War Mongrels

War Mongrels

Не ну это пиздец.. дошел до 8 главы…


Вырезал всех, но блядь ключ не так использовал и все… пройти миссию нельзя… Ни вынести ворота, ни тупо обойти всем зекам… Это атас..

все остальное, про антисоветчину или антифашизм согласен..

Вы уж товарищи поляки определитесь, кто у вас плохие…

Немцы, которые вас сжигали, русские которые вас освободили?

Или у вас воевала одна армия крайнова, которая на секунду была организована Англией и в принципе была против СССр и рейха..

Зато у нас воевала Польская Армия, официальная армия вашей страны, которую мы одели, вооружили и помогли освободить свой дом..

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Isometric Realistic Games.

STORY: I will skip this part to avoid spoilers. But it is meaningful and very realistic for WW2. LEVEL DESIGN: levels are huge, much bigger than D3. They are set in various range, from ruined towns, battles, villages, concentracion camp, prison, military base … .Graphic is most awesome part, for sure best graphic in rtt genre. There is more night levels than D3 and ST. Levels have more gimmicks and environment kills which give on richness of it. Visual representation of war is astonishing. CHARACTERS: All have 4 skills and 5th spot is for something special in some missions. They mixed traditional character archtypes skills and split out on 7 characters. There is no knockouts in this game, but there is stunning. MANFRED: Knife/Whistle/Watch/Rifle – knife is for melee kill, whisle is to lure and wider range, watch is also lure but with narrow range and it is more used for some setups that to lure and rifle is standard with very wide range of noise. That is problem in demo levels which are smaller than rest so that is what Sardukar point about that half map come after you. Can climb vines. Can disguise as soldier but officer see through disguise. EWALD: Fist/Bottle/Brawl/Machine gun – bottle to lure, brawl to kill 2 guards similar to Mugen sword attack. And he can use bazooka in some levels.

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

War Mongrels on Steam

Bugvasion TD

Bugvasion TD

Needs some improvements on lag ie. loading but it is a truly fun and addictive tower defense game. Hope it continues to improve and expand. I’m on board!

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Isometric Arcade Games.

Information / English

Bugvasion TD is a classic tower defense developed by Full Screen Games.


Gameplay / Story

Insects where the world is moving? Exactly, you read that right because that is the content of this game. The invasion begins from the planet Zardoz. This planet is ruled by the alien race and is under the command of train rapoids. One day she came down from heaven, who likes her, disgusting, nasty insects. But it’s not just insects, because they can mind control over all insect rights, in order to wage them and against us, to gradually deposit the planet. The first battle takes place in our house. You have to feel yourself room by room against all kinds of crawlers and flying enemies. As in every classic TD, waves wave weirs and the level consistently gold-plated with 3 stars. You collect technology points that are used in your towers to be gold-plated, to enjoy new special attacks or other bonuses. This means fight and make sure they haven’t even thought about hearing the phase phase over. Destroy the problem before it becomes a problem!

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Bugvasion TD on Steam



Let’s start by saying that I really wanted to love this game. I was swayed by nostalgia over Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel but was ultimately confronted with the realization that Dustwind still needs a lot of polish to compete with modern games.

The AI, in general, isn’t anything special which in some cases takes away any bit of immersion you might wanted to experience. Enemies screaming HELP due to low health, but insist on running towards you, or staying completely stationary while being shot at with sniper fire.

Real player with 50.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Isometric Multiplayer Games.

I cannot give a positive review of this game. I tryied… but this is getting worse everytime i play on it. I really wanted to love this game.

  • DEAD This game is dead, in all ways. No one plays PvP, no ones play PvE. If you have friends to play with… give it a try but do not expect playing solo.

  • DIFFICULTY The difficulty of this game will make you nuts.. it is hardcore on every map unless you know exact positions of every enemies. It is a TRY HARD game until you finish successfully a mission.

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

Dustwind on Steam



Deafening silence in the deep darkness of space.

The Magna 6 system is home to the most advanced weapons lab the universe has ever known. Two months ago, communications with the orbiting facility mysteriously went dead without any warning. If the cutting edge weapons in the station were to fall into the wrong hands, the results would be cataclysmic. Knowing that quick action is necessary, but unaware of what terrors might have caused the break in communication, you are called in to lead a small team of brave but expendable explorers through the imperiled space station with a mission to ascertain the fate of its crew.

