The Rule of Land: Pioneers

The Rule of Land: Pioneers

it’s aight, pretty addictive.

needs a light polish, some spelling checking

on screen text gets a bit annoying after some time

“Press [esc] to cancel this operation”

“No Bullets”

I hate having to press M1 for every action,

Mining 40 rock is tedious.

loses difficulty fast.

I gets very boring after all other survivors are dead.

Getting to 200 days is mostly a chore



I just found the “continues mining” option. the game is much better now.


Real player with 85.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Inventory Management Base Building Games.

This ended up being a lot more fun than I figured.

I was worried that having the game play limited to just a few locations would make it repetitive but it actually wasn’t.

The only thing I disliked was that the HUD wasn’t explained very well but it is a brand new game so take it with a grain of salt.

Overall I found it to be a medium paced game that was thoroughly enjoyable. I look forward to watching it develop more over time.

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

The Rule of Land: Pioneers on Steam

Tiny Rails

Tiny Rails


Update: The game is idle. Idle money making is bugged and has been for more than two years. It doesn’t seem like the devs are even trying to fix it.

There are so many issues with this game.

  • All train cars come from the gum ball machine, and you may need one that’s quite rare

  • You need said car because: The more passenger slots you have, the more you need to please them

  • If you find a cart that gives the stats you need, it will also have space for passengers, increasing the amount you need to please them

Real player with 455.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Inventory Management Trains Games.

This game doesn’t have many reviews so I felt the need to write one out.


Good lord the graphics are impressive! And as a fellow artist I heavily appreciate the “proper” use of pixel art. I noticed some games that use pixel art don’t use it the way it was supposed to be done and took me right out of the game. So this is a big bonus for me. The trains are all gorgeously done and many of the cars are really unique, or even easter eggs. I really appreciate we have the option to stick to more “realistic” cars and don’t have to use the ones that purposely look silly. All of the background assets are a joy to look at and I can’t imagine how much time was spent working on everything individually and also have it all fit together so well in a scene. Honestly if you’re a pixelart buff I’d just recommend the game to gawk at the graphics!

Real player with 315.8 hrs in game

Tiny Rails on Steam

Alien Life Lab

Alien Life Lab

The entire station, known as Alien Life Lab, has lost communications with society and fallen into chaos!

It’s up to you to traverse through Alien Life Lab Station to find any survivors, recover valuable lab resources and find what caused the station to go haywire.

-Procedural Generation to give you a new level every time!

-Electric Tranquilizer Gun uses actual (in-game) physical bullets to stun violent aliens!

-Tranquilize hostile aliens with sci fi pistol, shotgun and sword.

-Find survivors and tag aliens to earn credit coins.

-Go deeper into the station.

*Experiences Will Vary.

Story & Lore:

Several months ago, the Lab went black… Communications were lost with the outside worlds.

Residents on-board have no idea what triggered the Lab into stasis that released the dangerous exhibits to roam throughout the cargo-holds to search for sustenance.

Everyone and everything on the Lab has been reduced to utilizing whatever resources they have or can find to survive, not knowing when, or even if, help would arrive.

In the deep of space, you board the seemingly dead ghost ship…

Read More: Best Inventory Management Robots Games.

Alien Life Lab on Steam

Multishop Tycoon Deluxe

Multishop Tycoon Deluxe

Casual game; Not really good or bad. In this game, you have to select which food you serve in which area and at which price.

You get the opportunity to buy upgrade and change the color of the food truck to attract more customers.

But that’s where the big problem is: you don’t get a tutorial or hint.

