

This is a great game! its difficult and requires alot of thinking, and a great spin off of minesweeper. definitely would recommend to the heavy puzzle gamer. only one minor bug where game occasionally will crash when pressing space on a charging tile, but with that as the only exception, this game is great.

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Isometric Procedural Generation Games.

Welcome Hacker,

To this procedurally-generated facility filled with traps.

With your trusty scanner and fully-charged breach zapper.

You must navigate through a hidden maze.

While you scan the area for security measures.

Creating sector marks on a virtual map.

You will find color key-cards to open special doors.

All in an effort to locate that elusive elevator.

So you can carefully ascend to the next level,

Until you reach the central server on the 7th floor.

ADMINE features 8 excellent techno tracks by 3kliksphilip.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Admine on Steam



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⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Isometric Stealth Games.

This game is decent but feels completely unfinished. I also have no idea why the controls that pop up are for controller.

This game is a decent puzzle game at best. It’s also 5gb for a small indie game which I don’t really understand.

The reason I say this game is unfinished is:

  1. You can be shot by a guard after you already left the room, you jumped out of the room or their timer just won’t reset and you’ll be shot as soon as you walk back into a room with them

  2. The jumping boots sometimes will just let you fall through the floor after jumping

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Agent-00 on Steam

Avadon 2: The Corruption

Avadon 2: The Corruption

I have to admit that I put this game off for far longer than I should of, it has been such a treat and such a good reminder that great games don’t always come in shiny packages . I have played hundreds of CRPG’s over the past 20+ years, on dozens of different consoles and this game really “did it” for me. Avadon 2 is no “Divinity Original Sin” but I still enjoyed it nearly as much, the game is a blast if not a little rough around the edges like me.

Avadon 2 is a rather large CRPG, is has a deep and intricate storyline which I found pretty original among CRPG’s. Avadon 2 has wonderful “original in style” character creation, character building systems and the game even has some secrets ??? : ). It has challenging combat which scales greatly depending what difficulty you chose and which takes place using a Grid Based, Turn Based, Action Point combat system. The combat in Avadon 2 feels very similar to the combat in the early Fallout games (1&2) but the fixed viewpoint is a little more Roguelike in nature. As I eluded to with the secrets comment earlier, exploration in Avadon is fun and there are fights, loot and secrets to be found by the patient and meticulous types of players.

Real player with 288.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Isometric RPG Games.

Avadon 2 is the direct sequel to Avadon: The Black Fortress. You take control of a new band of heroes as you wield your might on behalf of Avadon.

Battles are turn based and are governed by action points, which are expended through both movement and use of skills. As expected, health and stamina bars are also present alongside four core stats - strength, dexterity, intelligence and endurance. Additionally each character also has resistances to four damage types and four possible status effects. Character builds are developed using a skill tree, which requires you to pump more points into particular branches if you want to reap the full benefits of a particular branch. There is a retrainer NPC who allows you to redistribute all your points if you are ever unhappy with your character build, but you need to reach a particular point in the game before they become available. There are five possible classes to choose from for your character, with Avadon 2 adding in a new class, the tinkermage who specialises in creating turrets and machines that can aid you in battle. The entire cast of characters comprises one of each class type so you will always have the potential strengths of each class at your disposal throughout the game. Avadon 2 features a standard grid based inventory management system, a junk bag for storing useless items so they can be sold en masse, several slots for character equipment, scarabs slots (magical items which confer statistical bonuses and abilities), quick use skills and items for each character. Overall inventory management is fairly painless however during extended periods of adventuring, managing the many scolls and potions you find can be a chore but compared to Spiderweb’s older titles it’s like a gift from the gods.

Real player with 100.8 hrs in game

Avadon 2: The Corruption on Steam

Avernum: Escape From the Pit

Avernum: Escape From the Pit

This game used to be a charming experience where magic, fighting bows and fantasy came together in a unique way. The game is far butchered now compared to it’s older version.

Before: Up to three levels of spells in both priest and mage classes so that you can indulge in a magic fantasy playing the game. With secrets at every turn for your wizard to decode and dangerous territory where they have to show their wit in using their magic to upgrade their arsenal and using it creatively to beat the lords of magic themselves, the slitheraki or however you spell that…

Real player with 448.1 hrs in game

Addendum: As of Nov 2016, I nominated Avernum for the “I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award” Award.

