Pirate Simulator

Pirate Simulator

  • Build your ship

Start as a rookie sailor on a boat as tiny as a canoe and use your smart pirate moves to buy, craft or “arrange” add-ons for your dream vessel. Replace necessary parts, attach equipment needed for rides, focus on speed or durability, choose your own style of ruling the seas!

  • Gather the crew

Galleons are great, but you need a crew to run it. Visit towns and harbors along your way, have a pint or five and recruit a crew that will make you a real pirate!

  • Extend your base

Whether it’s trading, looting or finding treasures, you need to collect and stack your goods somewhere. When you spot this perfect place on a beach or inside a cave, claim it and take care of infrastructure and buildings to make your company thrive.

  • Find treasures

…and a way to look for them. You can turn every rock upside down and check every inch of the sea bottom, but if time is a factor, try searching for other pirates, merchants and shady people who may know a few stories about hidden chests.

  • Go on a ride

As it happens sometimes - a pirate won’t make a living from the trade alone and needs to incorporate a bit more dynamic forms of getting the necessary resources. On the seas, you might meet other fellow ships that just carry too much goods not to loot them. Way more efficient than honestly earned money.

Become a pirate! Arr!

Read More: Best Loot PvE Games.

Pirate Simulator on Steam

Stack Gun Heroes

Stack Gun Heroes

Stack Gun Heroes combines fast paced combat with addicting base building. Invent your own gun and take it on challenging missions to earn valuable resources. You process the loot back home in a factory of your own design.

Gun Building

The Stack Gun can be customized however you want. Will you make a gun that shoots sentry drones that chase and shoot enemies? A gun that abducts people into the upper stratosphere? Or maybe a gun that shoots yourself at the enemy, killing them with the impact damage.

These aren’t pre-made classes. Players invent their own strategies. Chances are you will come up with a playstyle the developer has never thought of.


Your base is a giant factory that you build with the Stack Gun. You will use it to process loot into items that make you more powerful. There are tons of base machines to build, you can unlock tech infinitely, and the factory has no maximum size.


  • Make any gun. Want a gun that cuts off limbs? A gun that shoots guns at people? A gun that makes you fly? Why not all 3 in one? Combine any gun parts for whatever effects you want.

  • Get so much loot you need to design a factory to process it all. No boring menus, you interact with your machines by doing sick wall-jumps and wall-slides on them. Efficient production is radical!

  • Try out BILLIONS of procedural superpowers. Can you find a use for that power that teleports all nearby bullets wherever you point?

  • You can bring as many friends as you want into online co-op to beat very challenging maps, assuming you aren’t an incredible badass who has no friends.

  • Infinite endgame lets you advance in power forever. Start with “normal” FPS guns and before long you’ll be accidentally killing yourself with nukes 10x the size of the map and running into walls at supersponic speeds.

  • Test your most irritating guns on your friends in deathmatch. They can’t be mad. It’s for science!

  • Run through enemies, wall-slide down skyscrapers, dismember robots, collect superpowers, launch people into space. Every time there was a cool idea, it went in the game.

After 9 years and over 16,000 hours working on this project it’s almost ready. Stack Gun Heroes is my dream game. Hopefully it’s yours too!


Read More: Best Loot Resource Management Games.

Stack Gun Heroes on Steam

Arctic Anxiety

Arctic Anxiety

This is in fact a nice game and it should be a nice game and because of that i made this post so no offense the developer.

– This is in fact a nice game and it should be a nice game but because of all those devastating bug + other bug i feel it is on it’s place to warning you about what you really buying and i try for 122 hour to avoid this post as best i can just to give that hard working single developer to resposse and do something with it but nothing happens and i am afraid he gonna use several month or worst he is not able to fix them at all.

Real player with 146.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Loot Survival Games.

This is a really cool survival game and is really challenging. Early development and developer is active. Game is a great purchase, I picked it up for $4.99 how can you go wrong.

–———————- UPDATE November 2021 ————————

OK my above review I hold true to and I like the game but some time has passed, there hasn’t been an update of a pep from the developer, it appears this game is abandoned but who knows.

I will say there has been a few updates last year 2020 but until you see some progress with this game I would not suggest purchasing it.

Real player with 37.3 hrs in game

Arctic Anxiety on Steam

Lost Region

Lost Region

So as of July 2021

We still have nothing close to enjoyment

Still many bugs

Has not been any new builds and the only updates we get are some pictures and talks on how there in house team were testing etc.

I wanted to give something positive back but honestly do not waste your time here.

