The Sacred Acorn

The Sacred Acorn

Explore the furthest reaches of an enchanted land

A mysterious force known only as the Chaos has begun creeping into the once peaceful Tansira, infecting the land and corrupting everything it touches. It’s spreading fast, from the lush Emerald Thicket all the way to the Roaring Tundra. Nothing is safe from it’s corruption; the landscape is withering, friends are turning on each other, and once beautiful havens are becoming desiccated wastelands. There is only one that can stop this calamity before it’s too late… you.

The Sacred Acorn is a beautiful top down adventure that will take you on a journey across a vast enchanted world. Explore ancient forests, mysterious caves, frigid tundras, murky swamps, and deadly volcanoes. Fight fearsome monsters, befriend cute and strange creatures, unlock new powers

and discover long lost ancient secrets to save your tribe.

Can you purge the Chaos in time?

Game features

  • Top-down 2D action adventure with challenging combat

  • You are a squirrel! Brave, adorable and uniquely gifted

  • Explore an expansive world full of beautiful vistas and hidden secrets

  • Cute, charming and strange creatures ready to greet you around every corner

  • Enemies galore! Fight formidable trees that move, vicious shells that shoot spikes and many many more

  • Find out about the powerful Essence and how you can weave your adventure with it

  • Listen to a beautiful soundtrack, hand crafted to fill every moment with wonder and excitement

  • Puzzles and secrets hide all over Tansira - what mysteries will you find?

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Read More: Best Lore-Rich Combat Games.

The Sacred Acorn on Steam

The Court Of Wanderers

The Court Of Wanderers

The Court Of Wanderers is a logic focused, non-linear puzzle game set in an enchanted estate where you never know what you will find behind the next door. Due to its mechanics driven design, there are lots of puzzles and surprising interactions to discover. Explore, think, struggle, and be amazed as the impossible becomes possible before your eyes.


  • Tightly designed and fair puzzles

    Learn the rules of The Court, and discover how puzzle mechanics combine and interact in surprising ways. The numerous puzzles are novel and quick to solve, if you know how…

  • Challenging yet accessible

    No feats of timing, quick reactions or dexterity are required, just insight, and unlimited undo and reset a mistake is easily reverted. The game offers plenty of challenging conundrums, but due to its non-linear nature you can always explore somewhere else, and return later with a fresh perspective (or not at all).

  • An impossible and mysterious world

    Discover and rediscover a world that appears and disappears as doors open and close. Make your way through shifting corridors, secret chambers and hidden passages. Will you be able to tease open the doors closed?

  • Non-linear story

    Learn about The Court and its residents through strange memories and philosophical encounters, as you wander through a world that might defy understanding.

Read More: Best Lore-Rich Philosophical Games.

The Court Of Wanderers on Steam

La Dimensione Interna

La Dimensione Interna

La Dimensione Interna (The Dimension Within) is a 3D narrative adventure game where you play as a young Italian journalist, named Giorgio, living in a small town in Tuscany. The game focuses on his personal struggle as he finds himself at the center of a chain of events he doesn’t quite understand, but feels responsible for. The player will be asked to guide him through a series of situations and decisions where time, the opinion of others, and his emotions will influence how the story unfolds, and ultimately decide the destiny of the protagonist and the people around him.

Through an innovative dialogue system, the player will be able to decide when to respond or intervene in a dialogue; he will also be able to decide what to say – and how to say it. All those elements will be taken into account by the characters involved, which will respond accordingly to what they feel, believe, and are trying to achieve.

However, not all options will always be available, and this will depends on Giorgio’s Principles: the player will be able to shape up his instincts and personality, which will enable some choices and hinder others. There are ways to force Giorgio to act against his will, to a certain degree, but it will have a cost.

Giorgio’s emotions are another important aspect the player will need to deal with: fears, anxieties, neurosis will make everything more challenging for him: on a wrong day, even innocent jokes can turn into mortal offences, and some NPCs will leverage this, in the attempt to manipulate him.

Another key aspect is that Time will always be ticking – even during conversations. Every line of dialogue pronounced by either the protagonist or other characters has a time cost associated. This means that even if NPCs will follow their own routine, your actions will impact what they will decide to do next, given they still have the time to do it… just remember that time won’t wait for you either.

