600Seconds ~The Deep Church~

600Seconds ~The Deep Church~

More than any other, I think the word “odd” describes 600Seconds the best. More compelling than the sum of its parts, 600Seconds combines exploration with a fairly short and straightforward third person shooter adventure through a church. Exploring the empty church in the waking world for items for ten minutes before your siege in the nightmare seemed, at first, an unnecessary and kind of obnoxious feature (ten minutes is a long time!) though it does help set a certain kind of mood, but after dying in the nightmare once or twice the interest was made more clear to me.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Lovecraftian Third-Person Shooter Games.

First and foremost, I think it’s best to remember that this is StudioGekko’s first title. So know going in that it’s not very complex, not very long, and may be prone to jankyness. All that in mind, I still had plenty of fun with the game.

Item placements are not random, so learning the layout of the church and location of everything was really fun. I like that there’s no text or story to read and that I can just make my own assumptions about what’s happening, though maybe a little more to see would’ve been nice. After my first couple of unsuccessful runs, I thought I was done with the game but I found myself coming back to it the next few days to learn more and give it another shot.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

600Seconds ~The Deep Church~ on Steam

Sacrifice Your Friends

Sacrifice Your Friends

Basically, this is the mechanics of overcooked mixed with the gameplay ideas of Gang Beasts. It super fun to dash around use and throw the weapons, some weapons are a little more useful than others, but they are all counterable. It controls well. A bunch of cool little stuff to unlock, like hats and characters, a bunch of different powerful gods to play, all with different gameplay styles. A whole bunch of beautifully designed maps/artwork, and a whole bunch of other stuff to explore. A great and simple versus game that is definitely worth picking up.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Lovecraftian Family Friendly Games.

This is an amazingly fun item-arena brawler. The closest games I would compare it to are the Bomberman series and Killer Queen Black.

Your character avatar has no impact on your move set, which consists of punching, grabbing/activating an item, and throwing an item. Your associated Ancient One cult (Cthulhu, Dagon, and Nyarlathotep right now) does have a slightly altered move set, which are fitting for the time-limited avatar transformations (similar to a Smash Bros. Smash Ball). The game moves at such a frantic, hilariously fast and fun pace that it doesn’t need more than this.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Sacrifice Your Friends on Steam

Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim

Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim

A very short uhm “Dating Sim” with a wide and eclectic cast of characters to interact with. TBH for me its was much more of a head scratcher than anything else. It was hard for me to really find and keep up with any real kind of story line, as there seemed to be several all playing out at once, with a steady rush of decisions to make on things that arnt really fully fleshed out enough to know exactly what you are making the decision about, nevermind guess as to what sort of out come any decision will have (in advance of making it that is, everything gets wrapped up in the end, even if you have know idea what you were doing as you played)

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Lovecraftian Dinosaurs Games.

Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim on Steam

The Miskatonic

The Miskatonic

Make multiple save files! Mine corrupted somehow, no idea how, and it was right before the end and I had to reclick through about 45 mins of reading. Annoying.

Game was longer than expected, which was good. A good deal on sale. Had been looking at this game for a while, but I heard it was short….and 5 bucks for short wasn’t really buyable imo. So I waited for sale, and it finally did and I’m glad I bought it.

Game is very incomplete though. Art is great, story is great and rich and lorie. Only has 3-4 music tracks. Is linear phonetic visual novel with a weird pseudo exploration kinda mode? but actually not explorable its deciding whether to talk to people along the way or not and the talks have no bearing on the story, its just lore. I mean you’ll be doing the talks tho cause its fun so that’s fine. The world is very interesting.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

So, I’ve completed the game in 4-5 hours, and given the fact that it’s a linear story, with only window for replayability being the fact that you might missed some of the dialogues (yes, that can happen).

The game is as described: Point and click based visual novel, set in a post-apocalyptic(?) lovecraftian world, which is fine, the fans wil like it, especially the goofy take, and the matching art-style, and the story is also acceptable, though it wasn’t enough.

My problems with this “game” are the following:

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

The Miskatonic on Steam

Army of Tentacles: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim: Black GOAT of the Woods Edition

Army of Tentacles: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim: Black GOAT of the Woods Edition

I´ve seen this game come up along with some others when I was looking for certain tags.

I looked at it but was not sure if it´s going to be good or not by the pictures you get on the shop page.

However, it got recommended to me and so I finally decided to buy it.

Started it without neither knowing what type of game it is (expected it to be a visual novel) nor what´s going to await

me anyways…

However… starting to play I can say this game is hughe fun. You meet a lot of different characters / creatures.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Army of Tentacles: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim: Black GOAT of the Woods Edition on Steam

I’a I’a Cofflhu Fhtagnyaa

I’a I’a Cofflhu Fhtagnyaa

I cannot believe I streamed this train wreck. 10/10.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Art and char design is just adorable ; music and voice acting is quite nice and the is even a cute badge with quite nice emotes going with

Sadly the game is very badly translated and it’s sometimes quite hard to understand who is actually speaking (outside of the voice acted ones), they mixed up gender and such ; i think even google translation don’t do this

Take it in sales if you really want to do a peek at this game or understand chinese :p

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

I'a I'a Cofflhu Fhtagnyaa on Steam

They Bleed Pixels

They Bleed Pixels

They Bleed Pixels - Satisfaction that comes at a price

If you check on Steam it actually comes at pretty low price. But obviously I was not talking about money. I was talking about time (which equals money) but let talk more about why I came to such a conclusion.

