LEGO® Star Wars™ III - The Clone Wars™

LEGO® Star Wars™ III - The Clone Wars™

    • -[ Audience: ] - - -

☑ Your mom probably would enjoy this

☐ Kids

☑ Everyone

☐ Everyone except kids

☐ Casual players

☐ Pro players

☐ People who plan to take one game and make it their life

      • [ Graphics/Animation: ] - - -

☐ Potato

☐ Really bad

☐ Bad

☐ Bad, but playable.

☐ Good

☑ Beautiful (for lego)

☐ Masterpiece

–-[ Price: ]–-

☐ Free

☑ Buy now

☐ Worth the price

☐ Wait for sale

☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left

☐ Do not buy it

☐ Do not throw money into a trash can

      • [ Requirements: ] - - -

Real player with 2441.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best LEGO Local Co-Op Games.

Lego Star Wars III - The Clone Wars follows the TV series: Star Wars - The Clone Wars. How well it does, I don’t know, as I haven’t regularly watched the show. It did, however, let me play through the very few parts of the show I remembered, so I’ll have to leave how well it followed the show to the assumption that it does a decent job.

As for the level design, there are plenty of good levels in this game, but are sadly overshadowed by the abundance of strategic open battlefield levels. You have to destroy enemy bases and build your own. It’s fun and makes for a great side activity to be included (as it did in the game’s Republic Assault missions) but it’s also put in place of some of the actual story missions which just seems a bit lazy to me.

Real player with 71.1 hrs in game

LEGO® Star Wars™ III - The Clone Wars™ on Steam

Box Nation [] Lets Go Build and Fight

Box Nation [] Lets Go Build and Fight

It’s essentially mini lego RTS game. I had more fun with my actual legos though.

Some ways this could be vastly improved

  • building paths is a nightmare of spamming the 1 key. Producing warriors is also a headache. They each have their own purpose so simply make default builders/warriors from the mother cube

  • Along with this you could make path building a heck of a lot easier by simply click dragging a desired strip of path and have the builders automaticially build when they are created.

  • Paths that are created should be permenant (nothing worse than accidently misclicking a path to be luminencent and having 20+ cubes slowly fall into the abyss).

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best LEGO RPG Games.

Box Nation [] Lets Go Build and Fight is an abandoned early access sandbox game ripoff of Lego™ Worlds which should probably get sued by the Lego corporation because it’s a pretty blatant ripoff.

The game was abandoned shortly after Early Access launch and will likely never be completed. The game is unfinished and features minimalist Lego bricks, with only minimal effort put into shading and so on. The gameplay and interface are equally unpolished, clunky and unpleasant.

The developer is charging a whopping $10 USD for this garbage, and they’ve unethically sold keys to the game in bulk to bundle sellers, as if it was complete. What a train wreck. Obviously I can’t recommend this to anyone.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Box Nation [] Lets Go Build and Fight on Steam