Doom Work

Doom Work

–-{ Graphics }—

☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☑ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


—{ Gameplay }—

☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It’s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t

—{ Audio }—

☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☑ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf

—{ Audience }—

☑ Kids

☑ Teens

☑ Adults

☐ Grandma

—{ PC Requirements }—

☑ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

—{ Difficulty }—

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Lemmings Puzzle Games.

Very charming and enjoyable puzzle game at a very low price.

I would happily pay for more levels as DLC if that ever happens.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Doom Work on Steam



Flockers bases on the Lemmings' game concept, but you should not expect an alike experience.

The nature of the sheep forces them to rely on the fancy abilities rather than tools that they have learnt throughout the long-term service for the worms, though there are placeable blocks they can climb. Frankly saying, the abilities are very few and the utilities too little to create diversity, but the environment makes a creative use of them, patching up a possibility of repetitiveness.

Flockers will challenge you with 66(!) levels, many of which players may find too demanding. The traps are countless, and some puzzles will keep you awake at night in search for the solution. The difficulty is especially visible when you aim to max out the game - you might start struggling at the beginning already. Because of that, I’d gladly see some saving feature, that could allow to correct mistakes or find out what contraptions do without pulling your hair out. The pause is much of help while in such trouble, unfortunately it’s far from perfect. You can’t place blocks or assign abilities while it’s active. Sometimes you have to pick a certain sheep among of an accumulated herd and if you happen to pick wrong, the whole run may go to waste.

Real player with 39.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Lemmings Puzzle Games.

Fresh take on Lemmings :) Think Worms Landscapes that are more diabolical, and Lemmings type of Game Play.

I loved playing lemmings when I was a child, this is the more grown-up version of it, with sheep instead of little pixilated men! Can be as gory or non-bloody if you so choose. The new environmental aspects are great, Tellaporters, gravity reversal, mines, sharp bone blades and, Worms driving Death Machines with saw blades and spikes ready to take out your flock without hesitation. Guide your Flock of sheep through the map using ability box’s you either start with or pick up along the way, to the trumpet looking exit vacuum. Making sure to do it as quickly as possible without losing too many of your sheep. Sacrifices are usually a necessity, except for rounds where you only have 1 sheep. Knowing that this game is still in Early Access stage, it’s one of the best functioning “Alpha’s” I’ve played in quite awhile.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Flockers™ on Steam



Spirits incites feelings of calmness, relaxation and fun as equally as it does frustration. ~ 7/10

The beautiful glow effects and music give the game a sense of tranquility. However, you’ll find if you don’t enjoy trial & error, this sense of tranquility is quickly lost. Knowing the correct solution to a problem isn’t always good enough, as the game demands a certain amount of perfection in execution. Despite this, I found myself striving to achieve perfect scores on each stage, motivated to increase my World Rank which is a great feature of this game. The later stages being as difficult and sometimes unforgiving as they are makes completing them all the more satisfying. Overall, I’d recommend this if you enjoy a game that is visually/musically rich and you enjoy problem-solving/trial & error.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Lemmings Puzzle Games.

Spirits is a short name for little ghosts that pollinate plants in a magic forest.

This amazing puzzle game is in lower levels very easy to play and turned out in the last levels as quite challenging. It reminds me mostly of Lemmings. You have either these special abilities like digging through walls (bashing), blowing other spirits over gaps or blocking wind streams as a bloated spirit which you can assign to each of them. Of course then its life is lost. The aim is to bring as much as possible of them to the great magic swirl. Additional the spirits are reacting on windstreams but mostly they must be bewared of walking or floating into dangerous spikes everwhere. Dumb as lemmings …

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Spirits on Steam



Try the Free Demo Today!

Kells is a retro puzzle game similar to the original Lemmings except instead of issuing specific commands to your Kells, you manipulate their movement using special Gravity Tiles instead. These tiles change the direction of gravity as Kells walk or fall over them, allowing you to manipulate your Kells in crazy ways like making them “fall upwards” to clear obstacles, “fall forward” to avoid dangerous spike pits, and even walk up or down walls!


