Lost Dimension

Lost Dimension

Lost Dimension is another PS Vita game that got unnoticed (also released for PS3 too), and ported onto Steam. Needless to say, I’ve heard about the game since last year thanks to it’s catchy final boss theme, but because it was on the Vita, I could never get itplay . But since it’s on Steam I finally have the chance to play it.


  • Interesting mysteries in the story, and a great reveal for them

  • The areas are really cool to look at, same with the models of allies and enemies

  • The portraits have hair physics and look sweet

Real player with 38.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Investigation JRPG Games.

Lost Dimension is one of those games that’s between a thumbs-up and thumbs-down for me. Lost Dimension definitely has some good aspects, and some bad aspects. Since I enjoyed the game enough to do two playthroughs and get all the achievements, I’ll lean towards a recommendation.

Lost Dimension has a decent premise, but rather weak execution. Eleven heroic teenagers are sent to save the world and ascend a tower. Unfortunately, among the team are traitors that will betray the team, but will need to assist the team as they too have reasons to ascend the tower. These traitors are randomly generated per playthrough yet easy enough to discover, but comes off to me as a very interesting idea regardless. Whomever you’ve deemed to remove from your team leaves behind their abilities you’ve unlocked, and can give your team varied builds.

Real player with 32.6 hrs in game

Lost Dimension on Steam

Das Geisterschiff / The Ghost Ship

Das Geisterschiff / The Ghost Ship

Short version: You can die in the tutorial. Hardcore! 10/10!!!

Long version: This game is the long lost cousin of King’s Field, if it was a sci-fi title made for the Virtual Boy. As such, those looking for shiny graphics and twitchy gameplay should stay away: the game’s unique art style looks blocky (although in exchange it works with a toaster, if you can read this you can play it), it’s a turn-based dungeon-crawled that demands patience to be played.

The sound effects are okay, nothing special in my opinion, but they do their job. The music though, it’s something else: It perfectly conveys the nightmarish, claustrophobic survival horror scenario that the author wanted to convey.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Investigation Survival Horror Games.

Laser-focused, ultra-minimalistic dungeon crawler. Think id’s mid-to-late 00s mobile RPGs (Orcs & Elves, Doom RPG, Wolfenstein RPG) their slim frame further stripped down of tissue so that the mere bone of combat, resource management and exploration remains. There are no crutches here, nothing placed at one’s disposal is superfluous or optional - one really must master what mechanics there are. Tutorial mustn’t be skipped.

The presentation is just as spartan yet equally put to just the desired use, minimal wireframe visuals supported by excellent soundtrack conveying this desolate, claustrophobic feeling.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Das Geisterschiff / The Ghost Ship on Steam

Code 3: Police Response

Code 3: Police Response

Code 3 is a tactical police based first person shooter developed for the PC made by police and police support personnel. The game places the player in the shoes of a patrol officer in your average American city. The player will be able to take on the role of that officer and respond to various calls for service and act appropriately. Calls will be dispatched to the player who will resolve the issue at hand. Although some calls will be less dynamic than others, the game is developed for entertainment, and many calls will involve stressful and/or dangerous situations. It will be up to the player to decide the best course of action in each situation.

Since the game is being developed and created by police and police support personnel, there is a theme of realism regarding radio traffic, types of calls, and available resources. Dispatches are given by real life dispatchers, and levels/scenarios are created with the guidance and knowledge of working police officers including both current patrol and SWAT level officers. Although some elements are included for entertainment and enjoyment purposes, the focus of the game is on providing realistic situations for the player to face based on police experiences.

We look forward to working with our community through Steam Early Access to allow Code 3 to have an entertaining blend of realism and fun. Come check us out at the 109 Below forums and in Steam discussions to be a part of the Code 3 team today!

Read More: Best Investigation Simulation Games.

Code 3: Police Response on Steam

Der Geisterjäger / The Ghost Hunter

Der Geisterjäger / The Ghost Hunter

You know the expression “handling something with kid gloves”?

Yeah, Der Geisterjäger does - except its “kid gloves” are boxing gloves with horseshoes in them.

Basically, DGJ is a mecha dungeon crawler that not only isn’t afraid of being “unfair”, it actually incorporates savescumming as a canonical ability for your main character - something like precognition from Katana Zero, if you will. “This is only a dream” is a sentence that, if you, like me, are not a particularly sharp tactical mind, you’ll get used to seeing. A lot.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Der Geisterjager is a lot like Der Geisterturm, but better in every way. More enemy variety, interesting environmental challenges, and new hazards to deal with that aren’t mines. Along with quality of life improvements you should expect from continued development.

The single most important change is the addition of the credit system, you gain money for killing enemies now and the credits allow you upgrade your RCS as you see fit at repair stations dotted about the dungeons, creating an agency that the previous two games lacked while providing a much greater replay value.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Der Geisterjäger / The Ghost Hunter on Steam

FPS Tactics

FPS Tactics

Oh my gosh, I cannot believe this game exists

do not buy!!!

its so laggy stuff load as you walk up to it, there no instructions,

thing MOOOOS like a minecraft cow,

looks like a fps but not really you cannot shoot it dead, only can have one gun at a time cannot find ammo after you run out your out, even after you respond no new ammo,

you have to place the 4 agents so that they can defeat the monster you cannot,

and after that the game is over,

These are all the assets you could get from HB Unity 2 bundle,

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

FPS Tactics on Steam



It makes you feel the fun of making rp with the taste of Town of salem. While such games are usually complex, you can understand the story of all the roles from the first round in Feign. Even if you don’t have friends, you can enter random rooms and mingle. The audience is not toxic, on the contrary, it is sincere.

