Fairune Collection

Fairune Collection

Fairune 1: A very stripped-down action-RPG, very short and lacking in plot but with fairly good music and visuals. However, it is more basic and less difficult than Fairune 2, so I recommend playing this before that.

Fairune 2: An expansion on Fairune 1 in every way. There are now far more areas, boss fights, fixed damage enemies that give no experience but some of which stay defeated forever, deeper mixes of enemies, more strategy that comes from stronger enemies still being defeatable, multi-level skills, far more creative puzzles, modestly improved visuals, more, better, longer and more upbeat music tracks, a far deeper plot, and a longer, better and harder final boss.

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Loot 2D Games.

Lots of secrets and has that difficulty that makes it amazing. Lots of cool achievements for the people that love collecting them. RPG feeling 8-bit game with puzzles to progress. I cannot express how much this was WORTH the money! The achievements just keep you going!

edit: There are bugs at times, so all I can say is SAVE NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO! but it’s still an amazing game. (Also some of the achievements are bugged, in a good way though)

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Fairune Collection on Steam

Heroes of Loot 2

Heroes of Loot 2

I LOVE this game!! I was pleasantly surprized by the first Heroes of Loot, and this one improves on everything that was enjoyable in the first one, and goes beyond. There are new additions throughout….there are cool levels, great loot, arenas, responsive controls, neat enemies and lots more! Though you control more than one hero in this game, it is not at all trying, nor demands co-op to do so. It’s just a lot of fun to play…as is the first game. My play-time is a bit minor as I wrote this…but the game gives you a lot of enjoyment in a short time…so ideal for quick runs and long runs or in-between other games. I highly recommend this game already, early into its ‘early access’ stage…and also highly recommend the first Heroes of Loot too!! Great to see a ‘sequal’ that adds so much to its predesassor without diminishing either game. Bravo, Orangepixel!!!!!

Real player with 44.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Loot Adventure Games.

A super fun arcade-like twin-stick meets dungeon crawler. Hits all the right spots including plenty of homage to Gauntlet. If you like either of these genres this comes highly reccommended.

Real player with 28.5 hrs in game

Heroes of Loot 2 on Steam



Amazing game. It has:

  • very malleable yet fairly easy enchanting system

  • interesting skill trees and crazy equipment powers that combined can produce builds almost breaking the game at extremes

  • awesome endgame mode that offers tons of fun

  • sweet qol features like very configurable radial loot pickup

  • otherwise has familiar structure like acts, elites, bosses, gems etc.

What’s a bit missing:

  • given the possible complexity and interconnections of builds, I’d absolutely love a proper build benchmark, like a minute recording of the actual damage you make that’s reported to you with some details.

Real player with 186.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Loot Hack and Slash Games.

One of the reasons I like the Steam platform so much is that it offers opportunity for development teams to release early access versions of their games.

Of course some games never get out of early access for many reasons or the dev teams take little notice of the player base that are effectively ‘testing’ EA/Alpha/beta versions and the player base walk away.

Chronicon is a perfect example of Early Access done well.

I believe the earliest version was 5 years ago.

I picked the game up back in November 2017 and looking at my Steam logs played it for just a couple of weeks.

Real player with 159.2 hrs in game

Chronicon on Steam

Hyperspace Dogfights

Hyperspace Dogfights

Updated Review:

Excellent game, 269 hours of playtime (with still more stuff to unlock and do; I only have 98% completion, with a new major update on the way (No Masters, that is)!), excellent potential for challenge runs, and, in my opinion, overall a nigh-flawless example of roguelikes.

By the way, here’s one tip that’s very helpful: If you’re being tracked by a homing missile, a square crosshair will follow you. If you jump while that crosshair is on an enemy, you’ll shift the missile lock to that enemy, thus causing it to seek out that enemy instead of you. Using that trick, you can avoid always needing the Flares active to shrug off missiles (For.. maybe 12 hours or so? I didn’t know that, and so I couldn’t drop Flares without dying, or play any other jet, and I’d frequently die because Flares ran out of charges. Then I saw a loading screen tip.)

