No Plan B: Prologue

No Plan B: Prologue

“When your army has crossed the border, you should burn your boats and bridges, in order to make it clear to everybody that you have no hankering after home.“Sun Tzu.



With that in Mind. This game teaches you to lay it all on the LINE when wagering your plan of execution against the enemy.


“NO BACKSIES”. you can drill and rehearse over and over fine tuning your approach on an occupied structure but eventually you must execute the plan. At which point you can not change it. Failure is constant success is scarce in this game but the more you play the more aware you become in the strategic head space.

Real player with 30.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Level Editor Singleplayer Games.

This is an excellent game and a surprisingly playable demo. If you liked games like Door Kickers, Breach&Clear, Frozen Synapse you will definitely enjoy this one.


  • Excellent timeline system. It eliminates the most frustrating part of Door Kickers: the hassle around syncing operator movement. In No Plan B you can easily ensure that everyone enters into the new room in the perfect moment.

  • Active, responsive developer.

  • Daily, weekly and monthly challenges sneak in a little competitiveness.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

No Plan B: Prologue on Steam



Really fun strategy game with an environmental twist. This premise has you doubting between going all-in for the win and playing more conservatively to preserve the environment. I played beta for the past two years and the final version is even more polished! Server issues on launch day aside, great game and I certainly recommend it.

Extra fun when playing with friends, the AI is a decent matchup for beginners but can be predictable at times.

Update: Even better with the map editor and workshop update. You can now play with your friends on maps that you created yourself.

Real player with 54.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Level Editor Turn-Based Strategy Games.

I would rate this:

Overall - 7/10

Strategy - 10/10

Graphics - 7/10

Originality - 9/10

Replay ability - 4/10

This game is great fun and it seemingly has the perfect balance of R.N.G. and strategy. I have never found myself in a spot where bad R.N.G. couldn’t have been avoided. Playing with friends is great if you can, but the AI are a good challenge. (The AI NeuralNewt on hard can put up a great fight.) This game isn’t really complete yet, I heard of some additions and maybe a campaign being added later on but the game as it is is fantastic- in concept. As I said don’t let its retro graphics fool you. It can drag out and be a bit and become, well, less nuanced to state it simply, and after playing it for a while, both through playing many rounds and/or long games.

Real player with 46.6 hrs in game

Epicinium on Steam

Super Chopper

Super Chopper

THIS GAME is more arcade like than simulator and is like Steel Talons rather than Gunship or Super Huey. Whats nice is there’s a mission editor. There’s more to be desired but its worth the price I suppose

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Level Editor Moddable Games.

I wouldn’t buy this game unless you have a good computer. I couldn’t run the game on the lowest settings. It seems fun but I just can’t play with like 10 frames.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Super Chopper on Steam



8.5/10. BLACK DAY .. to buy or not to buy. Well here’s the deal.

If you have been frustrated by the lack of good tactical and infiltration games then this should already be in your library.

Reminds me of classic tactical games when they used to make them good.

This game features really well thought out maps. Sandbox customization. Diverse hostiles from human opponents to futuristic robots and everything in between and there’s more to come.

What i really enjoy about this game is the fact that it totally Lets the player decide how he wants to play. There’s no right or wrong way. Take the easy or Hard Way or if you think you can handle it Hardcore all the way.

Real player with 138.2 hrs in game

Are you a fan of tactical infantry/special forces combat games such as the great Ghost Recon series? Do you enjoy game series such as Metal Gear and Splinter Cell ?

How would you like a DEEP TACTICAL SANDBOX experience that comes with x21 thoughtfully created maps for you to play with; a majority of which are just ENORMOUS in size and are BEAUTIFUL to see?

Altogether, Black Day generously gives us:

…x3 gamemodes

…x21 terrific maps (with time-of-day and weather variables!)

Real player with 42.6 hrs in game

BLACK DAY on Steam

No Plan B

No Plan B

Very fun game as is but needs a few tweaks.

