ATC Infinite

ATC Infinite

This game is amazing, its great fun for when your bored or when you want to test your brain and being focused and organised.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Logic Management Games.

This game really has a lot problems; some of which are probably unsolvable due to the game design.

First, some pros:

1. The command line design is actually the simplest I have ever seen; this makes controlling a lot easier.

2. The game runs smoothly and has a clean interface.

Now the cons:

Let’s start with something that can be fixed:

1. Graphics error: I see a “discord” button on the airport selection page. (Fixed)

2. Gameplay Bugs: I have experienced problems like collision, even with vertical separation. I have also experienced bugs that planes fail to intercept the localizer even I have guided the plane to the orange line. (Fixed)

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

ATC Infinite on Steam

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine

Episode 2 of the Flyland Wars improves on the formula set by its predecessor. It is still a combat game with an emphasis on strategt. Like the last game, the level is difficult until you’ve practiced and figured out tricks to win it. This episode is more fleshed out than the previous one; more opportunities for combat and an interesting puzzle element, with some surprises waiting for you. The game’s best quality is its dark atmosphere. I was genuinely creeped out at points when I was exploring the mine. The story in the game of how Not Yours Mine came to be is well-written and funny. I recommend Flyland Wars Ep 2 if you’re looking for a quick, gritty, unique combat game with puzzle and horror elements.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Logic Shooter Games.

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine on Steam

Gravity Field

Gravity Field

Seriously ! This game is really making me think. Not only understanding how to navigate the gravity fields in 3 dimensional planes but also the insanity of the Time Reversal mechanic on the right mouse click. This really is a very challenging concept to understand having the ability to reverse time and thus where the cubes are…or were…when you need to be someplace else when the reversed time gets to the right point. I cant really explain it but its twisting my brain in my skull. As of writing this, I have got to level 6 and pondering life trying to imagine time reversal steps before I actually commence. If you want a brain twister with minimal/no guidance or hand holding then go for it. This is the first puzzle game that I have played with a Time Reversal mechanic and I think my head is going to explode !

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Logic Bullet Time Games.

For 4 quid, I can’t recommend this game. I would recommend this game only for puzzlers or game breakers if it was cheaper, so ye… maybe get it on sale.

I completed this in about 90 minutes, and I actually “broke” more levels to reach the exit than I solved, only going back to have another look at a few of the ones that I broke. I spent probably under 3 minutes on most of the later levels after I got used to the physics and graphics because they are so easy to break. I still haven’t tried to figure out how to complete some of the levels as expected, and I’m not sure I will ever bother.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Gravity Field on Steam

Miner Gun Builder

Miner Gun Builder

I enjoy being able to have a second account on my PC to really get to go through the entire early game, it’s pretty fun especially since I know basically all the tips and tricks beforehand lol. But to newcomers, this game can be very confusing with descriptions in some places or some things may not entirely make sense so I HIGHLY recommend joining the Discord server to be able to ask any questions to us (I am Fwuffy Doge). :3

Real player with 271.8 hrs in game

Works as advertised - a surprisingly deep and fun game to just run on the side while doing other stuff. And then you get a new ship and you don’t even realize it took your full attention for an hour. So many details to optimize:

-Raw Damage

-Number of projectiles

-Bullet trajectory




-Critical chance

-More I’m forgetting

And that’s on top of the maze you have to create in each ship to get from the projectile generator over to the gun points. Good stuff.

Admittedly, the UI definitely needs some work. The game itself is almost a puzzle that you unlock as well as you get further, the captains, the endless missions, the random new weapon slot you forgot you can unlock by scrolling down more.

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

Miner Gun Builder on Steam

Brave Hero

Brave Hero

Its real amazing game!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game


Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Brave Hero on Steam

Tower! 3D

Tower! 3D

This is so infuriating. Sick of being deducted 500 points for planes alerts when they take off and land on separate runways. Can never get into positive points tally. That fed up feel like deleting it from my system.

Real player with 92.0 hrs in game

I do enjoy playing the game. But, Why would a game be made that can’t be saved ? if the player has to leave the game. not much you can do, but leave your computer on with game paused. or lose all the time spent playing to start all over again later if you quit the game. this is my main disappointment with Tower 3 D non Pro. Sure glad I didn’t purchase the Tower 3D pro version then find out no save option. I sure hope the developers can do an update and put a save option on the Tower 3 D games.

