BECKONED is a single-player adventure, driven by progressive role-playing combat mechanics.

The story follows a boy (Taujh) searching for a crystal pendant which could contain his lost memories. Accompanied by two others (Enelh and Leign), they scurry across the landscape of Devanis while being swept up in a whirlwind of trouble. Mastering their surroundings and choosing to help a land riddled with fear, they must reclaim the pendant before its lost for good and maybe then, Taujh will finally know who he is. Release date and price is TBA.

Read More: Best Linear Action RPG Games.




best game, espacially to chill after a long day at work

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Linear Casual Games.

nice simple game to chill playing!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Yellowlooper on Steam

Hidden Shelter

Hidden Shelter

My full playthrough is here.

I am giving a thumbs up for the effort. Out of the huge amount of really bad scary games out there, and the tons of games that just flip the same assets over and over; White Vortex does “try” to make a good game. It has some scares and the graphics are good. Yet, I can’t say it is all that original in terms of find a LOT of keys and read a LOT of notes in the dark.

In terms of game stability. BUGS BUGS BUG CRASHES AND BUGS! There are a bunch. I have an unedited playthrough here for reference. I had so many problems toward the end I was raging.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Linear Horror Games.

This game is the embodiment of cheap indie horror. Here you are presented with poor visuals, clumsy controls, generic sound effects and music, terrible voice acting, stupid jump scares that often are out of place, annoying chase sequences and the story that is so stupid, bland and banal that it makes one constantly facepalm.

Some effort was definitely put into this amateur project. Unfortunately, the result of this effort is atrocious like in the case of many other indie horror games of similar nature. Should be free to play.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Hidden Shelter on Steam

The Craft of the Samurai

The Craft of the Samurai

This is a story and not a game, as it says more or less on the tin, so to speak. It is worth your time, you can read it at your own pace. It doesn’t have filler or pointless choices like some games have. The art work is excellent. Nice music. If you enjoy short stories and anything samurai, at this price you have nothing to lose. It took me just over an hour to finish it. I hope the Dev plans on making more stories of the same story quality and using the same artist.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Short and Sweet.

I appreciate the developer providing exactly what to expect with the visual novel, and that it was reasonably priced. I only heard about this game through some indie game YouTube channels, so I’m glad there’s some exposure to this for what may get lost in the shuffle of the many games appearing on Steam daily.

The overall presentation was good. The art, sound effects and most of the music complimented the short story well and fits the homages being paid here. I only wish there was even more art to fit the narrative, but I’d expect it to be a limitation.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

The Craft of the Samurai on Steam



From what I have gathered, this game is somewhat controversial. I have 3 playthroughs now, looking forward to a 4th, and I would like to bring up a few points and offer my opinions, that potential players might have a better perspective on the game beforehand. This review will be quite lengthy, for there is a lot to cover, even scratching the surface as I am. I assure you there are no story spoilers.

Journey - The game is very linear. The first 80% of the story takes you on a singular path from one locale to the next, with little deviation, before it opens up into the main side-questing hub. (Firsttime players: at this point, I strongly advise following the map and pressing on with the main story for the best experience; there will be plenty of time later to complete this content, and you will be much better prepared.) Those of you looking for a cohesive, story-driven rpg that will keep you glued to your controller for 40 hours before you even get to the endgame, look no further.

Real player with 956.1 hrs in game

God have mercy on my soul

This is without a doubt the most difficult review I’ve ever written, but this game is so fascinating from multiple perspectives; I’ve challenged myself to throw my hat into the ring and explain why I resonate with it despite the overt shortcomings.

It’s my Focus, really.

FFXIII is a game that was fraught with a lot opposing views amongst Square Enix’s devs on how to create a “perfect hybrid” between inputting command-based strategies for party members whilst being simultaneously cinematic akin to the battles found in FFVII: Advent Children, an animated film adaption of the highly adulated FFVII.

Real player with 134.8 hrs in game


The Dive

The Dive

My recommendation of this game is limited to people who enjoy playing experimental indie titles. The Dive is not a good horror game, but it is certainly an interesting experience.

Approach it as if you were to approach a bizarre interactive art house film rather than an indie horror game. The game is cheap and short, but it is rich on emotions.

The game begins with an exposition: there is a submarine sending a distress signal. The submarine most likely belongs to deep sea miners of a very rare, very expensive mineral. The main character is an opportunist who plans to dive, find the submarine, get those minerals, and escape before a proper rescue crew arrives to the distress signal. He arms himself with a speargun and a diving compass.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Rather silly and too short, but the atmosphere is great. However, I’m a little biased because I love underwater horror games. The first section of might take a few tries to complete (you’ll know when you get there), but overall it was an enjoyable game. I hope the dev will make another underwater horror game in the future with a bit more depth (pun intended).

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

The Dive on Steam

Cutie Bear

Cutie Bear

This is my first negative review, and I’m really sad that it has to be this game. This game looks really good, the physics are ok, the graphics are just fine, the music is a little meh, but tolerable, and the controls aren’t clunky. This is exactly the type of platformer that I would really enjoy under normal circumstances. But the game is also absolutely relentless and unfair.

I found a way to get an infinite amount of lives (and even made a guide about it, check it out if you still decide to try out this game), and suffice it to say, 200 lives weren’t enough for me to beat the game (I don’t even know how close I was to achieve this, cos I just decided to quit).

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Cutie Bear on Steam




  • The game is set in alternative Russia of the 19th century. Gloomy and sinister, at the same time enchanting world.

  • Gameplay focuses on the story unusual for the genre. The tedious and confusing “Russian-style” tale, presented in an unexpected arthouse style.

  • Controlling two characters, you go on a difficult journey, solving either puzzles or psychological problems of the heroes.


A young nun, full of doubts and seditious thoughts, is expelled from the monastery, accused of obsession. She goes to the city, watching as a terrible shaggy creature walks on her heels. On the way, she meets a surprisingly devout fugitive convict, who convinces her to go with him to the holy elder, who is hiding a miraculous artifact, which should solve all her problems.

INDIKA on Steam

Meat & Greed

Meat & Greed

Meat & Greed is a 3D side scroller puzzle platformer game set in a slaughterhouse.

By controlling cows, chickens, and other animals, the player has the ability to manipulate the environment to solve puzzles, and eventually escape the place. Intense atmosphere of horror and visual narration will help to convey criticisms of the modern meat industry beyond a supermarket shelf.

All puzzle indie game lovers, as well as environmentally cautious players will appreciate both the moral goal and the refreshing approach to movement, switching between playable characters, and narrative design of the game.

Meat & Greed on Steam

Super Drag Race

Super Drag Race

The roar of the engine caresses the ear, the nfs is resting. The music is relaxing.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Only forward. Only the first. Only the finish line!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Super Drag Race on Steam