Second remake of the classic Exile series' first part, Avernum: Escape From the Pit is classic roleplaying at its best! Basically, you play as a party of adventurers, who were exiled into a huge cavern, Avernum, far below the surface of the world. You have to find a new purpose here, which basically means doing all kinds of odd-jobs and quests for mayors, wizards and kings of the underworld and, while you’re at it, trying to escape your dark prison.

Real player with 140.9 hrs in game

Avernum: Escape From the Pit on Steam

Avernum 4

Avernum 4

A classic RPG set in an underground world, Avernum IV is a fantastic game. In it, you control a guild of up to four characters, which can be customized both in appearance as in abilities. Each character levels up individually, getting a few points which you can then spend in their abilities; and, as a classic RPG, there’s plenty of them: from combat abilites (including things as melee combat, ranged combat, etc) to magic (two types, actually, one focused on magical attacks, and the other in buffs and debuffs) and “social” stats like luck and charisma.

Real player with 101.3 hrs in game

Just a short review, which I have to write, so I can recommend this game (and I will post the same review at Avernum 4, 5 and 6 pages).

After finishing the second Avernum trilogy (4, 5 and 6) I can honestly say, this was one of the most rewarding roleplaying experience I had in a long time. I played a lot of rpg titles, from classics like Eye of the Beholder, Ultima 7 and Infinity Engine games to newest games like Skyrim, Mass Effect and Dragon Age series, and although Avernum does not have fancy graphics, I still think this series is one of the best rpgs ever.

Real player with 100.0 hrs in game

Avernum 4 on Steam

Avernum 5

Avernum 5

Party with gremlins. Boat through rapids. Join a cult. Side with an ambitious general or the assassin he’s hunting. The low graphical requirements of this game allow for a vast frontier setting and a deep story. Difficulty is adjustable, allowing any playstyle from story-only coasting to ruthless min-maxing. Plus, Spiderweb Software is a true indie developer. This game is easily worth $10.

Real player with 133.2 hrs in game

An incredibly mixed bag. Its very deep stat system and occasionally interesting challenge areas and boss fights are quite good, but ultimately these highlights are overcome by extreme linearity, way too many trash mobs, next to no plot, and one of the worst cases of hitpoint bloat I have ever seen in a game (late game there are some random enemies with 4,000 hitpoints. Given that the average character can do 50-100 points of damage per turn, you can work out the problem here). I really love spiderweb games, so I hate to bash this, but this is probably their worst.

Real player with 128.3 hrs in game

Avernum 5 on Steam

Avernum 6

Avernum 6

Many more hours of game play than the other “Avernum” titles so far.

Challenging bosses and combat situations, tons of loot/spells, and (a few) outcome options along the way.

Intriguing story line which brings the nature of Avernum and all the involved powers (Human nations, Nephil, Slith, Spiral Pit, Vahnatai, Dragons, etc.) to a “conclusionist” scenario based on how the previous games have handled them thus far. It is similar in this regard with, and probably as qualified as, Avernum 3.

Personally, I wish there were more graphic options for characters. Sometimes the bosses can be a little too challenging without looking up walks-through. It is not possible to kill a dragon. But those are all the petty negative things I have to say.

Real player with 373.0 hrs in game

I remember playing Avernum as a kid and have fond memories of it, now it appears that very little has changed.

If you want a nostaligia trip this is definately a game for you, however it’s grindy as hell and hasn’t aged all that well compared to other games of the genre.

The fact that not much has changed isn’t exactly a bad thing, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

The only problem I have is how clunky the UI is, in the fact that you could carve it onto a stone and it would still be intuative. It works, it’s just not very nice to look at for longer than half an hour at a time. Still enjoy it though.

Real player with 141.1 hrs in game

Avernum 6 on Steam

Dandy Ace

Dandy Ace

Hey everyone, if you enjoy a good fun ARPG with roguelite elements, funny dialogue, and a wonderful art style you need to check out Dandy Ace. Let’s go into what you have to look forward to:

Dandy Ace is an 2.5D Action RPG game where you take the role of Dandy Ace, the world’s greatest magician, who is trapped in a cursed mirror world by his unbeknownst greatest rival, Lele the Green Eyed Illusionist. Sent to this world with only your assistantts Jenny Jenny and Jolly Jolly, you use your deck of powerful card tricks and trinkets to make your way through this mirror world and find a way to escape. Along the way you battle various minions monsters and even find help from Nnif a bunny who is out to turn a profit. Will Ace be able to escape this mirror world?