Read More: Best Lore-Rich Choices Matter Games.

La Dimensione Interna on Steam

Born Into Fear

Born Into Fear

Born Into Fear is a first person horror game set in an evacuated suburban neighborhood called North Hollow Heights. Its residents were ordered to leave the area after a powerful Buffer had been sighted nearby. Not everyone escaped. You are Agent Jay, a member of the organization Aegis. You have been sent into the area to search for survivors and to eliminate the Buffer. However, not everything is as it seems.

North Hollow Heights was an ordinary neighborhood before the Buffer emergence. While you seek out a way to destroy the Buffer, explore the hastily abandoned homes and learn what transpired within. Maybe you’ll even find some of the residents who were unable to leave before the area was sealed off.

Gameplay: You’ll have to avoid the Buffers within North Hollow Heights as you solve puzzles and learn the fates of its residents. If you don’t watch your health, you’ll never complete your mission.

Born Into Fear on Steam



Story line

Fifteen years ago, your Father conquered Elion province and saved it from the orcs. But he wanted more, pushed into orc territory and went missing. After all that time without a ruler, the empire is on the brink of civil war and the most trusted imperial advisor and your mentor decides it is time to crown you to save the empire from falling apart. He summons you to the capital city of Elion.

Few people know about your travel and the route you will take. Mainly your family, your mentor and the Sartorian captain that has to escort you, your dear friend Elrys.

You did not reach Elion, ambushed by orcs, that never before occurred so deep into Elion province. During the ambush, you were “lucky” enough to fall of a bridge into a river. You crashed your head on a rock, but an old fisherman managed to save you. You are weak,do not remember how to fight and no one belives you are Eristan - the rest of the story is yours to tell.

Farathan Indie Rpg

Indie means with an extrymly low budget. We want you to know - what you buy, so we have enabled a demo (from 20 november). So you know which level of quality we were able to achieve and if it is fun for you. The demo reflects the quality of the whole game, it is about 3% of the game.

If you want

  • A game that lets you explore

  • That does not hold your hand and tell you where to go

  • That has many monsters and locations (from the beautiful meadows of Velden, across the forests of Calden to the Iceland’s and Sulfur fields in barons Verdons realm) 

  • That you have to listen to the dialogues and beware of the environment to figure out a quest

Then. Welcome adventurer on the journey you will go with Eristan the presumed that heir to the throne. That has lost everything probably betrayed by his own family. 

Main heroes - no spoilers

Eristan - Main character, the oldest son of the emperor. Prepared by teachers and war masters to take over the throne from the day he was born. Everyone considers him the only hope of the empire to endure. But after his presumed death he is weak, and the world has fast forgotten about him. You have to guide him through this dark times.

Elurfion - Eristans brother. After Eristans death, he fast took over the northern part of the empire. After all he was next in line. But he is the opposite of Eristan. He always spent time on games and loving woman. He fast became a puppet ruler.

Ewain - Eristans cousin - He took over the southern part of the empire, which can show some Ill will on his side. A great Sartorian general, the army listens to him. Some say he just wanted to save the empire from a ruler like Elurfion - did not plan on taking over the throne.

Elrys - An orphan, brought up by the imperial army. Your dear friend. He is something between an uncle and a brother for you. Very experienced fighter, but he did not manage to save you.

Nistreth - The most trusted advisor of the emperor, your mentor and in fact the man who raised you as your father never came back from the war he rode out on when you were a little boy. He is behind the plan of your coronation and summoning you to Elion.

Grand Master Amon - the leader of the Velden Monastery, the only baron that held his ground against the imperial army (now paying tribute to the empire for peace), one of the 12 heroes that saved the world from the old gods many years back.

Wengo - the leader of the Drangheir hunters. An army of mercenaries created from the survivors of Barons Stalgard army and bounty hunters from Hejstos a province overrun by orcs. He dreams of announcing his independents from the empire, but for now he has to serve.

Elerin - A great battle mage that serves the empire. One of the 12 heroes that saved the world from the old gods many years back. It is said he has ambitions to become a god himself.

