Don’t Kill the King!

Don’t Kill the King!

Someone tried to kill the king, but fortunately they failed! However, the would-be assassin will return to try again, and it’s your job to catch them.

As a medieval gate guard:

  • Interrogate visitors and try to uncover any lies or inconsistencies in their stories.

  • Search any visitors that seem suspicious. After all, they could be smuggling contraband or worse…

  • If any hidden item is found, choose to confiscate it as illegal contraband, or discreetly take it for yourself.

  • After deeming visitors as innocent or guilty, choose to allow them into the city, deny them entry, or even throw them in the dungeon.

Do all the above while:

  • Trying to maintain the happiness of the visitors.

  • Earning gold to pay your bills.

  • Gaining reputation amongst the city guards in order to climb your way up to top.

Sometimes being a gate guard can be exhausting work, and quite frankly low-paying work at that. So a little bit of dishonest work to make some quick coin here and there wouldn’t hurt, right?

  • Gamble and play some relaxing Contraband Bingo with the contraband you confiscated from the visitors (or bought from the black market).

  • Invest in contraband stocks at the black market and check everyday to see if your stocks are climbing or dipping.


  • Each visitor will have their own set of occupations and personality types that will be randomly chosen each day which will affect their dialogue and how they interact with you. For example, one visitor may be an honest blacksmith one day and the next day you see them they might be a lying carpenter.

  • Special items can be bought at the black market which affect the number of visitors who are carrying items, decrease the likelihood of guilty visitors appearing, double the amount of reputation earned from your work, and more!

  • Achievements to be unlocked through special interactions and your hard work!

Read More: Best Life Sim Puzzle Games.

Don't Kill the King! on Steam



I really enjoyed this one. I wish it had a sandbox type scenario without the time constraint.

Want to play more but don’t really want to repeat the main campaign.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Life Sim 3D Games.

Theme park meets jousting!

It’s a good little sim game. There’s more complexity to the it that I thought it would have when I bought it - but it’s actually been quite fun for the last couple of days I’ve been dipping in and out. Well worth a punt.


  • Good feel to it, familiar tycoon game mechanics, building, hiring staff and all that jazz.

  • It looks nice, good art style and cute characters.

  • Music is pretty good.

  • It’s got some nice humour - you can see little thought bubbles from time to time with funny stuff people are thinking & the story is humor driven

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Tourney on Steam

The Guild 3

The Guild 3

(Detailed review. Will be updated as necessary. Patch 0.5.4)

I wanted to give myself adequate time thoroughly testing and playing this game before reviewing it. With over 100 hours put into testing this game, I’ve written this review taking all things into consideration with a neutral stance.

Between recommending this game or not, I conceded to recommend it. However, there are some factors each person should consider before purchasing the game in it’s current stage and that ultimately comes down to your personal preference, there is no “one size fits all”.

Real player with 157.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Life Sim Strategy Games.

I bought this game a few years ago since I really enjoyed The Guild 2. It was bare bones back then and not comparable to The Guild 2, which made me not play it for a long time. I started playing it again recently with the newest update to check the game’s progress and now I’m hooked. Exact same thing happened when I first discovered The Guild 2. I feel like The Guild 3 is now an improvement and proper successor to The Guild 2, as it should be. The development of this game has been extremely slow since it was released in Early Access, which may upset some people who want to see more progression in development. I understand some of the frustration but The Guild franchise is more of a niche type of game and fan base that it will never be extremely popular. They have steadily been updating this game over multiple years and it has improved immensely. The game is still unfinished and I’ve encountered some bugs but nothing too serious. The game has been very stable for me and I have not experienced any crashes. Graphics are not great by any means but a massive improvement from Guild 2 and offers some high quality textures and many more armor and clothing items. Overall there is a lot more items than in the Guild 2.

