Battle Worlds: Kronos

Battle Worlds: Kronos


  • +Turn Based Strategy, Advance Wars style

  • +Long campaign (I haven’t finished it yet)

  • +Skirmish mode (custom maps)

  • +Varied units with slick designs [1]

  • +Tactical and challenging

    ! git gud

  • +Map editor [2]

  • +DRM free (look into the game folder)

  • +Available for Linux (though not the Map Editor)

Real player with 71.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Kickstarter Multiplayer Games.

Turn-based strategies. It’s hard not to love them. Especially if you’re old enough to remember the genre at its best, when every new Battle Isle game used to make a huge impact. Battle Worlds: Kronos wants you to remember about those times. Unfortunately, it fails to be entertaining enough. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

First of all, the game looks surprisingly cute, while being both nostalgic (even though this game clearly tries to be some sort of Battle Isle spiritual successor, visually it reminds me a lot of 1995 cross-platform game called Return Fire) and fresh. In other words, visually, it’s pretty much exactly what you may want from modern TBS. Nothing groundbreaking, but just good enough to look fine on modern systems.

Real player with 53.3 hrs in game

Battle Worlds: Kronos on Steam

Starlight Inception™™

Starlight Inception™™

I bought this game knowing it was early access. First time i tried to play it i couldn’t because of a movie loading glitch. As soon as it loaded and you came to the splash screen it crashed. First i asked the devs to take a look into this matter, and they say they had it fixed. Four months later i reinstalled the game and the same thing happened. So i took it upon myself to try to fix the game and found out if you delete all the movies you can get to the menue and play the game. The controls are not smooth and if you don’t play with an xbox controller, you have no hope in completing the game. Even the contols for the xbox are not smooth and jerky. Trying to aim at a moving target is hopeless if you want to use your guns and you only have limited amount of missles that you have to buy after each mission.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

I bought this game on one of the old steam sales which means it was pretty cheap, and it was early access, so i though it would be a little clunky but functional.

It was not, animation was awful, story was awful, campaign was awful and the controls were just abysmal, even with mouse targeting the aim in the center would snap in pre-fixed positions, like if you could turn 360 degrees but actually only in increments of one, 1º, 2º, 3º and so on but never 1.5 or any subdivision for that matter, it was just unplayable.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Starlight Inception™™ on Steam

Last Soul

Last Soul

LAST SOUL is a 2D Pixel-Art, Shooter, Action, Platformer with a compelling story about a future where mankind is losing its will to live.

Get cover

Use shields to protect yourself from the bullet hell that enemies spread towards you. You need to also use these shields as a platform when reaching the higher ground.


Dash and destroy. With dash, you are fast as F boi! Often the attack is the best defense.

Bullet time

Last Soul is a fast-paced game, and there is a lot’s going on around you. Control the time and use the bullet time to dodge enemies bullets.

Big guns

You need big guns to destroy big bosses. Collect them all and spread mayhem around you.

Fly like a hawk

Death from above! Use a jetpack and fly like a bird. Enemies don’t even notice what did hit them.

  • Play as an AI robot tasked with saving humanity.

  • Explore and fight your way through tens of distinct regions.

  • Enjoy the amazing PixelArt graphic and an immersive music style.

  • Evolve your character, unlock new and more powerful weapons and abilities.

  • Master special powers, including bullet time, jet pack, and shields.

  • Take on awesome boss fights, or die trying.

  • Make your best speedrunner time and show off on the leaderboard

  • Discover Easter Eggs, boost your points, and get a totally different skin from the rest

Read More: Best Kickstarter Shooter Games.

Last Soul on Steam

DG2: Defense Grid 2

DG2: Defense Grid 2

I… Love… This… Game!

Differences with DG1: which is better?

