Chinese Parents

Chinese Parents

Chinese Parents is an ultra-lite puzzle RPG. There’s a child, and you schedule activities to develop that child’s characteristics (IQ, EQ, Constitution, Memory, Imagination, Charm and Face). This gives you currency to play a minesweeper-like puzzle, which in turn gives you currency to buy new skills to schedule. Rinse, lather, repeat.

The gimmick behind the game is that, after passing the final high school exam, the game loops and you start with a new kid who gets passive stat boosts based on your success. The boost is fairly modest and is mainly determined by your career path and whether you married your high school sweetheart. But, after playing through a few generations, the stacking gains traction and skills become easier to purchase sooner, leading to a better career later. Just like real life.

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Life Sim Memes Games.

A review for curious non-Chinese speakers:

This is a turn-based game in which the aim is to guide a Chinese kid from birth all the way to the dreaded College Entrance Exam. Along the way, you’ll have to decide which personal attributes to develop (through playing a light-puzzle game), decide what to study, who to hang out with, and try to balance the expectations of your parents with your own happiness (slack off too much and you’ll provoke their ire, study too hard and you could suffer a nervous breakdown).

Real player with 45.4 hrs in game

Chinese Parents on Steam

Depression The Game

Depression The Game

Depression The Game(non-patched edition) is definitely not for the faint-hearted, as the experience includes a TV in a living room that shows some clips of real-life self-harm and suicidal acts(with reference/credits). I love the mini comic animation portraying the main character’s routine though :D.

For who to play:

-Healthcare workers

-Victims of low mood

-Anyone who wants to experience or understand what a depressed low-mood person feels or going through in their mind


Player begins the game/experience in the main character’s bedroom, with 2 coloured real images of bloody hands hanging on the wall. /playthrough

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Life Sim Atmospheric Games.

So this game is a odd case. I refuse to believe that there was any game testers for this game. Before I get into that though, the positives. The textures are mostly alright. The main furniture looks fine for what they are. The audio is alright, besides when you sleep where it gets jumbled. The weird level select or whatever that was is weird. I don’t know if you plan more scenarios in the future or not, but that inclusion in the bad ending is strange. So for the reason I claimed there were no game testers for this game, the negatives of this game make it impossible for the testers to have actually played this game. The spelling errors are all over the place and one particular note where it fails to make a new line when using ‘\n’. Using the wrong form of ‘I’ in every note. Using capitals when they are not supposed to be there, these gems: ‘breave’, ‘coutch’ and the list keeps going. The amount of graphical bugs are hilarious, but I will usually let it go especially since it is your first game and the game was at 90 cents when I bought it. The graphical bugs though were hilarious. The UV job on the heaters were terribly done, because they are hilarious to look at. The gaps in the floor and the wall in the kitchen. The shoes clipping in the shelf. The doors are poorly placed within the door frames, you open some and they slide back into there already broken positions. Also, the paper clipping half way through the shelf and the one stuck behind the aquarium. The bubble column coming out of the fish food was funny as hell. In conclusion, this game was funny to run through finding all the bugs and graphical issues without even trying. This game is a 3/10 in all seriousness. You tried, this was definitely not one of the worst ones for a first timer. But, you got a lot to learn in terms of game design and programming. I will tell you this though, going through and finding these issues made me laugh so much that I couldn’t breave anymore, it almost made me warnt to give this a 4/10 instead of a 3/10, but I went with a 3/10.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Depression The Game on Steam

Chair Simulator

Chair Simulator

This game has given me purpose in life. I sit down. I stand up. I sit down. I stand up. The simplicity, yet challenge in this task represents the dualism of the universe. The strain from standing up relieved from the bliss that is sitting down. From the short 75 minutes I spent on this game before writing the review has morphed my entire outlook on life. I have learned the pain of death, the stress of pain, and the stresslessness of sitting. I sit and think. Think about the meaning of life. Think about my purpose here on this earth. And I have received enlightenment. I am the chair. I sit here with my arms on its doing exactly what it’s doing. I am becoming a vessel for the universe to pass through and maybe sit, gifting me with knowledge. I was lost before finding this game. Mindlessly going through the factory of life without much thought, this game has opened my eyes to the possibilities of this world that are sitting right in front of us. Overall, this game has been an eye opening experience that I would recommend everyone should try.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Life Sim Gore Games.

! You came. You sat. You conquered!

You’ve warmed countless seats, leaving a deep and indelible impression on each and every one!

Well done, sitlord.

! But…

! Sitting has changed you.

! You look down, now, at these limbs, at all this sinew and flesh. It seems so excessive, doesn’t it? Limbs, flaying. Appendages. Poorly-designed. A bit old-fashioned. Outdated? The real you has been trapped here, hasn’t it? Here, in this prison made of flesh.

