Regular Human Basketball

Regular Human Basketball


1. There is no single player mode

2. The community is practically dead, you’ll be lucky to find 2 to 4 people online to play with, if any

3. If you do manage to start a match the game play is unfortunately pretty slow and clunky


1. You can play local multiplayer

2. It’s almost interesting as a party game

In summary: Be sure you actually have people to play this with or you won’t even be able to play it at all.


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Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Multiplayer Basketball Games.

This game is absolutely the best. Tiny bit of a learning curve, but I really have no complaints. Fun action, makes you and your friends laugh, runs smooth as butter. Not to mention you can have up to 14 people playing this at once. 14 people. 10 on controller and 4 on keyboard.

I really hope that somehow, someway, this game will get a playerbase so that online matches will exist. There simply isn’t enough people playing to jump into a random online match.

Either way I absolutely love this game. You should definitely buy this game provided you have friends to play them with. (also check out the other powerhoof games. they totally rock)

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Regular Human Basketball on Steam

Stardust Vanguards

Stardust Vanguards

There is no point to buying this game. It’s a local multiplayer game, with no solo campaign or anything to do. Theres a co-op you can solo play but its just fight the same 3 units in the same order for 9 waves on levels with the same background but slightly different obstacles. Theres no online multiplayer. Even if there were the game is boring. You all play the same unit, which can shield, slash, and has a limited number of special shots, and thats it. The worst part is the direction of the slash is the same control as movement, meaning you have to run directly at someone if you want to attack them, which is annoying and counter-intuitive since they can shoot and you melee hit. Theres really no depth as you just use the same 3 abilities. No different abilitities, different characters, etc. Just a bare bones clunky local co-op game, nothing more.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Multiplayer Great Soundtrack Games.

Stardust Vanguards is a great local multiplayer game and a must have for anyone who likes playing with friends locally

I managed to get this game for free through a steam code givaway back around late 2015 and let me just say, it’s pretty good even today. This game has great potential for anyone with a few controllers and some people to play it with. When it comes to local mulitplayer games, this is a must have. Co-op wave based survival with teammates is a blast if you are looking for a bit of a challenge. Not to mention the fact that you can go head-to-head for some versus action, too.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Stardust Vanguards on Steam

Garrison: Archangel

Garrison: Archangel

After hundreds of hours playing this game again and again, allow me to make a review about it.

GARRISON: ARCHANGEL is a Filipino-made 3D Action Mecha Anime-ish Fighting game where you take part in the creation of these mechs called “Archangels” from the provided parts given to you throughout the game. You can either play this game by one, constructing your archangel, and test it against other mechs on either AI, online or multiplayer couch combat, or two, by making your own archangel, and let the AI use it to deal with the other archangels in the game, or the builds given by other players in this game’s Discord channel.

Real player with 1466.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Multiplayer Character Customization Games.

In short: Please send help, I can’t stop building or fighting…

While the game is still in early access and things are being hammered out, improved, and added; I feel compelled to do what I believe is my first ever steam review on this title. If you love mechs, but find the small handfull of Gundam games that have hit the west lacking with their rather shallow gameplay or if you find the customization systems in Armored Core titles overly complex and cumbersome or if you dislike the “simulator” feel that most other mech games seem to have then you’re in luck.

Real player with 482.3 hrs in game

Garrison: Archangel on Steam

Space Overlords

Space Overlords

Space Overlords is a third person top down brawler where you control a giant robot thing and run around a very, very small planet smashing the buildings on it and avoiding trees which are apparently bad for you.

The gameplay is very dry, smashing buildings gets boring quickly. Graphics are ok but not remarkable… at least they’re not pixel graphics. $8 is way too much to pay for something this boring.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Space Overlords by 12 Hit Combo is a hack and slash type of game that does not quite manages to deliver the product desires. At first glance, Space Overlords seems decent at the beginning when you have a choice of picking overlords but unfortunately deals with a significant amount of issues. For instance, the story starts nicely but turns out to be quite generic and simple, followed by the repetitive gameplay in terms of destroying cities. Another issue I noticed was the lack of description in terms of buffs received. It usually resumes to one word which essentially you have to press and essentially guess what happens next. Another issue was the difference between overlords which is supposed to be based on stats but personally I would have never guessed due to the fact that each class seems to be the same. The game in a nut shell is kill all the buildings and destroy the attacking towers.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Space Overlords on Steam

Battle Engine Aquila

Battle Engine Aquila

It’s a genuinely fun and, dare I say, original game with lots of love and attention put into it. You play as a transforming, arguably overpowered super-mech that can lay waste to the battlefield on land and from the air. The battles are nicely simulated and have a good sense of scale (for a game that’s almost 2 decades old), and the over-the-top explosions and general mayhem is surprisingly good for stress relief.

The story campaign will be your main focus in the game. Here, individual missions are graded based on your performance, so there’s some form of replayability. The campaign is highlighted by several exhilarating and creative boss fights, and, though it’s nothing to write home about, there’s also something of a branching storyline.