– You get NO feedback or hint about the things you propose. Customers don’t say anything - for example that’s it’s too expensive, or that they didn’t like the meals proposed or that i proposed too many units of that item. You get NO advises or confirmation the items you selected are the right one.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

great casual simulator of foods selling shops network - game’s small, does not have any heavy hardware requirements, does not require any learning to play it, but its funny and addictive, bright and colourful, suitable even for children.

sure, its not a complicated economics strategy, not a simulation of all complexities of a real world, its a simplified model of a business, but - after you play the game a little you will understand where are retail stores prices are coming from as you will be rising the prices to the maximum to get the maximum profits :) you will understand, why a cup of coffee that costs 0.1 euro to make is 2 euros in retail :)))) and maybe this knowledge will help you to save some money not buying junk foods at typical junk foods locations

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Multishop Tycoon Deluxe on Steam

Prison Tycoon: Under New Management

Prison Tycoon: Under New Management

Good thinks first:

  • 2 point hospital style is great for this, UI and control is great

  • Actually difficult eco, it is not easy to balance thinks…

Thinks which must be updated:

  • Nobody cares about building cells. Allow copy/paste of buildings (just like 2PH have room classes across games. This is must have). To build one, two is fine, to build 40 is just a waste of time.

  • Cleaning of the rooms is broken. Sometimes items in the room cannot be cleaned for what ever reason (fckng toilet seat cannot be cleaned) and the maintenance guy looses all his stamina on one item. Then he goes to the rest and another one comes in and spend his stamina on the same item. I have to manually move the item - then it is fine. This could be “fixed” using magic trick - maintenance cleans the room as a whole, not per item.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

I love these kind of games but there could be improvements such as:

1. It would be good to have workshops that prisoners can learn new skills that will help them get a job after they leave prison. There are therapies available that treat their disorders but Workshops are different and is there so they can learn new things in order to adjust to the society once they go back. Such as cooking classes, learning a new musical instrument, learning foundations of business and finance 101.

Then you will be able to hire professional chefs, musicians, lecturers to come and teach.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Prison Tycoon: Under New Management on Steam

Blockchain Tycoon

Blockchain Tycoon

The 8 career campaigns teaches you how to play then there are 10 scenario , 10 challenges and sandbox mode, the game dose not provide you with popup tips you have to use your brain it is not hard to figure out the campaign is the tutorial, this is not a supper complex game have a little patience, i’m saying this because the achievement for completing the campaign says only 0.8% have this i don’t know how accurate it is. One level was annoying just because i had to wait for the worker to complete creating a new coin and it takes a while. I guess it takes about 5hr to complete the campaign i’m not sure tho i fell asleep at about 5:30am so my actual playtime is different from shown.

Real player with 70.5 hrs in game

After several months of silence and no update to fix any bugs or issues, I am changing my recommendation. It seems to be dead.

This is a good game with GREAT potential! I liked playing it, and of course there were bugs and things that could be improved. One thing is a more realistic market in the exchange. It always seemed to me that the market was mostly stagnant with very little real price fluctuation. By that I mean that if you looked at the price over a year, it would be flat for every coin and token. It may fluctuate on a day to day basis, but no real growth. The other thing that could be improved is the token creation. In the game when you create a coin, it says you also create a blockchain, so why can’t you use your own for the creation of a token. I think it would be cool if you added the ability to add offices and more mining warehouses so you could also add a research tree. That would enable the ability to create hard forks, ability to implement cross platform support, add smart contracts, NFTs, etc. You could also add in researching the hosting of an exchange or NFT gallery. There is a lot that could be done on this front, and it could all affect different attributes of the coin and price, as well as the price of other coins potentially, if interoperability and forks are added. All of that having some sort of correlation with the price of your coin and token and how many other developers want to “support” your blockchain. Also, for some odd reason, any time I created a token, not matter what I did, I could only get tokens during my ICO to be between 30-50 and I couldn’t figure out why. I mostly stuck to creating coins because of this. Also, there needs to be somewhere that explains what different things do. For example, when you are creating a token, what are the differences between utility, security, payment, etc., and how do they affect the token? Speaking of that, when you do create a token, if you forgot which kind you chose, there’s no way of telling. It makes me think that maybe it doesn’t do anything at all. But, besides that, I never could get more than 30-50. One of my biggest irritations was that you weren’t actually managing a company. You didn’t name it or anything. There was no way to compare yourself with your competitors. There was a competitors section, but there was no info about you to compare to them there, and the information about them was very vague. It needs to be reworked entirely, along with some reworking of the economic system. It is very basic. It would be nice to have random events that affect the crypto market so there are real dips and surges. Also, it would be nice to actually benefit other operations when you invest. I would invest 10’s of millions, and it would say that their total investment would be a few mil. So there wouldn’t really be an affect on them. So I then have all these coins and it seems their companies have gone belly up or something because they never go to market. Those are just a few examples of how it is a basic economic system. Anyway, I really hope the developers keep working on this game and bring out some updated to address these things. It would make that mixed review rating look a little more positive. :) And why not take advantage of the crypto craze? lol

