Have a Blast

Have a Blast

If you are looking for a Retro Arcade Party game this might be the game for you. Its not that fun solo, but played with a group of friends you will Have a Blast! See my youtube channel for my full review and gameplay

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Multiplayer Physics Games.

I played a previous version with friends and with the developer on Gamescom two years ago. I bought it as soon as it was released on steam.

The versus mode is the only mode I played so far, which is already a blast of fun: killing your friends with good moves and lucky shots.

Only downside: There’s only remote play but no pure online play.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Have a Blast on Steam

Laser Paddles

Laser Paddles

I’m glad I got this game. Because, as it turns out, you can add new emotions to bouncing balls with boards 3 and lasers, a lot of lasers!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Had a lot of fun playing this little game with a friend.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Laser Paddles on Steam

Mighty Goose

Mighty Goose

Mighty Goose is a godsend. The current epitome of love letters to Metal Slug with some other on the sleeve nods thrown in. Megaman X to name one & more. None of it feels forced though & I need to stress that. Inspirations are obvious but Mighty Goose is wholeheartedly it’s own thing. Familiar throwbacks are implemented in a fresh way that work for this game first & foremost & it certainly isn’t at all riding on nostalgia. It’s a great & original game because they’ve designed a great & original game. The references aren’t overbearing & are just welcomed gravy.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Multiplayer Side Scroller Games.

It’s a titled goose game and they got guns for hands. Short and sweet, Mighty Goose knows exactly what it wants to be and that is an intergalactic arcade-like action romp with anthropomorphic friends causing a bunch of beautifully satisfying chaos. The particle effects and wonderfully detailed bombast recalls the aesthetic of Metal Slug, which is impressive for seemingly a team of 3 main developers (Richard Lems, Diane De Wilde, and Mathias Kaertev).

On top of the generous checkpointing, variety of Star Fox-like buddies that can tag along, breezy yet varied levels, the freedom to buy weapons and vehicles on the fly makes for some silly scenarios where I can be on a bike with my buddies taking down a whole boss. It reminds me of my favourite moments in Halo where I’m trying to squeeze the warthog into every space and the game respects my player agency. Is it overpowered? Who cares, I got the money for it! The movement options help you be very nimble such as crouch sprint jumps that fling you out of tough situations or being able to hover longer if you keep shooting downwards. It’s a very offensive game so even the defensive ability of honking giving you a shield didn’t seem necessary with how easily you can get out of a pickle. The weapons pack a punch and any game that has a good shotgun is a winner in my books. The game can automatically go into slow-mo when cool shit is popping off much like a Max Payne. When you get the ability to slow down time at your own will, you can enact a screen-filling ballet of carnage that’s as satisfying to carry out as it is to just watch.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Mighty Goose on Steam

Mayor of Defense

Mayor of Defense

  1. I love this game!

  2. It’s arcade Harvest Moon with some Tower Defense.

  3. Its multiplayer!

This game deserves much more attention and love.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Mayor of Defense on Steam

Axis Football 2015

Axis Football 2015

Ok I’m fully supporting these devs because this is really the only way that we are likely to get a good football sim on the PC. EA has exclusive deals with NFL and NCAA and will never port to the PC. MS is trying to make make exclusive deals with 2K so that they can have sports games exclusive to xb1 and MS10. In addition It looks like MS is trying to start yet again their own distribution network for the PC that will only run on xb1 and MS10.

I don’t like this environment where you are being forced to buy a console or upgrade an OS just so you can play games. If you are like me and don’t like the way this is going then you need to support indie developers like this who are really trying to make a difference.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

First off I would like to say that I think the passing mechanic is the best innovation to the football genre in over a decade. I just wish that the rest of the game was as well fleshed out. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had fun with the game, but it feels like it should be in early access or a promotional tool to get a kick-stater going and not something being sold as a finished retail product. Also, it’s awesome that this game supports Xbox One controllers.

For me it just has too many issues to recommend it at $20, which puts it in the same class of competition as games like Rocket League and SuperMega Baseball. But at a discount it is worth checking out but bear in mind it does have a few glitches and bugs here and there.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Axis Football 2015 on Steam

Axis Football 2018

Axis Football 2018

For me, Axis 18 got off to a rough start. At first it was receivers who caught everything even if they were triple covered. Then there was a problem with the run game. CPU teams would finish the game with something like 14 yards in 18 attempts. Then there were issues with the ball not being spotted correctly, or the wrong team getting to choose what happens on a penalty.

