12 orbits

12 orbits

Wow. Wow, wow, wow. For this price, I have never played a game with this much quality. The 3D graphics are stunning and are sometimes not seen in games worth $5 or more. Again, the game is worth buying just for its quality. Not to mention the control screen is as easy as pressing a button. The game is as simple as that, too! However, we haven’t even gotten to the actual game yet.

So, what is the game, you ask?

This game has 4 different modes with 7 total variations total. Arena and Trails are free-for-all modes, Blizzard and Multiball are team modes, and Arena, Trails, and Blizzard have practice variations. For every mode, there are 7-8 maps you can play on. On these map, there are circles of various sizes and location through it. After you select your button, you can press the button when in the circles to go around them in an orbit (hence “orbits” in the title). When you press your button outside the circle, you dash forward, which can be beneficial or hurtful, depending on the mode. You can always tell the direction of your character by looking at where the arow points. It never breaks physics, but it is helpful for when you have a lot of characters on the screen, and a small bit of color isn’t enough to keep your eye focused. In addition, there are modifications for the four multiplayer modes, giving you flexibility and countless arangements of fun! Lastly, if you are in a circle and an opponent or sphere hits you, your orbit will break unless you hit your button immediately afterwards. Alright, let’s go on to the modes!

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Multiplayer Party Game Games.

TL;DR - A simple look with a simple mechanic. Good amounts of options, yet feels pretty samey after a while. It’s a party game that really tries, but never reaches it’s true potential. 7/10

12 orbits seemed interesting. The ability to play with 12 players with the usage of just a button each is incredible. With simple taps, everyone would take control their character without losing focus on what lies ahead. The concept comes together in four different modes that anyone can get into easily. The major question is, obviously, are these modes even entertaining to play. Personally I had a hard time figuring this out.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

12 orbits on Steam

Takelings House Party

Takelings House Party

Picked this up as it’s one of the few asymmetrical VR games out there. Ultimately, it’s probably the best VR game you could play with friends. The concept is genius and it’s always a fun time when you’re chasing down your friends. It’s fun to replay the levels and there’s a few items/objects to spice things up.

The major downside to this game is simply the content. There’s only 3 levels, and while they’re all fun, I wish there was many many more. This game is so good you just want there to be tons and tons of levels. It only takes maybe an hour to pretty much see all there is to this game. I’ve still got 5x that, purely on replay-ability.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Multiplayer 4 Player Local Games.

We’re a family of 5, ages 6+, and this game is quite a LOT of fun! Yes, it’s only got 3 levels…but to give everyone a chance to play every level in VR just once…that’s 15 rounds across 5 people! This game is NOT overpriced, and will be a family-game-night staple in our household as-is, but I WOULD NOT suggest it with fewer players - this is a PARTY game.

The kitchen level is really really good, though. The attic is really fun while the wall-breaking is really difficult. I suspect that they only get better with more players.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Takelings House Party on Steam



Marooners is a great little party game that you can play with up to 6 players, You can mix local and online players. It is very chaotic because minigames just pauze and change often. It is a blast.

The goal of the game is always collecting coins, A coin is worth 1, A Emerald is worth 5 and a Diamond is worth 10. You can hit other players which disables them for a few seconds. You play trough the minigames and the player with the most coins at the end wins. It is not an easy task, Most of the minigames are very challenging especially with 6 players.

Real player with 104.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Multiplayer Party Games.

[url] Please see my curator page for more games that are worth your time [/url]

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 16h

Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: a lot, but the game is very short.

Has it been in a bundle: Yes

Is there a good guide available: Yes here

How many people have complete this game at the time I’m writing this review: 17 on Astats

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Marooners on Steam

Metal Heads

Metal Heads

I’ve been helping out with testing the game (the online multiplayer) for well over a year now and i have seen a lot of improvements with it so far and it has come a long way since Pax Aus 2019.