Real player with 42.8 hrs in game

This is a great game and I loved it when I was a kid. now that I’m an adult I was dying to replay this game as it held such good memories. The nostalgia was amazing and I love the game even more. the flying controls are some of the best I’ve seen in any game and the ground to air transition makes things so easy to keep up with the games fast pace later in the more difficult levels. I would love a remake with how big games get now, I can imagine how awesome the game would be with more levels, detail, more choices for weapons and online multiplayer. it would be so much fun. Alas, that’s unlikely to happen but I have hope.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Battle Engine Aquila on Steam

Mecha Tactics

Mecha Tactics

a complex mechanics driven hidden gem 3

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Only played a few minutes

I like the 4x game with Mecha idea,

but it needs a Tutorial of some sort

I have know clue whats going on

or how to play I know this game has potential

but in think it needs to go back in the oven for a bit.

Any ways not bad for less than the cost of a cup coffee

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Mecha Tactics on Steam

100ft Robot Golf

100ft Robot Golf

This felt more like an anime with interactive bits than a game. At several points matches are ended early with the match finishing in the cutscene. How you do in the matches has no bearing on the story, either, and you’re constantly forced to change character. Each character has a different special ability, but in several cases I couldn’t work out what they did, and it was never explained. I’m sure the anime part is enjoyable if you’re familiar with anime, but I’m not- I just wanted to play golf with 100 foot robots.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Wanted to write something longer, but haven’t played too much and wanted to keep it the review digestable.

I recommend this game with the stipulation that you buy it for $15 or less and enjoy the McElroy’s or cheesy humor meant to mimic the style of 80s/90s anime involving mech pilots, as well have having some friends to play with.

The gameplay is standard enough (it’s golf), only now you’re in mechs and can destroy buildings and try to hinder each other from making shots. Controls are mapped well and feel varying between mechs but are a bit cryptic, since they aren’t really explained anywhere so it’s more trial and error when you first pilot a new one. Special weapons feel nice as well, though, again, they aren’t explained too well. Physics might be a bit too floaty, though we do golf on the Moon and under the sea, so I suppose those are the reasons for it.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

100ft Robot Golf on Steam

Cyber Lemur

Cyber Lemur

This game is a really fun challenge. I don’t typically go for awkward control games, but this game achieves just the right level of difficulty with good pacing. The later levels are really challenging and would take a while to really master! The multiplayer options are where the real fun happens. There’s an element of unpredictability and silliness that balances the challenging controls to make it really fun both when working together to control the same character, or when competing against each other. I would definitely recommend it whether you are looking for a challenge, or just a casual game to play with friends!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

game was pretty fun just hard to control

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Cyber Lemur on Steam

Override: Mech City Brawl

Override: Mech City Brawl

Okay so, Despite the thumbs up there is a lot more to this.

In its current state I cannot recommend this game, depending on what you want from it.

It succeeds in one key aspect. being a party game. For the purpose of playing offline splitscreen with your mates this game is excellent. Through lack of arbitrary restrictions the combat is surprisingly deep if you decide to properly explore it.

Fundamentally this game is fantastic.

However, when it leaves the realm of split screen this game starts falling flat on almost every aspect.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

I’m teetering on recommending this and telling people to flee for their lives until a few updates hit to smooth things over, and that actually punches me in the gut. It’s actually depressing that something that came off as incredibly fun during the beta is leaving me so on edge after release.

To start, the game is just as fun as you’d imagine a giant robot brawler to be. Hits actually feel like hits. When you connect with a charged attack or a nice meaty special, it feels good. The issue here is the hit detection at times. Direct hits will at times just phase through the target with no explanation, and certain moves shift the hitboxes around in the wonkiest ways.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Override: Mech City Brawl on Steam



I adore this game. I grew up playing Metal Warriors and Assault Suits Valken with my older brother, and have had a soft spot for the 2d mecha platformer genre ever since as a result. The asking price is reasonable for the single player content alone, in that it rivals Valken, Leynos, Gunhound etc, and may possibly be my favorite thus.

There are some hidden weapons blueprints in the levels, and sidequest type achievements to bring completionists back for a second playthrough. I was at first worried a bit by the lack of difficulty settings, but the game provides an adequate challenge and feeling of badassery on the first run worthy of its spiritual predecessors. You’ll be OP in the earlier stages of a second run by retaining your end game stats/equipment, but more significantly by having mastered the skills necessary to beat the game at all..

Real player with 72.9 hrs in game

Time for a review after finishing the game! I do a Single and Multi Part. Not too long though. Oh and how it feels.

People who say it feels clunky and such. They just can’t handle high mobility games. Hardcore Mecha gives you a lot of movement options which can be used to dodge or go in close for melee attacks. It feels fluid to me and a great experience controlling the Thunderbolt S. The rest comes in the Multi part.

Single Mode:

The Story is the usual Mecha? Not really when thought about it. There is the usual Fight against the other Organization but you belong to a team of Mercenarys. Which already changes a lot. You only do your Mission and help others if you want to. Or want them Credits… The Bosses are great even if sometimes underwhemling… Like the Final Boss. Should have been way more space and fighting room. And kinda anti-climatic. But still fun to fight! Like against the Crimson Flame which is difficult for a first timer for sure. It’s Melee focus and speed. The rest of the Single mode, when Arcade and such is missing for now. Is still a great experience. I still didn’t find every blueprint either! Gotta get to that. Everthing else. Great. Enemies are never cheaply placed. Even if it feels like that at once. They are never.

Real player with 32.5 hrs in game