Arctic Anxiety

Arctic Anxiety

This is in fact a nice game and it should be a nice game and because of that i made this post so no offense the developer.

– This is in fact a nice game and it should be a nice game but because of all those devastating bug + other bug i feel it is on it’s place to warning you about what you really buying and i try for 122 hour to avoid this post as best i can just to give that hard working single developer to resposse and do something with it but nothing happens and i am afraid he gonna use several month or worst he is not able to fix them at all.

Real player with 146.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Loot Fishing Games.

This is a really cool survival game and is really challenging. Early development and developer is active. Game is a great purchase, I picked it up for $4.99 how can you go wrong.

–———————- UPDATE November 2021 ————————

OK my above review I hold true to and I like the game but some time has passed, there hasn’t been an update of a pep from the developer, it appears this game is abandoned but who knows.

I will say there has been a few updates last year 2020 but until you see some progress with this game I would not suggest purchasing it.

Real player with 37.3 hrs in game

Arctic Anxiety on Steam

Reptiles: In Hunt

Reptiles: In Hunt

An adventure game with the story of a hunter who tries to find his lost son, set in a post apocalyptic world ruled by dinosaurs and reptilian humanoids.

It’s content is very nice for an indie title. The playtime is about 4-6 hours.

The story is quite simple without decisions, still enough to keep up the interest.

The graphics and the map design looks fine.

There are even some really beautiful places which can make the player to stop and simply enjoying the view. There are some graphical bugs, but none of those are serious.

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Loot Hack and Slash Games.

TLDR: Reptiles: In Hunt has more bugs than dinosaurs, but despite its many failings there is a gaming experience worth hunting in this indie title…it just needs a lot more evolution before we can call it a ‘clever girl.’

I completed Reptiles: In Hunt today - in total, it took me a little under 10 hours (9.8 hours). Looking at other reviewers time with the game, I suspect I might be one of the few people to leave a review who’ve played this game to the end (at least, at the time of writing), so I want to offer some thoughts.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Reptiles: In Hunt on Steam

Lost Region

Lost Region

So as of July 2021

We still have nothing close to enjoyment

Still many bugs

Has not been any new builds and the only updates we get are some pictures and talks on how there in house team were testing etc.

I wanted to give something positive back but honestly do not waste your time here.

Yes they are developing but if your homping to be testing and giving feedback think again as even there nothing is available to test under certain conditions. It’s not being built for the community because if it was you would see positive reviews but hey what do I know I have only been following this game for 5yrs now…..

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Loot Action Games.

Update 23/11/2020 Game is still awful after the “Big” update,runs bad,looks bad,plays bad,so many bugs,nothing really has changed for the better,this is babies first survival game it seems as the devs have no idea how to make a game. will keep updates coming,the mess is bound to continue until they abandon ship.

Also just got removed from the discord too,the “Devs” are usless XD DONT BUY OR SUPPORT THIS GAME EVEN FOR THE 4 QUID ITS ON SALE FOR.

Update 22/2/2019 yeah the game is still awful and not worth your time or money,if things change i will update again

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Lost Region on Steam

Space Bob vs. The Replicons

Space Bob vs. The Replicons

Your mission is reach the Jump Gate to escape. You begin abored a Refinery Ship (Mothership seems more fitting really) which displays your Storage Tanks of the three main resources required; Hyper Fuel: Used for Planet/Anomoly jumps. Energy: Used for Self healing, replenishing your stock for the use of tools/weapons & repairing your Lander Craft. Fuel: Used to refuel your Jetpack & Lander Craft. Other resources are required for Crafting. Easily figured out!

Three screens give access to - A Galaxy Map: For planning jumps or routes. Crafting/Upgrading: for various things you have (except for the Grappling Hook ATM) & a Stats screen: Tracks score, etc. A seperate room with a medical facility keeps you healthy & refuels your Jetpack. A Docking Lift for your Lander Craft which highers & lowers accordingly. Lander repairs & refueling begin when fully lowered. A red siren alerts you when the lift lowering the Lander is obstructed in some way. Last but not least is the housed Refinery. Its red conveyor beam is in the lower part of the Mother… errr Refinery ship which pushes resources & objects left to be vacummed upwards for refining.

Real player with 107.0 hrs in game

I’m not typically moved to write reviews, because ultimately, who cares what I think? Enjoyment of any game is totally subjective, so the reviews around this one could well all read: “Worst game ever - refunded”, but for what it’s worth, here are my thoughts…

Space Bob is an engaging, challenging, physics-based sandbox puzzle game that continues to reward your investment of time many tens of hours in. The controls may feel a tad unfamiliar at first, but persevere and you’ll soon see your skills improving with every fight and salvage run.

Real player with 65.4 hrs in game

Space Bob vs. The Replicons on Steam

One Gun: Cat

One Gun: Cat

Nice game to relax to,,, a good medium of idol gaming, “cartoony”, with a dash of RPG. Kinda reminds me a little bit of Castle Crashers. Graphics are eye friendly, as I get motion sickness, and have epilepsy, and legally blind. No issues with this game. Just an all around silly game that I’ve gotten a few ppl into, as it really is a fantastic game. One of my go to’s. As a Psychologist, its a great therapy game that promotes natural EMDR. Just put on your headset, play some good tunes, and get lost in it all ^_^ Hoping they turn it into a multi-player option soon. Highly recommended.

Real player with 1000.6 hrs in game

TL;DR: A an amusing, if very flawed and at times quite buggy 2D shooter with reasonably deep upgrade mechanics and loot system. Not worth the full price. Definitely worth it on sale for some mindless entertainment.

