From what I have gathered, this game is somewhat controversial. I have 3 playthroughs now, looking forward to a 4th, and I would like to bring up a few points and offer my opinions, that potential players might have a better perspective on the game beforehand. This review will be quite lengthy, for there is a lot to cover, even scratching the surface as I am. I assure you there are no story spoilers.

Journey - The game is very linear. The first 80% of the story takes you on a singular path from one locale to the next, with little deviation, before it opens up into the main side-questing hub. (Firsttime players: at this point, I strongly advise following the map and pressing on with the main story for the best experience; there will be plenty of time later to complete this content, and you will be much better prepared.) Those of you looking for a cohesive, story-driven rpg that will keep you glued to your controller for 40 hours before you even get to the endgame, look no further.

Real player with 956.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Linear Fantasy Games.

God have mercy on my soul

This is without a doubt the most difficult review I’ve ever written, but this game is so fascinating from multiple perspectives; I’ve challenged myself to throw my hat into the ring and explain why I resonate with it despite the overt shortcomings.

It’s my Focus, really.

FFXIII is a game that was fraught with a lot opposing views amongst Square Enix’s devs on how to create a “perfect hybrid” between inputting command-based strategies for party members whilst being simultaneously cinematic akin to the battles found in FFVII: Advent Children, an animated film adaption of the highly adulated FFVII.

Real player with 134.8 hrs in game


Indie Game: The Movie

Indie Game: The Movie

Main Feature:

A candid look into indie game development. We follow Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes of Team Meat through uncertain times during the development of Super Meat Boy. From the insane three month crunch to finish their project to Microsoft’s careless handling of their release, it’s a harrowing journey. We also follow Polytron’s Phil Fish and the drama spiral that surrounds him. He struggles to release Fez, his passion project in development for nearly 5 years, despite a bevy of roadblocks. Like him or hate him the film provides an honest look at the personal difficulties and pressures that affected the game’s turbulent development. Fish seems open and vulnerable here, far separated from the man making headlines for inane, egotistical comments. There are also interviews with other indie developers, such as Jonathan Blow (Braid) who provides some unique insight into the indie movement and how developers try to connect meaningfully with their audience.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Linear Emotional Games.

The struggling artist is a trope that we’re all familiar with, but most of us don’t associate it with video game developers. That is pretty understandable because until 2009 or so the only games we saw were big-budget games being put out by large corporations. With the indie game scene exploding in the last few years, it became much more obvious that there were people making games purely out of passion; people who put their financial stability and reputations on the line to create something beautiful. And that’s art.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Indie Game: The Movie on Steam



A good story that can make player’s sticked into it, and keep playing to the end.

Player would probably get complex emotions througout the whole story, from depress, anxious, anger, to relief.

The writer of the story put a lot of afford in descripting character’s psychological thought, which made the character nice.

The BGM of the game is AMAZING, suiting the story very well.

The Graphics of the game isn’t that appealing, but acceptable. Some of the background CGs do actually scared me with the combination of story and BGM all together.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Linear Mystery Games.

I had just posted a review on this just a bit ago, but after some thought, I think this should only be recommended to people familiar with visual novels and have the patience to overlook the countless grammatical errors and subpar translation.

I did finish the game. In one session even. I engrossed myself in the story enough to overlook the errors. The plot had some good twists and the game kept me guessing til the end. However, there also tend to be some pretty big plot holes/unanswered questions

! like why it seemed like after the father was absorbed, it went straight to an elementary school instead of, for example, his previous place of work? And if it was because of the stench of negative emotion, why was everyone there so miserable?

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

SOULS on Steam

Maze Slider

Maze Slider

Nothing special, but ok for the price.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Maze Slider on Steam

The Mark of Robot

The Mark of Robot

Truly, the Half-life of our generation. This game is perfect and has no flaws. The control are sharp, the level design is outstanding. The multiples boss fights are diverse and dynamics. The story made me cry at multiple occasion and truly ask complicated and deep question. In short, this is the most immersed I have been playing a game in quite a while.