Most people prefer DG1 over DG2 for a couple of reasons:

  • scoring in DG1 is a lot more straightforward

  • runs alot better (albeit also lower quality)

  • was way more community driven (more on that later)

  • the game modes are alot more straightforward

I am one of the very few who regards DG2 as the best TD ever. It’s partly a sentimental thing, I started playing these games after DG2 released, and at that moment there was a group that competed in a weekly challenge. That sense of competition lifts a game so very high. It saddens me to say that the community is only a handful of people, which just keep on going making maps. The community for DG1 is slightly bigger.

Real player with 1616.9 hrs in game

Defense Grid 2 improves so much on the original, it’s amazing.

I’ll start off with the sole negative and that is the game sorely needs a “mute” button so you don’t have to listen to the AI’s. I’m OK with listening to them the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd time, but when I’m banging my head against the proverbial wall, I finally just gave up & put my headphones on my desk instead of listening to them while I’m trying Level 12 incursion for the 14th time.

Now that I have THAT out of the way, this game is just simply unbelievably awesome.

Real player with 126.8 hrs in game

DG2: Defense Grid 2 on Steam

Memory’s Dogma CODE:01

Memory’s Dogma CODE:01

So, imagine you see a luscious, appetizing cake, copious amounts of fluffy white cream topped with a juicy, plump strawberry beckoning you to taste it. You take a knife, cut yourself a slice, and lo and behold, to your delight, you see a layer of chocolate cream sandwiched between the two layers of sponge cake making up the treat. Mouth watering, you spear a piece on a fork, carry it to your mouth, anticipating the sweetness about to bloom on your tongue, only to discover the chocolate cream is, in fact, dog shit, what you thought was sponge cake is just regular dish-scrubbing sponge, and the strawberry is plastic. The whipped cream is the real deal, but will that make you feel any better? Memory’s Dogma is in fact just that: an attempt to pass a pile of garbage off as something appealing, at least outwardly. The core of it is completely rotten though.

Real player with 56.3 hrs in game

Short story, most people will be able to complete it within 2-3 hours or less.

The story is actually rather generic anime plot and predictable, but I still enjoyed the content nevertheless. Just come in with low expectations and have the characters, environment, and music immerse you, since those are the selling points rather than the story itself. Art and CG is very good.

However, there’s a particular scene (actually, a character) that didn’t make any sense to me. Felt it was extremely forced drama. But if I rambled on about this character or this scene in particular, it would be spoilers. This character’s motivations are basically illogical and the story doesn’t give them a chance to redeem themselves and the point of this scene. Felt like it was just there to create some delusional pain or attempt to frighten the audience, but it didn’t quite work on me. This scene could’ve been much better but they failed to execute.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Memory's Dogma CODE:01 on Steam



I’ll be Honest, Easilly the best RPG i’ve played, it deserves more recognition, and i really can’t wait to see where they take the world, or more accurately where they let us take it with the next “game”

It’s gameplay is nothing to write home about, but the characters, the background lore, and the Setting are brilliant, probebly one of the only games where the characters feel genuine, and my decisions seem to make an impact, i’ve never been more invested in a game world, comming up with theories on the motives of characters and stuff, ect, which i normally don’t do, but the background lore is very fleshed out.

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

It is difficult to crystallise my thoughts on this game into a simple thumbs up or thumbs down because the game has some great aspects but also some out right bad elements.

The game starts off really well, you are basically playing as Captain Archer in Quantum Leap inhabiting some guy’s body. However Brother Cavil doesn’t turn up with a computer made out of LEGO to tell you what is going on so you have to try and ask people to explain things without giving away that you an imposter. The voice acting is excellent, the characters feel natural and the world building is thorough.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game




World End Economica 2. Even though my recommendation wasn’t exactly glowing for the previous one, I would definitely recommend this one if you made it through the first. In my honest opinion, it was definitely better than the first.