Real player with 74.8 hrs in game

The Guild 3 on Steam

Choice of Life: Middle Ages

Choice of Life: Middle Ages

### 𝒹𝒾𝒻𝒻𝒾𝒸𝓊𝓁𝓉𝓎

[] the easiest thing ever

[] easy

[] medium

[] hard

[] extremely hard

[] how the heck do you beat this-


The concept of the game is easy. Clicking cards ,but earning all of the achievements and trying not to fail is the hard part. I the game you have to make choices which either let you live your life and complete that chapter, or make you lose a heart. Once you lose all of your hearts you are forced to restart the chapter.


*– [Real player with 5.5 hrs in game](*

☼ Graphics ☼

☐ Bad

☑ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

☠︎ Difficulty ☠︎

☐ Easy

☑ Average

☐ Hard

☐ Unfair

§ Bugs §

☐ Bugs destroy the game

☐ Lots of bugs

☐ Few Bugs

☑ Nothing encountered

☯ Story ☯

☐ There is none

☐ Bad

☑ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Fantastic

⚔ Gameplay ⚔

☐ Frustrating

☐ Boring

☑ Alright

☐ Fun

☐ Challenging


۞ Game time / Length ۞

☑ Really short (0 - 3 hours)

☐ Short (4 - 8 hours)

☐ Average (10 - 20 hours)

☐ Long (40-60 hours)

☐ Very Long (61-100 hours)

☐ Extremely Long (101+ hours)

*– [Real player with 4.4 hrs in game](*


![Reigns]( "")

## Reigns

I didn't really know what to expect from Reigns… at first glance during the summer sale (but ended up paying full price) it looked like a novel game mechanic, with just enough silliness to be worth the miniscule asking price of £1.99\.

It looked like something I would:

Be able to dip into occasionally for giggles

Be able to walk away from without feeling cheated on a run session

Feel I got reasonable value for my purchase without a huge commitment

But I really didn't expect it would deliver that much.

*– [Real player with 23.9 hrs in game](*

Your choices matter in this game. Results may be unpredictable and there is no guarantee of satisfaction or success but the game itself entices you to keep coming back for more in hopes of finding all characters/deaths/endings/secrets/cards as each playthrough is unique with thousands of cards available to be shown.

Actual gameplay is very simple and intuitive: swipe either left or right to make choices that impact your reign which is represented through four distinct meters at top of the screen (church, citizens, army, and wealth). Every decision that you make influences one or more meters in one way or another and it is imperative that you keep all four meters balanced so that none becomes either completely filled or empty–doing so would unquestionably bring your reign to an end. Though sometimes the results of each decision may be completely arbitrary or nonsensical such that the effect on your four meters will often leave you scratching your head and wondering what had just happened. Most of the time, you will also likely wonder what would have happened had you made a different decision.

*– [Real player with 14.5 hrs in game](*


![The Guild II]( "")

## The Guild II

The Guild II is a dynastic medieval simulator. Essentially what this means is that it is a simulator with some heavy RPG elements where you play as a family through the ages.

As the game starts you make your character and pick a profession then you get put into a European city of your choice and set up your business. Soon enough however, your starting character will die off, hopefully from old age and not an angry competitor, but that is not the end. If you were smart enough to get married you can continue playing as your spouse as well as any children you may have had and so the game continues.

*– [Real player with 221.7 hrs in game](*

Im usually not a fan of simulation games. I play "The Sims" for a day and call it quits, its just not for me. Ive only been playing "The Guild 2" for half a week and ive already invested nearly 40 hours at the expense of work and sleep, for me this game was very addictive. Its practically the sims but based in the dark ages where you grow a family and basically conquer your village with money, economic strength, and political power. This game features an abundance of mechanics, marriage, work, religion, politics, assassinations, blackmail, ect but there are various areas where its broken. For example there are times when my building was being attacked and i couldnt defend it because the attackers were glitched inside the house while not actually inside the building. (this can be countered by sending your men inside the building, then exiting the building with the camera and re selecting your men and ordering them to attack, then they exit and fight properly…assuming that there are no obsticles in the way). The game allows you to upgrade your cart to move faster, but you can only move as fast as traffic will allow, sometimes the streets are packed (it may be intentional to force you to strategize timing). My only other complaints are with its options menu, you cannot run this game windowed unless you alter the .ini file, and even then it pauses when you click away to another monitor, and you cannot remap buttons which you might assume isnt a big deal but when your speed keys are + and - it takes much longer when it could have simply been remapped closer to WASD. Oh and the game crashes on me once in a while so i recommend turning on autosave. Otherwise this is a game that i HIGHLY recommend if youre into sims and historical themes, yes it has a few problems but the positives outweight the negatives. Just be sure to get it on sale.

