Tell Me Why

Tell Me Why

Title is an Overrated Backstreet Boys Song But The Game Is Not!

We all had that moment when we saw the title of this game and sang that song in our heads. It deserves a better title imo and I stand by that. So this game is the pinnacle of pride month for June 2021. So I am extremely thankful for the Devs for providing like literally the whole game for free. Short story goes that the game is very atmospheric, not much puzzle invested and emotionally can be terrifying. It is by the devs of Life is Strange, so I did compare or was going to compare as soon as I installed the game. The two are very different in terms of atmosphere and the creativity. I feel like this game is more of a statement than an actual game. Common factor on both games is that protagonists in both games share an abnormal power of no origin.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best LGBTQ Story Rich Games.

Tell me why the music is no good in this game?

Tell Me Why is a new game from DontNod studio behind such masterpiece as Life is Strange and other good games such as Vampyr or Remember Me. Well this is not Life is Strange. I loved both LiS games they made and I liked this one. It’s a good game, just not as good as both LiS games.

The game is about twins and the mystery behind their mother. One of the siblings killed the mother and other one took the blame. After years of separation they finally meet again and go to the old house wanting to tidy up it up a bit and get some stuff before selling it. But suddenly they’re start finding puzzles and secrets their mother left and they start wondering about her past and who their father was.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Tell Me Why on Steam

Life is Strange: True Colors

Life is Strange: True Colors


《Life is strange-True Colors(奇妙人生:本色)》是《Life is strange(下簡稱LiS)》的最新作,官方定調為系列主線第三部作品: 真.LiS 3。不過True Colors並非由LiS1和LiS2的開發商Dontnod Entertainment所開發,而是由主導LiS1前傳:Before the storm 的Deck Nine所製作(LiS1及LiS: Before the storm的Remastered版也是由其所製作)。



劇中虛構的Haven Springs以採礦業為主的小鎮,湖光山色美如畫,配上各首音樂,讓玩家感到放鬆及享受 (孩子,累了嗎? 坐在頂樓的躺椅上,靜靜聽黑膠唱片懷舊,好嗎?)

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best LGBTQ Female Protagonist Games.

I played the original LiS when it was first released, it was one of my favorite games. Since then, I’ve played them all. Lis 2, Before the Storm, Captain Spirit, etc. I absolutely loved this game. It takes about 12 hours to beat so, the one downside that comes to mind is if 12 hours of gameplay is worth 60 dollars.

However, that’s my only bad remark for the game. To me, this felt like the best spiritual successor to LiS 1. I loved the characters, conversations felt very organic, the town was beautiful. Alex is a fantastic main character and I felt that the two love interests were way more balanced than LiS 1.

Real player with 18.2 hrs in game

Life is Strange: True Colors on Steam

Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered

Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered

Pre-Order Life is Strange Remastered Collection and receive the ‘Zombie Crypt’ Outfit for Chloe. ‘Zombie Crypt’ Outfit is only available for use in Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered. The Life is Strange Remastered Collection includes ‘Life is Strange Remastered’ and ‘Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered’.

Life is Strange: Before the Storm returns with remastered visuals across characters & environments.

Set three years before ‘Life is Strange’, you play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.

When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.

No longer alone the girls must confront each other’s demons and together, find a way to overcome them.

Read More: Best LGBTQ Female Protagonist Games.

Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered on Steam

Please Be Happy

Please Be Happy

Please Be Happy is a comfy, slice-of-life visual novel set in a fictional version of Wellington, New Zealand.

Born as a fox in the forest of Korea, Miho carries with her the memory of a traveler who showed her kindness and spoke of home. Now more human than fox, Miho has spent a long, long time searching for her person. She arrives by airship to Wellington Skyport, one of the jewels of the floating island of New Zealand.

Despite her years spent observing humans, she still has a lot to learn about their culture and society. She’s made a living so far as a thief, her heightened senses allowing her to easily take advantage of people. She’s also seen a lot of the worst of what mankind has to offer.

It’s only after meeting Juliet, the owner of a small library, and Aspen, an aspiring novelist, that Miho starts to understand what kindness is, and that there’s more than just the bad stuff when it comes to people.

Miho’s earliest memories are of her time as a fox, and the kind human she met back then. Now more than just a fox, she’s spent her life searching for that person. Her journey has brought her to a new life in Wellington, New Zealand.