Yes they are developing but if your homping to be testing and giving feedback think again as even there nothing is available to test under certain conditions. It’s not being built for the community because if it was you would see positive reviews but hey what do I know I have only been following this game for 5yrs now…..

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Update 23/11/2020 Game is still awful after the “Big” update,runs bad,looks bad,plays bad,so many bugs,nothing really has changed for the better,this is babies first survival game it seems as the devs have no idea how to make a game. will keep updates coming,the mess is bound to continue until they abandon ship.

Also just got removed from the discord too,the “Devs” are usless XD DONT BUY OR SUPPORT THIS GAME EVEN FOR THE 4 QUID ITS ON SALE FOR.

Update 22/2/2019 yeah the game is still awful and not worth your time or money,if things change i will update again

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Lost Region on Steam

The Riftbreaker

The Riftbreaker

First of all, thank you Exor Stuidos for this wonderful game and allowing me to participate in its development cycle to help make it a better game by simply being one of the many bug testers. I have stuck with them from the beginning and watched this game grow over time and am today to finally see its release is a happy day. My review of the game is as follows:

Simply put, it is a legendary game. You play as a mech named Mr. Riggs piloted by Ashley who is on a mission to make this new planet ready for colonization, but its full of crazy lifeforms never seen before aka aliens and strange plants and beautiful sights. In this game, you mostly explore and gather intel of the various lifeforms and plant matter, but need a working base to power up a rift to new areas and ultimately back to Earth. Unfortunately, the aliens want you dead because they do not take too kindly to Mr. Riggs and Ashley stomping around in their yard, so game becomes a tower defense with lot of exploration. Game rewards exploration by ability parts for Mr. Riggs and cosmetics. There are many weapon types, weapon mods, tower mods, many tower types, lots of base mechanics, and lots of combat.

Real player with 59.1 hrs in game

Incredibly fun and gorgeous mix of the best elements from a few different genres, in dire need of more complexity and variety.

Don’t get me wrong, I completely recommend Riftbreaker to everyone. I got a solid 46 hours of enjoyment out of it, I can probably push it past 50 even. And the game has been incredibly fun during that time. However, that’s my main issue. I am already at the point where I feel like I’ve done everything, seen everything, and there’s no room for replayability or challenging myself, after “just” 46 hours. Maybe I’m just spoiled by games like Factorio, but I really was expecting to get at least double that time and get a replayable experience. And I feel like the game COULD be that, it could be greater than it is. It should be and it deserves to be.

Real player with 46.7 hrs in game

The Riftbreaker on Steam

Everpixel Valley

Everpixel Valley

Action RPG meets farming simulator.

You’ve inherited a dusty plot of land. With your trusty axe, you set out to establish your pixelated dominance. Can you turn your farm into a bustling empire? It won’t be easy - you’ll have to fight off hordes of enemies seeking plunder. But you won’t have to do it alone - raise an army of tutu-wearing dinosaurs , obese unicorns, and sharks with friggin' laser beams on their heads to take the fight to your enemies.


  • Turn your dusty plot of land into a bustling farm! Sow crops, raise critters, and gather materials. But be careful - you’ll need to build defenses. Invaders will seek to pillage your hard work.

  • Hack n' Slash ARPG: Defend your farm - wade into the fray and make your enemies regret coming to your turf.

  • Character development: Over 24 perk trees to choose from! Choose carefully - you can only choose one primary and three secondary trees!

  • Dynamic Landscape: Specializing in a tree changes the farm around you! Pyromancer’s farms become grow hot while Toximancers poison the very land around them! Choose your crops accordingly - not every crop enjoys fire; not every crop is hydrated by poison!

  • Crafting: Everything you grow, every material you gather from your foes can be used for crafting. Forge slime swords, gem-infused chainmail, or tools to accessorize your buildings. The materials you use determines the enchantments you get!

  • Critters: What farm is complete without dinosaurs, wiener dogs, and walruses? Raise your livestock from eggs into your greatest allies! Bring them into battle or use them as mounts. Your critters eat different crops and produce different materials, so experiment to find the combination that suits your taste!

About Us:

Doom Dino Games is currently a one-man show. I am a professional software engineer that never forgot why I became a software engineer in the first place - I wanted to make great games. Eclectically inspired by games as varied as Diablo 2, XCom, Stardew Valley, Super Mario, Battle Brothers, Dwarf Fortress and Baldur’s Gate 2, I am passionate about making games that I want to play myself.

Everpixel Valley on Steam

The Riftbreaker: Prologue

The Riftbreaker: Prologue

ARPG combat + the base building/macro aspect of RTSs + fighting off massive waves of enemies, like tower defence titles (but better than most, due to enemy number).


