VR Museum

VR Museum

A tremendous power lies in VR. Anything you imagine, anywhere you dream, any time you envision - it can get you there.

Have you ever wondered what the Handley-Page 42 looked like in real life? Or what size was a Messerschmitt Me-323 Gigant? Or Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria? All of them are long since gone, but with the incredible power of virtual reality they can be brought back to life. And this is what the VR Museum was created for.

There are many great inventions that are only known from drawings and blurry photos. And many of them are already 3D-modelled and scattered around the net. The idea behind the VR Museum is to locate them, refurb if necessery, and show here for everyone to see. Starting from airplanes, the Museum’s collection will grow to become more interdisciplinary in the future.

Read More: Best Jet World War I Games.

VR Museum on Steam



Battle of the Sea is an RTS real-time battle of the sea game - a real battle on your computer!

The game can be free to operate large cruisers, medium-sized cruisers, mine boats, torpedo boats, submarines, aircraft, tanks, soldiers.

Use strategy to defeat the enemy and defend the country’s territorial waters.

Read More: Best Jet 3D Games.

ProtectSeaWar on Steam

Iron Conflict

Iron Conflict

Iron Conflict is a Real Time Strategy game which is solely focused on multiplayer. Fighting in 10 vs 10 battles, you and your teammates each take 3 types of units with you and battle it out. Either wipe the enemy out, or win Victory Points by holding points.

With Wargame / Steel Division vibes, with a hint of Men of War, wrapped up in an XP / Gold grind of War Thunder, you start with a limited selection of units to choose from, but eventually upgrade and unlock new units for your pleasure. You can spend in game currency earned from battles to equip your units to make them stronger, faster or more lethal.

Real player with 47.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Jet Early Access Games.

Ok let it be said, at the time of writeing this review this game is in a early access Beta test you buy into for 15 bucks in exchange for a founders pack of goodies. However dont let that put you off. This game combinds elements from several games, World of Tanks, War Thunder, Total War Arena, iv seen people make comparisons to men of conflict.

Iron Conflict is a Real Time Tactics game where you control 3 units on a team of 30 untis with 9 other people on your team. At the time of writeing the game currently has 2 maps and 2 game modes and will most likely have more in the future. The 2 game modes are capture the enemy base, and for those that play world of warships or war thunder, capture flag points on the map, first 1000 points wins. Matches are Quick and getting back into the actions quickly is as simple as spending a small fee on repairing you vehicles after the match (yes this game has repair times like war thunder, but they are cheep and quick if you dont want to pay.)

Real player with 38.8 hrs in game

Iron Conflict on Steam