Noble Armada: Lost Worlds

Noble Armada: Lost Worlds

Despite the fact I backed the game because of sentiment of the setting I quite suprised because I really enjoy it:) Especially, I love movement of the ship-as physicist I really enjoy it:) From my point of view it is very realistic

It is simple game, but with lot of possibility to play:)

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Kickstarter Real-Time Games.

Poor. It is, more or less, about the quality of a cheap game from 1995 with poor documentation and mechanics. Worse, the campaign game is pretty buggy. I’ll probably put some more effort into learning/playing…maybe some of it is a learning curve and maybe some of it has a bug/fix/workaround.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Noble Armada: Lost Worlds on Steam



January 2019:

Love this game, but wish development would go a bit faster…

Edit December 2020:

Seems like they gave up on this game, no news in 18 months, shame :(

Not worth the €15 but still a fun game

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Kickstarter Resource Management Games.

I backed this game on Kickstarter and had access to the games beta before its full release and Inhave to say, this game is really fun. It’s a fantastic virtual board game of sorts that requires a lot of strategy and is incredibly competitive. There are multiple ways to play the game and earn victory points, allowing you to play the game how you want. The AI for this game are well programmed and are an adequate challenge if you’re playing by yourself or you can play this with friends and compete against each other. Overall it’s a very fun board game/party game and I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.

Real player with 33.7 hrs in game

Sumer on Steam

DG2: Defense Grid 2

DG2: Defense Grid 2

I… Love… This… Game!

Differences with DG1: which is better?

Most people prefer DG1 over DG2 for a couple of reasons:

  • scoring in DG1 is a lot more straightforward

  • runs alot better (albeit also lower quality)

  • was way more community driven (more on that later)

  • the game modes are alot more straightforward

I am one of the very few who regards DG2 as the best TD ever. It’s partly a sentimental thing, I started playing these games after DG2 released, and at that moment there was a group that competed in a weekly challenge. That sense of competition lifts a game so very high. It saddens me to say that the community is only a handful of people, which just keep on going making maps. The community for DG1 is slightly bigger.

Real player with 1616.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Kickstarter Sci-fi Games.

Defense Grid 2 improves so much on the original, it’s amazing.

I’ll start off with the sole negative and that is the game sorely needs a “mute” button so you don’t have to listen to the AI’s. I’m OK with listening to them the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd time, but when I’m banging my head against the proverbial wall, I finally just gave up & put my headphones on my desk instead of listening to them while I’m trying Level 12 incursion for the 14th time.

Now that I have THAT out of the way, this game is just simply unbelievably awesome.

Real player with 126.8 hrs in game

DG2: Defense Grid 2 on Steam



Been a year that I last wrote something about this game, and considering that the updates for the game come frequently, I think it’s time to update the review as well.

Last year I called it “playable”. This year I can actually call it entertaining. What’s most entertaining, at least for me, is that the colonists are actually very human. Allow me to explain.

In most games, you have people that feel more like worker drones. They will go from place to place, build, mine, craft, sleep, get hurt, go to the medic bay, build, mine, craft… The “people” here feel actually like people. And they don’t want to be treated like worker drones. They get stressed out if all they do is build and work.

Real player with 101.5 hrs in game

The inspirations for this game are both obvious and subtle, influencing how it looks, feels and plays, or rather how you think you should be playing it.

It swings from a low pace base builder with an enormously detailed simulation behind every little thing you see and can interact with to a frantic struggle for survival as the dangers of Maia strike the unprepared mercilessly. Prepare to be unprepared and learn by failing.

If you prefer to learn from the mistakes of others - or perhaps boast about your most successful survival or expansion tips and strategies, visit the official wiki and help it grow.

Real player with 37.0 hrs in game

Maia on Steam

Satellite Reign

Satellite Reign

### Summary

Free roam squad based RTS/RPG with a cyberpunk setting running in the classical veins of Syndicate. Start from the ground up with a weak squad and limited supplies, and slowly work your way up the food chain to take on the big corporations. Acquire a mass of guns and upgrades to help you accomplish your goals. Decide whether you want to use stealth, sheer firepower or a mix of both to complete your objectives and rise to the top.

Plays a lot like Dawn of War II with a Blade Runner theme whilst being fresh and unique. Highly recommended!

Real player with 74.2 hrs in game


CO-OP MULTIPLAYER!!!! Game was ok-good before. now it is AWESOME!


Looking for a sequel to Syndicate Wars?

Unsure whether this is for you?

It’s a very tough call.

A bullet-point comparative breakdown.

Satellite Reign is the best revival yet seen of its predecessor. At about 30hrs in to the final release I am enjoying it, despite it leaving me wanting. Aside from this game’s amazing visuals - which are indeed damn near perfect, the biggest differences between this game and Syndicate are in its comprisal of main gameplay mechanics.

Real player with 72.8 hrs in game

Satellite Reign on Steam

The Red Solstice

The Red Solstice

I’ll skip the stuff about it beeing 8 player coop and sooo on and start talking about the stuff that might not be mentioned as often in short reviews:

The game offers multiple difficulties.. however the base difficulty is intended to be rather challenging for Players.

Which is definitly a good thing since it’s all about improving your own skill and after many defeats rewarding yourself with your very first win… somewhat darksouls-esque..


So far there’s a total of 8 classes and depending on what the player wishes to accomplish every class has one or more distinctive roles.(Tank, Healer, DmgDealer,Scout….)

Real player with 2514.4 hrs in game

I played this game when it first came out and I immediately fell in love with it.

It’s a slick tactical shooter. With hordes of alien zombies trying to kill you. Meanwhile your team of husky voiced men attempt to complete your objectives.

Again it’s a great game. I stopped playing it for some time and decided to get back into it and immediately fell back in love.

Great set of classes

Assault-great all rounder very good beginner class. he’s great with light weapons and rifles and he even smokes a cigar. Do you want to live forever?

Real player with 1210.3 hrs in game

The Red Solstice on Steam

Castle Story

Castle Story

OK, so a while back I did a review on this game. I still said it was positive, but I basically said “It’s buggy but it’ll get better”. And now I feel is the time to re-review it.

Let me start off by saying this is one of the coolest and prettiest castle builders I’ve seen in a long while. It has a near perfect arrangement of blocks to suit all of your construction needs, yet it simultaniously keeps you materials as basic as possible. You can build with Stone, or Wood. There are a few other materials that can be used to make useful structures, but those are the two things your castle is really gonna be made of. Yet in that simplicity, you can make very cool-looking castles with ease. And what’s even cooler is that in the survival gamemodes, all of the castles you built for purpose and purpose alone still turn out looking amazing.

Real player with 233.1 hrs in game

Game is worth 10USD. If that is what you’re paying I think it’s worth it. Unfortunately it isn’t 10USD.

The game lacks content and barely works, but it is quite fun for what there is. The devs have left it alone rather than milking it for DLC so they have my respect for that, but they fall short in most other categories.

My gripes:

1. Instead of optimising the AI, pathfinding, job finding etc. they made a limit of 15 units. There are videos of people playing with 130+ units and having no issues.

Real player with 179.6 hrs in game

Castle Story on Steam