Critical Damage

Critical Damage

Picked up on spec (@ 60% off) and having fun.

Good graphics and sound. Interesting weapons and upgrades.

Agree with the 100% positive reviews (as of writing) - would have been happy to pay full price.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Isometric Arcade Games.

Critical Damage on Steam

Happy Z-Day

Happy Z-Day

love the game it was so much fun the more the nights the harder it gets love it so much :)

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Isometric Hack and Slash Games.

Happy Z-Day on Steam



I’m gonna bang this out fast since I wanna get this out here quickly. Apologies if it’s a bit messy.

I was informed of this game about 20 hours prior to the release. I checked out some videos and made up my mind that the game looks like it should be within the 15 dollar range (just my opinion) . The following day I got an email saying the game has released, and for 10.49 for the first week. I jumped on it and bought the game.


This is a top-down style survival horror shooter. You have 5 scenarios, a neat little tutorial, and an “onslaught mode” to complete. In my almost 4 hours of gametime I only completed the tutorial and the first scenario. Having only completed scenario 1, I can say that each one consists of a large map with multiple locked doors and small puzzles throughout, with plenty of documents to read that will fill you in on what is happening around you. Now you can’t just assume you are safe because you are reading something, ohhh my sweet child no.. THEY WILL COME AFTER YOU AND THEY WILL NOT STOP. So you’d best not dilly dally or you will become zombie food ( I did a few times -_- ). You have an inventory system that allows you to carry only so many items with you at a time. I had a few tough decisions to make between ammo and health while playing. You complete puzzles, fight monsters, and unlock doors while running for your life and trying to find the exit.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Isometric Dungeon Crawler Games.

Outbreak (or - as the fans refer to it as - ob2d) is the first game in the “Outbreak” series. It’s a 2D, top down survival horror game, which brings the player back to strict inventory control, limited resources, and even limited light, with the legendary tank controls set up.

I’m not going to pull any punches here; I strongly disliked this game in my first 5 or so hours… I just couldn’t get into it, and found it unnecessarily hard and punishing… I left it a negative review, uninstalled it, and vowed to never play it again. But as the developer kept work on his other titles in the series, I thought I’d give it one last look. This time around, and with a little research and correspondence in the series' Discord channel, I found the game much more enjoyable to play.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Outbreak on Steam

Space Revenge

Space Revenge

Notice: A controller is strongly recommended to play this game

A new life was presented before us… New planet, new city … But they attacked us … And they killed our parents. But luckily Xander picked us up. We have spent all these years training, learning, becoming the best with one goal in mind. THE REVENGE

Space Revenge is an action-exploration game. Get ready to assault the enemy’s base and get your desired revenge!

With a top down perspective, twin stick controls and a sci-fi mood to explore the enemy base full of dangers. The BSO will make you feel the tension of the game.

Game Features:

🚀 Gorgeous 3D graphics

🚀 Story mode with 14 levels story-driven.

🚀 Over 40 missions to complete.

🚀 Intense combat action to keep you engaged.

🚀 4 Weapons to unlock

🚀 Ammo with different side effects

🚀 Use the environment to your own advantage

🚀 Boss rush mode unlockable after completing the game

🚀 4 Main Bosses

🚀 2 characters to choose from.

🚀 Ambient soundtrack

This game works best with a controller, and it is strongly recommended.

Space Revenge on Steam

Shadowgrounds Survivor

Shadowgrounds Survivor

Shadowgrounds Survivor is the unmistakable sequel to previous years top down horde mode shooter Shadowgrounds. Unmistakable because if you didn’t see the title you’d be hard pressed to tell them apart.

That’s not to say Survivor doesn’t introduce a few new features, multiple playable characters and a more detailed level progression makes the game a good deal more engaging as you go along. The storyline is as was in the original utterly forgettable and can be easily ignored.

The greatest strength of Shadowgrounds Survivor is once again it’s use of atmospheric lightning which does a good job at turning otherwise bland encounters with the alien horde into something a little more suspenseful, lending somewhat from the horror genre.

Real player with 22.5 hrs in game

Like its immediate predecessor, Survivor is a top-down shooter that hearkens back to the days of Smash TV and Total Carnage, except that there is a much more detailed plot and a heavy nod to role-playing games. As opposed to the blanket machine-part upgrade system of Shadowgrounds, Survivor has implemented a more refined approach, with unique class abilities, general class abilities and weapon abilities tailored to each of the three characters.

Basic gameplay is still kill or be killed, run and gun, etc. Every kill nets you some experience, which is banked toward increased levels, and each level brings with it some upgrade points. Weapon upgrade parts are still found on the battlefield, dropped by enemies, but now you also get class-specific abilities and character tweaks. These are what increase with each level. Using the marine as an example, you’ll be able to buy quick weapon reloads, tough skin and fragmentation grenades. This is in addition to the basic set of character improvements that all three avatars have: radar display, increased health, critical hits, and an “auto-doctor” that will dose you with a health kit (if you have one stockpiled) if you fall below 50% health at any time.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Shadowgrounds Survivor on Steam

Phoenix Point: Year One Edition

Phoenix Point: Year One Edition

Been following this game since announcement, could only buy it recently

Not as polished or filled with content as reboot XCOM titles and has a lot of balance issues, but i like it, i hope devs will keep on supporting the game.

