Loot River

Loot River

Transform the world

Set in a series of procedurally generated labyrinths, Loot River is a dungeon crawling action roguelike that combines tense, real-time combat and dark fantasy settings with spatial block-shifting.

Defeat bestial abominations

Armed with the power of the Relic, players can shift the ground beneath them, sliding floating ruins together in a series of tile puzzles. As players venture through these endless catacombs, they’ll encounter beasts, lost travelers, and bosses. These cosmic grottos offer a wealth of new weapons and gear to discover, as well as unholy knowledge to unearth for permanent upgrades.

Game Features

  • Slide ruins of an old dungeon to defeat your foes

  • Forge your path through ancient abandoned fortress

  • Meet horrifying beast from alternate realities, as well as other wandering nomads

  • Wake up in a parallel universe after each death - navigate through thousands of unique, yet familiar dungeons

  • Defeat enemies your way - unlock many different abilities, items and weapons, each with unique look, animations, powers, and style

  • Gain knowledge and experience, level up, and defeat powerful bosses

  • Immerse yourself in a beautiful, hand drawn, pixel art with fluid animations, real time 3D shadows, and astonishing water simulation

Read More: Best Isometric Dark Fantasy Games.

Loot River on Steam

Curse of the Dead Gods

Curse of the Dead Gods

For the people coming from hades i recommend to temper your expectations. I just completed the game 100% and that took 32 hours in the game file. This is alot less than hades, but this flaw is only for completionists. Not every game must have over houndreds of hours of playtime. Curse of the Dead Gods is fine alternative to hades. You need to be more precise with dodges and parries. You cant just button mash like hades, but when u memorise all different attack patterns it becomes second nature looking out at different enemies and waiting to weave a parry in your attack combo.

Real player with 87.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Isometric Dark Fantasy Games.

Most comparable to Hades, but with more planning and knowledge involved with how you approach enemies as opposed to high-octane energy simulation. Personally, I enjoy Curse of the Dead Gods more, but both are good games with similar control schemes.

Both are rogue-lites, but whereas Hades as more direct upgrades to Zagreus, Curse of the Dead Gods lets you better control your run (IE: More rerolls, starting equipment selection).

For more specific details, it’s a top-down action rogue-lite, where your objective is to clear temples, with their own enemies, champions (2 per temple, minibosses), and the avatar. Later, you unlock the final temple, which mixes them together for you to test your knowledge and intuition in a way that’s incredibly satisfying. Your expectations of how you handle a situation are consistently challenged by what truly plays out, and your skill progression is especially apparent during these events.

Real player with 52.3 hrs in game

Curse of the Dead Gods on Steam

Dead Estate

Dead Estate

I think it speaks to the strength of this game that I got the true ending with a broken run before I unlocked all the characters and I’m taking a break to write this review before going back in again.

Dead Estate is a fun little isometric roguelike akin to an Enter the Gungeon or diamond shaped Isaac. You go in, fight enemies, pick up weapons and items, die to bosses, unlock new stuff, rinse and repeat. I don’t really need to tell you the basics of this kind of game. There are multiple playable characters with their own default weapons, stats and strengths/weaknesses. I will give it to them, once you start heading away from the starting characters they do come up with some pretty unique gimmicks. Gotta say, the one involving money is a personal favorite.

Real player with 39.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Isometric Replay Value Games.

As someone who really didn’t care for the genres gold standards “Binding of Isaac” and “Gungeon” i just thought that maybe this style wasn’t for me. Then i saw this game and something clicked as i started to play. It was actually fun, not just in the gameplay sense but in how it handles it’s own presentation. Everything is vibrant and colorful being overall very pleasing to look at, the characters and stages all have a level of charm and personal touches that make them stand apart, and the music is fairly simple but charmingly retro and fits very well with the tone of the game. Add to all that a wholesome and strange story that you will continue to discover through multiple runs and you have the recipe for one of the best Twin-Stick Rougelikes in the genre. The game is worth every penny and with the promise of more content to come I honestly cannot recommend this game enough.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Dead Estate on Steam





