Morkredd Prøve (Demo)

Morkredd Prøve (Demo)

Dark and shadowy style like Limbo/Inside. Slow paced puzzle game for two with splitscreen co-op makes it a good title to play with someone who is not a hardcore gamer. :) The free demo is reasonably long, if you want to get a taste of the game first.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Lovecraftian 3D Games.

What’s not to love about 2 friends screaming about their nightlight.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Morkredd Prøve (Demo) on Steam

“Project Whateley”

“Project Whateley”

The game comes out as a Lovecraftian horror game with stealth and platforming game.

It is in early developlent stages but It has huge potential to evolve into an amazing game. It has a noir taste all around but with Lovecraftian touches

Developers seem to care for the opinion of the players too so it feels like we could have a great Lovecraftian game if they managed to pull it .

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Lovecraftian Female Protagonist Games.

For Early Access this game is the worst ive played so far, you dont really know the plot, theres no thought behind it. The game dont tell you what controls are, and you really dont know where to go.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Project Whateley on Steam

Westmark Legacy

Westmark Legacy

Herbert is the only living relative of the Westmark line. He set out to find what happened to the family and investigate the peculiar disappearances around the town of Burrmouth.

This gothic horror RPG adventure game inspired by The formidable H.P. Lovecraft, returns with a twist! Take the exploration out on the dark and twisted roads along the world map accompanied by deck building card game mechanics for encounters surrounded by mystery and the occult.

Collect clues and solve mysteries along the way that will challenge even the sharpest minds. Where will your unhinged journey take you in the cosmic horror exploration!

Prepare your mind and wits for the insanity that’s about to unfold!

Read More: Best Lovecraftian RPG Games.

Westmark Legacy on Steam

Hamilton’s Great Adventure

Hamilton’s Great Adventure

This game is an absolute nightmare to play. (Providing you get it to work).

I consider myself a very technically able person, however this took me 2 hours to get it working, after messing around with various settings and uninstalling the outdated junk that came with this. (I never managed to get the sound working, which was OK for me, I viewed a few video’s and the sound was far too repetative).

I love puzzles games and I’ve played a wide variety of them.

However this game is just boring, repetative and the timing sections for this game are a nightmare.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

Hamilton’s Great Adventure is a very good puzzle/adventure game, in which you have to find the right path in order to reach the exit of each level. It might look simple at first, but as the game progresses, the complexity increases, with new enemies, traps, and more complex layouts. Getting all the coins, while being an optional challenge, is well worth it to put your skills to the test.

As I mentioned in the opening paragraph, the gameplay consists on finding the path to the exit. Of course, you must first get the key (or keys) needed to open the exit door (and other doors which might be in your way). You play as Hamilton (the explorer) and Sasha (the bird). While Hamilton must grab the keys and reach the exit, Sasha can help you by distracting enemies, or using certain switches in order to open some doors or activate elevators. As you progress through each chapter, you’ll also get special items that Hamilton can use. The level design is very good; while the earlier levels are easy enough for you to learn the game, the latter levels can become very challenging, especially if you’re trying to get gold on them; not to mention the bonus levels available in each chapter.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Hamilton's Great Adventure on Steam

DERE EXE: Rebirth of Horror

DERE EXE: Rebirth of Horror

DERE EXE: Rebirth of Horror review





+Nice story

+Nice and short

+Prequel to DERE EVIL .EXE



-Some moments can be too scary or creepy for some people

-Some levels will be annoying to beat

Do I recommend DERE EXE: Rebirth of Horror?


Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

I loved it! I was just looking for a simple platformer and found this 3 the first jumpscare left me with a lingering feeling and it was so eerie, and the ending was so melancholy 3

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

DERE EXE: Rebirth of Horror on Steam



Hey everyone and this is my review about the game!

I want to thank a friend of mine named “Magitek Roboshark” for the free key to this game.

Thank you so much ^w^.

This is a puzzle game.


  • There are many different resolution sizes available.

  • You can only play the game in fullscreen.

  • There is no Advanced graphics available.

  • There is no color blind mode available.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

I really wish that Steam would have a neutral rating possibility, because after finishing it in coop and single player and getting all the achievements, I’m pretty torn about it. Would I recommend it? To myself in hindsight, no, to other players with different expectations, maybe, but under heavy caveats. But let me elaborate.

Morkredd is a meanwhile pretty standard Unity coop physics-puzzler with light&shadow-mechanics. You can pretty much get a good impression of the gameplay in the trailers, stay in the light and avoid the shadows of the environment as well as of your coop partner while moving a large ball of light through the levels. Visuals are at most times pretty bleak but serve their purpose, with a handful of some short more interesting sequences strewn in (about once per level). Sounds are few. Most of the game isn’t really hard in coop, puzzles are obvious, skill- or time-based sequences aren’t too demanding. You’ll probably die a lot anyway (some sequences, especially at the end can get annoying), but there are a lot of checkpoints. Single player is also doable, but only if you’re used to controlling the left and right analog stick simultaneously (one stick controls one character) which can get confusing in-between (there’s a button to switch characters’ sides on the fly, but it doesn’t really help when characters have to pass above and below each other). Like all reviews say, the game definitely is very short, should take 2-3 hours at a maximum (depends on how often you die).

