The Adventure of Magical Girl

The Adventure of Magical Girl

The Adventure of Magical Girl is a pleasant JRPG/RPGMaker game, providing several hours of gameplay and entertainment.

It has a cute story and it’s not very hard to beat.

Achievements are quite easy to unlock too.

It looks like a sequel to The legend of Bean though it’s not necessary to have completed that previous game to fully enjoy The Adventure of Magical Girl. However, both games use the same world and map so it’s a bit easier when you’ve already completed The legend of Bean because you’re already accustomed to that universe.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best JRPG Gothic Games.

The good:

1- This is a short RPG maker game. - I don’t mean it is bad because of this -.

2- Some parts of the game are polished well: for example the animation during battles.

3- no random encounters. You only fight an enmy when you collide with it - which i think is good -.

The bad:

4- Sadly it seems it suffers from the same problem that many other rpg maker games have: the game is not balanced. I mean you could quickly level up and breeze through the game and care not for any strategy while fighting.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

The Adventure of Magical Girl on Steam

~Be a maid in the Demon World~ The Secret Café of the Demon Angel Hero.

~Be a maid in the Demon World~ The Secret Café of the Demon Angel Hero.

While the English Translation could use a good deal of refinement, This is a Decent Business Sim.

The Evening activities are quite well done.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best JRPG Management Games.

TL;DR: Recommended ONLY when on sale, maybe around 30% off or more. It doesn’t worth it in full price.


  • Cute girls.

  • Good moving image H-scenes.

  • Good optimization unlike other H-game on steam that use Unity as the game engine. I often found H-game that use Unity will gobble up your cpu to 100%, but not with this game.


  • The SLG part are very lacking, mainly you will use your money to cook the menu then use the remaining money to increase the stats of the girls, increase your manager level, and customize your cafe in that order. You don’t really need to put much thought to play the SLG part which is the main point of the game and this is a problem.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

~Be a maid in the Demon World~ The Secret Café of the Demon Angel Hero. on Steam

Demon Lord Jill -REVIVAL-

Demon Lord Jill -REVIVAL-

Honestly, this game is just confusing and nearly unplayable without the R18 patch (can be found in the Discussions section for this game). Large sections of the story text, item / ability names, as well as most of the images in the game are cut from the game, so it was nearly impossible to figure out what I was even supposed to be doing. Thankfully someone posted the link to the official R18 patch in the discussion area, as I mentioned before. That said, with the patch this game definitely becomes Hentai and should have that tag, not “Cute”. As a side note, the translator swapped the names of the Bat and Slime enemies for some reason.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best JRPG Anime Games.

Pretty interesting concept, playing the final boss and hunting down the defenseless maidens, I like it.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Demon Lord Jill -REVIVAL- on Steam

Sydney’s World

Sydney’s World

If you all Loved Playing Games like Chrono Trigger, Secret Of Mana, The Final Fantasy’s on the Super Nintendo and Games like that that were Kid Friendly, then Continue on Reading.

First time I’ve written a Review like this on Steam. As soon as you begin Sydney’s World, if it doesn’t bring a Smile to your face, then something is wrong. The way Sydney says her Lines is very Precious

indeed. XD

All of the Menu’s are Hand Made, even the Cut-scenes. Character Pictures, Profiles, and a ton of the Sprites to, so you can tell a lot of love and care was put into this game. It’s not like a ton of the other RPG Maker Games that have Flooded Steam where there is all Generic things in them. These are people that have really put a lot of love behind their Game.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

I found this RPG quite enjoyable. Sydney’s World revolves around the adventures of a young girl who is transported to a different world where she finds she can do magic and her toy elf becomes a real elf. There’s some voice acting and mainly from a real little girl, actually named Sydney, eight and a half years of age. She does an exceptional job. The main villain on the other hand….. ugh. I’ll forgive that though because I love Sydney and the game is chock-full of great music and lovely art.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Sydney's World on Steam

Viola: The Heroine’s Melody

Viola: The Heroine’s Melody

I suppose I will put out my 2 cents on this game.