Movement and combat flow is fairly smooth and responsive. The visuals are great, and, on my end, runs fairly well (max settings, mostly running @ 60 fps, some weird dips here and there, and some big dips near the end, when the massive enemy waves hit; 8th gen i7, GTX1070, 16GB DDR4, Win10).

Sounds have ‘oomph’ (although I wish some of the ballistic weapons had ‘snappier’ sounds), and the voice acting is quite good.

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

Its like they took the best bits from all the good RTS, Tower Defence and 3D Platformers that they could think of, then blended it all into a visually STUNNING game!

I will definitely follow this!

Also, for an Alpha build demo! It ran at max settings flawlessly for hours, at around 120fps avg @1440p without cooking my hardware. Great Job!

I think the build and inventory menus have room for improvement and polish but still useable.

Would be nice if you could map the mouse scroll wheel to weapon cycle/change each hand, Right now it doesn’t allow you to use the scroll wheel for anything at all…. But to see button binding options in an early build at all is kinda amazing! Xbox controller works really well but mouse is better for building quickly in straight lines and aiming.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

The Riftbreaker: Prologue on Steam

Surviving West

Surviving West

Yea !!! the Dev God heard me, multiplayer fixed :). Cool game, my wife and I are always on the look out for games we can play together. (she needs lots of help hehe). The game is fun to play, and very nice graphics even dough they are cartoonist. Its still has a few quirks, but he’s working on it at least unlike some other games. Its not hard core, so those who like real hard challenges may find it too easy, its more laid back, take tour time kinda game. So far those I’ve played with are very nice, some very helpful…and if you need help, the dev is on discord and will talk to you.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

The game is good. I had an issue with the key binding, went in to the game discord and before I knew it I was having a conversation with the Dev “NEMO” and in no time at all the issue was fixed. That’s what I call service!

The game plays well and runs pretty smooth being an EA game there will always be some issues to work out but for this game…So far so good.

Yes I recommend this game.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Surviving West on Steam

Monsters Domain

Monsters Domain



Your objective is to stop any visitors to your Monsters’ Domain. Start from simple monsters and skeletons and with time build up your defences. You can play any monster from your army and give them specific orders to follow. Every killed hero makes them stronger and gives you an opportunity to equip them better or develop new skills or monstrosities. You can reanimate fallen intruders or collect pieces of your slain warriors and research new ways to use it.

Develop your preferred Style. You can focus on specific Style or mix them together to create a unique army of loyal Monsters. Choose from Necromancy, Vivisection, Mutation, Runes, Elixirs, Talismans, Forge, Techie, Strategy, Roguery, Drilling or Sorcery and different schools of Dark Magic.

Grow your beasts and monsters, make them unique or identical with others to unlock specific skill trees, upgrades and abilities. Combine unique equipment and skills and create your Bosses or Swarms.

Styles are complex systems focused on specific areas but combined with others allow to create more powerful weapons and upgrades. The vivisected finger of the mage combined with some elixirs can be a very powerful upgrade for your simple skeleton. Reanimated corpse of a fallen hero with some fresh mutations and newly forged weapons can make a really nice new Boss for your realm.

Loot all you can as bodies decay and some treasures can be lost to nasty imps or other thieves. Store you treasures as a lure for visitors or forge them into powerful objects. Every piece matters. Study new materials and runes, develop schematics for your traps and devices, collect limbs, flesh and bones for your experiments and new creations.

Learn and experiment. The way your monsters kill new heroes can be entertaining but also eye opening. Develop your Strategy and new Roguery tricks. Teach your zombies to play dead (sic!) or Drill skeletons to fight in formation. Experiment in your Forge with loot and spells and combine them into unique crafting materials.

Do all you can to defend you Monsters’ Domain!

Monsters Domain on Steam

Sci-Fantasy Defence

Sci-Fantasy Defence

Sci-Fantasy Defence is a combination of real time strategy and first person shooter. Survive and build a portal to escape from this place. Use advanced technologies to extract resources, construct buildings and craft weapons. In order to overcome the barrier of attack speed of weapons and get additional projectiles when firing, use magic items from dark fantasy parallel world.

Thousands of Enemies

Thousands of enemies attack at the same time.


In addition to building a base, you can use weapons. Customize it as you like by adding improvements for burst, speed and damage.


Place aura towers that increase burst, speed and damage of your turrets. Combine the number of turrets and aura towers as you like.

Sci-Fantasy Defence on Steam