She changes her name every time she goes to a new country. Her previous names include Gumi, Migu, and Mimi.

Aspen is a human girl in love with words and stories. A barista at the Bellhouse Café, she dreams of being a popular author someday. She tries to take a little inspiration from every person that she meets.

She has an hour long phone call with her mom every weekend.

As a vampire, Juliet is one of Wellington’s oldest residents. She’s made the treasures of her life open to all in the form of a library. Aside from books, she also provides wisdom, kindness, and shelter to those who need it.

She dislikes having to resort to echolocation to find her reading glasses.

  • Two heroine routes, with 2 happy endings each

  • A gorgeous original soundtrack by Sarah “Esselfortium” Mancuso

  • Character designs and CG’s by Kobuta, with additional art by minute and adirosa

  • Accessibility options for vision and hearing impairment

  • Full voice acting

Please Be Happy on Steam

Blind Men

Blind Men

I would rate this game as a cute and short adventure that’s worth the price. Even with the occasional error, I’ve honestly paid more for that same amount of quality. My play time is a little high because I was playing this at the same time as another game with a lot of wait time.

Hunter was my first, but Sergei ended up as my favorite. I feel like a lot of these types games try and force the romance, but the fact that you could ignore it entirely was actually made the game feel more natural to me. I would love to see these characters expanded on later. Possibly even just in print form.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

A Cute And Funny VN For A Great Price!

I’m a big fan of dating sims and I was super happy to find this cute little BxB game! The art for all the characters was very nice, both the love interests were very handsome! The art for the backgrounds and cgs were also very nice, as was the music. I played and got all of the achievements, was very happy with the stories! I did enjoy the Sergei routes much more than Hunters, but that’s personal preference! If I were to put one critique it would be that there were a few spelling and grammar errors I noticed, but other than that I would say that this game is well worth the price tag, especially if it’s on sale! I’m excited to see more from these devs in the future!

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Blind Men on Steam

Life is Strange Remastered

Life is Strange Remastered

Pre-Order Life is Strange Remastered Collection and receive the ‘Zombie Crypt’ Outfit for Chloe. ‘Zombie Crypt’ Outfit is only available for use in Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered. The Life is Strange Remastered Collection includes ‘Life is Strange Remastered’ and ‘Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered’.

Experience the BAFTA award-winning story of Life is Strange now beautifully remastered with enhanced visuals and vastly improved animation using mocap technology.

Play as Max Caulfield, a photography senior who discovers she can rewind time while saving her best friend Chloe Price from a violent altercation.

The pair soon find themselves investigating the mysterious disappearance of fellow student Rachel Amber, uncovering a dark side to life in Arcadia Bay. Meanwhile, Max must quickly learn that changing the past can sometimes lead to a devastating future.

Life is Strange Remastered on Steam

Rose Seed Replica

Rose Seed Replica

The most heartwarming story I’ve ever seen in a lesbian game. There’s also an underplot as to how the girls ended up where they did, but it’s not the main focus of the game. Also, there’s a few strange glitches that can occur that seem to be related to the fast forward button, but they don’t break the game or anything.

Real player with 41.6 hrs in game

Full disclaimer: I was a beta-tester for this game and I’m in the credits.

Rose Seed Replica is pretty good! It’s also really hard to describe, as it turns out. I guess calling it a lesbian love story first and an adventure game second might be accurate enough. A big draw of the game is the many branching paths within it. These paths do tend to converge after a point, but there’s a ton of dialogue to see and hunt for across multiple playthroughs. Personally speaking, I did four playthroughs, one for each of the advertised romance types. I still definitely missed out on a lot of dialogue.

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

Rose Seed Replica on Steam

Speed Dating for Ghosts

Speed Dating for Ghosts

As if dating wasn’t scary enough, now there are ghosts!

