Mighty Goose

Mighty Goose

Mighty Goose is a godsend. The current epitome of love letters to Metal Slug with some other on the sleeve nods thrown in. Megaman X to name one & more. None of it feels forced though & I need to stress that. Inspirations are obvious but Mighty Goose is wholeheartedly it’s own thing. Familiar throwbacks are implemented in a fresh way that work for this game first & foremost & it certainly isn’t at all riding on nostalgia. It’s a great & original game because they’ve designed a great & original game. The references aren’t overbearing & are just welcomed gravy.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Co-Op Multiplayer Games.

It’s a titled goose game and they got guns for hands. Short and sweet, Mighty Goose knows exactly what it wants to be and that is an intergalactic arcade-like action romp with anthropomorphic friends causing a bunch of beautifully satisfying chaos. The particle effects and wonderfully detailed bombast recalls the aesthetic of Metal Slug, which is impressive for seemingly a team of 3 main developers (Richard Lems, Diane De Wilde, and Mathias Kaertev).

On top of the generous checkpointing, variety of Star Fox-like buddies that can tag along, breezy yet varied levels, the freedom to buy weapons and vehicles on the fly makes for some silly scenarios where I can be on a bike with my buddies taking down a whole boss. It reminds me of my favourite moments in Halo where I’m trying to squeeze the warthog into every space and the game respects my player agency. Is it overpowered? Who cares, I got the money for it! The movement options help you be very nimble such as crouch sprint jumps that fling you out of tough situations or being able to hover longer if you keep shooting downwards. It’s a very offensive game so even the defensive ability of honking giving you a shield didn’t seem necessary with how easily you can get out of a pickle. The weapons pack a punch and any game that has a good shotgun is a winner in my books. The game can automatically go into slow-mo when cool shit is popping off much like a Max Payne. When you get the ability to slow down time at your own will, you can enact a screen-filling ballet of carnage that’s as satisfying to carry out as it is to just watch.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Mighty Goose on Steam



Step into the role as an investigator under the RE:Solver Agency, a new investigation unit designed to take a fresh look at complicated cases. With your skills and newly granted overreaching privileges, you can access numerous confidential records on essentially anyone. Browse medical records, phone logs, browser histories, and social media to learn everything there is to learn about your suspects.


The game takes place within a fictitious world, quite similar to ours, but with a few key differences. As crime rates are on the rise, a private agency called RE:Solver has sprung up, giving new power in the field of digital forensics. They aid law enforcement around the world by diving in and dissecting the case inch by inch, bringing a fresh set of eyes and vital information to the people in the field.

Nothing will stop a member of RE:Solver to get to the truth. Not rules, not privacy concerns, not ethics.


Use the tools given and dig into every corner of the lives of the suspect. Collect phone records, credit card transcripts, daily habits, and more through the Emerald Network. Browse the game-internal internet for missing people, public records, social media, and more.

Once you have a strong case, you may file them and hope you put the right person behind bars.


This game is based on a series of investigation tabletop roleplaying one-shots written and conducted by Nils Munch during the Covid-19 lockdown. A great thank you to all the players and playtesters taking place in building and polishing up this game.

Creative liberty

While the world seems much like ours, all suspects and the criminal cases you are solving are a complete work of fiction, and any resemblance to any real individuals, living or dead, are purely coincidental. All characters portrayed are generated electronically, and no real people are displayed inside the game.

Read More: Best Local Co-Op Alternate History Games.

RE:Solver on Steam

Retro Wars

Retro Wars


Take on an entire army in this 80s inspired retro top down vertical scrolling shooter.

Be a one man war machine or take a friend into battle for some fun 2 player local co-op.

Rescue POWs before they are executed

You will be heavily out numbered….

You will be heavily out gunned….

Advance through the levels tactically so you are not over whelmed!

Cautiously make your way to the enemy base on each of the 8 increasingly challenging levels and use whatever cover you find to evade enemy fire.

Use grenades to escape if you are pinned down by the enemy troops or trapped by an enemy tank patrol.


Single player and two player couch co-op action

8 campaign levels to blast your way through

4 difficulty modes which can be set independently for each player

Rescue POWs before they are executed in front of you

Parachute munition drops to be collected

Throw grenades at enemies to take out multiple troops at once

Destroy enemy vehicles for bonus points

Customizable joystick sensitivity

Use level objects as tactical cover

Retro 8 directional movement to take you back to the 80s

Read More: Best Local Co-Op Top-Down Shooter Games.

Retro Wars on Steam



We respect your time. Therefore, instead of bombarding you with long, overly detailed descriptions, we will point out the main features of ClockWork. Enjoy your reading!

  • Before starting work in the workshop, you choose the character of Anna or Edward. What’s next? Disassembling watches, choosing matching components, running between workbenches and avoiding obstacles!

  • ClockWork is a dynamic game where you have to fix all your watches before the time runs out. However, please stay calm - this is still a casual game!

  • The game consists of 12 levels that gradually introduce new mechanics, watches or types of obstacles.

  • Although our heroes spend most of their time in their hometown, during the game they will visit several different locations. After all, running a workshop is not only about fixing complex mechanisms. It’s also meeting a lot of interesting people… and talking animals.

  • Additionally, you will be able to complete optional quests. You will meet exceptional customers who have very interesting stories to tell.

  • In addition - cartoon graphics, pleasant music and a large number of references to pop culture. What more could you want?

And that was it. See you at the workshop!

ClockWork on Steam

Deadbeat Heroes

Deadbeat Heroes

Have given this game a thorough workout since release and really enjoyed it.


