Lockdown VR: Kidnapped

Lockdown VR: Kidnapped

I was having a party and we decided to give this game a try on the side. Turned out to be quite fun competing with my friends and time. The puzzles were challenging i think it was a worthwhile purchase. With VR the escape rooms comes to me and not vica versa i like it.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Investigation First-Person Games.

This is a good game with interesting puzzles. Great for those who like multiplayer escape rooms. Could I request the developers to PLEASE add an option to turn off the timer. You guys have taken the trouble to create the environment and we like to be able to investigate it in a leisurely way.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Lockdown VR: Kidnapped on Steam

Space Colonizer

Space Colonizer

The self-elected government on Earth came with a brilliant idea how to solve the problem of overpopulation on planet Earth. All they need to do is to find the best colonizer. Will it be you? Your mission (if you choose to accept it) is to colonize nearby habitable planets. Or is it a little bit different as it seems? This game will test your logical thinking and entertain you with a story at the same time. Only you and your never silent flight computer flying through space with a live load.

You have to launch a rocket with human cargo from your ship and try to make it land where it should. Other planets, stars, black holes, asteroids and other cosmic objects stand in your way. Some of them you can use for navigation, other mean the end of the trip for a few hundred people.

Read More: Best Investigation 2D Platformer Games.

Space Colonizer on Steam

Two Parsecs From Earth

Two Parsecs From Earth

Very interesting metroidvania, considering that this is not an AAA project. A small group of developers have created a very worthy competitor to games of this type. The game is entertaining and dynamic. I only have admiration! Only positive emotions.

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Investigation Platformer Games.

Little broken robot Metroidvania - find your parts and upgrades to go to new areas. Quite funny, fun and really cute. Can be challenging but shouldn’t take too long to play through if you’re a veteran


Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Two Parsecs From Earth on Steam



Small and simple co-op but very fun

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Small co-op station game.

1 submarine, 2 players, 4 stations (steering, weapons, scanner, smelter), 1 level. essential, this feels like a minimalist version of Catastronauts that is also less exciting. You navigate the deep looking for keycards and scrap metal while fending off laser sharks, and when you enter the enemy base, it turns out they’re in another castle, and the game ends. Mind you, the concept isn’t that bad, and if the devs had put some effort into making a campaign and different enemies, it could be a lot better; but as it is, If you want to do couch co-op, I recommed springing for a better game that has more variety.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

S.U.B. on Steam

The Spectre Files: Deathstalker

The Spectre Files: Deathstalker

I agree that it IS great to have this game available on Steam. I was really hoping that there would be an option to have controls based on button pushes just like the arcade version. I realize that not everyone would want this, but for us arcade nerds the mouse just isn’t the same. To be able to play this on our arcade cabinets would be amazing! I reached out to galloping ghost productions but didn’t heard back from them.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

MUST OWN for b-movie horror and full motion video game fans. I cannot understate how important this game is to retro gamers and fans of low budget cheesy movies. Deathstalker is a time capsule of the 1980s, now unlocked for us. This game will take you back to the early pioneering days of PC adventure gaming. So glad Dok Mack brought this to steam, now I can finally play through all the paths and endings! Its like a Choose Your Own Adventure book put to film!!!

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

The Spectre Files: Deathstalker on Steam

fEarth.128: An Unexpected Walk

fEarth.128: An Unexpected Walk

An Unexpected Fall

This review is spoiler free.

Brief Overview

fEarth.128 An Unexpected Walk (fEarth) is a 2D platformer made extra difficult by a myriad of bugs littered across every aspect of the game. You play as Copper Spider (CS), who has to navigate puzzles and platforming sections to reach his friends. I could see the challenging platforming giving fEarth a certain appeal, but when progression is made nearly impossible by unresponsive controls and bugs, it is just not worth the frustration of even trying.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Information / Review English

fEarth.128: An Unexpected Walk is an Adventure / 2D Plattformer game, developed by Bilzivar and published by The Overall Angle.