1. Toggle movement options like sync and isolate. You have to put your hands in weird angles sometimes and if your hand comes off it ends that option.

2. Slightly higher angle of view on doorways. Sometimes enemies hide in the smallest angle that a human would otherwise see. Also a better turning system. It’s weird when the characters stop to turn instead of turning as they walk.

3. Clearer stats for weapons (like how often they shoot) and more variety of weapons

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Honest to say,is not a perfect game,but it’s good.

By the way,I have some suggestions for you,hope you can see this.

I think the control of planning can be greater than now,sometimes i would delete my schedule by mistaking click.

Meanwhile,I am a Chinese Player,I think “Skirmish Mission” should called “突袭任务“ instead of “冲突任务”.

Similarly,inside the game,SWAT and FBI’s full name looks like their description not their name,maybe you can make this translation better.

And i see some review that compare No Plan B to Doorkickers.In my opinion,both are good game,and to be honest,actually DK is better than this.But at the same time,these two are different at some points.No Plan B could only have one go (Like DK’s single plan medal but it’s mandatory) ,so you must plan carefully before execute.and the preview is amazing,that’s a thing that Doorkickers cannot do,it’s really helpful for squads to moving at the same time(better than DK’s “ABCD” action command signal)

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

No Plan B on Steam

Attack at Dawn: North Africa

Attack at Dawn: North Africa

Attack at Dawn: North Africa is a strategy game set in WW2 North African theatre. In the game you take command of battalions, brigades, divisions and air wings. The game begins with the German troops probing into the Libyan region of Cyrenaica, and finishes either with the total defeat of German-Italian Panzer Armee, or with the British loss of Egypt and their retreat across the Suez Canal.


The game can be played in a Real-Time, or Turn-Based (WeGo) mode. That reflects the speed and chaos of the desert mobile warfare. Combine this with the fog of war, and the experience of being in command vehicle of a Panzer Corps comes to life. The game will immerse you in one of the most intensive and nerve-wrecking experiences of the Second World War.


Game map and the units have been designed to be uncluttered, informative and easy to understand. You can choose how will your units look like: as top-view models or unit counters. With the ability to zoom out and see the entire battlefield with a glance, you will have the best possible situational awareness.


The game features campaigns and scenarios - both historical and hypothetical. They have been designed after an in-depth research of the historical orders of battle and battle histories. Special attention was given to the composition of the armies, combat values of individual units and overall authenticity of each scenario. Check out our series of maps and historical articles that were created based on our research:


The game features a large map, covering a distance of almost 2000 kilometres and you can use the Scenario Editor provided within the game to create your own scenarios anywhere on this large battleground. Starting at the bay of Sirte in Libya and spreading to Suez Canal in Egypt, the terrain varies between sea, desert, mountains, wadis, ports… There is one long asphalt road “Via Balbia” spanning the whole length of the map, and a handful of well-known desert tracks leading towards the deep Sahara.

Attack at Dawn: North Africa on Steam

Brutal Fate

Brutal Fate

Brutal Fate is a fast-paced ultra-violent retro first-person shooter inspired by 80’s and 90’s sci-fi movies. As a marine from the Global Order Alliance sent to Callisto to take over the local corporate government, you find yourself surrounded by legions of demonic alien invaders and you must fight for your survival.

It blends the best features of classic shooters such as non-linear level design, a huge arsenal and large enemy variety with some modern aspects, making it a unique mix that does not try to hang on nostalgia, but be something of it’s own.

This game is a finely crafted first-person experience designed to be the most satisfying and detailed possible. Enemies that can be dismembered and exploded into pieces, destroyable environments including lamps, cars and even trees. All many details that makes you really feel like you are in a real living world.

Do you want to know more?

  • This game features a huge arsenal of weapons that may require the use of all your keyboard numbers to scroll through. We got battle rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers, smart missiles, laser rifles, you name it.