10/10 Greater than the Bible itself.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

It was just man all along, him want 6:10 to love JESUS! YES JESUS. Damn good geam 10/6:10

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

The Mark of Robot on Steam

fault - milestone two side:above

fault - milestone two side:above

I have read the 日本語(Japanese) version and this is a review of Fault Milestone Two:Above, a Fantasy;Science fiction Visual Novel, a direct continuation of Fault Milestone One.

Developed by ALICE IN DISSONANCE and translated by Sekai Project.

The Visual Novel starts off with a recap movie of Fault Milestone One as a refresher and continues off from Fault Milestone One left off where Selphine change her personality, to a more ruthless personality that is a consequence of the combination of her lineage, a defense mechanism that comes with “Path-Down”(Empress Syndrome).

Real player with 120.2 hrs in game

I just realized recently that I hadn’t written a review for this milestone, so I thought I might as well now. If you couldn’t already tell from the hours I’ve invested into this VN, I’m a super big fan of the fault series, so I’m always trying to get more people into playing this series. So if you’re interested in hearing me ramble on about what I love about fault, be my guest!

One of the first things that caught my eye about fault was the story: it’s incredibly well-written, and you can tell that the team behind this really put forth a lot of thought into the universe it’s set in. On that note, the characters are arguably one of my favorite aspects of this series; it’s very refreshing to see female characters that are portrayed realistically in this genre, that I as a female can relate to. Ritona, one of the main protagonists of this series, is someone who I can really resonate with, and I’m grateful I had the privilege to play this VN to discover her wonderful character. All the countless other characters have a wealth of depth to them, so you will hardly get bored just reading about predictable “flat characters” that lack an interesting backstory or motivation.

Real player with 112.7 hrs in game

fault - milestone two side:above on Steam

planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~

planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~

Planetarian The Reverie of a Little Planet

Hmmm, so coming into this VN I didn’t know what to expect, I had heard quiet a lot about it but I was hearing a lot of mixed impressions, however I was pleasantly surprised to find what a great story it had, it was a very interesting read; and suffice to say I have reread this VN many times.

The Story is based long after a great war that left the world in darkness, most if not all life gone, acid rains ever covering the planet in an erosive downpour.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

So, this is another key’s sadness visual novel, I have played Clannad and watched Clannad, Air, Kanon, and many key’s animes. This time key brings us a sadness but thoughtful story with a robot girl whose name is Hoshino Yomemi, which means the beautiful dream of the stars. I have read the whole Planetarian novels after played this game, so that I know the whole world of this novel series.Yomemi is a lovely girl, I DON’T think she is a ROBOT, but a HUMAN with all the beauties and she stands for the brightness of humanity. She is innocent and just like a child. Human destoried everything but she still believed that everything will become fine one day. I think the precious memories of Yomemi are the most moved part of this novel and I cried for nearly 2 hours after I watched that part. After played this game, I thought a long time, why human beings began to kill each other? Maybe they lost their emotions like love and mercy. After all, all these loves and mercies are given to Yomemi and she became the hope of human maybe. Though her body dead in the end, but her spirit was taken by us. By the way, the next novel called Man of Stars(maybe, I read this story in Chinese), in that story, our main character became a old man and show other people the beauty of stars, just like what Yomemi was done to him, and finally in a small village in South America, he dead with another robot which the same type of Yomemi, in that time, the South America was covered with ice and people could hardly survive. In that village, our main character teached 3 children many things of stars, knowledges, and some past stories. It’s a sad end. Human couldn’t avoid disappearing from this planet, but our spirit, our love, the dream of heaven, the heaven that won’t be seperated, the hope, won’t disappear.Actually, I think this game worth this price, in my opinion, it’s even more worth than 60$, it makes us to thought what’s the true love, what’s the humanity, and I think it’s even more thoughtful than some text book.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~ on Steam

Super Bounce Ball

Super Bounce Ball


Epileptic flashing whenever you die, and no epilepsy warning at the start. I don’t even have epilepsy and I want to get through this game but it’s making me feel sick enough that I have to stop playing.