The biggest difference from other x-com-like games is that you can aim at different body parts similar to fallout’s VATS system, effectively letting you disable individual bodyparts of enemy units or strike the least protected spots to maximize damage as guns fire projectiles and not just mimick that feel, making cover work as actual cover and not just decrease a chance to hit and damage received

Real player with 344.1 hrs in game

Phoenix Point is an evolution of the turn-based tactics genre. The free-aim system allows the player the control to make meaningful decisions in placement and in utilizing the soldiers rather than praying to RNG-esus to give us a good roll. Snipers don’t miss shots right in-front of their faces, there are no ‘99% but whoops it missed!’ moments. For this alone it’s a worthwhile and substantial upgrade to classic tactics games.

The over-world is on par with X-Com 2 with the player moving from point to point looking for cities and supplies in addition to trading opportunities. The great bulk of the player’s time in the over-world should be spent either moving to a mission or moving between havens to trade resources. One of the major missed elements of Phoenix Point, and what I see giving players an endless amount of consternation is in finding enough resources to make it through the game. I’ve also noticed the achievement for ‘Trading 10,000 Resources’ is also under 10%.

Real player with 177.2 hrs in game

Phoenix Point: Year One Edition on Steam

Timmy’s Nightmare

Timmy’s Nightmare

Timmy’s Nightmare:

Is an Action-Rogue-Lite taking place in a nightmarishly dark realm, where it’s Timmy versus the Lil Terrors, in an all-out brawl for survival as you hunt for his most priced toy, the stuffed bear. All while being the same size as a Baseball. As Timmy, you will battle your way to your bear surviving a challenging and evolving series of levels filled with the dangerously adorable Lil terrors and fearsome terror bosses armed with devastating attacks. Gather devastating guns, discover new abilities, and chat with Timmy’s pet dog Maple to gain powerful mods to gain an edge.

Timmy’s House:

Timmy’s House is a constantly changing and evolving experience that is built on hand-crafted levels put into a random selection so that each time you go through the portal it’s a new experience. But beware as you trudge onward through the ever-changing landscapes of his house, you will uncover more mystery and be threatened by even greater foes.

The Terrors:

Timmy’s House isn’t just all traps and portals. But instead, it is filled with Lil terrors and terror bosses with the set goal to destroy Timmy. Uncover the truths of this nightmare as you search for your lost bear and ready your guns for destruction because the enemies will already be ready.

The Guns:

As you fight your way through the levels of the house you will discover and unlock tons of unique guns to annihilate all the terrors that oppose you, each with their own unique tactics, fire rates, and ammunitions.

Timmy's Nightmare on Steam

Alien Breed: Impact

Alien Breed: Impact

My playtime: 36.7h (based on steam, 100% achievement).

~9h finishing the game in Rookie difficulty

~24h finishing the game in Elite difficulty

~3h finishing all multiplayer levels

Grindy Achievement: No.

Optional Achievement: Yes (11 achievements, although you’ll mostly get 3 of the optional achievements after you finish the game).

Difficult Achievement: Yes (2 achievements, might be more or less depends on your skill and (or) internet connection).

Developer Response: No (last response is in 10 Feb 2016, i think).

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

Not sure why this game gets the hate it does. I certainly didn’t play this for the 15+ hours it shows on Steam but probably at least half that. The controls work well on controller, it’s honestly a rather great control scheme for controllers and it makes sense, this is a TWIN STICK SHOOTER. Not a M+KB shooter. I play FPS and TPS games with a mouser and keyboard but I play anything like this with a controller. People also complaining that the game is difficult or the enemies are cheap. I played on the hardest difficulty and it was a BREEZE, I didn’t die a single time. Make better use of your items and learn to scavenge if you’re having a hard time.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Alien Breed: Impact on Steam



Velvet, a senior citizen and retired electrician, is on a guided bus tour far out in the wilderness with his wife Jo. Coming across an old abandoned village, the guide decides to go off the planned schedule and take the group for a short improvised exploration. Velvet, who chose to stay behind for a nap, wakes up alone several hours later in the dark bus. Equipped only with a tranquilizer gun he enters the village, determined to find his wife.

Guidance is a survival horror game where you:

  • Talk to spirits through possessed sightseers

  • Keep the angry ones in check with your tranquilizer gun

  • Explore a vast, abandoned village , meticulously composed in great detail

  • Follow the story and learn the village’s past through conversations and visuals

  • Play at your own pace. Guidance has no jumpscares, the emphasis is on atmosphere and building tension

Guidance is the new horror game from one-person studio Stroboskop, developer of the indie horror classics Sylvio and Sylvio 2. The game is early in development, and will be released when it is finished.

Guidance on Steam



At first I was totally impressed of this game.

It was something new, theres nothing similar to this game.

Please read to the end of the review, or skip the middle part and read only the end.

I quickly found it out to become boring very very soon, the controls are very buggy and totally suck.

They will leave you stuck somwhere midst in a shooting, leading to your death.

Also the blurry black and white graphic, even if kinda really interesting and cool, will end up leaving you seeing a shit and therefore getting really wrecked.

Real player with 203.0 hrs in game

I’m not really sure what to say about this game. If you’re a fan of Postal shooting then you might enjoy this game.

It’s also very cheap so you get value for money. I was curious about the game since it looked a bit “odd” so waited for 90% off.

Looking at the positive reviews I’m not even sure if they are serious with many that barely any gaming hours spent.

However this game doesn’t have the humour like Postal does -or GTA either for that matter. It basicly just feels like I’m “just another” american terrorist who’s just mad at everything and needs to look like a black metalhead and wants to do as much chaos and destruction I can before I get killed. And feel somewhat of a rush when the military is being called in to take you down when the police is not enough.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Hatred on Steam