Underland: The Climb

Underland: The Climb

Underland: The Climb introduces moving enemy sprites as a resource on the map which you have to avoid or manipulate around the maps to press buttons, etc. In addition to that, a pickaxe takes the place of the saw wheel from the first game and overall the layering of the puzzle elements both as a factor of timing and sequencing is kicked up a notch!

A fun and short game, with a few maps that really take a few tries. It seems like the dev was really expanding the concepts shown in the first game and I can’t wait to see what they come up with next! This game’s puzzles really feel cohesive and like the game teaches you how to think and play.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Lemmings Destruction Games.

The BAD:

  • No separate music volume slider.

  • You can’t create any save points or quick saves during a level. If you make mistake, you must restart the level. This inflated the playtime and made some levels tedious rather than a joy.

  • The main character, EVERY time you click them, will either say; (most of the time) “What’s up” (though it sounds more like “What the”) or “Hey” or “Hi” in an upbeat manner as if oblivious to nearby danger. I don’t need the character to greet me hello yet again seconds or minutes apart just because I needed to click them again. Became annoying after a while.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Underland: The Climb on Steam



Thumbs-up love for indie game artists, but could have improved on a lot of things. As has been observed, two people was never really necessary beyond prolonging repetitive actions. There was no button-holding or anything to necessitate the second guy, so all it did was frustrate the timing-based bits near the end.

Also the story felt a little shoe-horned in at the beginning and the ending. I was hoping the elevator would go down, you’d get a cutesy game-end splash with a shot of some cthonic city, and there-ya-have-it. Instead the wee bit of narrative felt a little pushy if anything. Sometimes less is more.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Lemmings Destruction Games.

A great first entry in what looks to be a series of these light puzzle games. Half way through I was like “Why do some challenges make you save one guy and you always start with two?” But, there’s kind of a Spooky Narrative Reason by the end!

If you like this game, certainly pick up the second one, it really expands on the concepts and introduces new elements!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Underland on Steam

Lil Big Invasion

Lil Big Invasion

Awesome indie game with way enough content to fit the bill. Its kinda like Pikmin except they are trapped in dungeons and you must find and rescue them.

Really loved the sound and the art-style. Dungeons are getting way harder and better later on and the boss fights are fun. It took me some time to get used to the controls tho. Exploration is great IF you figure out how the moths and the worms do work… which is not part of the tutorial :/

It’s cute but challenging and worth the money.

Real player with 46.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Lemmings 2D Games.

This is a fun little action adventure game, developed by my former colleague Andreas. It’s so cute, but challenging ‘til the last minute and the sounds are really funny, even if the little fireflies sometimes don’t behave as you want them to. But that’s the trick of the game and you’ll soon know how to handle them right in order to crack some highscores. Overall, an awesome game!

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Lil Big Invasion on Steam



More than a greedy and adorable dog, it’s a challenging game and at the same time a lot of fun, but it’s going to be hard to fatten this dog up, my donuts are on the way :(

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Cute physics/logic game.

Some levels are quite provocative, in the sense of how many different aprouches you can use to win.

Very nice.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

DOGNUTS on Steam