And then it all got fixed. The developer listened to his customers and fixed the issues that were reported.

Axis 18 is now a pretty solid football game. The stats are realistic and the game is enjoyable to watch. Yes, I said watch. I play strictly exhibition mode. I watch the games. Occasionally I’ll play in coach mode if I want to call the plays. So I can’t comment on how the game is if you control the players.

Real player with 118.1 hrs in game

I was lucky enough to be able to play the beta for this game and now that the game is out, I bought the game and am more than happy with it. Let me start by saying that the game is developed by a small indie team, but man do they listen to the community! ‘Can you add this or change that?’ Discuss, update, test, done. That’s the attitude that makes a game successful. They had a vision when making the game, but they know gamers have options and the future is looking good for sim football. So here are my thoughts on the game.

Real player with 99.4 hrs in game

Axis Football 2018 on Steam



The bouncing shots and unique environments are cool, but ultimately this local deathmatch gets outdone by towerfall in every aspect.

The singleplayer content is fairly weak. It’s just a series of AI matches (the skins are cosmetic) strung together that can be pretty challenging. The co-op campaign in towerfall, as well as the unlockables, both felt more rewarding. The meat of the game lies in the multiplayer.

The deathmatches can be hectic and the different maps have good variety and lots of fun mechanics such as water that bends shots or slippery ground with spike traps. However, there aren’t any modifiers outside of this. So there are no power ups to add flavor to matches, just the same jetpack, reflecting shield and gun. These mechanics are fun and by no means broken, but they don’t have the same kind of variety.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

ChargeShot is a dynamic game, which bases all about reflexes.

Too bad for the lack of content, and for the price a little high, for the rest nice game, especially in co-op.

(Below is the Italian full review)


In ChargeShot, ogni giocatore è armato di un cannone Pulsar, capace di distruggere qualsiasi cosa.

Utilizza lo scudo di energia per proteggerti, salta con il jetpack per evitare i colpi.

Metti alla prova i tuoi riflessi, con un massimo di altri tre giocatori (nemici, o amici in base alle impostazioni)

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

ChargeShot on Steam

Cygnus Pizza Race

Cygnus Pizza Race

space car go brrrrrr

Okay, meme aside, this game is freaking awesome! Please try the demo and get as addicted as I did! The developers are amazing people and this game is crazy fun! F-Zero, Wipeout, and Hydro Thunder come to mind when playing this, but I never got as addicted to those games whereas this game has its hooks in me. Come race me and try to beat my leaderboard times on the forums!

Real player with 180.8 hrs in game

This game is fast paced, has beautiful graphics, and is very smooth and polished! A lot of effort went into this game, that’s for sure! The steam remote play is a great feature because you can race against your friends for bragging rights without them having to own the game themselves! The music…omg it’s amazing! Very cool music to listen too as you fly around tracks all over the galaxy! For less than the cost of your lunch tomorrow you can get this game, get 11 tracks instantly, 1 new track monthly for all of 2021, and a monthly tournament with cool prizes for the rest of 2021!! So much content! I highly recommend you get this game!

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

Cygnus Pizza Race on Steam



Not many games attempt to fit into those “Painting” domination games, and with the somewhat recent release of Splatoon, it’d be a daring task to try to find another innovation of this obscure genre. However, GoRSD exceeds this goal with flying colors. This action packed puzzle has gotten me at the edge of my seat with its extremely intense gameplay and proves to be an excellent challenge for its players. When you finally finish that level or boss map, its soothing soundtrack and beautiful pixelated environments acts as a nice contrast for you to regain your footing and trek it to the next course. Multiplayer begins in absolute chaos, yet settles once the easy to learn mechanics are mastered by you and your peers. A few fixes could be done, but since this is a new release, there is plenty of time for polish. All in all, GoRSD has been an amazing purchase and I can’t wait for my next multiplayer matchup.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

I really like the game. The farther you get into the game the quicker you have to think and the soundtrack is really good! Great if you want a fast-paced puzzle game

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

GORSD on Steam

Zero-G Gunfight

Zero-G Gunfight

A 2D arena shooter set in outer space where you use your guns to move and kill each other!

Decades of a fragile peace are gone, the weapons of war are being mobilized as even the vastness of space is not big enough for peace.

Prepare yourself for the fast paced arenas of Zer0-G Gunfight where only the best will survive and bring their nations one set closer to intergalactic supremacy!

Zero-G Gunfight on Steam