All of the colors' hues on screen rapidly invert when you die.

This game is a hazard. I got this game in a bundle so I didn’t see the trailer on this game’s store page that shows that this flashing happens whenever the player dies. I tried closing my eyes whenever the flashing happens, but the colors are bright enough that it shines through eyelids so it didn’t help much.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Super Bounce Ball on Steam

Umineko When They Cry - Question Arcs

Umineko When They Cry - Question Arcs

Ryukishi07, you sadistic bastard, I love you.

Before getting this one, I would recommend you to at least try to read the Higurashi When They Cry series. They’re amazing visual novels that have some connection to Umineko’s plot. Don’t worry, they’re not required, but they’re also great stories that, if you finish them, you’ll have a whole different view on some of Umineko’s important characters.

Umineko is a story about sin, punishment, guilt, trauma and especially love. Written by Ryukishi07, who had experience as a social worker, it’s a mystery in it’s core, but not entirely. The content ranges from bittersweet love stories to chuuni fantastic logic and reasoning battles, where arguments take form as weapons. How can you have so many different kinds of dilemmas in one story? Well, just look at the hour counts which people who read this series have on Steam. It’s easily an 100+ experience.

Real player with 112.4 hrs in game

This is a review of the whole of Umineko, not just the Question Arcs. Just so you know.

Mystery stories are, at their core, just one big puzzle. An author writes a story, gives you hints, and typically tells you all you need to know before the story’s conclusion so that you have a fair chance at figuring it out if you’re perceptive enough. Good mystery authors make it possible to figure out the killer long before they are revealed in the story. But it has gotten to the point that many people either don’t try and figure it out, or if they do, their guesses are far more lukewarm, because they know the story will succinctly reveal everything at the end of the story and wrap everything up in a nice little bow. Umineko, on the other hand, does not do this. Umineko lays out clues for you and tells you to figure it out yourself, not directly revealing the answer to a majority of its individual mysteries, and, while giving you more hints to its biggest mysteries, never outright stating the answer. What makes the story even more difficult to solve is the constant questioning of whether what you’re seeing is true or false, and whether or not the murders are truly being done by magic, not helped by the constant seemingly impossible closed room murders. Can you figure out the truth? That’s up to your observational skills.

Real player with 108.7 hrs in game

Umineko When They Cry - Question Arcs on Steam



And finally, number three in the WEE series. The story here is another four years on from the previous episode (why four again? They seem to like the number four). This time, we are playing financial lecture with romantic subplot. Hal makes a big bet, wins big, things turn to crap and he chases after the girl he loves and we get a nice, happy, romantic ending. But, they really went full on this time with explaining how things work and even give definitions for some of the terms used. Why they didn’t do that from episode one, I will never know. On top of that, they even give diagrams to show how some things work. Diagrams that simplify or break down how some of these investments work. Diagrams. DIAGRAMS. To me, putting diagrams in was wholly unnecessary because reading this you need at least a basic understanding of how these things work and because this is number three in the series, and you have almost certainly read one and two, I feel like everyone reading this has that.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

World End Economica. An epic tale about greed, dreams, and moon stocks. Set four years after the second game this story concludes the series in one hell of beautiful finale.

First off, if you’re here to check out whether or not this trilogy is worth getting, YES. ABSOLUTELY. This series is great with each installment being an improvement over the previous which were already good and great games, respectively, in their own right. Be warned though, there’s a lot of economics terminology that may fly over your head, but even if you don’t understand a lot of the terms the underlying story is always easy enough to follow that it shouldn’t be a real issue. In fact, it may even interest you. At the very least you’re bound to learn something about stocks and the economy.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.03 on Steam