So if you have read my previous review you probably guessed that I like this game because it is a 2D platformer. And yes I like platformers and I was collecting them in the past when I had time to play any games. Naturally I came across this game and loved it at first sight. And why not? I watched the trailer and I saw fast paced action, lots of different moves and attacks. I loved this simplistic but beautiful art style. It also said it was inspired H.P Lovecraft which told me absolutely nothing at first but after searching online I know all I needed. Another thing that got me really excited was the number of achievements to unlock. And my friends know that I’m a achievement-junkie. But I should have read what those achievements are about. From the tags I new it wasn’t going to be easy and I was quite ready for that. So I grabbed my controller, fired up the game and focused on my TV screen…

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

They Bleed Pixels is a challenging wall jump platformer, with a satisfying unique premise, quality combat and engaging mechanics.

You control a presumably troubled student at the Lafcadio Academy for troubled girls. She stumbles across a magical book that makes you have wild dreams involving a few strangely horrific creatures, several bloody spikes, and an ever present number of saws. The book also has glowing bits and pages that not only are missing, but found inside said dreams. Take heed of any such events that occur in reality, as these are not normal behaviors for books or their pages.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

They Bleed Pixels on Steam



“not suitable for children or those of a nervous disposition”

Take heed of this screen opener. Do not let the kids near this despite Zee Tee’s cuteness and happy flowers on the store page. The simple premise in this short platform puzzler is about our brave adventurer Zee Tee rescuing the lovely Princess. It has easy controls with arrow keys and up or Z for jump which can be configured to your preference and full screen mode.

Now if this was the sum of its parts I would not be recommending this game. It is not really a spoiler to say that this is not the whole story. The strength of this title is drawing on the music and nightmarish imagery to invoke a feeling of disturbing unsettlement and confusion. This is down to the juxtaposition of cute 16 bit style and the more darker images as the game progresses .It does not hold your hand in explaining anything.

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Let’s get this out of the way right now: I’m not that great at platformers, but I’m very patient. If I do something enough, I’ll eventually get it. With that being said, that is exactly how this game went for me. I had to be very patient, because I died A LOT.

I’ve owned this game for quite a long time, but just got around to finishing it today and getting 100% acheivements on it. The reason I put it off so long? Couldn’t quite get one of the jumps in the 4th world, and subsequently lost interest. This game is very specific, and punishes even the smallest errors once you’ve made it to world two or three. I would advise against playing this game if you’re frustrated easily, or if you think it’ll be a walk in the park. That being said, I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there better at this kind of thing than me.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

eversion on Steam

Swing Lord

Swing Lord

This is a game that understands why games like Jump King are so great. It’s not about the frustration of falling, but the achievement of climbing and making areas you struggled with in the past feel trivial due to your increased skill. Currently I’m approaching the end of the game, but felt like giving a review after the amazing and terrifying mechanic that happens at the end of the second world [won’t say what it is of course]

There has only been one jump where I have wondered if I did it the intended way [some long sideways jump in world 1], everything else has felt buttery smooth. Really great game, I will do my best to spread the word about it! I even hope we get some continued support for it if it gets popular enough. More worlds perhaps?

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

ive gotten softlocked on the third world three times but i still keep deleting my save to play it please help

lime palette best palette

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Swing Lord on Steam

Super Army of Tentacles 3: The Search for Army of Tentacles 2: Black GOAT of the Woods Edition

Super Army of Tentacles 3: The Search for Army of Tentacles 2: Black GOAT of the Woods Edition


The Old Gods are cold. Calculating. Ever waiting. Ever patient. Slumbering towards that day in which the cosmic apocalypse beckons.

And then somebody just has to pull a Leroy Jenkins and start the fun early.

Perry Hollycraft has been called out of “retirement” (i.e. the death plane known as the Dreamlands) in order to figure out what Old God did what, when, and why. The rest of the pantheon isn’t too happy that the apocalypse has been called early. With Gods fighting among themselves in a bid to take advantage of the situation, and the rules thrown out the window, Perry has more than their work cut out for them. Who do you trust (your party members, probably)? Where do you turn (the available hub areas)? How many endings in this game actually differ from one another (we cut it down from twelve to five, but mileage may vary)? Do your choices matter (it depends on how you define “matter” in the context of a video game)? When will this structure of questions end (now)?

To destroy humanity, they’ll need to save it.

  • All the DLC from the non-GOAT Edition! All the Outfits! All the quests!

  • The second game in the non-award winning series!

  • Broadcast in glorious 1920x1080!

  • A brand new, 100% deeper Argument System!

  • What’s more revolutionary than a silent protagonist for the first game? How about a COMPLETELY SILENT SEQUEL?!?! LIKE, RIGHT????

  • 15 party members, ranging from Army 1 party to Army 1 NPCs to newbies!

  • More skill options and more attributes!

NOTE: Contains mild language and mature themes such as innuendo, drug use, etc.; nothing TOO explicit.

10% of all sales go towards St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.

Super Army of Tentacles 3: The Search for Army of Tentacles 2: Black GOAT of the Woods Edition on Steam