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Morkredd on Steam

World of One

World of One

I reviewed this for Two Credits. You can find the full review, the score I gave it, and some cool screenshots from my time playing here:


When World of One sticks to puzzles and dealing with enemies by avoiding them, a bright light begins to shine in its dark world. Puzzles are varied and many have multiple solutions. They are also surprisingly nuanced; simply solving some of them incorrectly will solve them, but it will also lead to your death. The experience falls apart a bit when it begins to focus on combat, but it should be noted that, despite that fact, I played through practically the entire game in one sitting, which took around seven hours, a testament to the fact that the game was still enjoyable long after the focus had shifted slightly. It’s a game that I wish had focused more on its puzzles, bringing back some of its mechanics in new and interesting ways more often, but one that still manages to remain interesting and present challenging puzzles throughout despite the fact that it does not.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

World of One is a dark fantasy puzzle-platformer that reminds me Tim Burton’s work. Obviously, any black/white platformer gets compared to Limbo which really isn’t a good comparison beyond surface level features. It is not a bad game but I feel like toward the second half there is more frustration than fun (mostly do to poor hit boxes, combat, and time-consuming respawns) While I feel that game could be sufficient with few updates I was forcing myself to enjoy it.

The first Act focused primarily on puzzles, story, and platforming which was very enjoyable. I only died few times and felt like I was playing a casual, sinister looking puzzle game. Then it starts snowballing downhill almost to where I considered refunding it. In next few Acts, generic combat becomes a big part of the experience. Game has a lot of insta-death so you constantly replaying 2-4 minutes sections between checkpoints. I died at least 100 times to just poor visual hit boxes. The combat system gets really boring and just feels like a massive waste of time when you die in an unfair way.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

World of One on Steam

Kill Fish

Kill Fish

Kill Fish is an indie game with a linear storyline. Hero is almost dead from fatigue in the forest, but someone founds him. Next morning he wakes up in the house of the girl who saved him. As the game progresses, you collect notes with fragments of an important story for the girl. In an attempt to protect her and survive on your own, you kill monsters on the way.

I liked the keyboard controls better. If you, like me, accidentally passed the control tips at the first levels, their full list can be found in the settings menu.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

I enjoyed what this game offered even if it was really short. The creatures including the bosses had nice looks to them and their mechanics were pretty cool.

I did come across 2 bugs, One was the tentacle creatures not spawning in the beginning level where you come across a well in the beginning of the game and the 2nd bug also had to do with the same creature where I believe if you kill them off screen there was a chance of the noises they make getting stuck on a loop, becoming distorted and loud. The controls were also non responsive at times which made the game annoying at parts.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Kill Fish on Steam

Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials

Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials

Disclosure - I know the devs and received a free beta build to test. That said….This game is a strong buy!! Not sure if my hours played will show up with this review but I put in over 100 hours and loved every single moment.

This world is IMMERSIVE. Wonderful dynamic pixel art that is by turns cute, demonic, and frightening. Every character’s animations show the love and care that the devs put in. Each area has a distinct feel that is complemented by an out-of-this world soundtrack that will pull you in and sit you right in the middle of this sprawling secret-filled dungeon. In one part where you actually see some sunlight, you will find yourself breathing a sigh of relief.

Real player with 122.3 hrs in game

Very funny metroidvania.

When I write reviews, I like to give a fair look at both what the game gets right and also the things it could improve on, but honestly, I can’t think of anything Batbarian really needs to do better. If you are a fan of these kinds of games, Batbarian is the real deal. It has a seriously funny story, charming characters, a detailed world, fun chiptunes, beautiful pixel art, and secrets galore! Batbarian is so jam-packed with secrets, I scarcely go even a couple rooms without coming across a hidden area. It really rewards the investigative player… the one that likes to strike every wall and jump into every corner of the world.

Real player with 31.0 hrs in game

Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials on Steam

Anemoiapolis: Chapter 1

Anemoiapolis: Chapter 1


You have fallen into a surreal and haunted underground neighborhood. Discover its origins and escape with your life - and sanity - intact.


Remember that hallway you found at your workplace or school? The one you didn’t realize was there before. Nobody ever goes there, it has no windows, and it seemingly has no purpose. The lights might be on, the floor is usually clean, but it exists for nobody.

This transitional place is the lifeblood of Anemoiapolis: a world with no sunlight and no humanity, buzzing with fluorescent apathy. It does not care about you, yet it watches intently.


Experience the dungeon-like malls, pools, hallways, and basements of Anemoiapolis in first person. Utilize platforming and puzzle solving to navigate the barren commercial catacombs. If you start to feel complacent, you might not be ready for what’s around the corner.


Anemoiapolis reflects the experiences of a developer who grew up among empty buildings in Midwest USA, and who is currently processing our world of empty buildings brought on by COVID-19.

Expect critiques on mindless consumerism, feelings of impending doom, and eerie “mallcore” aesthetics.

Soundtrack by JORDANN and 4REST

Anemoiapolis: Chapter 1 on Steam