Real player with 49.3 hrs in game

Blockchain Tycoon on Steam

Progress Game

Progress Game

I love this game. People are forgetting that this is still super new and wont have a lot of content. I am sitting at 90 hours on the game so far and love hitting those high numbers. To the reset complaints, I mean it only takes like 2 hours to get back to the max anyway so its not worth the stress over that. Also resets are common in alphas and betas and these children new to gaming don’t seem to understand that.

EDIT- I have hit a wall on floor 1318 of the infinite dungeon that after I beat the enemy whos health bar does not budge until death my game crashes. I however have fixed this by just going somewhere else on the map. Can’t wait for more!

Real player with 131.2 hrs in game

As of writing this review I am level 842 and have played for ~38.2 hours.

Progress game is a game about.. Well, progressing. You kill enemies to craft better gear so that you can kill even stronger enemies. You get points which you use to update various different stats & much more. There’s currently 7 different zones to explore and conquer.

You can play through the “main game” in about 2-6 hours but if you still desire more there’s a zone with infinite amount of enemies for you to slay!

You might think Progress Game lacks content, but you have to remember there’s only 1 developer working on it, and for free!

Real player with 99.3 hrs in game

Progress Game on Steam

Biocide: Karver Island

Biocide: Karver Island

Biocide takes place on Karver Island. You have been hired by a rival company of Celledyne a global leader in pharmaceutical and biogenetics. Your mission is to infiltrate the facility on Karver Island and recover data linked to experiments done by Celledyne. As well as locate a rogue scientist who has been selling research and secrets to the highest bidder.

Biocide plays much like the recent Resident Evil remakes with an inventory and combat system that mirrors it closely. The game is full of puzzles, tense moments, and lore inspired by some of my favorite classic horror games.

Biocide: Karver Island on Steam

Lareissa Everbright

Lareissa Everbright

Charming little game with some fairly in-depth strategy options making your choices feel good.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Lareissa Everbright on Steam

Restaurant Renovation

Restaurant Renovation

Restaurant Renovation is not only a game but in particular stories that always start at the heart of every restaurant — in the kitchen. That’s where the awkward owners see the causes of their business flap. Is it right? Where is the problem? And how to solve it? It is on you to show them their mistakes and to make their restaurant profitable again. It will be up to your advice, knowledge to save them from bankruptcy. Convince them to your vision and show them the right path to success in food business.

Explore the area and check among the local residents which restaurant will fit their needs. Create a new menu, change the appearance of the restaurant, reopen it.

Create a miracle

It is on you, to show them their mistakes and to make their restaurant profitable again. It will be up to your advice, knowledge to save them from bankruptcy. Convince them to your vision and show them the right path to success in gastro business.

Know the neighborhood

Explore the area and check among the local residents, which restaurant will fit the needs. Create new menu, change the appearance of the restaurant, reopen it and look at the owners' smiles.

Key Features:

  • Changing the interior design in the restaurant

  • Creating a new menu

  • Possibility of environmental interview among residents

Restaurant Renovation on Steam