Death Squared

Death Squared

I freaking love this game. Writing a review partially because this game deserves an “overwhelmingly positive” and I’d like to help take it there. I’ve played with 4-5 people in the party mode for a dozen or so levels, and done half the main levels so far playin' with my dad. In terms of a puzzle game, yes, does the job, makes you think, then makes you think in a completely different way, very satisfying.

I think what most makes this game stand out for me is the fun in the actual death and failure, especially playing with someone else. Sometimes you get some deaths in just for fun and to see the animation and dialogue…and to annoy your partner, of course….

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Co-Op Family Friendly Games.

A simple idea well executed, a funny co-op puzzle experience.

Co-op puzzle

In Death Squared you must cooperatively solve puzzles. Each player has a cube-character that can only move, there is no other function. Each player has to move to their respective endpoint to solve the puzzle. Along the way you have to stand on switches to change the level, dodge lasers tied to one character, stand on each other’s head to serve as bridge, not die, and most importantly not kill the other! This is a typical game to just start playing! Play only co-op though. You can control two characters with a keyboard, so a perfect snuggle game! Although… it will most probably start a fight…

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Death Squared on Steam

Color Breakers

Color Breakers

Color Breakers is a cute and fun co-op game that feels like a mix between Overcooked and Splatoon. The best moments are definitely when you play 4 player couch co-op and you can see the chaos of trying to coordinate and complete a level with your friends.

The different levels add a lot of variety and randomness to the game, which leads to some very funny moments. In one level you might be dodging cars in the middle of the highway while trying to complete a painting and in another level you are running away from lions that are trying to eat you.

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Local Co-Op Party Games.

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Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Color Breakers on Steam

I Borrow

I Borrow

You borrow stuff from your surroundings. Nothing more.

In the game you find yourself in situations where you need stuff but the only way to get it is borrowing it unnoticed. People around you are very tolerant, but their tolerance runs out quickly if you are caught borrowing their stuff!

Gameplay mechanics:

Pick up required objects and take them home without being noticed. If you are noticed you will lose trust and the owner will take back his stuff. Once you run out of trust points, you have failed the level. When you bring objects home, you can complete given objectives, for example collecting 3 chairs or building a house out of 4 walls.


Picking up objects

You can pick items like, a chair, lamp, wall, etc.

Building houses

Assemble your dream house with the walls you borrowed

People protect their stuff

They don’t really want you borrowing their property

Blocking people with objects

When they get annoying

More stuff to do

  • Hiding from people with objects that you took

  • Collecting items in the goal area

  • Local multiplayer

Read More: Best Local Co-Op Tactical Games.

I Borrow on Steam

Jumping Joe! - Friends Edition

Jumping Joe! - Friends Edition

Was a fun casual game even with friends.

However, there’s no twist when someone is just good than the others. He will always win.

Hope to see something new regarding that in the future.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Great party game. I recommend using gamepad for it

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Jumping Joe! - Friends Edition on Steam

Super Bunny Man

Super Bunny Man

Say what you want about this game, it is undeniably unique for what it is.

The bizarre. The unexpected. You keep asking yourself “Why” and “How” to all questions below:

  • ___ was this made?

  • ___ is it a game?

  • ___ am I playing this?

  • ___ is it the best thing ever?

…and so on.

Seriously, now. I’ve purchased a few controllers recently for local multiplayer, along with some party games, this being one of them. I’ve played with several different groups of friends, and this is among the most memorable ones, because it is simply unexpected. Weird premise, simple controls, constant “What is going on?” feelings, endless laughter, this game is a masterpiece for what it is. And of course, it’s not for everyone. Graphics are simple, fast to clear all stages if you’re savvy enough, but that is not what this game’s about. This is about the wacky stuff, it’s about the catchy-as-hell menu music, about showing it to your friends and seeing their reaction, about laughing yourself off at the fall death sound, about never having the slightest idea of what you’re trying to accomplish, but ending up doing something impressive anyways(not usually though, most times it’s just a funny failure).

Real player with 44.2 hrs in game

I find this game to be a pretty challenging physics platformer. The controls take a little getting used to, but the stages help learn the motions used to get throughout the game. Co-op is a ton of fun, however both players need enough coins to progress in the later levels. The first half of levels can be done pretty easily co-op, but the later levels I recommend playing solo. Getting the speed challenge with two players can be quite challenging. The party mode, i hardly even touched. I only had one other person to play with so we could only do 1v1s. Though having 4 players total would probably be quite fun. I had quite a fun time mastering the game and finally collecting all 120 coins. I hope to see more updates in the future or a SBM2.

