Couch Monsters

Couch Monsters

I can highly recommend this game. I had a lot of fun playing it with my boyfriend and friends. The game has a very cute artstyle and the puzzles are great. The levels vary from easy to difficult, so the game keeps challenging you (in a good way) and never gets boring.

If you are looking for an uplifting game to play with your folks, couch monsters is for you!

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Co-Op Family Friendly Games.

I had a lot of fun playing the game together with my girlfriend!

There are really great puzzles in this game, any Portal player will probably love it and be familiar with the mechanic even though it is definitely a different take on it! ;)

I also love that there are so many interaction possibilities between the two players (being able to swap to try the other half of the choreography, as well as the little idle animations, as well as the “showing tool”).

I really recommend this game if you have someone you like to solve puzzle with. :)

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Couch Monsters on Steam



Hey everyone and this is my review about the game!

I want to thank a friend of mine named “Magitek Roboshark” for the free key to this game.

Thank you so much ^w^.

This is a puzzle game.


  • There are many different resolution sizes available.

  • You can only play the game in fullscreen.

  • There is no Advanced graphics available.

  • There is no color blind mode available.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Co-Op Dark Games.

I really wish that Steam would have a neutral rating possibility, because after finishing it in coop and single player and getting all the achievements, I’m pretty torn about it. Would I recommend it? To myself in hindsight, no, to other players with different expectations, maybe, but under heavy caveats. But let me elaborate.

Morkredd is a meanwhile pretty standard Unity coop physics-puzzler with light&shadow-mechanics. You can pretty much get a good impression of the gameplay in the trailers, stay in the light and avoid the shadows of the environment as well as of your coop partner while moving a large ball of light through the levels. Visuals are at most times pretty bleak but serve their purpose, with a handful of some short more interesting sequences strewn in (about once per level). Sounds are few. Most of the game isn’t really hard in coop, puzzles are obvious, skill- or time-based sequences aren’t too demanding. You’ll probably die a lot anyway (some sequences, especially at the end can get annoying), but there are a lot of checkpoints. Single player is also doable, but only if you’re used to controlling the left and right analog stick simultaneously (one stick controls one character) which can get confusing in-between (there’s a button to switch characters’ sides on the fly, but it doesn’t really help when characters have to pass above and below each other). Like all reviews say, the game definitely is very short, should take 2-3 hours at a maximum (depends on how often you die).

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Morkredd on Steam



The concept and core gameplay of this game is fantastic and the presentation is super smooth. That said, the lack of content is really fatal for any hope that I could recommend this. You get to the final level really quickly. Another review said 5 hours but I’m pretty sure it took me much less than that. After that all you have to do is to try and get a high score on a very boring endless mode. I stuck with it for a long time but that was mostly because of how easy it was to pick up and the fact that I had very little else to play at the time. It’s kind of felt like drawing blood from a stone ever since I beat the final level. For this price point there’s loads of other puzzle games you can get that have far more content in them. Albeit none of them scratch the same itch this game does, which is why I’m honestly more disappointed than I ordinarily would be. If they released a substantial expansion to this game to add extra content it might be worth it, but as it stands you’ll get bored pretty quickly.

Real player with 179.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Co-Op Arcade Games.

This game is very similar to a free mobile game called Ballz (I don’t know which came first or if Ballz was an original idea anyway, but whichever of the two came second was either drawing direct inspiration from the other or they are both drawing from an earlier inspiration), but I think it justifies its cost because just about every difference between it and Ballz is an improvement. The rounded corners allow for some level of strategic skill shots while still being pretty chaotic, and the way that some pieces will fall if the piece below them is removed adds a layer of strategy as well. It doesn’t take very long to buy out all the upgrades and reach the endless level, and the upgrades aren’t wildly interesting; I think the simple gameplay is sufficient, but it almost makes me feel like the game should’ve skipped the whole phase before you have all the upgrades. The one quality of life improvement I wish the game had is a faster restart after you lose (or even win), since all the ui animations etc. you see (and especially watching your collected gems move to your wallet) feel like they detract from the pick-up-and-play, arcadey immediacy of the game for me.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

holedown on Steam

Brunch Club

Brunch Club

I have never played a game that has been as infuriating as Brunch Club right from the start of the first level, but I can’t seem to stop playing it. The game is inventive and unique, challenging and fun, and I find myself saying ridiculous things which makes for a good laugh (I JUST WANT TO BUTTER THIS TOAST. C’MON BURGER WHY WOULD YOU MOVE THAT WAY?! HOW DO I CRACK AN EGG?!). I’ve actually gifted this to two other people because I like it so much and I want to play multiplayer with them as I think it’ll be even more fun!

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Really fun and challenging even solo. Interesting concept with plenty of different challenges.

I found myself failing multiple times at the beginning but I started getting more creative and despite multiple failures I really enjoyed finding new ways to approach the challenges.

I can imagine it would be even better with others and i can imagine it would be absolute chaos (which only makes it more fun).