Real player with 420.6 hrs in game


Hyperspace Dogfights is a side scroller shooter set in an weird sci-fi setting with familiar tropes and wild cards. Requiring a decent bit of skill of both maneuverability skills to evade fire and using the capability to enter a controlled stall to dish fire at the enemies on your six or to shoot an enemy from where they least expect.

The game takes inspiration from games like Luftrausers but offers a completely different game experience with a level of progression through unlocks for later playthroughs such as new fighter choices with different starting gear or more gear unlocked to come by in later games.

Real player with 162.8 hrs in game

Hyperspace Dogfights on Steam

Mini Healer

Mini Healer

Most of the early and middle of this game plays out like a puzzle game with grinding combined with an ARPG skill tree.

You’ll probably enjoy this enough for the price if you like the idea of a Diablo II skill tree and item style combined with bosses that each have unique mechanics.

I have seen a few streamers pick it up and hate it immediately because there are at least 2-3 hours of grinding before you actually get access to the interesting content of the game, and that’s if you recognize which builds are way better than the others and make fast progress. Even after that, there are a couple mostly-required grind walls.

Real player with 112.2 hrs in game

Amazing. Better than you think.

So much better than it has any right to be. One of my favorite games in recent memory, and I still can’t quite believe it. I’m not much of an indie game / single dev game person. I like AAA titles and graphics. I don’t love MMOs, which are the obvious inspiration, here. I definitely wouldn’t have picked it up but for the reviews and the price tag.

Seriously, though, you should buy it. Even if you don’t like playing a healer in MMOs, it has the addictive theory-crafting and building of ARPGs like Grim Dawn or Path of Exile, but without any of the headaches of those or the MMOs. No quests, no fetching, and no penalties for build-testing. You can even save multiple builds and swap between them at will. It’s just boss after boss at your leisure. You can farm whatever boss you want and even have a different build and party setup for each boss.

Real player with 73.0 hrs in game

Mini Healer on Steam

Unending Dusk

Unending Dusk

Unending Dusk is a decent beat’em up if you enjoy grinding stats and finding rare attack mods. As you can see I dropped over 80 hours just to max out 2 of the 4 characters. I guess you could say that it has some roguelite elements, although there is no perma-death. The stages are randomly generated so you can run into a secret shop or a hidden area, and that is not counting the stat grind which is usually associated with the genre. For me the game managed to capture the nostalgia that I have for classic beat' em ups, despite having all those new features. In my opinion the combat, aesthetic and the controls are faithfully implemented. I play Streets of Rage (2) very often, by comparison the execution of attacks is essentially the same. Unfortunately, it has no grappling which is perhaps my biggest problem. There are definitely some modern features added to the formula such as character levels and different damage types, but overall it truly feels like a game that could be on Genesis - mainly due to aesthetic.

Real player with 104.7 hrs in game

Unending Dusk is an old-school beat-em-up with ARPG mechanics and a pretty decent, darksynth-esque soundtrack that was admittedly rough around the edges in its early days, but regular updates have smoothed a lot of those edges and made for a compelling cooperative experience whenever I can rope friends into playing it. The developer even does double XP events on occasion. It has up to four-player online coop but regrettably no local option, an odd choice for the genre.

The time and place, a dark cyberpunk future in the last city on Earth. The titular twilight spells impending doom for the city given its reliance on solar power. A brilliant engineer has taken it upon himself to gather a band of the deadliest mercenaries, bounty hunters, soldiers and even religious fanatics he can get to find the source of the unnatural darkness and combat the strange, almost demonic invaders it brought with it.

Real player with 101.2 hrs in game

Unending Dusk on Steam

弥留之岛 Xanadu Island

弥留之岛 Xanadu Island

Key Features

Xanadu Island is a fast-paced massively multiplayer bullet hell game that brings you to the arcade gameplay. In the nonstop BOSS battle, your death is just the beginning,accumulate experience, acquire equipment, and fight side by side with other players to knockdown all the BOSSes!

Arcade style gameplay

A fast-paced, arcade-like gameplay where you can jump in and out of the game anytime you want, easy to learn but challenging.

