Let’s get this straight: any mention of this game being an “RPG” is very misleading. There are no choices in the story at all; the protagonist (Cicero) is a defined character with his own personality and backstory, which I don’t think is a bad thing. There is very little exploration, aside from a few tidbits of lore and equipment sprinkled about, and since the game almost never lets you backtrack, it’s easy to lock yourself out of getting a certain lore entry or mask forever if you’re not careful. Pretty much the only RPG-like mechanic is the skills, masks, and enchantments you can pick between, so if you consider XCOM an RPG, then sure, I guess this game counts, too.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Masquerada: Songs and Shadows on Steam

Brutal Wizardry

Brutal Wizardry

Brutal Wizardry is a wonder to not miss about wizard

in the setting you can enable the locomation you wish , free locomotion or teleportation

and there is more settings for everyone can enjoy the game with or without gore

in this game you are a wizard with the telekinesie power we can send the enemies in the air or crash them on the ground or against a wall or a trap or do explose them

and there is a lot of more powers you need to unlock

there is a number of various weapons to unlock and too trap to unlock

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Pretty fun game that has different ways to play the game by using different magic abilities and such. I do wish that the environments were more open and fix some of the animation for different models like the axe throwing one, who does a little T-pose once he throws it. Other than that I’m enjoying it.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Brutal Wizardry on Steam

Mage Hunters

Mage Hunters

An interesting board-style game that needs strategy and luck. A nostalgic and fun experience.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

I loved the game. It is perfect for board game lovers. It has interesting and challenging mechanics. Congrats to the devs!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Mage Hunters on Steam

Order from Caos

Order from Caos

(Note: I will NOT judge this game based on its language. I don’t speak Portuguese, but I certainly understand what it’s like to have English as a second or third language. Just know that it is possible to understand everything that is said in the game, even though some things sound a bit strange to us. I take it as fun to try and figure out what the author initially meant to say in the first place, like a puzzle in a puzzle game!)

This certainly looked like an interesting game, so I decided to check it out! I also wanted to support the Developer since it looked like they put a lot of work into the game. It shows. The atmosphere, music, OST/SFX, and all the goodness are fun to play with and I wasn’t bored once! Sometimes you gotta grind… still wasn’t boring.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

I still did not finish the game, but at the time of this writing, I’m about 15 hours on the story.

I’m really loving it! The story is captivating, the art design is quite charming and the original soundtrack is beautiful to hear.

The combat system is the classic turn-based combat. At this moment I’ve didn’t find any true difficulties (besides not staying low on mana), but it’s still quite challenging (and I’m probably still in the beggining). Trying to learn which type of spell is more effective against each monster was fun. And the spell animations are gorgeous!

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Order from Caos on Steam



An amazing game, the village feels alive and everyone does there own thing. the magic system is complex and a little tough to master making you feel like your not just saying words, your saying arcane spells that are easy to mess or screw up. you are not a combat mage. you are a summoner, necromancer, alchemist, warlock. the entire strategy of the game is planning. knowing how and when to strike. do you gather an army of the dead and storm the town, slowly pick them off with poisons, make the forest and roads impassable with evil trees so they slowly starve. or make a portal to hell that there own deaths will fuel. its a wonderful game that allows for a bunch of different play styles. i am waiting for more from this wonderful dev

Real player with 66.7 hrs in game



WHAT TO EXPECT: Dark arts simulator. Vengeance themed story. Tight game world. Focused, methodical gameplay. Plot and scheme. Repair and upgrade a remote lair as a base of operations. Gather resources to create reagents necessary for spells. Direct and indirect methods of attack. Different builds provide a little replayability. Singeplayer only.



Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Unferat on Steam

Unhappy Ever After

Unhappy Ever After

This is an update of my review after finishing 40 hours of the game. I have just killed a big boss and concluded the main game. I am about to start on 2 different DLCs of this game.

Now after 40 hours of this game, I have seen a number of shortcomings and bugs, and will try to write about them in this update, so that I present an accurate picture of the game.

Shortcoming of this game.

1. This game is an ABANDONWARE, like what many other previous reviews have said. It was originally a Kickstarter game, where backers paid money directly to the developer to create this game and some DLCs. The developer got the money, created the game and 2 DLCs and left in February 2017. What this means is that currently there is no tech support of any kind, and there are many small bugs and irritating features which are not fixed. However, the game itself is still good enough to be played, and I have completed the main game. For the price of $6.99, I think it is definitely worth it for me.

Real player with 46.9 hrs in game

This is an edit of my earlier review. Initially, the way the monsters leveled with you, along with the lack of gear, made the battles very long and tedious. However, within days of posting my review, the developer has made several changes to the game that eliminate many of my negative comments. First, there is now a difficulty setting. Those who want the much more difficult battles, can have them, and those who want a bit less of a grind feel and a more casual experience can select the very easy or easy settings. I’ve tried them out, and it’s like a completely new game. Even in very easy mode, the battles still require a bit of strategy and take a little time, but they are nowhere near the length they used to be. Monsters will be a lower level than you and do far less damage, which means the constant need for health items is also greatly diminished.

Real player with 37.2 hrs in game

Unhappy Ever After on Steam

A Lose Hero in the Castle of the Succubi

A Lose Hero in the Castle of the Succubi

I wish I were the hero.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Ultimate Game of All Time

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

A Lose Hero in the Castle of the Succubi on Steam