Lost Region

Lost Region

So as of July 2021

We still have nothing close to enjoyment

Still many bugs

Has not been any new builds and the only updates we get are some pictures and talks on how there in house team were testing etc.

I wanted to give something positive back but honestly do not waste your time here.

Yes they are developing but if your homping to be testing and giving feedback think again as even there nothing is available to test under certain conditions. It’s not being built for the community because if it was you would see positive reviews but hey what do I know I have only been following this game for 5yrs now…..

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Loot Action Games.

Update 23/11/2020 Game is still awful after the “Big” update,runs bad,looks bad,plays bad,so many bugs,nothing really has changed for the better,this is babies first survival game it seems as the devs have no idea how to make a game. will keep updates coming,the mess is bound to continue until they abandon ship.

Also just got removed from the discord too,the “Devs” are usless XD DONT BUY OR SUPPORT THIS GAME EVEN FOR THE 4 QUID ITS ON SALE FOR.

Update 22/2/2019 yeah the game is still awful and not worth your time or money,if things change i will update again

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Lost Region on Steam

Heroes of Loot 2

Heroes of Loot 2

I LOVE this game!! I was pleasantly surprized by the first Heroes of Loot, and this one improves on everything that was enjoyable in the first one, and goes beyond. There are new additions throughout….there are cool levels, great loot, arenas, responsive controls, neat enemies and lots more! Though you control more than one hero in this game, it is not at all trying, nor demands co-op to do so. It’s just a lot of fun to play…as is the first game. My play-time is a bit minor as I wrote this…but the game gives you a lot of enjoyment in a short time…so ideal for quick runs and long runs or in-between other games. I highly recommend this game already, early into its ‘early access’ stage…and also highly recommend the first Heroes of Loot too!! Great to see a ‘sequal’ that adds so much to its predesassor without diminishing either game. Bravo, Orangepixel!!!!!

Real player with 44.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Loot 2D Games.

A super fun arcade-like twin-stick meets dungeon crawler. Hits all the right spots including plenty of homage to Gauntlet. If you like either of these genres this comes highly reccommended.

Real player with 28.5 hrs in game

Heroes of Loot 2 on Steam

Storms 2

Storms 2

Scratch the surface and you will find a pretty decent Action RPG.

Struggled at first, and the title looked fairly barebones but slowly found that this title has all the ARPG components. You have the normal merchant, potion seller, healer, stash etc. Upgrade paths are particularly impressive as is the variation in the enemies that you will find.

Graphics might be fairly basic, but the game-play is there.A good value for money title!

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Loot 2D Games.

A work in progress at launch here, but a project of passion from this new indie developer on Steam. He’s already fixed several little bugs and taken a few of my suggestions to make this game better to heart and made the suggestions I advised in videos.


I like this, and I LOVE the value here at just $5 USD. The skill tree and inventory system are beyond impressive and well worth the price alone.

More to come to this review as I play this game more but great job to this admirable indie developer!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Storms 2 on Steam

Surviving West

Surviving West

Yea !!! the Dev God heard me, multiplayer fixed :). Cool game, my wife and I are always on the look out for games we can play together. (she needs lots of help hehe). The game is fun to play, and very nice graphics even dough they are cartoonist. Its still has a few quirks, but he’s working on it at least unlike some other games. Its not hard core, so those who like real hard challenges may find it too easy, its more laid back, take tour time kinda game. So far those I’ve played with are very nice, some very helpful…and if you need help, the dev is on discord and will talk to you.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

The game is good. I had an issue with the key binding, went in to the game discord and before I knew it I was having a conversation with the Dev “NEMO” and in no time at all the issue was fixed. That’s what I call service!

The game plays well and runs pretty smooth being an EA game there will always be some issues to work out but for this game…So far so good.

Yes I recommend this game.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Surviving West on Steam

Ball Ranger

Ball Ranger

About this

  • “Ball Ranger” is a game where the character will automatically attack, and the player drags the character to move it. As the game clears, the player will encounter different monsters and get different items and weapons in the adventure.