WHAT TO EXPECT: Real-time combat. Action Roguelike. Medieval setting with alien technology and enemies. Fast-paced ARPG styled, ranged and skill based combat. Excellent range of alien enemies with different travel and attack types. Large arsenal of medieval and alien ranged weapons. Passives and skill power-ups instead of character levelling. Changeable level modifiers. Procedurally generated isometric maps. Unlockable hub trainers. Single-player only.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

Medievalien is a very pleasant action roguelike which combines the procedural generation of a classic dungeon crawler with the new-age feel of your favorite phone shoot ‘em ups like Archero. It’s easy to get into and play a run, and it’s not a big time commitment. It’s a game that’s constantly being added to in terms of bug fixes and new content. It helps that the developers are extremely receptive to feedback and the like. And while there are some bugs (which I expect in early access), they are few and far between. Most of them will not impact game play in any significant way.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Medievalien on Steam



Aliens have invaded the earth and you have to assemble an army of local townspeople to fight them!

  • Set in Finland during the Winter in the ’90s

  • Roguelike gameplay

  • Quick, about 20-minutes long sessions

  • Control one large army thru different procedurally generated levels

  • Collect items to gain new abilities

  • Different Unit types to build your army from


  • ASSAULT RIFLE UNIT (Rynnäkkökiväärijoukkue) - A group of local army reserve enthusiasts

  • PSYCHIC WIZARDS (Meediovelhot) - Psychics, great at tarot card readings, also able to shoot lightnings with 100% accuracy

  • FIRE ARROW UNIT (Tulinuolijoukkue) - Members of the local archers sports club, able to shoot flaming arrows

  • SNIPER UNIT (Tarkka-ampujajoukkue) - Don’t be surprised when the snow starts to speak

  • BAZOOKA UNIT (Sinkojoukkue) - Ability to take down larger enemies with ease

  • MINE UNIT (Ilmamiinoittajajoukkue) - Able to deploy deadly floating air mines

  • KINETIC ROD UNIT (Puhelinpylväsjoukkue) - Secret Finnish army research technology to place hardened over-size telephone poles on orbit

  • METEOROID STORM UNIT (Meteoriittimyrskyjoukkue) - Psychics able to command celestial objects and to turn them into deadly projectiles

NOTE: some of these unit types may be subject to change, also more will be available in the final game


Final Winter

Final Winter

A fast paced rogue-like where combat is more about the amount of time lost for the xp gained. You have 10 minutes to get as deep as you can before the curse takes your life. This takes my usual approach to rouge-likes of careful, deliberate precision and tosses it out the window. The game compels you to take each floor faster than the run before to get deeper and grants you powers that help you traverse the floors with greater speed and yet the cave isn’t exactly the same as the runs before.

Enjoyable, challenging and leaves me feeling accomplished after a good run, and yet still feeling like if I could only run it faster than ______ wouldn’t have died. Who is next and how many can I save I wonder?

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Monster Fighting? Check. Puzzles? Check. Well made characters? Check. Good story? Check. This game has everything you need to keep you entertained for many hours. I have played through once (and lost) and it was very fun. I will be playing again. That being said I don’t know the replayability of the game. But it is for sure worth the cost for the hours of enjoyment.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Final Winter on Steam

Flame Over

Flame Over

In this game you play the worst firefighter in the world. The gameplay is awful, everything about this game is terrible. Its a simple idea but with so little polish it still feels like an alpha build. Oddly this game is a port from the Vita so one would think it would be a finished or better product for PC but its actually worse. This game once it got greenlit literally became abandonware the next day with the devs vanishing never to return to the community or fix any of the issues of the game.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Let’s just get this out of the way right now: I love this game.

There is something about roguelikes that I love. Except almost all of them try to be copycat versions of another game. Rarely does a game try to actually do something unique! So what makes Flame Over so different? Is it because you’re slogging through a dungeon/space station fighting enemies, drinking potions that you aren’t sure could kill you? No. Nothing like that. You’re fighting an enemy. That enemy is fire. Electrical fires and regular fires. There are flame overs as well as fire that spit out embers which can set other things alight!