The game itself is great fun online (yes there are issues but it is early access and what early access game doesn’t have issues) and even better when playing locally with friends. There are plenty of mini-games to play as well as a bored game mode that allows you to place items on the map to hinder others or yourself if you aren’t careful. The game has a solo Dev and Andy Gillion working on the music for the game.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

The game was for a year on my steam-wishlist, and now it’s released. Yeah, it is buggy … but what else do you expect for a Early Access game? The minigames are really funny, and the game has many potential to be the next big party game. So buy it and support the developer behind the game, so that he can fulfill his vision of the game.

Furthermore he is active on Discord, in contrast to another game in this genre on steam, where the devs are lost, lol.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Metal Heads on Steam

Monster Jaunt

Monster Jaunt

This game has that classic Nintendo couch party vibe. I’ve played it with a few different groups of people, and it seems to work well with both frequent and casual gamers. The minigames have a good amount of variety to them, and there’s enough minigames to give it a plenty of replayability. One particularly nice touch is the adorable art of the hybrid creatures in the game. I’ve fallen in love with the panda/andaconda hybrid"pandaconda" and the fiery otter “magmotter”.

Favorite minigame:

  • Topagrathree

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

I would heartily recommend Monster Jaunt for anyone looking for a new party game.

The mini games give you a variety of challenges that mostly focus on skill and not pure chance. The board game is engaging and yet lightweight enough to be understood at a glance. Nearly the entire game allows for simultaneous play, so you don’t lose engagement while someone else it taking their turn. The Remote Play Together integration works wonderfully, as expected. Being able to play a local game across the country with little detriment is a huge bonus feature for a game like this.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Monster Jaunt on Steam

Audio Party Pack

Audio Party Pack

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 2.0 hrs in game


Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Audio Party Pack on Steam

My Singing Monsters Playground

My Singing Monsters Playground

This game is pretty fun with friends but i wish there was more content, the minigames are fun but there’s only 25 of them. Another issue I had was that there’s only 7 monsters and no online multiplayer. Overall this game is pretty fun by yourself or with friends but it is lacking some content. Hopefully this game gets updated in the future because it has potential.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

I am fan of MSM. And MSM Playground its something new from a sereies of My Single Monster. For now i play this game without friends, but this game is beautiful even without friends. I advise evereyone!

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

My Singing Monsters Playground on Steam




This is a game in which we can face another player at the same computer in different mini-games. There are 40 mini-games, each one different.

The most annoying part of the game is the control. To find out what it is we have to check it in the Steam store. Moreover, it is impossible to change it, so we are forced to play on the control settings imposed on us.

When we have mastered the control to some extent, we will finally be able to play mini-games. They are not very complicated, but for some of them I didn’t know what to do due to lack of control information in the mini-game.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

UNI - Modern Action 52 40

Uni! This game’s about as bad as Action 52, complete with bad control (and backwards binds that defies logic). As of typing this review, I played using the keyboard, and I cannot imagine playing this particular game for a longer time than applicable.

So in general, this game assumes right after starting that you have a second player to back you up (or somoene willing to do Remote Play Together on that particular game). If not, well, you gotta play using both your hands! This is probably half a point: The control schemes allows you to play using both your hands. However, I don’t have 9 fingers in one hand, and so do you.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

UNI on Steam

Minigame Blast

Minigame Blast

I love this game! I’ve been looking for a minigame set. The fact that you can do coop with 8 players is awesome!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Minigame Blast on Steam

Shadow Fencer Theatre

Shadow Fencer Theatre

i was honestly surprised about how fun and addictive this game. definitely something id play frequently.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Video here: https://youtu.be/hoojXLjLkhM . Giving this a mildly positive review here. The graphics, audio, and goofy humor are all pretty much perfect. The main issue I ran into was that the controls are seemingly intentionally clumsy in the vein of games like Stick Fight and Havocado. This works with multiplayer games that you’re just playing with your friends, but it’s not so great in a game that currently only has local multiplayer. It seriously needs proper multiplayer, preferably even four player support if it wants to hang with those games. It’s still somewhat fun in single player, you’ll just pretty rapidly hit a wall where the computer gets way better than you can ever be because of the controls.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Shadow Fencer Theatre on Steam