Real player with 56.1 hrs in game

Tower! 3D on Steam

Flyland Wars: 1 Mountain Climb

Flyland Wars: 1 Mountain Climb

Flyland Wars is more of a puzzle game than a straight-up action game. It only contains one level with two enemies but it took me a long time to figure out how to beat it. You can’t just rush in and killshot the laser like you’d expect, you need to read the stories in the trainer and part 1 to win. If you’re looking for a basic shoot-em-up, this game might not be for you, but if you want the satisfaction of beating what seems to be at first an unbeatable enemy, Mountain Climb may be more up your alley. The developer has prioritized gameplay over graphics, although the main menu UI is improved from the trainer. There are still some bugs and sometimes unresponsive controls, but Mountain Climb is a pretty good $3.99 challenge.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Flyland Wars: 1 Mountain Climb on Steam

Panda in the clouds

Panda in the clouds

Awesome game, the puzzles are greate! And the art is so cute!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Great puzzles, I had brain cramps with the tornados.

Plus, it’s cute :3

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Panda in the clouds on Steam

Microsoft Flight Simulator Game of the Year Edition

Microsoft Flight Simulator Game of the Year Edition

Do not buy this game unless you have an insanely fast internet connection and immense patience

Out of the 180.6 hours I currently have on this game, around 176 of those hours have been spent installing MSFS. To make matters worse, you can’t install the game using Steam- you have to enter an in-game installer that downloads incredibly slowly, if it even downloads at all.

When I first bought this game at release, my installer was bugged and I couldn’t actually complete the download (I always got an error message at random times throughout the download) . I had contacted both Steam and Microsoft support to fix that issue but they both didn’t help at all. A couple months after I’d given up I decided to try and install it again after I saw there was an update and for the first time it actually completed the download. This took several days and effectively commandeered my computer as you can’t close the MSFS launcher without losing all your download progress, and you can’t play other games as the download is very resource intensive. Additionally, despite having internet that’s usually about 20-50mbps down, the download speed for MSFS is more often than not around 3mbps, if not lower.

Real player with 180.6 hrs in game

I do not recommend this game for two reasons. First, and main reason, is that this game is completely server dependent. Without good quality broadband internet connection, you will not be able to even open the game after a few days. Second, Microsoft and Asobo force what seem like work-in-progress and poorly tested upates/content onto their customers. The sim looks amazing under ideal circumstances, but my overall experience to date has been that of a beta release product. It just comes across as corporate greed, trying to save money by not hiring enough testers, instead getting their customers to do all the testing and bug feedback for them. All the while charging for the game as if it was a finished product. I have wasted countless hours trying to fix whatever bugs they’ve introduced each update cycle, just to have new bugs introduced the next time around, and its beyond frustrating at this point. I do not support this system of development and deployment. All I want is for Microsoft/Asobo to make all updates and additional content optional, even if opting out of updates would disable all online functionality of the game.

Real player with 166.1 hrs in game

Microsoft Flight Simulator Game of the Year Edition on Steam

Ashi: Lake of Light

Ashi: Lake of Light

A pretty puzzle game which gave my old brain cells a good workout! I completed all 90 puzzles but the downside is no achievements or cards. A gentle relaxing game which gradually ramps up in difficulty. New mechanics are introduced in each segment and puzzles were quite tricky towards the end.

For the seasoned puzzlers who are good at strategy, this will be easy. But for newcomers, this will be an ideal introduction.

Price is reasonable. Music is lovely, but I turned it off because it distracted my concentration!

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

The best puzzle game I’ve played all year - and I’m someone who obsessively seeks out good, relaxing puzzle games.

Graphics: Simple but gorgeous.

Music: A bit repetitive but very, very relaxing.

Difficulty curve: A gentle introduction to the puzzle mechanics without ever getting boring.

Overall difficulty: Brain-bendingly tough, but never obtuse - and the hardest puzzles are strictly optional.

Controls: Effortless and elegant.

Value for money: Great.

Verdict: Buy it already.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Ashi: Lake of Light on Steam