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Flame Over on Steam

I’m Not Jelly

I’m Not Jelly

Use the best Nojellian warriors in a war between jelly-like creatures and their plant-like enemies, in battles full of vibrantly colorful violence!


A skill-based roguelite, complete missions in different planets composed of rooms with objectives to complete.

  • Use different Nojellian characters, each one with unique attacks, abilities and skills.

  • Multiple enemies with powerful champions and deadly bosses to face off.

  • Unique perks and skills influence each fight, putting a twist in every action.

  • Beware of death, if defeated, the Plantizards will consume the Nojellian body and become stronger.


The Nojellian Empire created several strategic warbodies to fight each one with a variety of abilities and skills-sets. Take control of a warbody before each mission and master their different combat styles.


Face the Plantizards and defeat their army Captain Bosses to take over the dominion of planets. Plantizard come in various forms, from a small sharp theet lettuce to big reptile-plant that performs big chomps .

Select carefully your next objective as the war evolves, after a mission is lost or won a new one is generated based on the results, creating a unique narrative.

Join us on Discord to have a closer look!

I'm Not Jelly on Steam



Prepare to face the unimaginable magnificence of the university of Selenwald!

Enter the halls of Selenwald to learn forbidden knowledge never meant to leave the cursed edifice. Meet madmen and face horrors that cannot be described by mere words. Discover the truth that terrifies scientists and priests alike.

  • Challenging Combat - Fight for survival having ultimate control over your character’s actions. Engage in melee combat or take enemies down from afar using firearms and powerful magic. Aim carefully since every attack can miss if executed blindly. Dodge enemy attacks and adapt to enemies’ behaviour. Use stealth and assassinate or sneak past enemies to avoid risky encounters altogether.

  • Resource Management - Most of your combat and survival capabilities are dictated by what resources you find. Resources are limited and so is the character’s inventory. Make choices on what to bring with you every time you descend to a lower level. Every bullet, potion and spell makes a difference.

  • Character Development - Every class has different starting traits and types of inventory slots available. Make choices when being presented with new random traits to gain power and build interesting combinations. Modify your inventory with acquired accessories to further customize your character.

  • Permanent Death - If your character dies, they die for good. Choose a new, random adventurer and embark on a new adventure. Even if you don’t manage to go far, your actions will have consequences that carry over to subsequent playthroughs. Dying is a natural part of the game.

  • Random Dungeons - Every playthrough brings completely different areas to explore. No shuffled predefined rooms - truly original locations every time.

  • Unique Setting - Visit Western Europe of the late 1700s to discover how scientists isolated from the outer world crossed boundaries dictated by known science to gain access to powerful forces reminiscent of magic. Gain answers to mysteries never before found on the pages of written history.

  • Mature Story - Unravel the dark, rich story of philosophical nature. Witness how a groundbreaking scientific revelation drives even the brightest minds into madness. Meet tragic characters with intriguing past. Discover the very foundations of life and death and see the true, terrifying nature of matters humanity has desperately tried to explain with religion.

Selenwald on Steam

Crumbling World

Crumbling World

If you enjoy hack and slash top down rogue-likes like Diablo, Baldur’s Gate and Champions of Norrath, I encourage you to give this game a shot. I greatly enjoy this game. I have spent many hours in it’s world through the different characters and game modes. Each character plays different and each get their own attacks, so there is a character for everyone. The special attacks (combo attacks) are gained by defeating certain bosses at the end of each part of the world map. Outside of that, you have a basic attack that can be used in sequences to slay your foes, a jump, a dodge roll and a portal to get you back to a non-falling part of the map.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

This is a fun arcade game. I recommend it if you like Hack and Slash games, probably too simple if you are looking for a full RPG experience.

The combat can feel basic at the beginning but it gets more interesting once you start unlocking special attacks. You can choose from 7 different player characters with very different skills. Trying new characters is fun as each of them unlock different special attacks. The big variety of enemies and regions/landscapes in addition to the the procedural generation make the game very different in each playthrough.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Crumbling World on Steam