It’s a thought you’ve entertained before, isn’t it? Privately. In dreams.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Chair Simulator on Steam

Tree Simulator 2022

Tree Simulator 2022

Firstly, I would like to preface this review with this:

To all the other reviewers out there giving this game a positive rating, trying to make funny jokes about how good the gameplay is, they’re just trying to farm points. If you look at their playtime, most of them have less than an hour! You cannot truly experience the greatness of this game in a few minutes, an hour, or even 10. I have only just scratched the surface with my 100 hours, so I will be making constant updates as I play this game

Real player with 2179.5 hrs in game

This game saved my life.

I am 25.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiraling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

Tree Simulator 2022 on Steam

My Universe - My Baby

My Universe - My Baby

Game is unplayable. Don’t waste your time or your money. The Developer offers no support. I contacted them multiple times and they responded once asking what platform I was on. Mind you, I had given them that information in the first email.

There is NO support and the game cannot be played until a patch or solution is found.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

I like this game, but it gets very frustrating and addicting. I found a bug for one year olds and up. The washcloth when you give your baby a bath in the tub. The controls are funny. And what about laptop people that are comfortable with the touchpad?

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

My Universe - My Baby on Steam

Bear Haven Nights 2

Bear Haven Nights 2

Welcome to the Bear Haven 2! This time we built our motel deep in the woods.

Nothing will disturb your peace of mind away from civilization.

Now, you are the Test Subject 37.

We have launched a new testing cycle of our new security system.

At night we have some strange problems with alarm, but we’re sure you’ll manage to fix this.

Please don’t forget, if anything is broken by 6:00 am you will loose!

Bear Haven 2 is the sequel of the best indie horror game where you have to survive scary nights.

Bear Haven Nights 2 on Steam

Friend ReQuest - A Playable Teaser

Friend ReQuest - A Playable Teaser

Most of the game is pretty boring, so as to show how dull this person’s life really is. However, that doesn’t exactly make it enjoyable to play, and there’s barely any story for the first half of the game. Then, for the second half, there’s more story, but less to do in general.

I also have a habit of pressing esc to check my stats/ pause the game, and that exits this game. There is no save function, so I had to restart. They do tell you that there is no save function at the beginning of the game though.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

I’m sooooo excited for Amity Chain and this really sold it! Amity feels so real and all her conversations are so fleshed out I’m really looking forward to seeing more from her and other characters. Really neat spritework that I’m also excited to see more of!

Tip: stick around at the “end” of the game when the screen goes white!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Friend ReQuest - A Playable Teaser on Steam

Horror Stories: PLEASE COMPLY

Horror Stories: PLEASE COMPLY

Loved the game. Found it by chance and had it on my wish list. It’s decent for the price if the game hasn’t been spoiled for you already. I love the sense of dread and the ending. I mean I don’t love it I hate it but still!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Short and sweet little horror experience. enjoyed the experience. Looking forward to the next Horror Story :)

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Horror Stories: PLEASE COMPLY on Steam

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY!

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY!

When it comes to Fantasy Visual Novel Dating Sims, I put this up there near the top of the list. The storyline is good, the characters have depth, and there is good emphasis on interaction.

If you looking for a X-Rated Visual Novel, look somewhere else, cause this story does not have that, nor does it need it. This means you are safe to play it without concerns about someone looking over your shoulder at the wrong time ;)

I wish more games like this existed, and am excited to see what the developer comes up with next.

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

I really enjoyed this game. It was a short sweet “adventure” to another place. There are a few typoes that im sure will be caught and fixed in the next couple of days / weeks (i litteraly bought this on release so it is to be expected.) Other than that i cant think of anything that came off poorly.

On the positive side, all of the characters were interesting. The conversations were believable and managed both to move the story line and flesh out the character you are interacting with. When I finished the game, i was left with the sense that i really had gotten to know a bit of everyone. The only thing that could have made this better was of course MORE!!!!! lol but honestly thats the way I always feel when I’ve finished an enjoyable book of any sort.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! on Steam

The Horrorscope: Fatal Awakening

The Horrorscope: Fatal Awakening

Secret Word: Arson

I know this isn’t really a game…. but like it’s a really fun thing to play with your friends. To get your money worth go ahead and stream this on discord with a group of friends. Serious lovely discussion came from this. I would say its a fun time for emotional development within a group of close friends. We learned about each other and the way I did it was through democratic vote but rolled a d20 to break ties. asked a random person to pick high or low.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

My Secret Word was Dirt (TW : Non Consensual)

I’ve had a lot of fun doing all these previous games but my death including r*** wasintense and extremely uncomfortable for me. As much as I like this series and would love to be considered in the future development of this game. This one was not it for me.

Although there are warnings on this page there are no warnings during the game about the r*** scene and felt completely unnecessary and felt like a cop out for making a horror game more “scary”.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

The Horrorscope: Fatal Awakening on Steam