Anime Play Life: Unlimited

Anime Play Life: Unlimited

I won’t recommend this game at all, I do admit it has a lot of potential, but in the state its in right now I won’t recommend it. \

  • You don’t get a tutorial on the controls and how they work.

  • The clothing are clipping

  • VERY limited character costumization options.

  • Alot of weird advertising about a “Special version” download which is nowhere to be found at all.

  • No character facial expressions, such as smile, shock, suprised or happy.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Life Sim Character Customization Games.

I think there is a lot of potential for this game but how it stands right now, it is not very good. The character customization was bare bones and I had to back out of character customization and reenter just to get the menus to go away so i could hit continue. Once in the game, there was no prompt to let you know what button was used for interacting. I hit numerous buttons and clicked multiple times and still could not interact with anything. Until the game advances, worth the money.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Anime Play Life: Unlimited on Steam

Cherry Tree High Girls' Fight

Cherry Tree High Girls' Fight

This is a stat building simulator game, where fighting is simulated through card battle. It took me awhile to figure out how the card battle works, and I can see why many people are frustrated due to lack of transparancy. I would still recommend this game because I’ve ejoyed playing it and 773 / Seikai Project has made efforts to improve the game.

Card battle tips here:


  • Good music

  • Good anime styled art work

Real player with 71.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Life Sim Card Game Games.

I played through this game so many times now.

It’s a really good one and I love the characters.

Especially Asuka, Kei and Kyoko, as well as Asumi and Haru but everyone else is sweet too.

They gave every girl some background story and personality, and there’s quite a lot of characters. Of course this means it’s not super deep on character backgrounds as there’s just too many characters. But for the amount of characters present in the game, this is not surprising and they did a really good job with that. I mean, come on, it’s one thing to flesh out 1 or 2 characters and do a great game with those, but this game has 15 characters, you gotta account for that.

Real player with 42.1 hrs in game

Cherry Tree High Girls' Fight on Steam

Always Remember Me

Always Remember Me

**Footfalls echo in the memory

Down the passage which we did not take

Towards the door we never opened

~T.S. Eliot**

This is the first visual novel that I’ve played from Winter Wolves, and I must say that I’m not impressed. Always Remember Me is an otome game with a somewhat ordinary concept, annoyingly stereotypical characters, suicidally repetitive choice actions and a scarcity of events about the main story to keep you interested. At this point, I must confess that I’ve completed my first playthrough quite easily and gave in a reaction of “seriously?” at the first ending that I’ve discovered. During my second playthrough… I got bored and wandered off to do something else, forgetting the game running. When I remembered that I was playing the game, I came back and gave in 2 more hours of the gameplay to collect the missing achievements - a.k.a. fast-forwarded through some repetitive actions and only read event dialogues. Thus, my gaming time.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Life Sim Female Protagonist Games.

Always Remember Me

One to be best forgotten


I know I am probably the last person on the planet to give any kind of opinion on visual novels since I have only played two but as a gamer who enjoy most genres, here is my two cents anyway. One (Doki Doki Literature Club) I canned pretty early on into my play session because of how poorly written the dialog was matched with some of the most annoying characters ever conceived. I also didn’t find the overarching story all that interesting either so felt there was no need to press on further and waste my precious time.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Always Remember Me on Steam

Little Sim World

Little Sim World

Little Sim World is an indie Open World 2D Life Simulator with RPG and multiplayer elements that has been in development since early 2019 for the PC. Little Sim World is being made by Terry along with a few friends who have a passion towards the Sims genre. It is unique in design, but also takes much inspiration from the likes of The Sims, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley and Pokemon.

Little Sim World is set in the heart of London with streets bustling full of cars, NPCs and all sorts of busy shops. The entire world at your disposal with no loading or transition screens. Recreate yourself and live a life where every day is different. Design and decorate your dream home and live the way you want! There is a whole selection of shops to visit with styling that reimagines London.

Create the house of your dreams: Decorate, buy furniture and upgrade your house!

Discover yourself: Develop your personality and reveal who you really are!

Start a career: Chase after the career of your dreams - the possibilities are endless ~

Fall in love: Be part of the community, meet someone new and find your significant other!

An open world: No loading screens, visit everywhere you want!

Cars, buses and the underground: Want to get around faster? Travel however you want.

Weather and different seasons: Every day is slightly different!

Play with others (optional!): Share a room with your friend! Why play alone?

Little Sim World on Steam

One Night on Halloween

One Night on Halloween

Have only achieved one ending so far and i’m already excited to see the rest of them, the visual style is unique and the dialogue/options you’re presented are aplenty.