*– [Real player with 76.7 hrs in game](*


![Clanfolk]( "")

## Clanfolk

Clanfolk is an elaborate life sim set in the highlands of medieval Scotland.

Live off the land using historically accurate tools and processes to survive while building a growing settlement for your Clan. Every tile on the map has a purpose. Where you place your settlement, and how you build it, really matters.

Clanfolk will execute your grand building plans while also intelligently fulfilling their own personal needs. Get to know your Clanfolk as they live their entire lives in your care.

The world is fully simulated, and the largest threat is nature itself. Initially, food will be plentiful and the nights warm. There is lots of time to plan and enjoy the medieval homestead atmosphere. As the seasons change, resources will dwindle and careful planning becomes critical. Surviving your first winter is highly unlikely.


#### **Colony Sim**

The Clanfolk's homestead will begin as a wilderness surrounded by mountains, forests, grasslands, and lakes. Over time it may develop into an industrial farm, or a livestock ranch, or a bustling trading post, or a quiet forest Inn, or maybe a hidden mountain fortress.

*   Build sealed structures out of Floor, Wall, and Roof tiles.

*   Structures track lighting, warmth, beauty and various unhappy smells.

*   Windows allow ambient lighting into rooms.

*   Use wall torches and fires to heat, light, and occasionally burn down straw houses.

*   Venting system to allow fire and body heat to travel from room to room.

*   Door locking system to keep Clanfolk, visitors, and livestock where they belong.

*   Storage container objects to keep the ground clutter under control.

*   Crafting can be prioritized, scheduled daily, and also controlled by maintaining a desired supply.

*   Till the land, plant seeds, water them, add fertilizer, harvest, re-till the soil, and start again. All automated to the level you desire

*   Care for livestock from birth. Keep them warm, dry, fed, watered, and clean their stalls.

*   Learn just how hard it was to make a linen shirt. Grow the flax, thresh out the seed, throw the stalks in a river, let them rot for months, strip the loosened fibers from the stalks, spin the fibers into thread, weave the threads into cloth on the loom, and THEN sew your linen shirt!


#### **Life Sim**

Clanfolk live their whole lives on the Clan homestead, from birth until death over multiple generations. Clanfolk follow daily schedules, waking up before sunrise, taking their morning meals, washing up, and maybe having a conversations before the day's work starts. Throughout the day, they will work as hard as their mood and health will allow. In the evening, they finally all come back together to eat, drink, have a chat, maybe play the flute for a while, then off to bed, hopefully a little better off than the day before.

*   Clanfolk needs include: Hunger, Thirst, Sleep, Warmth, Cleanliness, Bathroom, Social, Fun, Beauty, and the inexplicable need for Plaid

*   When needs are not within safe ranges, then afflictions may result. These afflictions can range from having a bad mood, to a cold that slowly deteriorates into pneumonia.

*   Clanfolk have many skills which are improved through use. Skills can be prioritized or disabled to give Clanfolk different job roles to best utilize their skills.

*   Babies inherit some skill proficiency from their parents. They are mostly time vampires, but they are cute and keep everyone's' mood up (during the day)

*   Babies grow into Juveniles that begin to provide labor. Juveniles are idea sponges, working slowly but learning much faster than adults.

*   When Juveniles become Adults, their learning slows, but Adults finally work at full speed. Ideally, their childhood will have been spent on jobs that they enjoy, making them experts by adulthood. Another benefit of adulthood is the ability to have children to grow the Clan.

*   Eventually Adults become Seniors. Seniors work and move more slowly than Adults, but they have the highest skills and provide learning bonuses to others working near them.

