Infinitode 2 - Infinite Tower Defense

Infinitode 2 - Infinite Tower Defense

My first TD was Vector Tower Defense, my second was Vector TD 2…and my third was Vector TDX. I hated all three, but I sucked at them. I liked the gameplay, I liked the idea…but I just couldn’t wrap my head around the strategy and wondered how one ever got to the higher levels– or even completed some of the maps. I loved hating those games, played the crap out of them on Candystand (RiP).

From there, I played every TD I found, even the crappy ones, just to see if they got any better. Over time, I didn’t have to play crappy ones, as good ones were being created all over…but nothing quite like Vector TD. :/

Real player with 367.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Level Editor Logic Games.

This was a close call if I push the yes or no button with the recommendation button.

This game has a plus side, which is the gameplay itself. It’s classic tower defense, no bells and whistles.

No unnecessary graphic 1upmanship, but instead back to the basics, i.e. simple outline shapes that make the towers you placed instantly recognizable.

You’ve got 16 different towers that do different things in various degrees of effectiveness, so quite the variability in terms of towers.

And that’s the positives. So now for the negatives, namely progression and R&D.

Real player with 250.2 hrs in game

Infinitode 2 - Infinite Tower Defense on Steam

Cup Of Ethanol

Cup Of Ethanol

My friend speedran the first level of this and I thought I’d check it out. The graphics were off putting at first but i assumed it was just a stylistic choice. Unfortunately they got worse as the game went on with the ice being a vile green. The movement feels too slippery and all the enemies had the same movement. Many of the platform sections felt like they were straight out of a troll game but without the novelty. Whenever you fall in a pit you free fall for about 15 seconds before you re spawn.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Level Editor Platformer Games.


See: for image comparison

For the mod, go to:


This game is actually pretty good!

I came upon it randomly, while searching for free games with a level editor, and lo, there it was. The big hangup is the graphics - clearly it’s programmer art. But if you can get past that, and play the game itself - it’s pretty fun!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Cup Of Ethanol on Steam

Erazer - Devise & Destroy

Erazer - Devise & Destroy

Very nice game! I played this game for over 30 hours in closed beta. Developers are active and they listen to feedback. I really enjoy making new maps with the level editor

Real player with 103.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Level Editor Procedural Generation Games.

Disclaimer: I alpha and beta tested this game before the Early Access launch and got the game for free for beta testing purposes before EA launch. However, all the things said in this review are my own, honest opinions.

I’ve had the privilege to follow the development of this awesome game. The game has already gone a long way and is a legit product at its current state, and I am not afraid to state that it’s well worth its price tag (well, who am I to say, as stated above.. :D)

What I really like in this game is the sandbox environment and the possibilities it gives. It already has great developer-made missions, puzzle maps and speedrun maps. Planned co-op and multiplayer features will make it even better in the future. The level editor is well-planned and makes effective level creation possible. Some beta testers have already made a bunch of very good (and challenging, dear god) maps. The game engine allows for nearly everything, which is great.

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

Erazer - Devise & Destroy on Steam

Mondrian - Plastic Reality

Mondrian - Plastic Reality

Probably the best relaxing and stress reliever game i’ve ever played

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

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Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Mondrian - Plastic Reality on Steam



I’m part-way through, and it’s getting tougher (trying to get par on level 39). So far this game strikes a nice balance of being challenging without being too hard. The par scores make you think about how to be more efficient while making it clear that there are savings to be had. The graphics are fun while being readable so you don’t feel overwhelmed by visual noise.

I’m digging it.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Fun little, sokoban-esque puzzle game.

The level designs are actually very well made, and really bring out the interesting interactions between the different mechanics. Really makes you have to think sometimes, especially when trying to beat the “Pony moves”(Dev highscore)

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

#AkiRobots on Steam



Not a game I play a lot of by any means, but it’s a nice game to play every once in a while to relax when I need a break from playing other games.

Lately I’ve found myself enjoying a lot of rhythm games like Muse Dash, Osu and a few others. I’ve found myself enjoying this game the most though, as I’ve been opening it up almost every day and playing a little bit here and there. I’m not good at rhythm games by any means but I still enjoy them.

Lynium has a Learning curve, and compared to other rhythm games, it’s a bit different considering it’s still new and in early access but very enjoyable. The initial controls for the game are a bit awkward at first but I was able to change them to be more comfortable for myself. I haven’t tried the multiplayer or making a beatmap yet but the game feels nice. Like a fully finished game!

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

I stumbled across lynium when i was looking for a new rhythm game to play. I was definitely sceptical at first, however i’m really glad i got it.

I find the game really throws you in at the deep end, it gives you a quick tutorial saying to just press buttons and then you start. The controls are quite challenging to get used to, however easy to pick up with practise. I’ve really enjoyed progressing from not being able to hit a double note to getting pretty good scores in the matter of hours and i’ve been hooked on it since download.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Lynium on Steam

Minimal Crypt

Minimal Crypt

Minimalistic indeed, yet complex enough to give you headaches, well designed, innovative, surprisingly varied and makes me struggle much more than I am willing to admit. It’s definetely worth its price and you’ll be able to enjoy it for days with the community levels.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Puzzle games with genuinely innovative mechanics are incredibly rare these days and this little gem in the rough is a perfect example of something brand new that’s easy to pick up but incredibly hard to master.

The simplistic graphics, smooth, minimalistic animations, fantastic soundtrack and the exponentially steep difficulty curve all culminate together brilliantly.

For just 5 bucks you’ve got access to the 5-ish hours campaign (including a secret level that you unlock by inputting the Konami code) and a plethora of community made levels.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Minimal Crypt on Steam

Dungeons Forever

Dungeons Forever

ENGLISH: As little as I play this game, I liked it a lot. Here is a list of things that (I think) would like the small game community:

★ Backgrounds for dungeons: There are already “blocks” that are normally used to add a background, but it is not the same as having a section dedicated to “real backgrounds”; Several backgrounds with different designs and colors to choose from.

★ More blocks of construction / decoration / utility / … (we need more variety to not get bored or do not make levels almost equal to others)

Real player with 38.8 hrs in game

This game is very fun, making levels is a blast, and playing others levels is unmatched in diversity and unexpected twists and turns. The only issue I find with this game is the lack of an ability to play specific players levels. This game would be a thousand times more fun (and I believe a thousand times more popular) if you could play specific other players levels. There should be a players list that you can search for names and play the levels of whatever player you search for. The only way to play other players levels is by playing the random (and limited lives) mode which tosses you into random and sometimes unfair levels. If there was not only this already added mode but also a way to play specific players levels (and possibly a like system and creator leaderboards and such [although those are just decorations]), the game would be much more popular and much more fun. Anyhow, 7/10, very fun, but lacking in the ability to play specific players levels.

Real player with 35.3 hrs in game

Dungeons Forever on Steam

Fields XY

Fields XY


Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Nice, simple easy to understand puzzle game with jazzy music.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Fields XY on Steam



very cool puzzle game and it runs super smoothly

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

A nice puzzle game.

Requires some dexterity and a bit of die and retry.

Overall a pleasant experience and it is free.

What do you want more?

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Sharp on Steam