Elrim - The emperor himself. Not seen for 15 years.

Ergon - Your uncle. A peacemaker. Dedicated his live to help the common folk. Living in the woods, far from the noise of the court.


The action is taking place in Elion province. But it has few parts.

Elion - Around the capital city that is also called Elion

Velden - Terrains around the monastery.

Fronta - Forests and a village far to the southeast

Stalgardia - former realm of baron Stalgard. Beautiful place.

Calden - The place of fierce battles with the orcs that are trying to conquer Elion as they did with the rest of the north.

IceLands - A very cold uninhabited land with lots of secret to discover.

Dead Forest - Former realm of Baron Verdon. A dark lord, he gave a lot of trouble to the empire, and he was the spark that made the empire conquer the whole province.


  • 151 NPC’s you can talk to. 300 NPCs total.

  • 44 monsters + many bosses

  • 143 quests.

  • 7 hours of recorded by actors dialogues.

  • Open world(11km2) with 1 loading screen. And 7 dungeon levels.

Farathan on Steam



An interstellar alien race, the Neera, has deployed an expedition to the long-lost planet Protea VI, hoping to discover their lost heritage. Eventually, the sand-swept planet turns out to be far more surprising than meets the eye, and suddenly the expedition goes quiet.

Your mission is to play as alien soldier Moadra and investigate the incidents on the planet. Upon discovering the expedition’s fate, Moadra becomes separated from the rest of the squad and is forced to delve deeper into the perilous depths of Protea VI.

From barren wastes and freezing ridges to lush caverns and decayed ruins, Moadra must traverse a sprawling world, face the unknown and unveil the secrets of their ancestors through non-linear exploration, offering a truly immersive and challenging gaming experience.

Traverse a massive interconnected world non-linearly and unveil the grim mysteries of Protea VI at your own pace. Endure the challenging combat and evolve Moadra’s abilities, solve light puzzles, and reveal countless hidden paths and secrets throughout your mission.

Strive through the desolate surface of Protea VI and ascend the deadly, freezing summits. Examine the infested research facility, kindle the crashed spacecraft, and explore the remains of an alien civilization that once inhabited Protea VI.

Experience Moadra’s agility by jumping over chasms and pools of acid. Roll and dodge enemies and crawl through narrow tunnels. Dive into deep lakes and reach immense heights using wall-jumps. Eventually, run with blazing speed and fly to unknown altitudes.

Confront the enormous variety of hostile creatures and malicious species inhabiting Protea VI. Fight against them with an arsenal of weapons and special abilities, and survive their onslaught by swift reflexes and cunning tactics.

Be prepared to encounter the ultimate challenge of Protea VI. Fight against gargantuan monsters in cruel and multi-phased battles that will push the limits of your skills like nothing else in the game.

Blow up unfriendly creatures and organisms to absorb their Protoplasm, lumps of energy-packed biomass. Consume it inside organic chambers to apply metamorphosis, and evolve your abilities and weapons to new levels.

Activate your scanner bot and use the X-Ray vision to examine the creatures and surroundings more closely. Reveal hidden paths and secret areas invisible to the naked eye, and map out the places you explored.

Untangle the tragedy of the Neera expedition, save yourself and the lone survivors. Uncover the lost secrets of your ancestors who once inhabited Protea VI, and conclude the events leading to their extinction 20 000 years ago.

Moadra on Steam

Project Grove: Prologue

Project Grove: Prologue

If you’re a fan of atmospheric science-fantasy worlds and steampunk, you’ll be delighted about the optics of Project Grove! You play as 64 year old Edric Tate (cool to have an older protagonist for a change, btw) who explores a new region together with his little helper robot L-P1N. The two engage in playful banter, which is delivered a bit wooden at times, but entertaining in general.