Gameplay / Story

The time twisting, puzzle platformer is brilliantly made, fantastically designed but a killer on the brain. The introduction to the game drip feeds you the information you are required to complete it, and its all down to you to apply the knowledge you have been given.

Now this is where opinions will divide; I enjoyed the challenge and that inspired me to push on. You could argue this game is actually really boring, I would disagree, but essentially it is advanced jumping with time elements. The story is strong, the character is great, albeit eccentrically odd, and the mechanics are near flawless. If you are a naysayer, play this in chunks and it’ll win you round.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

fEarth.128: An Unexpected Walk on Steam

12 locks and keys

12 locks and keys

If you’re looking for something without any logic, go ahead, this game is perfect for you.

(By the way, I forgot to stop the game, you can finish it in around 10 minutes).

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Lucky me has the dubious honour of writing the first review of “12 locks and keys”.

“12 locks and keys” is a 2D mobile app tier puzzle game slapped together with the godawful GameMaker Studio video game construction kit, by copy + paste merchants, wow wow Games. All these guys do is take construction kit garbage and asset flips and try scam people into paying them for someone else’s work.

In this case it does look like a little work went into filling out the Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio template for a 2D puzzle game… but not much. The game doesn’t even work because it doesn’t properly register mouseclicks. I guess since wow wow Games don’t do any game development and just copy/fill out game templates made by others, it should be no surprise they don’t do any software testing either.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

12 locks and keys on Steam

JAAHG: The Crows Cry

JAAHG: The Crows Cry

I figured I would check this out and give it the benefit of the doubt since it only had one review and it was negative. I played about 25 minutes and it just wasn’t that great. Sure if it was a free game I would sure check it out it can’t hurt to try it out but for $5 I would say save your money. The premise is standard so you have to find 5 boxes of evidence to see if you are in the location of the missing children. Great, but there isn’t any dialog or papers or anything that explains and expands on a story. It’s just 5 brown boxes that say ‘CLUE?’. Sure that’s fine but is the monster scary? Nope. It’s a scarecrow that will randomly appear and you have to just walk around it.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

JAAHG: The Crows Cry on Steam



In a game of one versus up to six other players both teams need to use observational skills and planning to succeed.

There are 12 objectives spread across three floors. You have 30 minutes. There are 6 Security Forces and the Saboteur only needs 6 objectives to win. Play too passive as Security and you lose.

Play too aggressively as the Saboteur and you’ll give yourself away.

Security has to be careful though, kill a scientist and the Saboteur wins. Kill the Saboteur and you win. If the Saboteur can’t get enough objectives in time Security wins.

The Saboteur

  • You have to achieve your objective of sabotaging enough critical areas while blending in with the AI controlled scientists. Don’t draw any unwanted attention. Observe and mimic the scientists.

  • You have several tools to your advantage, like the ability to sabotage lights and doors among others.

  • With greater mobility you can outmanoeuvre Security Forces if you play smart.

Security Forces

  • Deduce the identity of the Saboteur by observing the scientists.

  • Patrol and defend the critical stations from sabotage.

  • Work together with the rest of the Security Force, communication is key.

Saboteur on Steam

Anime Play Life: Unlimited

Anime Play Life: Unlimited

I won’t recommend this game at all, I do admit it has a lot of potential, but in the state its in right now I won’t recommend it. \

  • You don’t get a tutorial on the controls and how they work.

  • The clothing are clipping

  • VERY limited character costumization options.

  • Alot of weird advertising about a “Special version” download which is nowhere to be found at all.

  • No character facial expressions, such as smile, shock, suprised or happy.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

I think there is a lot of potential for this game but how it stands right now, it is not very good. The character customization was bare bones and I had to back out of character customization and reenter just to get the menus to go away so i could hit continue. Once in the game, there was no prompt to let you know what button was used for interacting. I hit numerous buttons and clicked multiple times and still could not interact with anything. Until the game advances, worth the money.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Anime Play Life: Unlimited on Steam