Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy

Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy

First off, would like to give a rundown on this game to help others understand what they are buying.

1. Game is subtitles only. Yes, can be annoying having to read everything the characters say, but the voice acting is nice and the dialogue is great even if you don’t understand Japanese.

2. This game is story intensive. Majority of gameplay will be split between reading the massive amount of cutscenes, exploring the world and crafting your equipment. Combat doesn’t take up much of your game time. Difficulty can be increased, but combat is not exactly the major point of this game. Think of this like the old flash storyboard games but with full 3d environment exploration with combat sprinkled in.

Real player with 98.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best JRPG Anime Games.

Initially, I liked this game. After finishing this game however, I was left with an inexplicable urge to squeeze small white flying animals that squeak. The characters in this game are so uninteresting that I just began to skip cut scenes because I couldn’t care less about them. How they managed to ruin the main gang I have no idea, but they are BAD. The new characters are even worse, especially the blacksmith. Gameplay wise, I respect Gust changing how items are used, and the combat is far better than Ryza. Crafting is way better and craft, gather, combat formula persists, though alchemy is still pretty easy. The ruin discovery was neat, I was interested in the beginning, but in the end, I just brute forced through the “puzzles”.

Real player with 75.1 hrs in game

Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy on Steam

Science Girls

Science Girls

I found this to be a great rpg. The combat system was interesting, all of the characters and monsters and unique attacks and abilities. There was a lot of strategy involved.

I beat this game on hard although it is not showing in my achievements :(, because the internet went down during the last battle so I might have to go back and replay the last battle again sometime just for the achievements.

I had this in my library for a while because not all of the reviews for this game have been glowing. Although, after having gone through this game, I can confidently say that many of the criticisms were baseless. All of the girls do have unique personalities that show in the dialogue. their reactions to circumstances, and their attacks and abilities.

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best JRPG Science Games.

I came into this game with an open mind and I ended up with mixed feelings with the game. I enjoyed the corky storyline and goofy characters in this game, however I found the battling system to be very frustrating at times. Often I ended up hitting the wrong button because of how close together the list of options was and I don’t think there was a way to change the option you picked…or at least I couldn’t find it. I also feel like the enemy to player damaged/defense ratio to be unfair. The characters did not really do a whole lot of damage despite me putting skill points into almost everything and the characters didn’t dodge quite as much as the enemies did which made me rage quit a few times and it also drew the battles out too long. However I did still enjoy this game over all even though I found it frustrating. I wouldn’t recommend this for everyone, but for those who are looking for a short rpg and for those who are willing to work around some wonkyness you should try it out just don’t expect something amazing because this game is very far from amazing.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Science Girls on Steam

Cosmic Cube

Cosmic Cube


Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best JRPG Action RPG Games.

Cosmic Cube reminds me the time I enjoy various side-scrolling doujin games from DLsite. The game is now in early access and only support two languages (Japanese / Chinese) for user interface.

Cosmic Cube is very simple anime action game with R-18 content (pretty much reason for purchase). You play as female protagonist that somehow reminds me of Skyfire character without ears and break in secret lab filled with robot enemies and Bane’s lost brother.

The combat is similar to side scrolling brawler genre, but pretty straightforward. Here’s keyboard control because the game does poor job on in-game explanation basic mechanics.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Cosmic Cube on Steam

Game Master Plus

Game Master Plus


The first half of the game doesn’t have much plot beyond clearing game boards because of the protagonist’s curiosity, though there is some lore about the previous heroine. The second half has more lore and more stakes, as well as several plot bombshells. While I did like the story of the second half, I can see the lack of real conflict in the first half turning new players off before they can get to the better half.


The first few parts of the game make it hard to gather any resources. Enemies don’t drop money and they aren’t guaranteed to drop sellable items, meaning the player is stuck in a resource drought situation if they try to do traditional grinding. This can be intimidating because in the beginning, the only way to fully recover the robot is to pay 10 cents, which means inefficient gameplay can result in waste of limited money. The resource situation does get better in the later parts of the game, since the player can find free healing/save statues and an accessory that increases the drop rate.

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game

An easy but very nice RPG game. Its style really attracts me, and maybe anyone who loves ‘nostalgia’.

And if you love collecting things, or riddling, this game can be unexpectedly a little hard for you.

BTW bugs are seen too often, and the scene called ‘Sesame Hideout’ even disappears! Hope it can be fixed sooner.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Game Master Plus on Steam

LV99: Final Fortress

LV99: Final Fortress

You start on the balcony of a fortress, outside of the fortress a fierce battle ensues held back by a magical barrier. The Final Fortress is where two evil gods of ancient times reside, sealed away for all time. However, there are those who seek to release this evil upon the world. Before they are awakened three heroines arrive at the fortress to stop the evil from being released. Ariel, the chosen one, Billie, a dragon slaying princess from the north and Celsia, a witch turned magician with stellar talents.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

This game has got it.

Awesome gameplay and challenging battles.

Clever and well scripted dialogues.

Lots of stuff to collect.

