King Oddball

King Oddball

Never has the art of flinging rocks at stuff been raised to such heights since Og realised how he could conquer his Neanderthal neighbours. You start off thinking you are aiming then somehow the game contrives to make you believe you are just the luckiest son of a gun around when combos go off. The levels do seem really well crafted to go nuclear on the right tossed rock - its hard to explain without resorting to analogies like skimming stones on a lake or gently casting pebbles at your loved one’s window.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

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I thoroughly enjoyed the 10 hours it took me to complete to 100%. The mechanics are really solid and the rocks always seem to go where they are supposed to go. It’s a great little puzzle game a bit like Angry Birds but better in my opinion. I always thought Angry Birds was a bit hit and miss with the controls but you feel like you have perfect control over the rocks when you throw them here.

I would definitely recommend to anyone who likes casual puzzles. There are quite a lot of levels to play so you get a lot of playtime for your money. Some levels are very easy and some levels are harder. You’ll end up trying a hard level over and over again.It’s is very addictive. You find yourself getting nowhere near sometimes. The amount of times I have said to myself “This is stupid. It’s impossible!” but I managed to complete them all in the end. I must admit sometimes lady luck was on my side. That is half the fun with this game though. One minute you are frustrated because you have tried a level 20 times and just can’t seem to work out how to do it and then suddenly you fluke it ands go on an amazing hit run.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

King Oddball on Steam