*   Finally the Seniors will be unable to work and will need to be cared for. Clanfolk are able to understand the needs of other Clanfolk and are able to take care of the sick and injured, fulfilling all their needs when possible. Once the Senior dies, they can be buried in the family plot, and the cycle continues.


#### **World Sim**

The seasons in Clanfolk never seem long enough. Winter is always approaching and your time needs to be spent wisely. Each Season has ranges of temperature, rain, snow, wind, and even windchill. Some seasons are for growing and others for harvesting. Winter is for staying inside a warm room and processing the materials collected throughout the year.

*   All four seasons have smooth transitions between them, ever advancing and changing each day.

*   Sparks start fires that spread throughout the environment based on moisture and object flammability.

*   Plant growth system that is aware of ground moisture as well as fertility level, which can be changed with watering and fertilizer.

*   Overlays to quickly show fertility, moisture, heat, and beauty.


#### **Neighbor Clans**

Visitors will occasionally arrive from neighboring Clans surrounding the homestead. Over time your reputation with these neighbors can grow based on how they are treated as guests, workers, or traders. As your reputation increases with these Clans, contact will strengthen, providing better opportunities.

*   Each neighbor Clan comes from a different Biome with different products and desired items for trade. The savvy player can run a profitable trading post if there is enough trade traffic from different Clans.

*   As seasons progress, different items become more scarce and therefore more expensive.

*   Neighbor clans have intrinsic skill bonuses based on their Clan type as well as their Biome. When looking for the best workers (and potential partners) keep these in mind.

*   Neighbors do not send their best and brightest visitors until relations between the player Clan and the neighbor are strong.


![Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2]( "")

## Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

How to rule wisely and prevent rebellion?

Where to find faithful companions?

How to survive in a fabulous kingdom full of dangers? In the card game Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2, you have to weigh every decision not to die ahead of time! Explore the kingdom from the snowy forests of the north to the endless fields of the south and meet its inhabitants. Rule graciously but firmly, deal with traitors, and do not confuse friends with enemies. Become a great ruler or perish in the annals of history!

Key features:

*   Colorful 2D graphics, hundreds of different cards

*   Non-linear storyline where each choice has unique consequences

*   Over a thousand events and 99 ways to die


![Silk Roads: Caravan Kings]( "")

## Silk Roads: Caravan Kings

Here's the deal, even if this game is not the most polished thing I have ever played, it shows potential. I mean the developer shows potential. It's kind of like Oregon Trail, if you've ever played that. The thing that impressed me the most about this game however is the developer(s). They are willing to listen to a LOT of feedback. It's very encouraging to have a developer who does this, especially in this day and age. While its not a huge grand strategy game like Hearts of Iron or an amazing role-playing game like Crusader Kings, it definitely deserves a place.

*– [Real player with 6.6 hrs in game](*

In any game there comes that particular crossroad point of is there enough to keep me interested or do i go back to the old faithful ones. Four hours of game time in i think i have hit that crossroads. I am now wondering if there is more to it or have i had my fill. I had this game on my wishlist, and part of my decision to purchase was based on its pricing.

I like the map set up, and the game icons are simple and to the point - which is a good thing. I concur about other reviewers statements about character development - the cat, the lute and the fishing rod. However, once the initial surprise of receipt is over, the actions around them seem disconnected and grindy. To be fair, the not wanting to disappoint my customers aspect of my gaming personality means I have not ventured too far to the East, as I want to meet my contract obligations.

*– [Real player with 4.3 hrs in game](*


![Travellers Rest]( "")

## Travellers Rest


I would like to say that this game is very fun to play. It's still being developed but this game is very addictive. It actually helps calm me down.

The soundtracks, the vibes of the game are good. You can go at your own pace, do what you want with your Tavern and it's very fun to play with friends!

I would 100% recommend this game to everyone!

*– [Real player with 104.7 hrs in game](*

Very fun little management game. I normally do not purchase Early Access games given that they tend to be pretty rough, but as this one stands (11/13/2021) I've put almost thirty hours into it without much hitch or problem. Highly recommend, love the art.

*– [Real player with 45.5 hrs in game](*