The gameplay is fun, it consists mostly of walking around, exploring and platforming at this point. The progression of difficulty is good in the prologue, although the last few meters are a bit difficult, platforming-wise. You’ll also need patience to figure out some of the puzzles. But the game isn’t super hard, perfectly doable even for somebody who isn’t very familiar with this type of game.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

PROJECT GROVE: PROLOGUE is an adventure puzzle game. Where you will go and explore the Forest of Dacrima as legendary alchemist Edric Tate along with your plucky robot companion L-P1N. The goal is to Brew potions allowing you to solve puzzles to help you in your search for a cure to STOP The Great Rot.

What I loved about this game is a few things

  1. The Graphics were nice, and the atmosphere felt somewhat alive with the whales and weird

jumping spiky balls.

  1. It had Keyboard and mouse as well as Controller options and the controls were smooth and easy to use which is awesome.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Project Grove: Prologue on Steam



[FR] Par ou commencer ? Ce jeu… Une petite pépite. Je ne savais pas trop à quoi m’attendre quand j’ai commencé à y jouer, et j’ai adoré découvrir ce platformer assez atypique, avec un gameplay que je n’avais jamais expérimenté avant. Un jeu qui teste les réflexes (on m’avait pourtant prévenu !), mais qui a une capacité à transmettre des émotions assez incroyables. Des personnages intrigants et attachants (coucou Chester), une BO à tomber par terre qui crée une ambiance incroyable, une DA magnifique… Juste trop bien. Et puis le mieux, c’est que ce jeu nous pousse à nous dépasser toujours plus, toujours plus loin, et c’est très difficile de s’arrêter. Et même quand on pense que c’est fini… Ça ne l’est pas ! C’est un jeu qui est fait pour être fait plusieurs fois, afin de faire des choix différents, pour découvrir de nouveaux personnages, des morceaux de l’histoire, et surtout, les 28 fins différentes ! Petit plus pour les stats avec le compteur de morts, qui s’élève à 1 019 pour ma première run… Mais 6 758 sauts ! Impressionnant pour 8 ou 9h de jeu, non ?

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Don’t be late in this race against time runner-plateformer game ! You can make your own choices and write your own story. The game got pretty intense and deep rather quickly and without noticing it you will be drown in the storyline. I would say the storytelling is clearly inspired by the cryptic Dark souls games so I would suggest you to be prepared to explore this world if you want to piece the whole story together and finally have the full picture. I can assure you it totally worths it !

Concerning the gameplay, I can only say one thing : Prepare yourself to split your brain into two parts, you will need it ! Sometimes you will feel like you want to rage and give up because you cannot get through a level, but the amazing soundtracks just won’t let you. When you will finally succeed, HELL YEAH it is so satisfying !

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Intemporel on Steam

Astonishing Baseball Manager 21

Astonishing Baseball Manager 21

Astonishing Baseball (or AB for friends) is not your usual baseball simulation game. It’s not only about tables full of players and stats. It’s about people! Well okay, you heard that line from your Economics 101 class already. But I promise, this game will be way more interesting! It’s like a narrative roguelike sports game, Seriously!

What’s new in AB21

Already an AB player? Here are some of the main new features:

  • Play historic seasons or try our brand new scenarios. There’s a challenge for every kind of coach!

  • Always play for the best team in the new career mode

  • A new minor team system, where you can hire your coach and train your rookies!

  • Edit the portrait of your favorite player, or import an online logo for your team!

  • Congratulate your starter, taunt your rival or ask your fans what to do with your new rookie thanks to the Bleachers message creator!

  • Hire a brand new coaching staff to get advice on contracts and strategies

  • Join the excitement of the draft thanks to the new Draft projections, or the top prospect interview

  • Enjoy a brand new history listing, retire your Hall of Famer number in the ballpark, or use the new player history to check past performances!

  • Pick the menu at your stadium, and hire a chef to get the prestigious ballpark awards!

  • Show who’s the boss in the new World Cup, or admire the best players in the Power Contest and Pitching Contest.

  • And more, like league records, improved game simulation, smarter AI, new awards, legendary players… Too much to describe here!