Speed Dating for Ghosts is a short dating sim developed by Copychaser Games. Essentially you choose from one of three available rooms, each room has three different ghosts for you to chat to and since it’s speed dating. You have a brief conversation with all three ghosts, then there’s a break and you speak to them all again. At the end of the last conversation you can choose which ghost to ask out on a date and depending on how your conversation went you’ll get an extra date scene with them.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Speed Dating for Ghosts is perhaps a little bit different dating sim I’m used to, and I don’t mean it in a bad way. The tone is more existential and less fun, yet hopeful; it is sad but joyful, it makes you laugh but also my eyes got misty on a few occasions. You meet various characters with different pasts and with various outlooks on death, some characters to whom I related more than I would be willing to admit out loud. This game struck me, made me feel many emotions, questioning my own purpose and dealings with life (which I’m already doing quite a lot in my spare time), providing an even deeper level into my playthrough. I like stories, and going through the stories of these beings was a time well spent… on the other hand, what wasn’t a time well spent, was getting “rejected” achievement which was incredibly hard for me, because I am an ass, but not that kind of an ass, especially in video games, so this guide was a godsend. Even with that kind of a playthrough though, you uncovered further glimpses into feelings and mindsets of the ghosts you meet which helped to deepen their characters, and made me even more sympathetic to their fates.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Speed Dating for Ghosts on Steam

Dear Althea

Dear Althea

About this game

This visual novel, full of decisions and repercussions, is a fun reinterpretation of the novel “Dear Faustina” (1897) by British author Rhoda Broughton. Each chapter is filled with beautiful, high quality artwork that illustrates all the situations and moments you will experience alongside the charismatic characters. The art that you will be able to see has been made with special care in the representation of the British Victorian era as well as taking into account the class difference that is present at all times. The entire video game has 51 chapters that you will only be able to see if you play all the routes and enjoy the nine endings of the video game.


In Dear Althea, you play as Althea Vane; a young upper class British woman whose life is turned upside down after the death of her father which causes her family to fall apart along with her future. She will be forced to choose a new future, a place to call home and a group to belong to. To get there she will have to face all sorts of situations in Victorian London, but love and romance will fortunately abound and make her quest more enjoyable.

Choices matter

You will find that the choices you make will change the story from the very first chapter, even if they change there will be many of them that will affect the story in the long run. In Dear Althea, your choices can affect not only your fate, but also the fate of other people. They can also change your relationship with other characters and open up new routes of dialogue that will change the dynamics of relationships.

Diverse relationships

You don’t have to fall in love with anyone or enter into any kind of romantic or sexual relationship in the game, but depending on your choices you can enter into a relationship with up to four characters that fall within the LGBT spectrum, however you don’t have to choose just one relationship; you can enter into a variety of polyamorous relationships.

In this video game, consent is discussed and encouraged in all aspects of relationships between characters. In romantic relationships there is no obligation to have sex, and refusing to have sex has no negative repercussions.


There is a great diversity of charismatic characters in “Dear Althea” but there is a clear division between upper class and working class characters. As a protagonist you can decide from the first chapter and throughout the story which group you are more sympathetic to. Defending characters from one class or the other can have repercussions.


If puzzles are not your thing you can skip them without missing any important plot points; however, there has been a lot of effort in the creation of the puzzles to make them all diverse. They have been integrated in the best possible way into the storyline as well as being completely set in the era in which the story takes place.


The typography has been created to help people with dyslexia to identify letters more easily. It is based on the typeface that appears in the original 1897 book.


There are a total of nine completely different final chapters, many of which are the result of decisions that took place several chapters earlier.Due to the branching of the story, finishing a single route can cause you to miss even twenty whole chapters that belong to the other routes, so the title invites replayability. Also, as a final surprise, there are some small post-credits scenes that will change depending on the decisions made throughout the story.

Duration and text

Counting all possible decisions, the game has 112408 words and (although it is not finished yet) I estimate that approximately and depending on the decisions chosen, the game can last about 5 hours.

Dear Althea on Steam

DRAMAtical Murder

DRAMAtical Murder

I’m very impressed with the quality of image. Beside that, the story is good.

10/10 with the uncensored path (within not include in steam).

Real player with 35.7 hrs in game

First playthrough ' Ah, it’s just another otome / visual novel with good and bad endings. Wow, Koujaku is cool"

Second p.: " I want to try all the romance options, there are only 4 of them. Holy cow, Noiz was intense! Why do I feel I’m missing something though?

Third p. : “Stockholm syndrome simulator (Mink)….also: I am definitely missing something.

Fourth p: “Clear is just precious 3 ….. Who is that dude in the fedora?”

Fifth p: " Christ almighty”

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

DRAMAtical Murder on Steam