

From a casual standpoint this game is great. For the price it has so much content. You can play through the game several times and the massive amount of random weapons keeps the game fresh. There are cool hidden places to explore that you will find on subsequent runs that yield different weapons. Some weapons don’t feel great but the dev patches so often and guns are constantly being made smoother. My big complaint with combat is that I cannot see my reticle easily. I don’t know if this is a resolution scaling issue because I play on 2k or not. MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL the game is getting so much free content. New weapons, abilities, and areas have been patched in since I first started playing. A WHOLE NEW EXPANSION will be FREE at the end of the month that nearly doubles the games length. Now for those of you wondering how I have so many hours in this game, I speedrun it and boy is it amazing for that. The modern movement in a classic style shooter plus the perfect amount of breakable stuff makes it the most fun speedrun I’ve ever done. This game has something for everyone. If you struggle with the tutorialisation please don’t just quit, give it an effort. The tutorial is much improved. It’s $6 just try it gamers. NOTE: I was given a copy for free about a month early to help with some QA since I expressed interest, but I promise this does not vastly change my opinion nor was I paid for anything.

Real player with 49.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Looter Shooter Female Protagonist Games.

The effort made and put into Apastron (especially from a one man developer) is pretty admirable. Here you have what amounts to the first episode (about 2 to 2-1/2 hours of game) of a unique world peopled by an oppressive corporation and the resistance that would oppose them.

While the game has its ‘open’ moments, the structure is indeed Episode 1: Level 1 in structure and it does proceed normally, that is to say, completely linearly. There is a bit of down time between missions but that is mostly used exploring the small hub town and speaking to the denizens about their day-to-day and their individual goings-on and to collect some currency and spend it at the weapon-shop.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Apastron on Steam



UPDATE 29-01-2021:

I feel like updating my review periodically (2-3 months), because the game probably has one of the most involved (and social) communities that I’ve ever been in. And I absolutely love it.

Let’s start with stating the obvious: The game has some REAL potential. This is created by the insanely fine DOOM-esque gun-play, together with the great movement, even mid-air.

Refined with the perk system, it really doesn’t matter if you want to go insanely fast and guns blazing, or take it slow and methodically. Weapon affixes contribute to this as well, making it viable to sit back with snipers and not getting any of “dem sweet cellz” (XP) go to waste. (Snipers work a good deal in close quarters as well, because of nearly perfect hipfire accuracy!)

Real player with 174.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Looter Shooter Post-apocalyptic Games.

If you don’t like reading long reviews, I’ll start you off with a TL;DR

The game plays amazing, feels amazing, sounds amazing and is developed by down to earth developers who only want to share the love for games.

… oh you got past my TL;DR? Amazing. Now let me elaborate.

First off, at the time of the review I have about 9 hours played recorded on steam - and a few more offline due to internet outages.

I have played the game in it’s alpha stage (mid-July) and will continue playing it as it develops (and if I don’t forget, update my review at some point). Make of that what you will.

Real player with 37.0 hrs in game

Roboquest on Steam

Sector Six

Sector Six

Note: If you don’t like Diablo-like games please read the last paragraph of this review.

This is like a Diablo game but it is also unique in its way, it is a side scroller, shooter and you build a ship instead of an armored warrior. If you know Diablo-like games you already know this game too is all about loot, grinding and mindlessly destroying, highly addictive stuff. It starts with a story and you shoot various enemies such as spacecrafts, repair drones, bombardment towers, a mini boss enemy you occasionally fight called Apex, and a variety of bosses which are cleverly designed, while dodging projectiles in a bullet-hell like style and stuff, but, after collecting enough compartments to make a build, whether making it through relic items or set items (just like the set items in Diablo), dodging stops, and spamming various abilities and destroying everything in your path begins, and then you go on to grind loot to destroy them more efficiently. So yeah, you get the idea, it is a Diablo game.

Real player with 85.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Looter Shooter Character Customization Games.

Before I start, let me note that since the game is in early access I’m giving it a bit more leeway than usual, but my recommendation is already for the game in its current state.

I’d bought the game through an external website without realising it was in early access, so I was a little anxious to discover it later. I don’t have many good experiences with unfinished games. But I’m glad to report that, despite not being able to finish the full story and the game having some issues, I already got enough fun out of it to be worth the price.

Real player with 58.1 hrs in game

Sector Six on Steam



Good game with a hard difficulty curve.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

really cool game for a student project

I liked the part where the round guy went bweooooooo

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Xenture on Steam

Empyrean Scout

Empyrean Scout

Maneuver your scout corvette through a wonderous but hostile domain. Abuse its superior agility to grind enemies for gear and XP, empowering you to venture further. Empyrean Scout is a space combat Action-RPG, built from the ground up for VR.

Supported by a discomfort avoiding locomotion system, you will toss yourself intuitively through space with one hand while aiming the guns of your corvette with the other. Play seated, standing or in full room scale.

Empyrean Scout on Steam

SPL: Skilled Pilots Live

SPL: Skilled Pilots Live

This game is some straight forward honest arcade shooting fun with some nice features thrown in to keep it interesting; weapon choices , ship enhancements, crafting, loot (new), allied wingmen (new) and a ring flying game. I get my my fix of it in an 30 mins to an hour a play which is perfect for me as time is hard to come by for me . I found the game to have medium/hard difficulty, but the difficulty scales based on how you play the game and you are rewarded with a higher score and rewards etc. Too easy then go for the 100%+ encounters too hard stay around 50% and grind a bit until you get better gear. The bosses tend to be the hardest part,but all good boss battles are :) I think of it as if R type had a 3d baby with Doom, and Souls :) In its state now I would rate it above average ,but with the potential to be a great game with more guidance from the community and hard work from the developer.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

A little rough around the edges, and a bit light handed on the tutorial however this game grows on you very quickly.