Real player with 52.8 hrs in game

This game is stressful if you only speak English. Every room I join ends up with me getting kicked, when I say nothing at all. I’ve only played a few games, on the 2nd day of launch. I have many hours TRYING to play this game. Key word is trying, haha. Out of all the hours my playtime says I’ve played this game, I’ve only had about 30 minutes playing the actual game. It’s just not worth it unless you speak Turkish or whatever language dominates this game. It’s sad, because other than that this is a great game.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Feign on Steam

Essence of Time

Essence of Time

In Essence of Time, you are thrust into a school of elemental magic at a critical moment in history; it is time to choose a new emperor. As is tradition, the emperor will be chosen from the students. However, when controversy surrounds the winner, civil unrest grows into outright war.

Fortunately, you have access to the essence of time! By repeating those fateful last days at the academy, you can try to change who becomes emperor and prevent war from breaking out.

Essence of Time mixes turn-based RPGs and visual novel storytelling with time-travel puzzle solving. As you explore various timelines, you will experiment with your sphere grid, make new friends, wage combat against deadly foes, and unravel the many mysteries held within the hearts and minds of all who cross your path.

Essence of Time on Steam



I had been looking for a good program to help me play remote D&D for a while. G.A.T.E. is the perfect solution. I can keep in touch with my gaming buddies that don’t live near me anymore, and our adventures can continue. There is also a Discord available where the developer is active and talks to users. All in all I highly recommend G.A.T.E. to anyone who needs a way to play any grid based adventure games remotely with friends.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

Picture it: it’s Friday night, and the party is all here to start the new DnD session. Only this time you’re online, trying to use Roll20.

You’re the DM, and it’s your first time using the website. You realize you don’t have a “picture” required to launch the campaign, so you open the only jpg on your desktop–a photo of a plate of lasagna you made, for some reason–and click launch the game. Finally, you think to yourself. We can play online now, cool!

Only it’s not cool. You get into the open game. Three of your players aren’t here, because they don’t know how to create an account, because they’ve never used the internet before–especially that one guy, Larry, who’s 58 years old. You realize after launching the game for the first time that your Firefox browser which you haven’t updated in the last 3 years is unsupported. So you pause for another ten minutes as you update, or load Edge (it’s actually a good browser now guys I promise,) and launch the game again.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

GATE on Steam

Midnight Protocol

Midnight Protocol

I don’t have many games in my library - I’m quite picky in my tastes. I’m not usually one for hacking games but the Demo left me wanting more. After 22 enjoyable hours, I’m evidently happy to have added this game in my library. I waited to give this revieuw untill I finished the story for the first time - It will certainly not be the last. I’ll take some time to revieuw a few aspects of the game that might interest you most:

Gameplay/Mechanics: 8/10

A game is nothing without gameplay, and a hacking game sets a promise: it will not be just ‘a game’ - but one with depth, complexity, and decision making. To achieve this, Midnight protocol structures its gameplay around levels that feel like a labyrinth or puzzle. A Digital dungeon, if you will. To get around the various obstacles such as firewalls, encrypted nodes and ‘antagonistic’ system operators that chase you down you get access to hardware you can tailor to your playstyle, as well as a host of programs each with their own up- and downsides. You quickly learn how to balance them carefully, using fairly easy commands to allocate memory to the programs you need in order to finish the level. Suffice to say, Midnight protocol nails the hacker-feel you’ll expect. It is not all roses and sunshine of course - there is quite a reliance on RNG to many of the mechanics of the game that can make you second guess your decisions while they are actually fine, or save you when you know you had no right to make it. Aside from that, i found myself at times trying a level, finding where the hidden obstacles were, and avoiding them alltogether once I got to reload the level. This was- at times-unavoidable, and felt wrong. I’ve since noticed that these hidden obstacles are slightly randomized, at least in some levels, which alleviated this somewhat. Perhaps the developers could not just list potential ICE, but also include a map at the beginning of the mission (once you enter a mission you see the layout anyway, except in rare instances), that does not show the obstacles, but layout of the nodes beforehand. With this information I feel I personally would not have had to reload to adapt my strategy as much as I did.

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

| 🔵 POI | ✔️ Pos | ❌ Neg | 💡 Ideas | 🍿 Video | ⭐ STAR |


🔵Ultimately MP is a puzzle game running under the guise of a hacker game.

🔵Each Network is a puzzle, and you must defeat the puzzle using commands & tools.

🔵MP could be considered a Lightweight Hacker game which introduces turn-based gameplay

🔵Has some additional unique and impressive gameplay mechanics.

🔵I was instantly Immersed by the story and the characters.

Real player with 29.2 hrs in game

Midnight Protocol on Steam