Krisalis Software and Teque London’s gripping isometric squad-based sci-fi action RPG follows your team of four explorers as they trek through the dark environments of the Weapons Research Facility to uncover the mystery of what went wrong. Each member of the team is chosen by the player based on their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their personality and individual history. As the leader of the unit, you have full control over the inventories and actions of your squad, even down to deciding when to use headlamps to illuminate the darkness. But watch out – the inky blackness of space hides friend and foe alike.

  • Traverse the dimly lit corridors of the Weapons Research Facility and beam down to the planet surface for terrestrial excursions.

  • Craft weapons by combining interchangeable items found on your mission and use them to battle against hostile defense robots and other menacing threats.

  • Marvel at the real-time dynamic lighting powered by impressive Super Photoscaping lighting techniques. Watch lamps and explosions cast lights and shadows on the environment, and use your squad’s headlamps to illuminate puzzles along your route.

  • Take full control of your team of explorers as you manage their inventories, guide their individual actions, and keep tabs on their life-giving fluid levels.

Shadoworlds on Steam

The Stone of Madness

The Stone of Madness

The Stone of Madness is a hardcore real-time tactics and stealth game set in a Spanish madhouse in the late 18th century. Located in the Pyrenees, a timeworn Jesuit monastery is home both to a madhouse and an inquisitorial prison. Five mysterious characters have been imprisoned between its walls under different pretenses. Plagued by cruel punishment, madness and despair, they will soon devise a plan to escape this place.

Escape the Madness

Using an isometric perspective take and alternate control of your characters and aid their escape. Depending on how you play, their sanity will deteriorate, gaining them a “Stone of Madness” and triggering new disabilities and negative effects such as paranoia, dementia or bouts of violence.

Explore your surroundings, find clues and tools to help you achieve your goal. Be careful though, if you’re caught being somewhere you shouldn’t be the guards will not be kind…

Character Progression & Regression

We all have our strengths and weaknesses and our heroes are no different. Each character starts with various traumas and phobias. Depending on how you play, their sanity will deteriorate, gaining them a “Stone of Madness” and triggering new disabilities and negative effects such as paranoia, dementia or bouts of violence. This in turn increases the game’s difficulty. Characters can also unlock positive skills or reverse the negative effects on their sanity by finding “Stones of Clarity” which are scattered throughout the monastery. Some actions may exacerbate phobias and other mental conditions or even trigger new conditions to develop.

Discover the Secrets of the Monastery

Choose from several different escape plans to execute, each with its own stories, objectives, special characters and other surprises. While exploring the monastery you may come across items or clues that can aid different escape plans or future attempts. These items can unlock new content for your future play-through’s.

You have no memory of this place…

Each new game generates a different monastery thanks to a semi-procedural system. Everything from the monastery lay-out to item location is variable making each play session as fresh as the first.

Day/Night Cycle

Time is continuous in The Stone of Madness; Day & Night phases are split with actions to complete during the day and preparation activities (healing/crafting/resting) at night. Most actions can be completed during the day while others, are better done at night with fewer eyes watching. But there are reasons you should not go prowling at night…

Stunning and Original Artwork

The Stone of Madness' visuals are heavily inspired by 18th century artist, Francisco De Goya. Everything from scenery, to clothes and even character faces are influenced by De Goya’s works. Combining his styles with our artist team’s sketching and animation has resulted in numerous hand-painted scenes and hundreds of traditional-style animations that is both eye-catching and enhances the isometric-perspective The Stone of Madness uses.

Features Overview

  • Master Tactician– Plan and execute your escape in real-time, utilize each characters’ unique abilities and escape the Monastery.

  • The Prisoners – Play as five unique and flawed characters, discover why each has imprisoned.

  • Secrets of the Monastery - Explore the monastery and you may come across items or clues to unlock new content for future play-through’s.

  • Character Progression/Regression – Each character has special skills and unique flaws that can help or hinder or progress.

  • Endless Escapes - There are multiple escape plans to attempt by exploring the monastery. The monastery map also changes with each play-through, moving key and items to other locations.