  • Immerse yourself in a 3 episode campaign, with branching patches, multiple endings, and a story full of twists.

  • Fight an entire circus of monstrosities, carnivorous demons, zombie-like cultists, shuffling supernatural incomprehensible abominations from beyond, and corporate henchmen that want to make sure you won’t leave this haunted colony alive after seeing everything you just did. Just like in classic fps style, each enemy type acts like a piece of chess made to compensate the weakness of another. Gib them into delicious meat pieces, burn them to ashes, almost every enemy features locational damage and dozens of death animations, including different deaths for different weapons used.

  • Explore huge non-linear levels, look for secrets to find special rare alternative ammo types for your weapons, health and armor upgrades, and much more. No “procedural generated levels”, no faux-retro arena level design, just handcrafted levels by someone with over 10 years of experience in classic game level design. Get the feeling of exploring believable highly interactive locations, fight enemies in many different scenarios, scripted or not, pick them alone or in small groups and sometimes try to come up with a strategy to fight up to 50 enemies at once.

  • Command your fellow marines out of this hell. Your character’s rank as a Staff Sergeant isn’t only for show. Find any survivors of this disastrous operation and they will follow you. They have an acceptable AI that will actually follow your commands, won’t block your movement, and will kill enemies for you. Magnificent, isn’t it?

  • Mod it until it breaks. Running on the highly reliable GZDoom engine, this game is extremely easy to be modified. You can make mods, add custom weapons, enemies, levels, and entire new user-made campaigns.


In the end of the 21th century, after a catastrophic nuclear war followed by a famine that wiped out half of Earth, the remaining governments united their military under the same banner in a vow to prevent another disaster, and so the Global Order Alliance was born.

Later the G.O.A. united with corporations in an effort to terraform and colonize other planets in the solar system, by using a method that allowed artificial black holes to be created at the center of the planets to imitate Earth’s gravity. 60 years later when the terraforming of Mars and Jupiter’s moons were completed and mass migration started, the corporations betrayed the Terran governments and decided to declare independency and not use their newfound resources to help Earth get back on it’s feet. Their moto was “We terraformed these planets and now everything on them belongs to us. If you want these resources, come and take it."

Betrayed and left for dead, the peoples from all around the world vowed to invade the colonies and take back what belongs to Earth. The armies of the G.O.A. which were once considered heroes and peacekeepers of mankind, became a violent, fanatic, imperialistic military legion. They launched military campaigns against Mars and Io that lasted for decades. Now the year is 2297 and the people of Callisto started rebelling against the corporate rule due to recent strange phenomena caused by the planet’s artificial black hole, all the interplanetary communications are shut down by the regime, and the G.O.A. sees this as a perfect opportunity to invade the planet and “liberate” it with the local population’s support. The corporate conglomerates warns that the situation in Callisto is “complicated” and warns Earth to stay away from it.

You are part of a special international battalion of the Space Division of the G.O.A. Marine Corps sent to intermediate the situation. After a four month journey, you arrive at the planet with orders to destroy the corporate government forces and secure their industrial facilities. Drone scans shows literally hundreds of thousands of dead bodies littering the streets, apparently they genocided the local populace which saves you from the work of having to watch your targets… Your orders are clear: Descend into the planet with companies of battle-hardened Marines, combat androids, tanks, mechs, gunships and orbital artillery, and eliminate any colonial military forces you may find. They are considered dangerous irregular war criminals and you have no legal requirement to grant them any human rights, engage on contact. All weapons are clear… Exterminate with extreme prejudice, just the way the Marines likes to operate.

The Marines quickly find out that something is wrong. The planet is dead. Non-combatants and colonial guard alike were slaughtered, women and children included. No signs that a war happened here, some bodies defiled in unspeakable macabre religious rituals.