Lovely characters.

And much more that´s worth exploring.

I´m only 2.5 hours in the game but already amazed that i´m having this much fun with a JRPG :D

Kudos to Great Potion Games!

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

LV99: Final Fortress on Steam

The Tenth Line

The Tenth Line

A fantastic turn-based RPG experience that came out of nowhere. The game hooked me with its charm and then kept me with its surprisingly well-written dialog and character development. Every character has a clear reason to exist and be with the party throughout the story. There are many twists big and small that kept me glued to this game. I had trouble sleeping for a couple of nights over the course of my playthrough because of my desire to see how the story unfolded.

Like many have mentioned, the combat system has a steep learning curve. I have never played a turn-based RPG that requires such a great of amount of attention, pacing, and strategy as this one. The game starts out easy enough but ramps up the difficulty real quick, to the point where you may have to consult the manual and/or the disccusion forums to figure out how to play better. If you like your games to be challenging, you will probably love this, but if you don’t have enough patience to fail a few times before things click, this might not be for you. I spent four hours on a main story boss (I’m sure everyone who’s played this knows exactly who I’m talking about), but I had a real blast figuring out how to win (It’s worth noting that this boss had been toned down since I played). There is a story-only option that supposedly removes encounters on the way to bosses and makes bosses simpler. I think the story and writing alone makes this game easily worth it, so this is likely a good option for those who get frustrated spending so much time figuring out how to beat a game (though personally I think removing the hardship of the encounters makes the experience less epic).

Real player with 109.4 hrs in game

Before I go further, I’d never heard of this game before seeing it on a friend’s stream and I have to say, it’s one of the best games i’ve played in a while.

Now, to go in depth and please note this is based on playing full on, not the Light mode…

This game is one of those few games that, when you complete the Story, you can’t help but continue to play more and try to do everything, even with this I find myself playing the story again and again, I enjoy the gameplay and story.

The game’s battle mechanics are unusual, but they actually work quite well imo, also having to consider your SP and which attacks are best for the battle at hand adds to the fun, through defending can be hit & miss depending on certain factors, such as your Training, Power Flow build and Whether or not you use a specific Character’s Super Defense. Of course, Replaying does make battles somewhat easier depending, but battles later can still prove somewhat tricky if you’re not careful.

Real player with 69.2 hrs in game

The Tenth Line on Steam

Bullet Girls Phantasia

Bullet Girls Phantasia

The achievements are grindy, but the overall gameplay is enjoyable. At first, I was not all to in to the story till about chapter 4, it took a while for the pace of the story to take my interest.

The game is a 3rd person shooter with some controlled sexual elements. The sexual elements consists mainly stripping and teasing. The teasing portion of the game is set in another portion of the game called Intensive Drilling. There is solo, double, and reverse Intensive Drilling’s. Solo is with one of the ladies, double is with two ladies, and reverse is when a lady teases you instead.

Real player with 343.1 hrs in game

Nothing is going to come of this, because nowadays when it comes to game developers and game publishers no matter what because anime inspired games more likely than others seem to be nothing but cut, copy, paste, slap together, and forget for the rest of the games existence ill start with things that really need changed to improve the overall games experience, some of these are opinionated but I’m sure a good majority others would agree with.


  • Improve “Buddy’s” AI to be more than just a toaster and possibly move around a little while firing so that they aren’t always sitting ducks needing to be saved (I don’t care if it’s technically not required and the game isn’t particularly difficult to even need one, but if there’s going to be AI partners at least have them actually try to be of assistance).

Real player with 51.7 hrs in game

Bullet Girls Phantasia on Steam




Real player with 3.7 hrs in game


Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

cyan on Steam



Wildsilver is the fourth JRPG created by Great Potion Games. It will feature …

  • about 15 hours of playtime

  • an epic and emotional story with several plot twists

  • a turn-based battle system with an active-time option

  • a four-character party with a female protagonist

  • a lot of character customisation in terms of stats and abilities

  • medium difficulty with optional challenges

  • legendary equipment

  • puzzles

  • collectibles

  • quests

  • secrets

  • breakable urns

  • British English

  • continuous patches and support (as always)

Before actually working on a project of this scale, the basic design should be perfect. Feedback from actual players (you guys) is extremely valuable in determining what works and what doesn’t. Releasing a free demo on Steam seems like the best way to get as much feedback as possible in the shortest time.

The demo could be considered a condensed version in terms of gameplay. It includes most of the characters, skills, equipment, items and enemies that are planned for the full game. There’s no plot, however, no quests, no puzzles. The game elements and locations may or may not be part of the full game. That depends on your feedback! :)

Wildsilver is planned to be released in autumn 2022. There may be an early-access version.

Wildsilver on Steam

Apprentice Knight-Iona

Apprentice Knight-Iona

Its a very good fame acording to price, lenght, graphics and gameplay,

Add it level maps and a boss rush or any kind of good postgame and could be a lot better

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Short and simplistic action-RPG but enjoyable nonetheless.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Apprentice Knight-Iona on Steam