Together with dozens of players, you will face hundreds of bosses and elite monsters with unique combat methods, defeat them, collect legendary loot, or be defeated by them as tombstones…

Diversification Progression and cross-platform

You can choose the heroes of the Xanadu Island as your heroes, these heroes will grow with you, their death will make you stronger, up to 300 kinds of equipments, as well as a wealth of skills, talents, pets, can be formed into different builds, and many PC players and even mobile players together to achieve legend.

In-app purchase value-added services

Paying won’t make you stronger, but it will give you a more dignified death, like a bigger tombstone…

弥留之岛 Xanadu Island on Steam

Dragon Cliff

Dragon Cliff

I generally like ‘idle’ and ‘clicker’ games until the progress completely stales out, so I thought I’d give this a go based on many reviews. And I’m very glad I did. So far it has definitely exceeded my expectations.

There is a blend of micro-management of stats/equipment/gems etc with a much higher level ‘just keep vaguely improving your team and things will work out ok’ thing going on here. Maybe later in the game choices need to be considered much more carefully, but for now the balance seems just about spot on.

Real player with 1737.7 hrs in game

TLDR… Tons of options to customize your toons and group, then you send them out on adventures while you go to work/sleep/do something productive/play other games.

Actual Review

This game really hit a sweet spot with me. I was literally about to spend $140 on a freemium phone game (please reserve judgement )= , then I found Dragon Cliff. This gives you all the customization options of those other games but at no cost! 5 characters in your party out of 25 classes to choose from, 4 gear slots, 8 gem slots, 2 enhancements on each piece of gear, 1 passive ability. It really has just the right amount of customization without being overwhelming. No juggling 12 pieces of equipment to make your guy 1% stronger. Changing just a few of the options can drastically alter how any give character performs in battle… do you want a powerhouse dps or a support who debuffs and crowd controls enemies? Most of the classes can perform in multiple roles depending on how you gear them.

Real player with 669.9 hrs in game

Dragon Cliff on Steam

Heroes of Loot

Heroes of Loot

I got sucked into this incredible throwback to the 80s / 90s era of Gauntlet like gaming a few years ago. So much so that I still have a relevant review of the game online if you search for “Beetlebear Heroes of Loot”.

Back then, I got myself to the healthy level of 240 or so.

I recently learned that OrangePascal was planning on releasing the game into the wilds that we call steam and salivated at the delight that one of my favorite games was not only being released on steam, but that it had been polished and refined to the point that would make me pee my pants trying to achieve the highest of scores.

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

Target Audience: Those desperate for a roguelite


The problem with Heroes of Loot comes specifically with the lack of variety. While the game is a mobile port and not a lot of complexity is expected, the game falls into predictably rather quickly, and there’s just not enough variety to hold your attention over a period of time. In a crowded genre at this point, and even if it’s a cheaper game, you’ve got to stand out in some way, and the only way this game stands out is the OrangePixel specific art style, but that doesn’t help the game over the long hall. Too many long hallways waitiing for enemies to die to your constant spam, and you’ll feel like you’re doing way too much of the same. This may work for the mobile platform, but it doesn’t work on the PC release, as there’s just too many other options to spend your time with then this.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Heroes of Loot on Steam

It Lurks Below

It Lurks Below

It Lurks Below is a love child of Diablo and Terraria and it shows. But just because the parent games are great, sadly this fact doesn’t make this game on the same level and the maker David Brevik in name alone does not make things great either. The game itself feels that it has no real challenge, drive, or even passion put into it unlike previous stuff he’s worked on. I would put this on the level of what seems to almost being a AA asset flip (like many others you can see on Steam, but were his own assets or paid for) made by a legend of the gaming industry.

Real player with 10437.9 hrs in game

EDIT: I have 138 hours on this game across 2 accounts and have the right to criticize this game and/or deem it worthy of humanities consumption, I have also played Terraria and Diablo 2 to an extensive amount, 500+ hrs.

umm I don’t really need to say much about the reasons why this game isn’t bad seeing most people have sense enough of why David Brevik, the developer, put this game on early access, and also the difference between hot garbage Terraria ripoffs, there is a VERY fine line drawn. first of all…

Real player with 133.0 hrs in game

It Lurks Below on Steam