Anima: Gate of Memories - The Nameless Chronicles

Anima: Gate of Memories - The Nameless Chronicles

This is more linear and shorter than the first game, but other than that it’s still solid and fun. Though this time you got a new meter resource instead of Mana, which is called Thanatos. When used it powers up your abilities to have different properties and such. Overall I would recommend the first game over this one, but if you’ve already played that one then this still worth buying.

As with the previous game, if you have ~200 FPS or more, the mouse sensitivity might be too low even on the fastest settings, as it was for me, but I solved it by limiting the frame rate of the game to 150.

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best JRPG Action Games.

The Nameless Chronicles plays much like its predecessor in regards to hack and slash and magic attacks. Despite that, I prefer the way Nameless moves and operates compared to The Bearer and Ergo. The story runs parallel with the first game, with that in mind there are fewer bosses and less to do as far as content. However, that doesn’t mean it is not as good as the first one. The same still cutscenes and OK dialogue are still present with much of the music being used from the first game. There are a few new tracks that I was really a fan of and really had me catching some feels in the tender moments of the story.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Anima: Gate of Memories - The Nameless Chronicles on Steam

Mainframe Defenders: Meltdown - Prologue

Mainframe Defenders: Meltdown - Prologue

this only the demo and ive already put 12 hours into this game. i really like it and am looking forward to buying the whole game. the only annoying part of the game that stands out to me is the crappy vision, but thats very minor and a personal peeve XD.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best JRPG 2D Games.

A good strategy game with an interesting interface, I’ll think about buying the full version.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Mainframe Defenders: Meltdown - Prologue on Steam

Secret of Mana

Secret of Mana

I had this game on my wishlist for some time now. I read the comments, and I was really impressed of the huge amount of negative recommendments. But today I decide to check SoM by myself and I invested the 40€.

Here are my first impressions: (will be edited, if necessary)

1. I played SoM in 1994 and later like hell. On the SNES with my best friend, tag team. We have never ever had a game, playing so many hours together in that days before or after SoM. It was just the best! Better than Secrets of Evermore or Lufia.

Real player with 91.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best JRPG Great Soundtrack Games.

9/10 A great example of what a remake should be.

I just finished playing my second playthrough of this game, and I am happy to report that throughout my two runs through the game, I never had any of the game crashes or problems that other players have mentioned having, so either the game has been patch-fixed since then, or the game just got along with my computer. In any case, the crashes were my main concern with buying this game, so if you’re on the fence about getting it because of those posts, I would just go for it, because this game has been great.

Real player with 53.4 hrs in game

Secret of Mana on Steam

最后的大法师 光明之旅(Last Archmage Journey of Light)

最后的大法师 光明之旅(Last Archmage Journey of Light)

The legendary mage Merlin betrayed by his teammates in the Demon Wars, fall from one of the legendary heroes to a rookie mage, and embarks on a new journey. After all the ups and downs, love and hate, is he confused? Or will he forge ahead and take the journey of light to be the greatest mage in the land of magic? Complete weapon and equipment system, powerful magic system and various ways to use magic scrolls. Welcome to this Japanese open world exploration RPG turn-based game!

In addition to the nine characters who join the main team, hundreds of unique NPCs will also appear.Unintended discoveries of treasures can significantly strengthen a character, instead of the traditional upgrade system. The areas of the game are left free to explore from the start.

The combat system highlights the differences in resistance to the six types of magic: wind, fire, lightning, ice, light, and darkness. Different demons have different resistances to these six types of magic. The resistance of different demons to spells in the game cannot be directly observed.The various maps in the game are not marked with difficulty levels, while this could be done, the development team felt that it would ruin the authenticity of the game. After all, life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what the next piece will taste like. Furthermore, the weapons that characters from different professions can equip are different, and the vast majority of them have additional effects.

What are you waiting for? Come on a journey through this wonderfully magical fantasy world!

最后的大法师 光明之旅(Last Archmage Journey of Light) on Steam

American Isekai Prologue

American Isekai Prologue

Really enjoyed this demo. The game, despite being clearly identified as a work in progress, is nonetheless a fun diversion. I’ve been playing this style of RPGs since the Apple IIc version of Might & Magic II: Gates to Another World and the OG Nintendo Final Fantasy I. I really enjoy learning new systems and progressing the story at my own pace; this game gives me the same sense of wonder and control over my own destiny in the game that those games that originally captured my imagination so many years ago.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

so good wish it was longer but it is still a demo

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

American Isekai Prologue on Steam

Dark Blood Chronicles

Dark Blood Chronicles

Full disclosure: I purchased the original version of the game late 2013 and received a key for the Steam port as an early buyer.

You are Samantha (aka Sam), a lonely girl who recently lost her mother and lives with her father. They’re both trying to recover from this tragic event, but it has taken a toll on their relationship.

One not so ordinary day, Sam wakes up from a terrible nightmare and gets ready to go to school. She gets on the bus and arrives at the school building. But, something is off.

