Animus: Revenant

Animus: Revenant

Unbalanced, slow and laggy trash.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Lore-Rich Dungeon Crawler Games.

Is this a bad game? I dont think so but it feels very rough. I personally would not recommend it based on other big title souls-likes and even smaller titles. It would of course be unfair to compare it to Dark Souls but even compared to the smaller titles I just feel as though it needs more polish.

My concerns are the lack of a proper roll, the lack of keyboard support, some poor telegraphs and bit unfair enemy tracking. Biggest thing is probably ranged enemies can hit you from off screen and you’ll have no idea where they are given the fixed camera.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Animus: Revenant on Steam

Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon

Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon

Avalon is dying. King Arthur is long gone, and Knights of the Round Table are in disarray. Guardian Menhirs, the only thing that makes it possible for humans to survive in this remote land, are going dark. Your village chose its best and brightest and sent them on an epic quest to reach Kamelot, find the Grail, and save the land.

You were not among them.

They’ve never returned, and now it’s your turn to lead a band of unlikely heroes, the only ones this land can still provide. These ordinary people set off far too late, under-equipped for the task ahead, and with little hope of success.

Tainted Grail is a dark fantasy open-world RPG with fresh turn-based exploration and combat. It is based around deep, immersive story from one of the best and most innovative board games (biggest Kickstarter project of 2018!), but introduces a whole new experience crafted directly for PC.


Tainted Grail is a deeply immersive experience that takes the best elements of RPG adventures and brings them to the next level through intricately branching storylines. Written by Krzysztof Piskorski, one of the best Polish fantasy writers, it will draw you right in and keep you engaged, surprised, and invested in many secrets of Avalon.

In this dying world, no decision is easy or morally obvious, and you will often face impossible choices. Other times, the consequences of seemingly minor actions will haunt you in the least expected moments. In the end, your impact on Avalon is going reverberate through deep, meaningful changes to the game world - entire towns will raise or fall, land will shatter, ancient powers will be restored, or broken forever.


A major part of the game involves expeditions into the land covered by the Wyrdness, an ancient force twisting people, creatures, and even space itself in all manner of ways .There will be plenty of enemies and weird, unexpected events waiting for you. While dangerous, exploration will be the only way to gather precious resources and, ultimately, to figure out what is happening to Avalon and if it can be stopped.


During combat, you will decide between using skills specific for your hero and figuring out the best possible combinations to do it. Every hero will bring a different playstyle, defined by unique skills, that you will continue to further develop based on your favorite tactic. You will supplement this rich toolset with various items and special moves. All of that makes every encounter a different and exciting tactical challenge!

Read More: Best Lore-Rich Choices Matter Games.

Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon on Steam

Atonal Dreams

Atonal Dreams

Atonal Dreams is an RPG reminiscent of classic console JRPGs: you roam around a field and through dungeons looting treasure chests, talking to NPCs, and engaging in (non-random) turn-based battles that pit your team against hordes of monsters. Grow your characters by masterfully using skills to alter modifiers, build combos, and either destroy your foes or convert them to your side. The game is heavily story- and lore-rich, featuring an often-silly cast of characters who each have hidden depths that are gradually revealed.

  • In the world of Alora Fane, the omnipresent miasma causes thoughts and feelings to manifest as monsters. These can be destroyed with weapons, or tamed using magic. Tamed monsters can be controlled as allies for the duration of the battle.

  • Skills can level up by gaining XP equal to the damage inflicted with them. Stack up bonuses by manipulating a variety of psychological stats for efficient growth!

  • There’s a strong focus on story and characterisation. Dialogue scenes use full models with nuanced facial expression shifts that that add an additional layer of nonverbal storytelling.

  • A quirky blend of absurd British humour and deep layered meanings and metaphors about the nature of mind and reality and characters' hidden backstories and self beliefs.

  • No unnecessary padding or tedious grinding; the game aims to make a memorable mental mark without overstaying its welcome.


Alora Fane’s gods once walked among the people they dreamed into being, until they were slain - and the world itself wounded - by a defiant blasphemer known as Blight the Betrayer.

A faction of devout knights called the Seraphim emerged to maintain ordered civilisation in the gods' absence, while those who saw the gods' death as freedom from tyranny founded the Blight Wolves to live lives of defiant chaos in the wild.

Centuries after this cataclysm, Savitr - a legendary Seraph whose unusual purple skin and horns reflect the inner demons that haunt him - and his starstruck apprentice, Collie - a former Blight Wolf, eager to rise above her brutal past - set out on a quest to rescue Savitr’s scholar friend from an island of monks who gaze into the infinite sea of potential dreams beyond physical reality.