Fake (but real) baseball players

AB is about fake (sorry, virtual) baseball players. Some you’ll like, some you will hate, and a lot of them you will LOVE! That anonymous “Jim” guy at the top of your lineup? Give it a few minutes, and he will become your favorite player ever. Or maybe he’s actually very bad, and you’ll send him finish his career in your minor league team, because he disappointed you. Poor Jim…

And that starter, Sandy. Is he an ace or not? Well, maybe you should train him a bit. And make sure you have solid relievers to help him if a left-handed batter is giving him a headache. After all, you’re paying him 12M a year, that’s a lot! And he’s asking for an even bigger extension contract now. Not sure you’ll like Sandy after all… Oh but look, his nickname is “Cubbie”, that’s so cute!

Watch them evolve!

One of your tasks is to draft rookies. And once you’ve drafted your first prospect… Let’s call him John okay? Well, you’re going to be very interested in John’s life. Where to put him in the lineup? How much training does he need? Do I start him everyday, or does he need to go to the minor leagues first? Why is he suddenly struggling? Wait, it’s getting better… HE’S THE MVP NOW! But is he really worth 20M per year? See, it never stops!

The lineup of your dreams

Okay so the team is not too bad these days, but you want to do a big move and win the Baseball Cup. Is it time to do a big trade with another team? Or maybe it would be better to wait next year and sign a big free agent during the offseason? Or maybe do both? One thing is sure, building the lineup of your dream is actually super hard! And you haven’t even tested the “Extreme Mode” yet. Or maybe you want freedom and receive job offers from other teams too. In that case, the career mode is for you!

A living world

Astonishing Baseball features an artificial but living world. Fans are posting about the game and your brand new rookie. Journalists write articles about your starter’s last night performance. Players send you messages about their concerns or their contract. It’s all about baseball! Fortunately, all these people are very positive persons! Except if they complain about their contract. Or their role in the lineup. Or the team performance… Well, it could be worse. It’s not like they’re French and complain all the time, right?

For baseball fans and stats nerds

Astonishing Baseball is very easy to learn. If you know the game rules, you’ll know how to play! But if you’re a sabermetrics savant, you’ll find all kind of stats to satisfy your nerdy instinct! I even suggest to use wOBA. You don’t know what wOBA is? Don’t worry, according to very serious studies, about 99.999% of people don’t care about wOBA. Good news, right? And now you can even see the future thanks to our WAR projections!

Get international

Not enough talent in your league? Send your incredible and local scouts to find the best prospects in the world, and then invite the most promising player to your team! But be careful, even the best scouts can make mistakes… My favorite one is named “Francis Dupont”. Yes, he’s French, from Paris, and he’s always hyping up his prospects. Like “Look, I just saw that guy from Strasbourg for three minutes and I’m rating him 80/80 and he’s already in the Hall of Fame blablabla”. Best thing to do with Francis is to ask him to spend a bit more time on the prospect. Generally it ends with a final rating of 50+/80 and a simple “I told you so”. I really like you Francis, but if you’re reading this, do your job correctly please.

Live incredible stories

As a coach, you have a life too! In Astonishing Baseball, you can take your team to a burger restaurant, help local associations, but also meet your favorite author, become a rock star, visit Iceland and even marry the love of your life!

Apparently I have to put a disclaimer here. You’re not going to really meet the love of your life with this game. It’s like… Your in-game soulmate, okay?

If you like baseball, fantasy sports and simulations, or just good stories, you’ll love Astonishing Baseball Manager! I hope. If you don’t, I like messages!

Astonishing Baseball Manager 21 on Steam

Dear Future

Dear Future

I forced myself to finish it so you don’t have to.

TL:DR 8 hours of boring walking to uncover a lame story, and a non working multiplayer.

A walking simulator made for some college student art project, what could go wrong???

But the innovative sounding multiplayer component, plus the fact that it’s free, sucked me in. And the game, although minimalist, initially manages to feel well-designed and polished…

But notice how none of the reviewers seem to have played this for more than 30 minutes?

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Photos of future ruins

Dear Future (Dear Future Production Committee, 2021) is an asynchronous massively-multiplayer photography game about exploring an abandoned city. I have been trying to write about it for several weeks and have found myself incapable of doing with any organization or distance. What follow, instead, are orchestrated recollections and half-formed conclusions of my time with the game. A half-step towards the understanding I’m searching for. A version with photos is available here .

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Dear Future on Steam