The objective seems deceptively simple! All you have to do in each level is figure out how to get your Kells from the entrance to the exit flag. The thing is, you can’t control them directly and unlike in Lemmings, you can’t issue them commands either. What you can do is place tiles around the level to change the flow of gravity! Can you figure out how to make use of careful Gravity Tile placement to guide your Kells on a journey through 100 levels and 8 themed islands to find the mysterious Last Level?

The Kellective

As you progress through the game, you’ll find many lost Kells on your journey to build up The Kellective and make it stronger and stronger. You will care for your Kells - you can rest them when they are injured, check in on them between levels to see how they are feeling and mourn them when they die.

Uncover many secrets and hidden treasures

Kells is full of secrets and unexpected twists and turns! There are secret coins that initially seem impossible to reach. There are secret passageways and areas to uncover. There are mysterious competitions and game modes to unlock. Rumour has it, apparently there is even an entire secret island hidden away somewhere on the world map!

Other Highlights

  • There are various routes to the Last Level - will you opt for the easier, longer route or risk the difficult route in order to reach The Last Level quicker?

  • There are 100 Levels in total scattered across the World Map. Can you complete them all? Better still, can you PERFECT them all?

  • Can you track down all the missing Kells and fully restore the Kellective?

  • For completionists, there are 10 Purple Kellectibles scattered around the levels in difficult-to-access locations. Can you kellect them all?

Kells on Steam

So Many Me

So Many Me

People seem to like itemised lists so here we go.


-Challenging puzzles. So Many Me really pushed and probed my brain in unexpected ways. The deceptively simple mechanics can be used in devious ways thanks to a clever rule: You use your petrified clones as stepping stones or switch-stoppers, but instead of allowing you to reclaim your clones in the more expected first-in/first out fashion, it has to be done in a last-in/first out one. This means that the most intuitive “order” of actions is incorrect and you have to learn to think in a different way. This also has the effect of constantly keeping you barely ahed of resource-starvation as you have to leave most of your available copies behind to allow you to retrace your steps when you find the key item or power-up that a certain obstacle requires.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

This is a great game, the art style, the cuteness, the story and even the puns.

It deffinatly isn’t for the faint hearted it requires alot of patiance and thinking outside the box. It will drive you nuts at times trying to solve the puzzles and the bosses.

There isn’t really much Killing its more so trying to work around the enemies and the enviroment but in saying that it doesnt mean there is no killing at all.

You can customize your many me’s with cute different outfits, and you also get the opportunity to be a Bird, a Jellysaur (yes thats right i said a Jellysaur!) and even a tank!

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game

So Many Me on Steam

Crossing Guard Joe

Crossing Guard Joe

Experience the thrills and spills of being a crossing guard in this action arcade game! Step into the working man’s boots of Crossing Guard Joe as he battles the combined forces of angry motorists and bureaucratic red tape.

  • The gameplay requires hands-on action and quick thinking. The drivers of Monoxide City have no respect for traffic laws, pedestrians, common decency, or YOU. They won’t stop for anything so you’ll need to be quick on your feet and able to make snap-decisions to safely shepard all the kids across the street.

  • The easy-to-learn 4-button control scheme is intuitive even to casual players. But the challenge of the levels ramp up steadily. Easy to pick up, hard to master.

  • Besides angry motorists you’ll also have to contend with the bureaucrats down at city hall hitting you with ever more strict rules regarding how many kids are allowed to get pancaked on a given day.

  • 5 days a week for 5 weeks. As you progress through the 25 level campaign you will face ever-worsening traffic conditions and environmental hazards. You start the game off with nothing but your trusty stop-sign and your pointing-arm, but as you progress you might find helpful objects, like barriers and traffic lights.