Seems like a really well put together game and I appreciated the extra thought that went into the little things like the difficulty levels being defined in a more fitting way than Easy Normal Hard.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Brunch Club on Steam

TrackMaster: Free-For-All Motorsport

TrackMaster: Free-For-All Motorsport

Okay, this game is simple. but bloody brilliant imo.

Its just plain old racing sandbox fun

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

this game is really cool but their needs to be a first person

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

TrackMaster: Free-For-All Motorsport on Steam

Cyber Lemur

Cyber Lemur

This game is a really fun challenge. I don’t typically go for awkward control games, but this game achieves just the right level of difficulty with good pacing. The later levels are really challenging and would take a while to really master! The multiplayer options are where the real fun happens. There’s an element of unpredictability and silliness that balances the challenging controls to make it really fun both when working together to control the same character, or when competing against each other. I would definitely recommend it whether you are looking for a challenge, or just a casual game to play with friends!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

game was pretty fun just hard to control

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Cyber Lemur on Steam

Octodad: Dadliest Catch

Octodad: Dadliest Catch

This game was over hyped, over praised and given way too much exposure. It just barely lasts an hour and a half. You could probably boost an extra hour on to that if you want to find ties but that’s only if you really feel like you need to.

A lot of people say that this game is “laugh out loud hilarious” and while I understand that humor is subjective I didn’t find myself laughing like everyone else. Every now and then I’d crack a smile.

Something I hear being thrown around a lot by Octodad fans and journalists is that this game is just so “fresh”. The controls are “bad”. It’s hard to move Octodad, which of course as we all know it’s designed to be this way. Doing mundane tasks such as mowing the lawn or making coffee is now apparently “hilarious” because we can’t control our character. Don’t get me wrong, I like this idea too and it’s fun seeing Octodad flail all over the place but it gets stale fast. So, sure, Octodad is “fresh”, but that freshness lasts about as long as leaving a slice of bread on the counter (i.e not long).

Real player with 53.9 hrs in game

You are a family man, looking after your wife and kids, doing all sorts of every-day tasks such as mowing the lawn or going food shopping, and taking a trip to the aquarium. The only catch? you are an octopus. You can’t let anyone find out so you must act as human and casual as possible.

With fun and goofy controls to control Octodad’s tentacles to get by without anyone knowing is definitely great fun, and mixed with a fun storyline with some great dialog, it was a real treat to play. What makes this game even more fantastic is the ability to play co-op with 2 to 4 people with each person controlling a limb or two! This makes for a great couch co-op experience, and greatly adds to the challenge of the game. Hidden ties help you to constantly search and explore, and the wonderful achievements give some extra challenges along the way. A thoroughly enjoyable experience, especially with a partner.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Octodad: Dadliest Catch on Steam

PixelJunk™ Shooter

PixelJunk™ Shooter

PixelJunk Shooter is a twin-stick shooter, with a very big focus on physics (specifically fluids). While exploring the underground caves of a planet, you’ll have to interact with lava, water, liquid metal, ice and rock in order to save the scientists who are now trapped.

The story is basically that. You’re in a ship, trying to save every scientist. And also collecting hidden gems. Whole it may seem a game about exploration, it didn’t quite get to that point, in my opinion. But more on that later.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

PixelJunk Shooter is, as the name suggests, a shooting game. You control a yellow ship which is sent to help out some scientists on a planet in which after alot of digging something went wrong. The story is told when you rescue certain survivors, colored ones, which upon pickup will show up a text screen telling something that happened previously during the excavations. You progress through the game by picking up gems and survivors which will then unlock new areas for you to play. Gameplay wise the ship control is really smooth and satisfying with a some pretty decent shooting, your ship has 2 standard attacks, one that shoots projectiles if you keep tapping the attack button and if you hold it down you’ll launch homing missiles. The level design and the visuals are pretty well done, considering it’s a 2D game and as you progress to later levels the difficulty really ramps up at a fair pace keeping the game challenging even when you already master the game. Besides having to kill enemies on each level and rescuing survivors and gathering gems you’ll find yourself most of the times trying to solve some sort of puzzles in which you need to manipulate various type of terrain either it is ice or rock and liquids such as water and lava or even gas or deadly black goo. Overall PixelJunk Shooter is a pretty fun game to play when you’re bored or if you’re looking for something casual, you can easily beat it in around 6 hours or so and it’s a pretty good time. If you’re a fan of PixelJunk games you’ll probably also enjoy this one and if you do enjoy this one but haven’t played Monsters or Eden you should totally check those two.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

PixelJunk™ Shooter on Steam




Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

The game is really cool, reminds me somehow of rocket league. Worth a try.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Soccering on Steam

Tales of the Tiny Planet

Tales of the Tiny Planet

A challenging physics puzzle. World 5/6 are very hard, especially marathon mode achievements are annoying. Still cute and enjoyable.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

A very enjoyable game!

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Tales of the Tiny Planet on Steam