

At the time of writing this review, I’ve mastered all 420 words the game has to offer, and completed all the tasks on the ‘To Do’ list. I played the English version of the game, so that’s the one I’ll be reviewing. I also own the Japanese pack, but I haven’t completed that one yet.

One thing I’d like to start with is that ‘Influent’ never advertises, nor does it claim to make one fluent in any of the languages available here (and I double checked this). The description of the game here on the store page clearly states that it is a game focused on VOCABULARY ACQUISITION and PRONUNCIATION. It never claims to teach one grammar, syntax, conversation, or any other facet of language. I feel like a lot of people thought ‘Influent’ was a full-blown language learning tool, which it is not. The negative reviews here are unnecessary and uncalled for. Having addressed that, let’s move on to the actual content.

Real player with 55.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Kickstarter Puzzle Games.

Before I begin my review of Influent, let’s all get real about language learning:

Learning a language is difficult. For adult learners, there’s no exception to this, and the how-to of language learning is a skill in itself. Becoming conversational, let alone fluent, in a foreign language takes significant time. Someone otherwise very smart once declared to me that they intended to learn Japanese in a ‘generous’ three days, so that they could read untranslated manga. Suffice to say, it didn’t happen.

Real player with 36.3 hrs in game

Influent on Steam



After playing for a few months now and nearly 2000 hours, the game itself is very good, however they have CA which moderate the game and most do not understand their own official rules, which if you try to ask them about the rules, they get very crabby and decide to try to bully you aswell, so lets start with a few Pros and Cons!

Repeatedly asking/begging for any in-game currency/items - is not NO Begging.


  • Game has lots of mini-games to offer.

  • Can build Casinos and decorate them

  • Can earn the Cash shop currency just playing

Real player with 2739.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Kickstarter Multiplayer Games.

CasinoRPG wears a mask that makes it look like it’s a good game until you dig a little deeper and you’ll find out it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

The Moderators, as has been mentioned before in other reviews, have no guidelines and just do what they want. It’s offensive how they behave in global chat fairly frequently from showing bias toward players who are part of a clique to calling for an end to discussion simply because they don’t care for the subject regardless of how pleasant and polite the conversation is. They do respond orderly when called to a table where someone is being a racist prick or loudmouth jerk though. Don’t use borderline language by the way, these jokers think Casino games are fun for the whole family and little seven year old Amy should be able to saddle up to the poker table with eighty one year old Guss. Seriously, it’s crazy.

Real player with 1516.2 hrs in game

CasinoRPG on Steam

Open Mod

Open Mod

Open Mod is a free-to-play, tactical first person shooter that, for the time being, revolves around the bank robbery game mode. Being a team of two, we focused our attention on the game mechanics and customizability, having as a main goal providing our players the opportunity to personalize their experience on as many levels as possible.

The gameplay consists of, as expected, a bank robbery, where one team must rob the bank and escape with the money through certain routes, while the military must eliminate them before they do so.

Read More: Best Kickstarter Shooter Games.

Open Mod on Steam

Whateverland: Prologue

Whateverland: Prologue

This is a great Demo that has made me very interested in donating to the Kickstarter and I strongly hope it succeeds as I would love to see the full game. The art style, gameplay mechanics and quirky writing are very good for a teaser, really appeals to my weird sense of humour. It reminds me a lot of Pinstripe, another dark comedy indie game I love but this game seems to offer more replay value.

My two biggest complaints are 1) the Voice Acting needs improving, the voices for the supporting characters are fine enough they have a fitting quirkiness to them but the Voice of the main character is honestly quite dull, since this is just a demo for the Kickstarter it’s understandable, I just hope final version has better voice and 2) I was stuck at the Pickpocketing segment as no matter what buttons I pressed I couldn’t return the pick I had selected to replace it with one I needed, maybe I missed something and if so would apreciate it if someone told me, I hope this mechanic becomes more understandable how to use in full release.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

This game introduction episode, imo, is charming and witty.

Being a free Prologue, this is obviously a short enticement for the full game.

Exploring the area, mechanics, design, dialogue, acting, story and puzzles were fun, smooth and a really good incentive to complete the adventure.

I found the characters to be delightful and already, am invested in them and the storyline.

My second run-thru, to complete the achievements, was quick, with the skip scene abilities, except for some scenes, and the alternate dialogues were interesting.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Whateverland: Prologue on Steam

Blade Symphony

Blade Symphony

Alrighty, its about time edit my review from a long time ago. But first some things I wish to point out.

  • After 900 hours I can be a little biased in favor of this game

  • This is not a game where a person with 1 hour should be reviewing, this game takes much more time to understand and any reviews from these people should be ignored, if you like it or not.

Blade Symphony, released May 7, 2014 by Puny Human Games. This is a game that without a doubt I am addicted too, though idk if that is good or bad, probably bad. From my first day on Blade Symphony spamming with Jian Ryoku, to becoming almost top tier, my journey has been wonderful. I have met tons of people, most of them on my steam friends list and I dont regret anything. Though I feel like im a rare case, for many many players have stopped playing for multiple reasons that ill get too in second.

Real player with 2692.3 hrs in game

I have 400 hours aprx. I’ve been with this game for 2 years through thick or thin. This is part review, part history.

tl:dr This isn’t what it used to be. The playerpase is small, but its very tight knit. It’s the kind of community where everyone know’s everyone by name. The gameplay itself is wonky but often fun when you get it right. The learning curve is a brick wall. You’re going to lose a lot when you start. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Almost everyone in master rank would be more than pleased to take you udner their wing, all you have to do is ask.

Real player with 709.9 hrs in game

Blade Symphony on Steam