Broken Blades

Broken Blades

Broken Blades is extraordinary, so many unexpected alternatives and creativity.

The game is a blast and I’m happy playing it and having it in my library !

Suggestions :

  • I always had the shield bar empty. I finished the game and no vendor I found, offered shields.

  • A tad too hard, and I found no save points.

  • An ingame map would increase the allure so much :

I progressed going around and around till finding new areas by luck and perseverance.

Thought the game was short and over at times, but instead, it is so big.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Inventory Management Singleplayer Games.

I found difficulty too harsh you die way too easy not fun when everything in the game is stronger than you. Is there a check point in this game don’t know can’t seem to progress really mixed on this one.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Broken Blades on Steam

Revolution: Path of a Weaponsmith

Revolution: Path of a Weaponsmith

Alternate History

It is 1989, due to a breakthrough success of the so-called Star Wars space defense program the United States has become a sole state entirely protected from a nuclear weapon attack. Its influence has since spread over most of the world through both diplomatic and military measures.

USSR weakened by a devastating defeat in the Afghan War has been swiftly overtaken. Many large cities lie in ruin, others are being controlled by the US military forces. While the occupants are establishing control over the new territories rebels are gaining more and more members each day, many of whom have combat experience.

You play as a scavenger-trader whose main source of income is to search remnants of your home-town for provisions, valuables and sometimes even weapons. Sell your findings to make sure that your loved ones are kept safe.


The town is being overrun by military, bandits, and rebels. You are often outgunned and outnumbered so direct confrontation can often be deadly. Use stealth and explosives to turn the odds back in your favor. Gather supporters to help you or force enemy factions to fight each other making a room for your next move.

  • Disguises - got a clean kill on a guard? Take his uniform and try to look as if you know what you are doing, most of his colleagues will not pay too much attention to you. But beware, higher-ranking officers can notice even the smallest mistakes in your disguise and become suspicious.

  • Weapon visibility - civilians can’t carry visible weapons, but you can still have a pistol hidden. Or you can just fold your AKMS and hide it in your backpack to take it out when it is time for a more radical approach.

  • Visibility - people will have a much harder time noticing you in complete darkness, choose your path carefully or just get rid of those pesky lightbulbs.

  • Noise cover - guards will investigate suspicious noises unless of course there is heavy machinery working nearby that will cover that silenced shot sound. Pay attention to your environment and use it to your advantage.

Inventory Management

Food and medical supplies are scarce and hard to find. You will have to look around abandoned and demolished city buildings to scavenge for valuables and provisions. Or you can target some of the better-protected gang or even military warehouses. Alternatively, there is always an option of taking things you want from other survivors by force. The choice is all yours as well as the consequences.

  • Loot - search the houses and enemy corpses for useful stuff. Some things you will be able to use directly, others can be traded for what you need.

  • Backpacks - equip larger backpacks to be able to carry more, but be careful not to overexert yourself, too much weight would slow you down and make you get tired quickly.

  • Gear - want to see in the dark? Get night-vision goggles and take them on, but watch out as they will make you look suspicious.


The world of Revolution is filled with different people: bandits, USSR and US civilians, US military and rebels and honestly they don’t get along too good. Firefights between factions are happening pretty often and sometimes even civilians can pick up a dropped weapon to join one of the sides.

  • Factions - members of rival factions would be hostile to each, that is when they identify each other as enemies which is done by judging clothes and also a location at which they meet.

  • Civilians will usually run away at the sounds of shots, but sometimes they can join

  • No seeing you through the booshes - don’t you just hate it when an enemy is somewhere behind the bushes where you can’t see them but apparently sees you well and can shoot right through, well not here!

Difficult Choices

You will face hard choices every step of the way. Do I help the rebels or the occupants? Do I trade or take by force? Does this family deserve to survive, or do my people need their supplies more? Every choice you make will have a varying impact on the world around you, but remember not everything is as it seems and more often than not you will have to choose the lesser evil.

  • Story - become part of the epic story in which you will have to make hard choices between sides where black and white are hard to tell apart.

  • Branching dialogues - choose what you say careful, choices in the dialogues matter just as much. In many situations fight can be made easier or avoided if you talk to the right people

  • Characters - communicate with many different characters each having its own personality and preferences.

Read More: Best Inventory Management Choices Matter Games.

Revolution: Path of a Weaponsmith on Steam

天国病院-Heaven’s Hospital-

天国病院-Heaven’s Hospital-

Needs a lot of work but is playable.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Inventory Management Action Games.