How to Play

  • Mouse control

When On the Map

  • Tap the flashing point to enter the stage

In the Stage

  • Drag the character to move

  • Drag the character to the edge of the stage to enter another room

  • Click on BAG in the lower right corner to open the BAG

  • Drag BAG items to perform various operations

  • You can get items, challenge monsters and make your favorite match in the adventure.

  • Ranger’s power is determined by the player. Want to become a mage? Yes!, want to become a fighter? Yes!

  • Of course, you can also hold a sword in one hand and a stick in the other, as long as you like.

All kinds of items and weapons:

  • Players can obtain weapons with different effects in the adventure, and the store will continue to purchase new weapons as you advance the adventure. The

  • weapons may not be stronger from the back, and the strength mainly depends on the player’s level.

All Kinds Of Monsters

  • Each level has different monsters, and different monsters have different attack mechanisms and appearances.

  • Of course, there are also drops, including miscellaneous items, props and weapons.


  • I believe people who like to play JRPG like fishing, so this game also has fishing system. This will be encountered during the adventure, which is equivalent to a small snack.

Ball Ranger on Steam



Krater: Shadows over Solside is a Top-down, Action-RPG developed and published by fatshark – pushed out of the gate in late-Spring 2012. Its reception was largely mixed – due to bugs, unfinished content and a lack of any sort of co-op mode. But how does it hold up five years down the line?


The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic Sweden after the ‘Untergang.’ You take control over a bunch of mercenaries looking to make their mark on this new world. Their misadventures take to us to Solside – which perilously hangs over the Krater – a seemingly endless abyss that draws those from all over to seek its riches and possibly their demise in the process.

Real player with 130.8 hrs in game

An unpolished turd. Numerous crashes to desktop while trying to navigate inventory or upgrade characters. Horrid pathing AI. So bad, that during some fights team members will suddenly run off up stairs and cause a wipe. Sometimes getting halfway across a map before realizing ONE member just decided to stand in place, even while still being highlighted as part of the moving group. Quests that cannot be finished because you happened to enter a dungeon prior to receiving the quest and kill the boss (everything else respawns, why can’t this?!), leaving numerous inventory slots full of quest items that cannot be dropped. Frequent battles where one or two of your group just stand there. Even after repeatedly retargeting. Had an entire group wipe (4800Kr to heal the group which can take hours to recoup) because the bruiser couldn’t seem to get to the target I selected for his grenade, and didn’t want to attack any other target when selected. Hours of time required to grind in order to upgrade characters in order to progress to a new area without wiping the team. Very little variety in dungeons. Unable for some reason most of the time to get the cursor to view other parts of dungeons and centering with space bar not actually showing ongoing battle made for frequent blind fights. Craft your own weapons? Cool, except that once you’re able to get far enough to purchase a new blueprint, it is already so underpowered as to be useless and a waste of crafting materials. Sellers have no indication whether or not the blueprints they have are already known, and to even check you either have to alt+tab out and check your own notes, or exit the seller and run over to the crafting table to check, then run back and forth repeatedly as most people do not have photographic memories. Selling back those expensive blueprints gives a 90% loss of value. Blueprint listing isn’t even entirely alphabetical. It’s like they did half of them, then added the other half also alphabatized but didn’t bother to collate them together. Oh, and for some reason the actionable area of the mouse pointer is well below the tip of the arrow (like halfway down the arrow), causing significant frustration early on trying to figure out why I couldn’t select anything. Then in Alces Hollow my ranged crowd control Regulator decided he’s going to start fighting point blank or not at all, thereby becoming two-hit toast in EVERY FIGHT.