Real player with 42.8 hrs in game

Darkblood Chronicles is an intelligent and often thought-provoking RPG with a decent cast, a good story, and an interesting setting. It reminds me in a positive way of 80s Dark Fantasies like Labyrinth and The NeverEnding Story, and it adeptly serves as an enjoyable homage to many RPGs of earlier gaming eras, without seeming derivative, which is a difficult line to walk. If you like some substance to your games and prefer that they offer food for thought, then Darkblood Chronicles is a solid purchase.

Real player with 35.8 hrs in game

Dark Blood Chronicles on Steam

Dome Discover

Dome Discover

So far so good i have played through both starting missions and i really see the potential is this game. It reminds me a YS another 3rd person action rpg i can wait to see more from this project. Keep up the great work. :)

Real player with 45.1 hrs in game

Far being in Alpha still I found it didn’t have any glitches. It was nice to be randomly surprised by the Slimes. It was neat how you after 1 of the Slimes would die you could attack this silver boulder thing than another wave of Slimes would appear. The combat was easy to figure out although I wasn’t sure what was knocking me backwards during fights. I quickly learned that dodging was a good idea when I got mobbed by like 4 or 5 Slimes at once which made combat more challenging. As far as questing it took me a little while to figure out where to go but so far the game is pretty interesting. I just had to head to the blinking yellow circles on the map which were the quest areas. It took quite a bit of running to get to each area which made the sprint feature really handy. I really like the anime art style for the characters. For a game in Alpha I found it more fun than some games that are finished. I downloaded it off my wish list cause it was free & didn’t realize it was still in Alpha. lol If it hadn’t ended suddenly announcing that it wasn’t finished yet I wouldn’t even have known because it runs so smoothly. Overall I’m really looking forward to how the game develops in future updates. I think the developer Rosario is doing a wonderful job so far. I highly suggest you check this great game out.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Dome Discover on Steam



I played most of the final fantasy games since when I was young, before FFX10 and FFVIII came to steam. I used to play them in a very old Windows XP and a Windows 7 computer. Back then those games was always refreshing and broke the usual norms held by video games. I always wanted to play FFXIII series- it was a dream to me. Regardless of course I jumped to FFXIII-2 without playing the prequel for various reasons. I did saw a lot of videos related to FFXIII and I could say it’s more epic than this. But, I think it was a bit too much when people say that FFXIII-2 is bad compared to most Final Fantasy games. In terms of bugs, FFXIII-2 is indeed bad and frustrating. But you have to understand this is a badly ported game and I never let that bothered me really. There are many workarounds for the bugs and some worked for me. With that said, I managed to get all of the achievements (most were ridiculous), completed the DLC and the main story and my judgment is the story is epic. Since the bugs were bad I’d first start the review with that.

Real player with 130.7 hrs in game

I’m convinced this game is a work of satire. The plot is so contrived you stop halfway and realize that Square is just fucking with you.

Here’s an example: there’s a machine in the past that kills its creator and creates a future filled with robots. What caused it to kill its creators? Itself in the future corrupted the machine in the past to kill its creators. Why? Because if it didn’t force the machine to kill its creators in the past it wouldn’t exist in the future as the sole controller of the world. The Machine came from a future that didn’t exist so that it could continue existing and create that future.

Real player with 124.5 hrs in game




I had actually been dreading this version of Final Fantasy 3, since Square Enix’s releases of mobile games on Steam have been very hit or miss, mostly the latter. So, I’m honestly surprised to find myself recommending this release, to the point it might be the best version of Final Fantasy 3 to date. This game has tons of smart changes that make this the most definitive way to play this game, the finest of the Famicom released trio. With a lot of nice QoL changes, this game plays like it has the best features of the 3D release and the original Famicom version.

Real player with 112.1 hrs in game

Final Fantasy III is a NES game so ambitious it feels like a SNES game. While it has the tropes of old like the Dragon Quest combat, the party of blank-slates, and Vancian magic-system, it stands as a highly ambitious work that measures up with the classic SNES trilogy.

After the stinker that was II the series went back a step and took to making a bigger, better, and more original version of I. Four light-warriors, four crystals, but now twice the length in a world twice the size.

You have versatility. You can change your job at will. You can swap magic around instead of forgetting expensive spells. You could make a lot of weird party combinations work.

Real player with 68.2 hrs in game




Good game

Real player with 156.2 hrs in game

I am going on a FF spree and it’s thanks to FF8 here. Honestly very unique and interesting game vs the rest of the series. Though you’re either going to enjoy this game’s quirky and complex Draw/card/GF system or you are going to despise it with your entire existence. I like quirky systems, so I didn’t mind it. In fact, I liked it a lot. Triple Triad was honestly the funnest side-game or mini-game that I’ve played in any game.

I found it to be a fun experience, despite its flaws. If magic and GF cut scenes were faster/skipable, I think this game would be ten times better lol.

Real player with 150.1 hrs in game