Savitr’s quest to bring light to the world to atone for his past sins will face challenges from the competing belief narrative of his fiery squire, and by facing their dreams incarnate, they will reveal the light of truth at their core.

Read More: Best Lore-Rich RPG Games.

Atonal Dreams on Steam

Creepy Tale 2

Creepy Tale 2

Creepy Tale 2

Heavily inspired by European folklore and Grimm's Fairy Tales Book by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm, Creepy Tale 2 is bringing back the creepy universe from its predecessor.

Plot: Following the same footsteps, Creepy Tale 2 explores the tragic story of our young braveheart, Lars, and his family. After a peaceful day's work, Lars finds himself tired and decides to hit bed early, only to be woken up by loud noises coming from downstairs.

*– [Real player with 13.3 hrs in game](*

The first half of the game was excellent, especially the witch's house, I don't think I ever laughed so hard in my life, but the puzzles got progressively worse toward the end due to 'trial and error' and exposition dump. You can finish the story in about 3 to 5 hours, there are 2 endings and several optional achievements. Overall, I still think it's an improvement from the first game, they dropped the whole platforming gimmick in favor of a more traditional 'adventure' gameplay. Now they didn't implement the mouse interface to complement the new format, but the way you interact with some of the death-traps favors the keyboard/controller movement - so I can understand why they went into that direction. I still feel like the game had a lot of moon logic, not as bad as the first game, but there were more than a few convoluted solutions. To give the game a little credit, even though there were many good and bad puzzles, those that were good were extremely creative, with just the right amount of challenge. My main problem with puzzles is that toward the second half the levels felt very short, and it's almost like they were making content with no direction.

*– [Real player with 8.3 hrs in game](*


![Into A Dream]( "")

## Into A Dream

An interesting and touching psychological story with you playing as John… a man who has entered the mind of Luke Williams in an attempt to save him during a personal crisis.

The art, music, and voice acting are well done. For the most part, the game is a black and white side scroller with strategically placed touches of color. There are several platforming sequences with one at the end that took me quite a few tries to get through. There are some puzzle elements (turning on equipment, advancing time, etc.).

*– [Real player with 13.4 hrs in game](*

Into a Dream is a heartbreaking journey into a man’s bleeding soul; the more you know this man named Luke, and try to disentangle the circumstances of his life, the more you get attached to him and the urge to help him escape what he believes to be his fate is inevitable. He needs us and I just could not help feeling empathy for him.

The whole atmosphere builds up as you progress in the game and the relaxed dreamlike and apparent uneventful scenes in the first levels advance to more intense and dramatic moments as the story unfolds and Luke allows us to go deeper into his dreams. As in a dream, timeline is not linear, information is provided in bits and pieces by the characters you encounter along the way and the player has to connect the dots in order to make sense of it all. The story is brilliantly written and left me emotionally shaken.

*– [Real player with 8.2 hrs in game](*


![Jeebo & Jerbo vs. Life]( "")

## Jeebo & Jerbo vs. Life

Well made platformer with a goofy side and a darker side. Fits the named genres well and has a well scored soundtrack. Replayability also makes this game worth the time youll be able to get out of it.

*– [Real player with 53.0 hrs in game](*

Fantastic game with an amazing world. The lore and story are phenomenal and the gameplay is very fun too. Highly recommend to anyone who enjoys funny and interesting worlds akin to that of Undertale/Deltarune (You can definitely see a lot of Toby Fox influence in the game lol)

*– [Real player with 18.5 hrs in game](*


![Siege of Avalon: Anthology]( "")

## Siege of Avalon: Anthology

Really fun CRPG, as others have stated. Setting/Atmosphere is pretty on-point for representing a desperate band of defenders in an elongated siege, which only appears to be going further downhill. There are a lot of characters to speak with, most providing backstory or supplementary lore, with a few providing quests/offering to join your party after a certain point

IMO, you really have a good feel on your characters growth. Starting out as a complete amateur you have to take on what is essentially a suicide mission, which would have ended quickly had I not acquired the heal spell & prepared in advance, that sees your character fairly rapidly gain in proficiency in order to survive the coming perils. The AI companions have quirks (looking at you mage NPC that ran into a corner :P) but they do generally provide valuable assistance in engagements which would otherwise be extremely complicated, if not impossible