Real player with 61.5 hrs in game

Krater on Steam

Miner: Dig Deep

Miner: Dig Deep

Although I’ve never made it all the way to the bottom, I’ve really enjoyed this game! I’m ready to take a break from it, but may come back to it later. I love the simple mechanics, but I do have one suggestion. I’ve noticed the rocks and resources are in the same places for each new game. If you could find a way to randomize each new game but keep the numbers and zones of resources and rocks essentially the same, you would have a truly world-class game. As a retired developer/tester, I can appreciate the effort that goes into software. If it’s infeasible to add this feature, I understand totally. I salute you!

Real player with 1247.4 hrs in game

I like mining games, and I didn’t think this one would keep me going for so long but 21 hours later and I’m still pottering away in my mine. Aside from some minor quibbles (while a stone will push you away if you’re only a little close to it, this same mechanic doesn’t happen on lifts from what I can tell and lifts don’t work after lvl 1000 - can’t tell if this is coming or if this is a feature of the game), I enjoy this. Wish it had some achievements, but that’s just me, lol.

Real player with 32.0 hrs in game

Miner: Dig Deep on Steam

Heroes of Loot

Heroes of Loot

I got sucked into this incredible throwback to the 80s / 90s era of Gauntlet like gaming a few years ago. So much so that I still have a relevant review of the game online if you search for “Beetlebear Heroes of Loot”.

Back then, I got myself to the healthy level of 240 or so.

I recently learned that OrangePascal was planning on releasing the game into the wilds that we call steam and salivated at the delight that one of my favorite games was not only being released on steam, but that it had been polished and refined to the point that would make me pee my pants trying to achieve the highest of scores.

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

Target Audience: Those desperate for a roguelite


The problem with Heroes of Loot comes specifically with the lack of variety. While the game is a mobile port and not a lot of complexity is expected, the game falls into predictably rather quickly, and there’s just not enough variety to hold your attention over a period of time. In a crowded genre at this point, and even if it’s a cheaper game, you’ve got to stand out in some way, and the only way this game stands out is the OrangePixel specific art style, but that doesn’t help the game over the long hall. Too many long hallways waitiing for enemies to die to your constant spam, and you’ll feel like you’re doing way too much of the same. This may work for the mobile platform, but it doesn’t work on the PC release, as there’s just too many other options to spend your time with then this.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Heroes of Loot on Steam

The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth in a Game where you go in and create a team in which you would go into a dungeon and attempt to make it to the bottom. Its fairly easy (I have played it on hard mode) and there are many different possibilities for the room to be. Overall its a fun game and I’ll be putting more Hours into this and There can be so much more in Future updates.

Real player with 101.5 hrs in game

I recommend the game.

This game has potential and places to grow and branch out, from different monster types to abilities. I was always a fan of these minimalistic game designs that just let you pass the time without having to stress over it.

At first the game seemed like a handful, lots of information but it turned out more simple and fluent in its controls than it seems. Sure its clunky and has some bugs, but is it worth its price? Sure it is! And if you still doubt if you want to buy it check it out on one of the many websites that its on for free!

Real player with 52.6 hrs in game

The Labyrinth on Steam

Loot or Die

Loot or Die

Loot Or Die! is AWSOME! kinda simplistic on the graphics side but, if you are a player that can get over it, this game can be really fun! Its controls are easy to learn, difficult to master. so far no controller support. I got this game for under $2, had i realized how much I’d be playing it, I’d have payed double! The dev’s have engineered a fairly indepth equipment system (many guns, Armours, helmets, and rings) and made it even better by giving some of them magic enhancements. If the Developers stick with this game and keep Expanding/Upgrading/Improving this game, this could actually end up being one of my favorites on STEAM!

Real player with 38.5 hrs in game


This game is awesome, I highly recommend it!

Start off with basic gear, kill things and farm loot!

Standard equipment slots with 2 accessories. The accessories are really cool, basically special abilities you find on each planet (heal, teleport, jump boost, etc). Magic find goes up the more you kill, and you can find augmented items (lifesteal, health regen, movement speed, etc).

Sound effects are well done, and the music goes along perfectly.

I like the design of the monsters, they are unique to their worlds so it’s a really cool dynamic.

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Loot or Die on Steam