I love it, simply put it that way. Viola takes inspiration from many video game series, yet it still manages to feel unique in its own way. Gameplay is super solid, requiring the proper keyboard presses alongside proper timing to successfully pull off attacks and similar actions. There is also a cool mechanic originating from this game involving defending, in which a character defending has a % chance to protect a teammate from damage. This is a great example of one of the special touches made in the game to help it shine and stand out.

Real player with 53.3 hrs in game

Take a chance on trust!

Viola is a cute, relaxing, relatable, and fun game. Plain and simple.

Each character has enough depth so you know what they are about as far as character development goes.

The movement of the platforming is spot on, Viola moves exactly where you want her to be.

I have reached the end of early access in 13 hours, about 1.5 hours of that was backtracking to do side quests/story.

The combat keeps you on edge with the buttons needing to be pressed in a timed manner, is very well balanced, and you will not need to grind.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Viola: The Heroine's Melody on Steam

Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk DX

Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk DX

This is my first JRPG game, though I did play Skyrim and MMORPGs in the past.

It’s also one of the very few games I played without a guide, no tips, no online references apart from the in-game manual.

I don’t have any knowledge of the mechanics of the game when I started.

I managed to complete the main storyline in 76 hours, or more like 70 if you discount the idling time.

Part of this long playtime could be attributed to me listening to all the spoken dialogues.

It actually took me a couple of hours before even entering my first battle.

Real player with 135.7 hrs in game


After playing Sophie and falling in love with, i tried Ryza. And i really dont like the path the overall design was going. So, i tried to go back and play older atelier games. This is how i got into Ayesha.

To be honest, this game gives me somewhat mixed feelings. The setting is great, the companions and people you encounter in your path to become an alchemist are fine and overall presentation of the game, including the intro, videos, art and the OST are amazing.

Its kind of hard to put in words what the game does to not click for me. First, it all start with Ayesha. And to put in context, after finished Ayesha i am currently playing Rorona and they are somewhat the same, but Rorona is way more charming, cute and interesting. Theres a dialog in the beginning of the game in which two caracters talk about Rorona that says that being somewhat dumb and innocent is important to acomplish amazing things, this that only genius and dumbs are capable of. So, that clicks on me because its totally true. Normal people would look into a hard task or skill and think: “Nah… whatever. Doesnt worth the trouble.” while genius and dumb people will do it, for different reasons.

Real player with 134.4 hrs in game

Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk DX on Steam

Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book

Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book

What has distinguished the Atelier series over the years is Gust’s ability to create JRPGs that, beyond conventional mechanics of exploration and turn-based combat, still manage to convey to the player feelings of relaxation and placidity rather than frenzy and hunt for the battle. Of course, their games are still plagued by busy work, flat and impersonal side-quests and an amount of grinding that, especially in this Atelier Sophie, will absorb far more hours than one could afford to spend in the name of completism and fun.

Real player with 110.2 hrs in game

TL;DR If you want an RPG with challenging combat dont buy this, the game is pretty easy even in the hardest difficulty, until you reach the last optional bosses, where its hard because the game doesnt tell you anything about what the bosses skills do or their effects nor about the traits you can use in your equipment

This is a good game, the textures of the environment range from pretty meh to good, but the character models are really pretty, some animations are kinda stiff though, the crafting system is a big part of the game and demands plenty of time, but its really well designed and fun.

Real player with 87.2 hrs in game

Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book on Steam

Fairy Fencer F

Fairy Fencer F


Overall gameplay is close to the Hyperdimension Neptunia specifically Re;birth 1.

Recommended to be played using a controller.

Fairy Fencer F is a turn based role playing game.

Features up to 3 active members in the party.

Switching of members is allowed during a member’s turn.