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

TL:DR No regrets, just not good game. Kinda pretty tho. Lost my interest after the first couple hours. Review made on Patch

Ok, so It took me 32.4 hours to beat this game in nightmare mode, I’m Brazilian so giving up is kinda hard. I do not consider myself to be a good isometric Rogue-like player, despite really liking the genre, but I’m going to put my review here.

First of all I bought it because I really appreciate new Brazilian games and I will buy them whenever I think they are cool, É nois mlk S2.

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Dandy Ace on Steam

Eschalon: Book I

Eschalon: Book I

(Before I get going, I’ll say that Book 2 is much improved and although I’m only a few hours in, I can probably recommend Book 2. Writing is more polished, graphics feel fresher, and controls feel more responsive. Book 1 isn’t necessary to play or understand the story of Book 2.)

Slow paced and feels more like a shallow copy of old school CRPGs (hey, that looks old-fashioned, or, nobody does that in RPGs anymore, let’s put that into Eschalon) rather than capturing the deep magic that made old school CRPGs worth reviving (as in “why did they do that, and does it still make sense? If so, let’s put it in and modernize it just a bit”). Don’t get me wrong, I like turn-based (Western) CRPGs, love Spiderweb Games (Exile through Avadon even), and I even fire up one of the top roguelikes now and then (Nethack, ADOM, dwarf fortress, Cataclysm DDA, etc.), and Eschalon Book 1 falls flat by comparison. I’ve played Ultima 4-8, Wasteland, Fallout 1-2, Baldur’s Gate, Arcanum, and I’ve probably played other awesome turn-based overhead CRPGs that I can’t remember. I’m sure I’ve played some clunkers too, but I felt I had to put up this negative review if only b/c I cannot figure out why so many people seem to like this game enough to recommend others play it–the hype for this game, from “pro” reviews and players, makes me wonder how many of those even played a quarter of the games I listed up top.

Real player with 90.5 hrs in game

Eschalon is a CRPG set in a fairly generic fantasy world, that succeeds through strong writing and solid game-play. The emphasis is on your characters quest, so there’s no party accompanying you to get to know better and build up attachments to, or romance etc.

The mechanics are quite straightforward. Combat is a mixture of real time movement and turn-based, that is underpinned by RNG dice rolls affecting your competence in battle, or how good you are at skills such as lock-picking, stealth, or trap disarming etc. It has some nifty ideas in amongst what is otherwise pretty standard, and slightly old-skool, game-play.

Real player with 68.5 hrs in game

Eschalon: Book I on Steam

Eschalon: Book II

Eschalon: Book II

My favorite Eschalon game by a rather large margin. It builds on the systems, abilities and lore of the first game well, and improves on that core in all ways. (And gives plenty of clever methods to exploit the populace financially if you invest a few points in the right skills!)

The vast terrain to explore and many points of interest in Book II made for the longest section of the game and I enjoyed taking my time to find as much as I could before moving on. The second part of any trilogy risks stumbling into the pitfall of being a stop-gap time sink between introduction and conclusion, but it’s the opposite at play here. Book II is the true high point of Eshalon and contains the most accessible landmasses on the planet of all 3 games. It might even be as large as I + III combined.

Real player with 120.5 hrs in game

Hmm. What to say? I know that I like the game system still, as it is just an upgraded form of the first one. But. The game itself feels incomplete.

Like, so much effort was spent coming up with a new area in order to hand wave away that the events of the first game meant nothing and come up with locations to explore, that it really boils down to this: You’re not going to import any aspect of your previous character because I want you to start over from level one again, you’re not going back to Thaermore because I can’t be bothered to come up with a reason for you to survive fighting an army and have a way to ignore the ‘epic’ story I have regarding these amazing Crux artifacts, and really, I am going to include methods for you to break the system again if you know exactly what you are doing… but good luck figuring that out without a walkthrough.

Real player with 83.9 hrs in game

Eschalon: Book II on Steam