The story this time around is four years on from the end of WEE episode 1 and is still economics based but the plots shift a bit. He is no longer making money for the sake of some ludicrous dream. In fact, he is no longer making much money at all. He and some Swiss (?) noble attempt to fight the corrupt giants of the financial world and a romantic sub-plot creeps in. He is stuck in a love polygon between several girls (yes this is a visual novel) but, this being WEE you do not get a choice in the matter. Fighting for justice is not simple and Haru (this translation team changed his name from Hal) must learn this while walking the razor’s edge and not lose sight of what really matters.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Took five hours to burn through the entire thing in one shot.

If your think 13 bucks is worth five hours of reading, then buy this. ‘Cause it’s amazing. The game is full of references to the first game though, so if you haven’t played or read that, you’re probably going to be pretty lost for the first hour or so, upon which the information is reiterated so many times that you can probably piece together even if you didn’t know that yes, there was a WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.1 even though this is episode.2. Really, if you’ve played one, then you might find the constant reminders irritating. I sure did after, what, the twentieth time?

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.02 on Steam

Shadowrun Returns

Shadowrun Returns

Let me start out by saying that this is the first Shadowrun game that I have ever actually played. Yes I have tried the 1993 Shadowrun for the Super Nintendo but I could never get into it due to it’s… Interesting controls (read point and click with a controller). But the game concept and the universe intrigued me, Over the years I forgot the name of it several times but would bring it up every few years and try to find the name of it and feel that they should remake it for the pc where it ultimately belonged. Well a few months ago was one such time that It popped into my head, I did a quick search for it and what did I find but a new Shadowrun being made for its proper platform (psst its the PC). I instantly fell in love with the style and everything I say was just the best thing I have ever seen.

Real player with 42.1 hrs in game

Heads up, I need a runner and you need the Nuyen, are we on the same page? Good. If you’re used to quick and easy jobs, well you’d better strap on tight. This one’s a slap to your senses, a bug in the system, a pair of fools in an all-star hand.

If ‘get the job done’ is your middle name, then that’s all I need to know.

Whaddaya say, chummer?

Shadowrun Returns is a lone-wolf style, turn-based strategy with RPG elements, set in the year 2054 within the gritty underbelly of Seattle, combining an urban cyberpunk fantasy with the abrasive narrative of a seasoned crime novel.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

Shadowrun Returns on Steam



Been a year that I last wrote something about this game, and considering that the updates for the game come frequently, I think it’s time to update the review as well.

Last year I called it “playable”. This year I can actually call it entertaining. What’s most entertaining, at least for me, is that the colonists are actually very human. Allow me to explain.

In most games, you have people that feel more like worker drones. They will go from place to place, build, mine, craft, sleep, get hurt, go to the medic bay, build, mine, craft… The “people” here feel actually like people. And they don’t want to be treated like worker drones. They get stressed out if all they do is build and work.

Real player with 101.5 hrs in game

The inspirations for this game are both obvious and subtle, influencing how it looks, feels and plays, or rather how you think you should be playing it.

It swings from a low pace base builder with an enormously detailed simulation behind every little thing you see and can interact with to a frantic struggle for survival as the dangers of Maia strike the unprepared mercilessly. Prepare to be unprepared and learn by failing.

If you prefer to learn from the mistakes of others - or perhaps boast about your most successful survival or expansion tips and strategies, visit the official wiki and help it grow.

Real player with 37.0 hrs in game

Maia on Steam

Noble Armada: Lost Worlds

Noble Armada: Lost Worlds

Despite the fact I backed the game because of sentiment of the setting I quite suprised because I really enjoy it:) Especially, I love movement of the ship-as physicist I really enjoy it:) From my point of view it is very realistic

It is simple game, but with lot of possibility to play:)

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Poor. It is, more or less, about the quality of a cheap game from 1995 with poor documentation and mechanics. Worse, the campaign game is pretty buggy. I’ll probably put some more effort into learning/playing…maybe some of it is a learning curve and maybe some of it has a bug/fix/workaround.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Noble Armada: Lost Worlds on Steam