*– [Real player with 136.6 hrs in game](*

Imagine my emotion when i found this jewel in the Steam Store. Let me tell you it was a wonderful surprise. Even if the game has some issues about the combat pathfinding, let me remember to you all that this game has been released in the early 2000's. I recomend this game to everyone who loves long epic adventures with a lot of interesting characters, and days and hours of fun. This game can be played with three different styles to choose, either you can be a warrior mastering the combat skills, or a scout and specialize in stealth and archer skills or a magician dominating all kind of spells. You will also find companions along the story that you can also equip and provide with items and armor and weapons and all sort of gadgets, they will be valuable partners in your adventure. Im very happy that i found this game again 20 years later after trying it's demo version in the early 2000's. I was starting to loose hope about finding it again. But now that i found it here, remastered and reforged i just cant't stop playing it. it's very similar to Diablo II, but let me tell you, this game is a masterpiece of is time, More dialogues, more stories, the characters and merchants you will find in this game are so numerous and complex, with stories to tell, gossips, and stuff. It's very rich in every aspect. Please allow yourselves to play this game. It's a rare wander.

*– [Real player with 61.3 hrs in game](*


![A House of Many Doors]( "")

## A House of Many Doors

This has quickly shot to the top of my favorite games of all time list, and about 6 months after release it's still there. That said, gonna do my best to be relatively objective about its good and bad points:

aHoMD has an amazing setting and top-notch worldbuilding, and digging through the narrative and trying to understand what has happened and will happen is as big a part of the exploration in this game as the physical exploration aspect itself. The House is a bizarre, fascinating place, so if you're a fan of surreal fantasy, magical realism, and slipstream works that toss you a totally alien place and tell you to infer everything from scratch, you'll absolutely love this. Additionally, the game tweaks quite a lot of itself based on your actions and choices, and much of what you do has consequences, from the innocuous to the absolutely devastating. I feel like each one of the characters I play is really a different character because of that.

*– [Real player with 164.0 hrs in game](*

HOMD is somewhere in my top ten best games of all time.

It is an unspeakably rich, vast and beautiful universe and I'm on my second playthrough. Having taken a couple of years since the previous run, I found it haunting my dreams constantly, occasionally I'd lie awake in bed missing it like a former lover, and I had to come crawling back.

But let's start at the beginning.

HOMD is set in The House, a bizarre dimension that sucks in people from all kinds of universes, and dumps them into a world divided into vast Rooms many miles across, where people don't need to eat, but prolonged exposure to the ever present darkness is lethal. Light is life, and the population (numbering in billions) have gathered in quite a few vast cities spread all throughout the House, while intercellular explorers, like yourself, move between Rooms in crawling vehicles.

*– [Real player with 116.1 hrs in game](*


![An Odd Tale]( "")

## An Odd Tale

This is the best game ever made.! ! ! ! !  ! ! !?! !? ! ! The bugs are perfectly okay the story is amazing and dialogue is great!!!!??@?! I think that the music in the game is the best ive ever heard anywhere .!!?@! ! trhe songwriter must be sexy and his brain must be so fulll of amazing stuff !!@!#$! aanyways play da game and buy the soundtrakc its really cool

*– [Real player with 3.1 hrs in game](*

It took me less than 5 minutes to fall out of the map, and establish myself as a world record speedrun any% fall out of the map world champion. I love this game, when is the sequel?

*– [Real player with 2.1 hrs in game](*




For those of you who might be considering buying this as a Fallout-like game set in a post-apoc South Africa..don't. While it may appear otherwise at first its entirely a point and click adventure game that while fun has little in common with Fallout. Combat is limited to a handful of incidents, always involves some sort of proxy, and outside of a single instance is purely optional. Something that can be missed if your not careful along with the bits it unlocks.

Now for the unpleasant bit. 

 ! I really wanted to like this game, I really did. I found the setting charming, its NPCs well rounded, and the story had me hooked…right up until the literal last minutes of the game. When you finally talk with Darius after realizing (something I suspected since the start) that you were playing out a pre-written prophecy jotted down by an entity who does not see time as a straight line.

*– [Real player with 22.2 hrs in game](*

Wakanda place is this?

Move aside Afrofuturism, District 9, Black Panther, Elysium, Chappie and all you other African takes on sci-fi, because one thing’s for sure… I can easily tell you that I’ve never seen anything quite like the world of Beautiful Desolation.

If you are South African like me, then you must already know that you’re gonna experience it in a slightly different way to the rest of the world and may get a kick out of various elements that feel familiar to home. Beautiful Desolation is without a doubt, a whole new bag of Simba chips. It launches you into a future so far ahead that the South Africa you might know (and the people who lived there) are completely unrecognisable. The more this story of crazy futures and prophecies unfolds, the more interesting it becomes.

*– [Real player with 22.1 hrs in game](*