“Weapon Boost” system allows players to make adjustments to a character’s stats using “Weapon Points(WP)” which can be earned through battles.

Support characters known as “Fairies” are collectible throughout the game. This support characters can be equipped to your party members and can give them passive skills and stat boosts according to the “Fairy” you equipped to them. Of course, 1 “Fairy” per party member only. They vary from Rank C being the lowest and Rank S being the highest and they can level up to level 10. The number of passive skills they provide and the boosts they give to stats increases as they level up.

Real player with 77.5 hrs in game

While this game suffers from a good amount of flaws (see below for details), it still manages to be an enjoyable experience.

I’ll be speaking numbers and mechanics so you get to know exactly what to expect from this product, and whether it’s for you or not.

If you’ve played other games from this developer (like the Neptunia series), you can expect lots of similar aspects.

### The good points :

  • Fairy Fencer F takes about 25 hours to complete, and about 60 hours to get all achievements (I’m nearly there, so it’s an estimate). This is a decent amount of time for an RPG, and at this price point, it’s quite reasonable.

Real player with 66.3 hrs in game

Fairy Fencer F on Steam

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1


An absolutely brilliant game. I bought this on Steam release because it looked entertaining for the ~£12 it was on sale for at the time of pre-purchase, and have not regretted a single moment of it.

Is it the best game ever made? Nah, not at all. We all know that is Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth and it always will be.

But is it a fun, enjoyable game? Definitely, easily one of the most fun games I’ve seen released on PC in a while.

It is a game made for people who have enjoyed games for some time (a wide array of games, really), and also those who enjoy Japanese culture, like anime and manga, and pokes alot of fun at both.

Real player with 209.2 hrs in game

Re;Birth1 is a very bittersweet game to me. On one hand - this was my gateway introduction to the entire Neptunia franchise. On the other hand - the way Compile Heart/Idea Factory have been treating this title as of the last few years is nothing short of baffling and downright confusing.

Before I get into the nitty-gritty, let me get some things out of the way first. Re;Birth1 is a remake of the 2010 Hyperdimension Neptunia for the PS3, built from the ground-up with a story rewrite using Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory’s engine and gameplay. Re;Birth1 was then later remastered in mid 2018 for the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4 under the title of “Re;Birth1 Plus” and that version has never been released outside of Japan and outside of the PS4 & Vita. However - features from it have been back-ported to Re;Birth1 and added as paid DLC. Honestly, gating off content that should’ve been free updates behind paid DLC is just a really scummy move. But had that been the end - I’d chalk this up to just a mention and a warning. Except…during the 10th anniversary livestream - Compile Heart had teased a big new project for the Neptunia series, and the following month - it was revealed to be a remake of…Re;Birth1 Plus for the PS5. There is currently a remake of a remaster of a remake in development at Compile Heart. It’s called Go! 5 Jigen Game Neptune reVerse. reVerse for short.

Real player with 134.2 hrs in game

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 on Steam

Light Fairytale Episode 1

Light Fairytale Episode 1

I originally bought this game out of boredom. Having played everything in my library over again looking for a refreshing narrative; something I could hover my cursor over and think, “this, this is well written.”

I eventually bought a kindle and put a Hiatus on gaming for several months, disappointed at the lack of any new titles containing a decent narrative. I initially broke this hiatus at the release of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and I was happy with what the game offered. Yet, still, the narrative end of the game felt passive and only served to augment the gameplay.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Definitely can’t recommend this game as a stand-alone, though that may change if/when he releases the complete story and bundles them together in some way. But as it stands, it is a very incomplete and barebones jrpg. But let’s start with some positives.


• Music: Definitely was the best part of this game. All the music sounds really good and enjoyable enough to listen to outside of the game.

• Setting: While it really does come off being a pretty generic jrpg world, it is interesting enough to keep your attention.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Light Fairytale Episode 1 on Steam