If you like VN’s please do yourself a favor and pick this one up, the asking price is that of a cheeseburger and it is 100% worth your time.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

One Night on Halloween on Steam

Cute Bite

Cute Bite

Cute Bite is a fun raising sim where you take control of a butler (whose name you can decide, but her default is Saule) who is in charge of training the daughter of her former vampire master. The “Little Mistress” (also nameable; default is Buttercup), as Saule calls her, is far older than Saule herself, but after being confined to a coffin for centuries, she has lost many of her skills and reverted to the form of a child. It’s the player’s job to make Buttercup powerful enough within a year to complete the blood ritual which allows Saule to live.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

A vampire has been locked away so long that her body has reverted to the size she was when she first became a creature of the night – when she was child. After being freed, she must build up her various skills to restore her adult form. Her faithful butler is more than happy to assist, but is she hiding something?


• All romances take place after she regains her adult form. This game does not involve or promote pedophilia.

• Gameplay involves stat raising (which determines endings), and a hunting mini-game (to replenish energy via biting people for blood), along with other fun mechanics.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Cute Bite on Steam

Life Simulator

Life Simulator

I’m coming at the review from having played it before and after the multilingual client was released. So far it feels like a modern take on Alter Ego, even if it differs in the presentation.

The sound isn’t grating on the nerves, but it works without having anything memorable. The graphics also have their own style which I do like so far.

Some of the trouble I’ve had were mainly bugs and awkward dialogue. Not bad enough to make me give up on the game, but enough to give someone a heads up.

The game has become a lot more playable after the addition of English to the client. To be honest there are bugs and errors which I expected. There are sections where the text is rather awkward during the dialogue. Given there are sections of the game that are still untranslated or awkwardly localized, it’s still playable to the point where advancing will take some time.

Real player with 72.0 hrs in game

I’ll be honest when I first played this I found it to be a nice little time passer. I was able to look past the hit and miss translation as you could usually get the jist of the conversation anyway. However that being said the game suffers for some pretty major problems if you’re playing the game in English:

  • The game freezes when trying to meet the first friend at the Restaurant when playing as the female lead character. (This has been reported numerous times with the reply typically being that it is fixed, even though the bug iiis still in the game)

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Life Simulator on Steam



Nilspace on Steam

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition

I really love this game. It’s very cute without being cutesy most of the time and has an engaging story line.

The game is very reminiscent of Stardew Valley but with enough differences to be worth owning both.

I absolutely LOVE the farming mechanism, which allows for crops to MUTATE depending on chance, terrain type, and time of year as well as mutation boosting agents. It’s a very, very clever addition to a farming simulator and one I’ve never seen before. I also really love how the seasonal planting works, because unlike many other games, if you plant crops in the wrong season, they DO NOT die immediately. Actually, with enough care, fertilizer, and luck, you can grow any crop in any season. And as annoying as I find it sometimes, crops randomly DO wither and die on you, especially if you aren’t taking good care of them, which is aggravating when it happens but also a really nice touch. (My family grows food and our plants do not all suddenly wither at once with the change of season).

Real player with 120.3 hrs in game

I liked this game, but the reason I said I would not recommend it is largely because of a few small frustrating aspects of it, that I think add up to it just not being worth quite as much as $20. I’d value it at $8 maybe. The things I mean by frustrations:

  • I had to look up how to use Soleil, and guess what, if you’re playing the PC version of the game, you can’t! You have to play multiplayer with a console and 2 controllers for that. Stupid.

  • The controls are not that well explained inside the game. It took me forever to figure out how to actually use upgraded tools. All they tell you is “hold the Action button”, but that’s not what you actually have to do. What you actually have to do, that the game doesn’t tell you, is hold the action button and drag it across the squares you want to use it on. It was a pain in the ass to learn that bc like I said, the in-game exposition wasn’t adequate.

Real player with 95.1 hrs in game

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition on Steam

Otter of My Life

Otter of My Life

Otter of My Life had potential. HAD is the keyword.

I think a lot of issues revolve around translation errors and just plain bad game design (i.e. gender and pronouns having an affect on what endings you can get, lots of typos, text box issues, etc.). Normally I would ignore typos- English is a hard language to learn- but the grammatical issues are too bad to ignore in this case. This game has been out for over a year now and there’s no excuse to not get better translators.

The writing is bad. Not just “free to play game that was thrown together in a basement” bad- it feels like a middle schooler wrote it for their first English assignment. None of the characters are interesting or get any depth, and the routes are entirely too short, even if you’re just grinding for achievements.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Plot Lines are short and characters lack any depth. I was able to get the generic Bad Ending and one of the good endings in under 33 minutes. You don’t get to see these characters grow or even become too attached to them before you’ve completed their ending. We learn only surface level details of the characters we are dating and none of them have chemistry with our character or each other.

There are other weird oddities. Some of the characters are more poorly drawn then others and some of the Bigger Character Sprites are missing the details of their smaller versions. Which is weird since the Smaller Version could be easily upscaled. Dialogue is awkward and character speak or interject with information in ways that no Human ever would, which leads to Dialogue which can only be cringed at. The issues with the dialogue are clearly because the creator is not a native English Speaker, but even if the dialogue was improved. It would not help the Shallow Characters, lack of world-building and short, predictable and boring storylines.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Otter of My Life on Steam