Lonely Birds

Lonely Birds

There is something so satisfying about rePearing these birds

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Level Editor Puzzle Games.

Fun and cute little puzzle game that introduces lots more complexity as you continue. The pearakeets are adorable.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Lonely Birds on Steam



Tidalis takes the Tetris genre of games and rips it apart. Tidalis is basically Tetris on steroids.

Like Tetris, multi-colored blocks will fall down your screen at regular intervals. If you match up the blocks correctly they’ll be cleared, but if too many blocks stack up (to the top of your screen) you lose. But that is where the similarity ends.

In Tidalis you create “streams” to clear your blocks, and with clever positioning it’s possible to use streams to clear blocks all across the play area. As blocks are cleared more streams can be created allowing you to create combos that give you extra points. It’s really cool to plan out a chain reaction and see it pay off!

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Level Editor Puzzle Games.

In my opinion, one of the most underrated games on Steam. It’s a hard one to review though… I love it, but friends I’ve shared it with haven’t been blown away by it. It has a very niche appeal (but thankfully at least has a demo)

The way I see it, it’s a casual game for those who don’t do casual games - partly why I think it’s not been a big winner in the review department. It’s too silly and looks too simplistic for the more “hard-core” gamer (or those who wish to avoid the likes of Candy Crush at all costs… and rightly so) but is too complicated and difficult for those wanting said Candy Crush style

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Tidalis on Steam



Basic Info

Genre: Puzzle Game

Difficulty: Easy-Medium


Rating: 7/10

You are a robot tasked with removing ALL the boxes in the room.

To remove boxes you have to move them and match two, three or four boxes of the same color.

While this may sound simple enough, some levels have obstacles, making boxes harder to move and one wrong move might make a box impossible to more if you pushed it against a wall.

Luckily to have you have 5 “Undos”, which each will take you and the boxes you have moved back one move.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Level Editor Puzzle Games.

There is nothing hugely wrong with it, its got a good aesthetic, and its tried and tested sokoban play.

but Sokoban and its many, many clones are free, have thousands of levels, that get to maddening levels of difficulty.

This game costs 1.79, has 40 levels, and you can finish it in half an hour.

With more content it could have scraped by with a recommend, though I think even a good clone of Sokoban (which is over three decades old now) should have more mechanics and such to make it interesting.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

interLOGIC on Steam