You realize that what killed these people weren’t humans, it weren’t using guns, and it’s still here. An unfathomable evil from beyond lurks these dead streets, its hungry eyes are gazing upon you. Do you have what it takes to survive?

Brutal Fate on Steam

Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition

Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition

Age of Empires 3: Politically Correct Edition

A change in names so as not to offend people which I personally find absolutely pathetic. For example, changing plantation to estate, colonial age to commerce age and changing mission units from native indians to ‘‘oppressive colonialist’’ units. The game is literally set in the colonial age. I wont be buying anymore age of empires products because they clearly have an agenda to keep history fanatics like myself away from their games

Real player with 353.3 hrs in game

The game itself is great, it plays almost identically to CC. I loved CC and got this the moment I got my new computer that could actually run it (and run it really well, I’ve played plenty of more demanding games with no problems). The gameplay itself is actually really good, using good unit comp to obliterate your enemy never gets old and being able to outboom is always fun. However, with DE I’ve had so many frustrations that I didn’t nearly have with CC.

The problem is that it arguably has more issues, both performance and in balancing. I have had significantly more disconnects, out of syncs and random resigns here than in CC. I have had posts about it on the official forums, people say they are looking into it and nothing. I reported back in June that you can’t use shift commands properly on hunts when you’re using more than 8 vills and it still hasn’t been fixed. And now that the Mexico civ is here there is plenty of broken bullshit to go around. Who thought that a 7.5 min fast industrial is balanced? Like really, when most civs can only do a 6-6.5 min fast fortress? The new civs are so overloaded with mechanics and features, meanwhile old civs like Russia and the Aztecs are still boring to play, with the Inca doing everything the Aztecs do but better. Meaning, apart from meme strats (like invis coyote runners) there’s no reason to play Aztecs when Incas are flat out better. Not only that, but they got rid of key things from CC, such as a working ranked system to let you know who was and wasn’t good (Stars + chevrons don’t count) as well as a lag indicator in the pre game lobby.

Real player with 308.0 hrs in game

Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition on Steam

Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

Lots to like about this game - single player (multiple modes), multiplayer (coop and pvp), AI is challenging in SP mode. The dynamic campaigns have great replayability. Graphics and sound are excellent. Realism is pretty good - still plenty of compromises for gameplay reasons, but it is immersive and intense nonetheless.

As far as downsides, the learning curve is pretty steep and some actions aren’t explained very well. Controls can be challenging [do I left-click or right-click to do that? Hey, I said to MOVE there, not drop a mortar barrage on your covering infantry!]. Some additions to the unit information page would be nice to have.

Real player with 594.4 hrs in game

Fantastic game with so much attention to detail. Physics are amazing and still getting constant maintenance and content updates. After Assault squad Cold war I was worries that this would not live up to Assault Squad 1 & 2 but it does. Its great

Real player with 257.1 hrs in game

Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront on Steam



ConflictCraft is a casual strategy game fought with the mouse.

The objective is simple: destroy all the enemies. This battle is fought with bases generating units. Half of the battle is figuring out what strategic bases you need to focus on straight away. If you take too long on the start, the AI will take too many bases, creating an impossible situation to win, so it’s likely that you are starting out a level to figure it out first and then restarting to apply the most optimal strategy. The other half of the battle is lots of mouse clicking to drag and drop units between the bases you want to reinforce or attack. Unlike other similar games where you can choose between sending all or half the units, in this game you can only send half of the units.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Very fun, simple, straight-forward strategy game! Little bit on the liniear side, but that is okay, keep it simple!

Now 2020, so 4 years old, but I finally played it and I must say: I kept playing untill I done all the maps! If a game can do that to you, then it’s definately worth trying!

It plays like RISK, in a war setting: tanks, attack helicopters and raid helicopters. Take over control points to gain strength from within the numbers and abilities. And the goal is simple: Eradicate the enemy, simply put: Take over everything untill the enemy has nothing to retalliate with.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

ConflictCraft on Steam