天国病院-Heaven's Hospital- on Steam

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

The narrative of this game is absolutely frightening. When I first played it some years ago, I was blown away by the attention to detail and twists and turns of the story. When I replayed it more recently, I instead felt that I was looking out my bedroom window, as though the writers had seen the future. I don’t know where Warren Spector is hiding his time machine, but I’d love to have a chat with him about it.

As for the game itself: if you’re willing to deal with some truly awful gunplay and some questionable controls, this is easily one of the greatest games ever made. It’s extremely difficult for me to describe the amazing feeling that comes from playing a good immersive sim; being able to hack specific ATM accounts because you read someone’s personal notes, reading newspaper articles that describe and flesh out the world just like a good book, the choices you have when it comes to conversations and interactions with both main characters and side characters; it all feels so real. I’ve truly never felt anything like it. I realize how cheesy that sounds, but I simply don’t have the talent for putting into words how incredible this game is underneath the dated exterior.

Real player with 37.9 hrs in game









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Real player with 36.6 hrs in game

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition on Steam

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director’s Cut

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director’s Cut

A personal favorite.

Definitely a more accessible game than its predecessors, but retains the beautiful pseudoscience that made the first one so fun. Once again you play as an augmented super-agent. Once again you can pacifist run the game, and once again you can choose to interpret that as a challenge to knock every enemy unconscious and stuff them into an air vent. The game is notionally a “shooter” and there are a lot of guns, but the game clearly wants you to play as a stealth ninja.

Real player with 99.5 hrs in game

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is an immersive stealth/action adventure game, where you’re a detective in a Cyberpunk setting. And that’s all I want to tell you about the plot of this game, because Deus Ex has one of the most interesting game plots I’ve had the pleasure of playing. Gunplay and stealth are basic, but the verity of options to tackle infiltration is what makes the game interesting to play. Character models and animations aren’t the best, and the controls are wack, but you can rebind the controls so its kind of a non issue. Overall I really enjoyed my time with Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I’m excited to see what the sequel & prequel have to offer. 8/10 Great Title

Real player with 71.6 hrs in game

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut on Steam



I started to play today and didn’t get much progress.

The atmosphere is great and the jumpscares. Im a little scaredy cat though!

Got stuck as i kept dying and having to start the game all over again?

I’m not sure how to save?

Will be trying and play more again soon!

Come check out my first playthrough!

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

THE MADHOUSE | 感染屋敷 on Steam

Cult of Dawn

Cult of Dawn

Experience the story of two characters attempting to survive as a mysterious event strips away the bounds of reality itself in Cult of Dawn, a third person horror adventure inspired by classic survival horror titles of the 90s and early 2000s. Featuring tank controls, fixed and over the shoulder camera angles, old school inventory management and more.

  • Fight off mysterious entities while exploring a variety of locations, from an abandoned mansion to ancient catacombs, desolate woods, an old apartment complex, dark, urban alleyways and more
Cult of Dawn on Steam

Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater

Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater

Like past moh Games Team Of 4 Guys Do Mission Like Demo,Rescue But When You Use Sniper Rifle Have To Click Left Twice Some Times Sticks May be Options Could Fix It By Adjusting Mouse Speed Or Buttons.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Great game…don’t miss it for the price.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater on Steam



When it comes to sci-fi horror games, I’ll play anything. And I mean anything, even reaching all the way back to From Software’s “Echo Night: Beyond.” And for that reason, I’m probably the least credible reviewer of this niche genre of games. While I don’t like them all, I’ll bend way over backwards to give them the time of day. Yeah, I give sci-fi horror games a mile-wide benefit of the doubt; I give them the kind of pass you wouldn’t give yo mamma. In a word, be very suspicious of everything I say here.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

In terms of gameplay and presentation, Phantaruk is basically Amnesia: the Dark Descent on a spaceship. The game is a first release from a small Polish development team, using the Unity engine. The game takes about 3 hours or so to finish; there are no weapons, and the main gameplay is sneaking around and avoiding the enemy as it wanders around the level searching for you.

Overall I’d say the production values are “professional Indie” quality. Not full studio quality, but not an asset flip cooked up by one Eastern European dude in his bedroom either. Keys are fully rebindable, and you can invert the mouse axis. The game also has controller support and an FOV slider. There are voice acted audio logs, but you won’t encounter any NPCs other than the enemies.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Phantaruk on Steam



TealGrounds is a short, third-person, puzzle, horror game with randomly generated world that takes place in an underground workshop of a scientist known as Dr Willis. After his death, this place began to collapse and fall apart along with all the robots within the workshop

Take on the role of the Vic-04, a robot that tries to escape the collapsing structure full of aggressive and malufunctioning machines that try to stop our protagonist from reaching its goal.

Solve puzzles, escape the undergrounds, survive the collapse.

TealGrounds on Steam