One Gun: Cat has simple but but decent 2D shooter mechanics. Character movement and shooting both feel reasonably good. Sometime dodging attacks (especially from bosses) are based more on luck than skill. There’s a fairly deep but not terribly interesting loot system. There’s a fairly large overworld map with dozens of areas that have a massive progression of difficulty. Each map area has a series of bosses with difficulty ratings. The starting boss is difficulty 5. I unlocked a boss at difficulty 100,000 before I gave up on the game.

Real player with 89.2 hrs in game

One Gun: Cat on Steam

It Lurks Below

It Lurks Below

It Lurks Below is a love child of Diablo and Terraria and it shows. But just because the parent games are great, sadly this fact doesn’t make this game on the same level and the maker David Brevik in name alone does not make things great either. The game itself feels that it has no real challenge, drive, or even passion put into it unlike previous stuff he’s worked on. I would put this on the level of what seems to almost being a AA asset flip (like many others you can see on Steam, but were his own assets or paid for) made by a legend of the gaming industry.

Real player with 10437.9 hrs in game

EDIT: I have 138 hours on this game across 2 accounts and have the right to criticize this game and/or deem it worthy of humanities consumption, I have also played Terraria and Diablo 2 to an extensive amount, 500+ hrs.

umm I don’t really need to say much about the reasons why this game isn’t bad seeing most people have sense enough of why David Brevik, the developer, put this game on early access, and also the difference between hot garbage Terraria ripoffs, there is a VERY fine line drawn. first of all…

Real player with 133.0 hrs in game

It Lurks Below on Steam

The Frost Rebirth

The Frost Rebirth

so i like survival games but the spawn rate of enemies is way to fast. game needs alot of work are we just done getting updates?

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

I i was excited to start this game since i missed survival games like this but, there is a big but.

graphics are set to max but looks like a dog took a shit on the game when it was made (i knop its early access but come on)

when i pick up things, they just vannish out of thin air, i am glitching through walls and rocks even have falled through the map a a fair amount of time. i am tired of having hopes for a game even for an early access and get let down. i dont expect much but then again let down. im not going to play this game again before the full version is out. as my experiences with early access games either get forgotten or takes a long long time to get ready for full release. you have a good thing going just put more time and effort to the game and its going to be a realy good game hopefully. i am not going to recomend this game yet until the games gets a few updates and is handeling better than it is know.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

The Frost Rebirth on Steam

Herd is Coming

Herd is Coming

Hack, Slash, Shoot, Loot, Manage a few survivors, to escape the incoming ' Horde ‘.

Dozen of short maps to explore.

Walking simulator,

as well as all other actions in ' SLOW ' motion,

one of the SLOWest movement game ever experienced since the 80s.

Screen is so large, but the character simply lingers in the lower potion.

Shift inventory is slow from backpack to storage.

Keyboard ' X ' is a death trap for losing item on accidental pressings.

Game will bug out when carrying excess of 31K coins.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

I enjoyed everything about this game and it was a lot of fun. There was no overkill as in too many weapons or armors to chose from. The bosses were challenging so I recommend saving your game before the fights. The quests were fun and each survivor gives new quests as you level up so you can fight close to your own level if you choose. The only thing I found to be annoying was when enhancing my armor or weapons the various enhancement chemicals would often fail and many of these chems are expensive and/or rare. That could be a bug or by design. This game was well thought out and organized. The ending leaves open the possibility of a DLC or sequel I consider to be a plus.

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

Herd is Coming on Steam

Supernova Tactics

Supernova Tactics

An alien invasion seeks to destroy the star in your home system. Assemble an army and do your best to protect your homeworld. Strengthen your group by upgrading your units, equipping them with items you earn and additional rare items you may come across.

Key Features

  • Permadeath - You’ve got one chance to lead your people to safety. One wrong move and your civilization will be lost forever.

  • Random Battles & Loot - No two playthroughs will be exactly the same. The enemies you face and the items you receive will vary with each encounter.

  • Hidden Monsters - Every round has a Hidden Monster that has a small chance of appearing. If slain, this Hidden Monster has a chance to drop a special item specific to that monster.

  • Upgrade Your Units - Use your gold to buy units from the shop, acquiring three of the same unit will upgrade it to the next tier!

  • Compete on the Leaderboard - Compete with other players on the leaderboard, Supernova Tactics features an endless mode. See how far you and your army can reach!

Supernova Tactics on Steam

Survive 2 Thrive

Survive 2 Thrive


In a post-apocalyptic world, you awake inside of a dark bunker. The bunker has kept you safe for many months, however, rations are running low and systems are failing. Exploration of once familiar world remains your only chance for survival. In this new environment you will be tested and constantly reminded of how close to death you truly are.

Hardcore Survival Experience

Beware this game will test you! It will push you to the brink of death and if you somehow survive, this world will find a new way to kill you. You start with a limited supply of food, water, and oxygen. You will need to build, automate, and explore if you are to have any hope of surviving. Seriously though, this game is made by lunatic and you will die.

Build System

You will need to build everything… and I mean everything from power, plumbing, air/water purification, storage, food, defense systems. Did I mention this world wants to kill you? How you choose to greet death is your choice.

Particle Based Physics System

Elements will be able to change states and flow just like they would in real life. So yes that means we will have solids, liquids, gases running on a particle based physics simulation. I am not saying you should go to college as a physics major before playing this game, but hey, it might help. Some people call this the dark souls of survival games… you should probably just move on.

3d Platformer

The game is built in 3d world which you will be able to see through a 2d third person view… Gamers who play platformers like super meat boy, terraria, or hallow knight will feel at home navigating this world.

Survive 2 Thrive on Steam