  • Stunning and Original Art - Exquisite hand-painted and original works inspired by 18th century artist, Francisco De Goya

The Stone of Madness takes inspiration from;

  • Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

  • Desperados 3

  • Broken Lines

  • Darkwood

  • Darkwood

  • Commandos

The Stone of Madness on Steam

War Wind II: Human Onslaught

War Wind II: Human Onslaught

As a huge fan of War Wind 1, this is honestly quite disappointing. Controls are very confusing, much more so than in the 1st War Wind. Technology trees for each of the races is complicated and hard to get used to. The alien races now speak mostly English which doesn’t feel as authentic. The mechanics of hiring new units is a huge downgrade from the 1st War Wind in the sense that you can only hire from external villages that do not respawn new villagers. These villagers can be accidentally attacked. Overall, hugely disappointing and the only saving grace was the low cost to purchase this game. Perhaps players without prior experience playing the 1st War Wind would find this ok but for those like me who are expecting a game that improves on the 1st one would be terribly disappointed.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

War Wind II: Human Onslaught on Steam

Desperados III

Desperados III

Perfect game made with love and attention to detail. Engaging story, believable characters, excellent voice acting. Smooth and customizable control scheme.

This game represents the peak of the genre.

Real player with 117.5 hrs in game

I LOVED the original…Then I played this! The original now sits in that nostalgic corner of my gaming brain never to be played again just thought about with fond memories because when you play the original you’ll be thinking of this!. Well worth every penny and more. I lost two and a half hours on one mission that only felt like half an hour, I also managed to burn my dinner in the process! Ha. The achievements are a very nice touch that gives the game some longevity….Speed running might be a bridge too far for me though! The only negative thing about this game is you get to the end eventually and you’ll want more!. Note to Mimimi…Please take my money and make more content….(pretty please).

Real player with 91.3 hrs in game

Desperados III on Steam

Diorama Tower Defense: Tiny Kingdom (Prologue)

Diorama Tower Defense: Tiny Kingdom (Prologue)

Ehm … no. While the intro is good and a lot of work has been going into it for how small this game is, it lacks in gameplay, entertainment and generally the right feeling. Didn’t enjoy it.

I even went to do something and forgot about it, then went to sleep… so it kept acculumating hours all night without playing at all :D

Can’t recommend a game who makes me forget about it so successfully ;)

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Really cute art. It’s a simple and short game but really fun

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Diorama Tower Defense: Tiny Kingdom (Prologue) on Steam

Wonhon: A Vengeful Spirit

Wonhon: A Vengeful Spirit

After playing the demo I waited for this for so long…. and the full game surpasses my expectations. More enemy types and mechanisms and more brain racking to finish a mission. Also if you played the demo, the full game lets you CARRY OVER YOUR SAVE FILE. Awesome.

So what’s this game? Well in addition to the descriptions above I must say, the AIs can be pretty aggressive… not knowing the map fully on first tries, you are prone to die a lot. (remember: your hon gauge fills up when newly possessing someone and use a bit of that to dash through walls at the end of the gauge to get away) The game does let you play with fewer enemies if you die too many times or are having trouble but no real manual difficulty setting which I like. It’s immersive. You can’t choose the difficulty in life. It was nightmare mode for the Koreans in 1920 every day.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

I was captivated by the E3 presentation so much that I had to play. I love horror, especially eastern stuff like Fatal Frame, so I might be a bit biased.

It’s a fun game, but quite repetitive. There are a lot of bumps that I’ll explain, but nothing to serious to stop you from playing. It’s significantly easier than it looks, even offering to replay missions with fewer enemies when you die often, and never (visibly) penalizing you for it.

Much of the game consists of three different types of missions; slaying, in which you’ll kill everyone in sight, fetch quests, where you’ll sneak around to get something for some spirits eternal rest, and the unfortunate bulk of them, will be rescue missions (escorts). The Ai can only really get stuck in the same places you would, which you will likely memorize and avoid, which is bearable, it’s okay as they follow you quite closely at an inconsistent speed. Most of Challenge mode consists of escorts, which is off putting, but the main game is enjoyable enough for 4-5 hours, especially in terms of rich atmosphere, and locations through different seasons, the best part.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Wonhon: A Vengeful Spirit on Steam

Angels vs Demons

Angels vs Demons

Welcome to the heavenly world, in which you have to fight with demons. They have surrounded the heavens and are trying to destroy everyone. But there are angels at your disposal, ready to expel the enemy. You will have to focus all your strategic skills, anticipate and outrun the moves of enemies and capture enemy lands.

Magic towers generate warriors that can be controlled with the help of a computer mouse - move and send to fight with enemies, the player can also capture towers that belong to demons and protect their magic towers from demons.

Angels vs Demons on Steam