The combat is different from most 4x style games there is a lot of control over the ship. There are a few things I have noticed that I am sure will be fixed my biggest problem is when enemy ships are close together your ship does not seem to know who to lock onto. ( but there is a weapon type that does take care of this. ) My biggest issue with the game would be even thou it controls very nice an fluid there is a lack of feeling. (( what i mean by a lack of feeling is that it feels like your not moving. If it was not for the wave like field that is around your ship when moving i would think i was sitting still. )) All in All I would rate this game a solid 7 out of 10. An with that bottom line is the game is FUN, FLUID,EASY TO LEARN.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

SPL: Skilled Pilots Live on Steam



By looking how much time i have spent in this game, you can realise - this game, if it manages to hook you, will keep you for years.

Instead of bunch of words, i will just go straight to pros and cons.


  1. Weaponry. Basically, you can find lots of guns of your liking by just trying them or asking people of how they work and get an idea of how they act and how good\bad they are. Well, since there are around 350 weapons available for you to pick from, you will surely find a tool of death and destruction of your own playstyle: bows and crossbows, rocket\grenade launchers, flamethrowers, machineguns, shotguns, sniper rifles and even futuristic LAZ0R guns. Basically - primary weaponry includes two-handed guns of pure murder, secondary can be either Magnum spewing thingie or just a bullet wind of two machinegun pistols, and melee… From swords, katanas and throwble disks to spears, staffs and two handed maces\axes\swords (LOTS more melee types not mentioned but existent in the game).

Real player with 6837.5 hrs in game

Not pay to win

Before I start my review, I want to dispell this notion. Anyone who tells you this game is pay to win is wrong, or lying to you. Most of the good weapons are mastery rank locked and even if you buy things to bypass the grind, you still have to level those Warframes and weapons, you still have to play the game to grind and get mods for your weapons and Warframes to make them actually perform well in end-game content. You’re blindsiding yourself if you’re going to make the argument that this game is pay to win. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get to the actual review.

Real player with 3993.2 hrs in game

Warframe on Steam

Battle Force 2249

Battle Force 2249

BATTLE FORCE 2249 is a PvE shooter where you can make choices, pick your choice of weaponry and approach to the missions that will present you.


The galaxy has suffered from endless, senseless and ruthless wars for as long as anyone alive today can remember. The truth is that mankind has fallen prey to a terrible conspiracy, one meant to keep us divided, fighting, and dying while a select caste of politicians, billionaires and warlords reap the profits of a subjugated galaxy. Each of the characters has to find this harsh truth out in their own way, and fight to end this noxious oligarchy.


Choose from four characters - pirate, diplomat, disgraced and trader.


  • PvE: It’s you versus the world. Even with the hostile environments, there might be someone around the corner to help.

  • QUESTING: ones specifically for your protagonist, ones for the story. Side quests. Rewards for completing the quests with varying stats and abilities. Some improve your current weapon, some give you a new weapon.

  • INVENTORY: Customise your ship. Choose a range of weapons for a particular enemy using profiles. Collect sets of equipment for ultimate weaponry!


  • LOOT

  • RAIDING AREAS: Areas to explore and grind for that legendary reward.

Battle Force 2249 on Steam

Rift Frigate

Rift Frigate

Play as a Karack Arbiter - member of an awakened race of machines that vengefully wiped out their oppressive creators' planet - now on the run, headed for the darkest sector ever known, the Abyss Hexa. Survive. Orient to your alien surroundings. Brave through each crisis and cascading event… leading up to the heist of the millenium.


  • Experience a story-driven hand-authored single player campaign, full of puzzles, secrets and mind-bending twists

  • Use the versatile ship editor - construct your ship’s core, dress it with armor, arm it with lethal weapons and launch into action-packed real-time combat

  • Meet shady factions and watch intergalactic power-plays unfold, tip the scales in your favor and become a force to be reckoned with

  • Explore obscure deep space sectors and encounter unique flora, cosmic fauna, eldritch space monsters… and gargantuan World Eaters!

Rift Frigate on Steam



I like to think I’m a patient person, and I’ve waited a month to post this negative review. I honestly regret not doing it sooner. I waited because the game is genuinely fun to play, but at this point the issues are a lead weight on the other side of the scale. I can say that with 134 hours, I’ve gotten my $60 out of this game, but I had to actually “try” to get that value. By the time I was totally fed up, I was outside the refund window, so I kept going to get my money’s worth.


1. When the game works, the gameplay is stellar. The blending of shooting and ability use throughout combat works really well. It is also visually entertaining.

Real player with 134.6 hrs in game

Ok, so the developers are being super open about problems and they just releases a 24 GB update. The game is so messed up that it needed an update 1/3 the size of the total package?

Crashes on start up. You double click your desktop icon and there is a 5 to 10 sec nothing happens. Now I had an SSD card drive that plugs in directly to my motherboard with a read speed of 2.5 gb/s. So the game starts with this beautiful graphic, a sweeping view of the game world. The the screen goes black. It stays that way until the first ad screen appears, maybe. Or it just stays black until the game loads a crash log. Which by the way adds a 340 mb file that sits on your drive every time it crashes. I cleaned out the crash dumps and there were 15.5 GB. They don’t tell you about that. Well anyway they said they fixed it, and well they were wrong.

Real player with 131.8 hrs in game