  • Beautiful, 3D retro-superhero comic book style with more than a nod to Kingsman;

  • Compelling combo-points scoring mechanic;

  • Ability to steal super powers from villans and use them;

  • Wide range of challenging baddies to fight;

  • Great animation and variety of moves;

  • Cracking script with plenty of gags and hilarious voiceovers;

  • Local co-op is a blast.


  • Controls can sometimes be a touch unresponsive;

Real player with 92.5 hrs in game

Deadbeat Heroes, a game that will give you a heroic feeling once you finish it! Unless you play in co-op - not expecting the game to get harder when another player joins … - I wouldn’t recommend this game to :dea:dbeats: the bosses are surprisingly easy, and even the final boss, Prime Sinister, is (relatively) easy, but especially the last 2 chapters took me some time to successfully complete (taking into account the required grade/score) – 10-2 & 10-3 being brutally hard in my opinion. What plays a part as well in this, are the visual explosions; it’s all very aesthetically pleasing, but that makes it harder to not get hit by hordes of enemies. Since you need to aim for a bunch of combos for the grade, being careful is rarely an option to compensate the hit chance, so there’s a bit luck involved here and there – fortunately not calling it a game that requires trial and error, because I’d estimate it’s 40% responsiveness, 30% tactics, 10% accuracy (feels like there’s an ‘aiming assist’), 10% luck & 10% fearlessness (there’s a lot at stake after some progress due to the lengthier missions, and completion = fail if you don’t achieve the required grade).

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Deadbeat Heroes on Steam

Mayor of Defense

Mayor of Defense

  1. I love this game!

  2. It’s arcade Harvest Moon with some Tower Defense.

  3. Its multiplayer!

This game deserves much more attention and love.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Mayor of Defense on Steam

Manual Samuel - Anniversary Edition

Manual Samuel - Anniversary Edition

I would like to recommend this game, really, but the final act totally ruins the experience, bringing everything to a grinding halt for what is otherwise a humor and story driven game.

It’s got fair-to-ok humor, lots of jokes that reminded me of the old Diskworld games, especially with the narrator interactions. However the humor is clearly targeting men, as the jokes are mostly physical humor, denigration and toilet laughs. Samuel literally pisses all over himself, and repeatedly vomits as a function of the game, which often comes across as lazy humor.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

What is Manual Samuel ?

For a game that started pretty well with a funny sense of humor and a nice personality, its a huge shame it felt so hard on its face, Manual Samuel presents itself as a overconfident indie game but everything is just so pretentious and kinda mediocre towards the end, in fact after the initial moments the game started losing momentum, for a game that presented itself as something refreshing and well-done early to become something so boring and uninsteresting so fast was a huge shame, lets talk about why below.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Manual Samuel - Anniversary Edition on Steam

Super Retro Fighter

Super Retro Fighter

This review is not final as the game is still in Early Access (v 0.9.7 beta at the time of the review). It may change to a positive review, depending on future changes, rebalancing and additions and I do believe that it has the potential to become a very fun game.

Super Retro Fighter is an individual stages vertizontal shmup that is intentionally designed to be frustrating. So far, it only has one mode. While it’s called Arcade Mode, it lets you select an individual stage to take on. You unlock one after another and gain upgrade points based on your performance that you can spend on extra ships, bombs and shot power. These will certainly aid you but the trial and error remains.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Really fun game. It has an 80’s retro vibe to the music which is pretty awesome.

There is 3 ships to choose from and each one is unique for different guns to accomodate different playstyles.

Some stages that can get pretty frustrating but at least you can stage select to retry same stage as often as you want.

Also, there is a system to make your ship stronger , buy more lives, etc.

Controls: It feels responsive using a gamepad.

I use a Dual Shock 4 wired with USB cable and game recognizes at a PS4 controller.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Super Retro Fighter on Steam

Air Forte

Air Forte

It’s a good game for kids with educational value. However, the controls and the stutter in the graphics can make the game very difficult to play. It’s also very short and can be beaten in less than 1 hour. There are more things to do than the main adventure, but the interest levels are low. Achievements are broken.

Edit - Go into the game folder in Steam/Steamapps/Common/Airforte/Data and copy the steamwrapper.dll and rename it to steamwrap2.dll. This will make the achievements work.

Edit - Fixed the stutter in the graphics by installing the new OpenAL to help fix sound issues as well. For some reason this solved the problem. I found the file here. http://www.openal.org/creative-installers/

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game


  • Absurdist humour setting

  • Jumpin’ soundtrack

  • It’s educational!


  • Solutions are debateable

  • Pretty short game

  • Full controller operation not supported

  • Steam trophy integration partially broken (fixable)

Air Forte is an educational game where you and up to three friends take control of little airplanes and collect floating tokens that match a specific requirement for each mission. The missions are either number missions (e.g. collect tokens showing multiples of 3), word type missions (e.g. collect all the verbs) or flag missions (e.g. collect all the European flags). The main story is framed as a children’s comic-book with crazy jungle characters and a flying ace hippopotamus. Along with the surf-themed music the whole package is quite cute.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Air Forte on Steam

Cliché Adventure

Cliché Adventure

Main info:

Cliché Adventure is an open world top down adventure game. It can be played as single player, or with a friend. The game has five unique regions joined by a hub world. Each area contains an over world, a cave system, and a temple to explore. There are Six main boss fights, and twenty mini bosses. The five main temples can be completed in any order. After collecting the five Doodads of Destiny, you can take on the finale boss in his vile fortress.


After unlocking the Doodad of ice, you can send monsters to the museum by freezing them. Each area contains different monsters to collect. If you freeze one of each monster, you will unlock the fabulous golden hero sword! which will one shot anything in the game. Step on the reset switch in the grave yard to replay the main quest with all of your upgraded gear, and spells.

Cliché Adventure on Steam