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

Super Bunny Man on Steam

Cyber Lemur

Cyber Lemur

This game is a really fun challenge. I don’t typically go for awkward control games, but this game achieves just the right level of difficulty with good pacing. The later levels are really challenging and would take a while to really master! The multiplayer options are where the real fun happens. There’s an element of unpredictability and silliness that balances the challenging controls to make it really fun both when working together to control the same character, or when competing against each other. I would definitely recommend it whether you are looking for a challenge, or just a casual game to play with friends!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

game was pretty fun just hard to control

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Cyber Lemur on Steam



Play with 4-10 players online to neutralize one or more traitors among the crew members. Exposing the traitors is vital, otherwise the crew will die!

Objective: Complete all tasks or Discover the Traitor!

  • The task of the team is to complete all the tasks or find all the traitors.

  • We must act quickly, otherwise the enemy will arrange a diversion.

  • Track and observe other team members to identify the traitor.

  • Instantly collect a vote after the discovery of a body.

  • When voting, you must cast your vote to expel the suspect.

Objective: Kill of the crew or Destroy Equipment!

  • The task of the traitor, prevent the team from completing tasks or kill all team members.

  • Merge with the team, so you won’t be discovered.

  • Use the robot assistant to sabotage.

  • Break the security system and the room will become a trap.

  • Shut down the crew’s vital equipment.

  • Use shelters to stay unnoticed.


  • Quickly find a game online from the host list.

  • In-game text chat.

  • Quickly single game with bots.


Foodtruck Arena

Foodtruck Arena

Very fun driving game where you have to push a giant tomato in to gate to get scores using a food seller trucks, every truck has a unique special weapons, very fun is 2 on 2 , lots of crashes and special weapon uses, has cute and cool plot between characters driving trucks. The matches sometimes happen in rain and strong wind, it makes arena slippery and wind can push tomato in random directions while it sent flying, also arenas have various versions with uneven ground, bumps and obstacles.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Much better than Rocket League. I am hands down the best North America FoodTruck Arena player. Soon to go pro. Come at me


Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Foodtruck Arena on Steam

Moustache Mountain

Moustache Mountain

A short and succint platforming game. Lovely pixel art and that is to be commended on. You are navigating a character that is burly + presumably has muscular legs that can propel him very far, but runs a 15 min mile. He is faster jumping/hopping than running…

Things that may aggravate you 1) having to restart from the very beginning after 3 mustaches are lost. Perhaps at say level 6, a check point, then level 12 another one? 2) Smoother/more reactive wall jumping. The concept of wall jumping is great as it offers more flexibility and variable game play into a platforming game. But when you wall jump in this game, you almost have to button mash to jump off the wall before you slide off the wall (because you slide very fast - gravity!) and into your most likely death. So it becomes less focusing on how to wall jump to a specific location, but more button mash and hope you make it after that. Although, enough gameplay, this should be remedied. 3) No way to replenish a lost mustache. I finished it with only one lost at the last level, but for the less capable gamer, having a way to replenish a lot life due to a learning mistake or mis-jump later on in the game would be nice. Granted, continuously play throughs will get you used to each map and you will be able to finish the game easily in the end.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

I love to support indie developers, and so I pick up a lot of their games. Moustache Mountain is an example of this, and I tried really hard to like it. I really did. But even at a low price, the flaws in this game far outweigh the positives.

Now, let me be fair up front and say that I’m not a big platformer guy. I know, that spells bias right there, but I can get on board if there are some interesting mechanics. And that’s the problem here – the mechanics are just boring. One can argue that this is intended to be an NES-throwback, retro experience, but I more get the feel that the game is being limited by either the developer’s experience level or a game builder platform used to create it. In any case, while the levels are “randomized” (they’re not randomly generated, but merely picked at random from a pre-selected set), none of them are very interesting, and you beat the game if you get past level 15. I found a lot of the challenges to be cheaply frustrating, like having to jump around a ledge/overhang while you’re trying to bounce up the wall. Maybe my lack of platforming prowess is what was holding me back, but I usually had to try 10-12 times to complete this manuever, only to die on some spike once I got past it, and then start over from the beginning of the level again.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Moustache Mountain on Steam

Petoons Party

Petoons Party

Competently made Mario Party-like, slightly marred by the wildly varying difficulty levels of mini games

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

oh wow, i knew this would be bad, but wow

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Petoons Party on Steam