  • Your score is determined by speed, crossing-combos, and of course how many kids you manage to get across the street. Refine your strategy for each level for better scores and reach for the top spot on the online leaderboards.

Good luck out there, Joe. The kids of Monoxide City are counting on YOU!

Crossing Guard Joe on Steam



Don’t buy the full game, get all you can from the demo because the full game doesn’t have anything new.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Written By Hidden Gems Review :

Lemwars is a strategic game who want simulate the lemmings of the 90'

At the start the tutorial you see it’s really short and don’t explain much about the mechanics of the game, also could be better explain it while you playing it not at the start all in.

The game tried simulate the lemmings but with the normal lemmings you can’t exactly control them you have to control the enviroment, with Lem Wars you can control your units and send them to attack the enemy like a kind of moba game.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

LemWars on Steam




Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

I bought this looking for a good Lemmings-style puzzle game on Steam.

Inklings doesn’t blow you away, but it’s solidly good: challenging and well-made.

It’s faithful to the original Lemmings with usable controls, simple understandable mechanics, and a unique graphics style.

It’s enjoyable.

The biggest con is that some of the puzzles aren’t super elegant, requiring hacky solutions or careful timing that is annoying to get right. But, if you’re looking for Lemmings, this is as good as you’re going to get.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Inklings on Steam

Save the Dodos

Save the Dodos

Save the Dodos is a highly addictive puzzle game where the aim on most levels is (surprise surprise) to save as many Dodos as you can. There are 4 worlds and each world has 25 levels in it to complete. Most of the time you are asked to save a set number of Dodos, though some levels will ask you collect fruit and store it away in a nest or simply survive for a certain amount of time whilst avoiding enemies and enviromental hazards. As you progress through the world’s the enemies become tougher and more in numbers on some levels, but the game does a good job of never making you feel overwhelmed to the point of rage quitting. As with most good puzzle games you will spend ages looking at a puzzle and trying to figure out the solution, only to see it was staring you in the face all along. The art beautifully done and the soundtrack is one that you can happily listen too in the background without ever feeling the need to mute it. For anyone who likes the classic game Lemmings or if you just enjoy a good puzzle game then this game is a must play. Also at £1.99 the value for money is great :)

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Save the Dodos is a modern Lemmings game with dodos! Use the mouse to swap the terrain around and make sure all your derpy dodos reach the exit safely without getting killed. The game has 100 levels to complete.

I’m quite impressed by the game! The terrain is divided in smaller squares. You use the mouse to swap the terrain both horizonal and vertical. The levels get more challenging as you move on, but some levels have some clever loopholes that make them very easy once you figured it out. You start with just the standard dodo, but as you move on you’ll unlock different dodos that have some unique ability compared to the original one. This can make a level extra easy or hard (depending on what youre trying to do).

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Save the Dodos on Steam

Swarm the City: Zombie Evolved

Swarm the City: Zombie Evolved

I have mixed feelings about this game. While I enjoy’d the gameplay, the game is not completely finished. There is a final chapter that doesn’t unlock, and it really bums you out. Like wtf? It leaves you feeling like you haven’t really beat the game. There’s no congratulation, no finally.. You’re left unable to get legendary parts for upgrades, cause they’re locked behind unreachable levels I guess..? I dunno. It’s rude to charge $15 for a game that isn’t even finished.

For now I am down voting because that is rude on the devs part to release an unfinished game. If the game is finished I will likely change my rating.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

I just kept repeating the process of summoning and dying!!! It’s a lot of fun

At the beginning, the game is kinda easy, but it gets hard once you reach chapter 3, and that’s where strategy is needed. Strategy matters a lot, you have to actually think before you start taking actions. It might still be possible that you keep dying unless you are a hardcore rts player.

Even that, Swarm the City is still good for rts starters. The pause function in the game will make it easier for those new rts players to take a break and think about the next move.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Swarm the City: Zombie Evolved on Steam