

Review Date: Nov 20, 2021

I wrote a giant review, and then after reading through it, realized my opinion was more like no than yes, and when I changed it, Steam erased everything I had written. So, rather than do it again, I’ll just drop some bullet points. I’ve been playing since early in Early Access, so that will color my review.

New overworld trade system is terrible. It’s boring. It’s grindy. and it doesn’t work. I’m at max rep with a faction, and have yet to see the “subversion” mission mentioned in the tutorial.

Real player with 158.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Inventory Management Base Building Games.

A decent time killer as-is, but released far too soon for the ambition they sought to achieve.

  • Settlement milestones are sparse and largely uninteresting, with few “make your own goals” opportunities to fill in the blanks. You will pretty much always build the same structures in the same order, and most structures are not actually all that useful.

  • Overworld is shallow and brainless, with pawns moving around for the sake of moving. Factions have no personality or storyline aspects, and the “war” has nothing to make it compelling or interactive. This is actually a bit of a downgrade from the initial concept at the start of Early Access, where there was at least a good vs. evil kind of thing going on.

Real player with 116.1 hrs in game

Hammerting on Steam

Blockchain Tycoon

Blockchain Tycoon

The 8 career campaigns teaches you how to play then there are 10 scenario , 10 challenges and sandbox mode, the game dose not provide you with popup tips you have to use your brain it is not hard to figure out the campaign is the tutorial, this is not a supper complex game have a little patience, i’m saying this because the achievement for completing the campaign says only 0.8% have this i don’t know how accurate it is. One level was annoying just because i had to wait for the worker to complete creating a new coin and it takes a while. I guess it takes about 5hr to complete the campaign i’m not sure tho i fell asleep at about 5:30am so my actual playtime is different from shown.

Real player with 70.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Inventory Management Resource Management Games.

After several months of silence and no update to fix any bugs or issues, I am changing my recommendation. It seems to be dead.

This is a good game with GREAT potential! I liked playing it, and of course there were bugs and things that could be improved. One thing is a more realistic market in the exchange. It always seemed to me that the market was mostly stagnant with very little real price fluctuation. By that I mean that if you looked at the price over a year, it would be flat for every coin and token. It may fluctuate on a day to day basis, but no real growth. The other thing that could be improved is the token creation. In the game when you create a coin, it says you also create a blockchain, so why can’t you use your own for the creation of a token. I think it would be cool if you added the ability to add offices and more mining warehouses so you could also add a research tree. That would enable the ability to create hard forks, ability to implement cross platform support, add smart contracts, NFTs, etc. You could also add in researching the hosting of an exchange or NFT gallery. There is a lot that could be done on this front, and it could all affect different attributes of the coin and price, as well as the price of other coins potentially, if interoperability and forks are added. All of that having some sort of correlation with the price of your coin and token and how many other developers want to “support” your blockchain. Also, for some odd reason, any time I created a token, not matter what I did, I could only get tokens during my ICO to be between 30-50 and I couldn’t figure out why. I mostly stuck to creating coins because of this. Also, there needs to be somewhere that explains what different things do. For example, when you are creating a token, what are the differences between utility, security, payment, etc., and how do they affect the token? Speaking of that, when you do create a token, if you forgot which kind you chose, there’s no way of telling. It makes me think that maybe it doesn’t do anything at all. But, besides that, I never could get more than 30-50. One of my biggest irritations was that you weren’t actually managing a company. You didn’t name it or anything. There was no way to compare yourself with your competitors. There was a competitors section, but there was no info about you to compare to them there, and the information about them was very vague. It needs to be reworked entirely, along with some reworking of the economic system. It is very basic. It would be nice to have random events that affect the crypto market so there are real dips and surges. Also, it would be nice to actually benefit other operations when you invest. I would invest 10’s of millions, and it would say that their total investment would be a few mil. So there wouldn’t really be an affect on them. So I then have all these coins and it seems their companies have gone belly up or something because they never go to market. Those are just a few examples of how it is a basic economic system. Anyway, I really hope the developers keep working on this game and bring out some updated to address these things. It would make that mixed review rating look a little more positive. :) And why not take advantage of the crypto craze? lol

Real player with 49.3 hrs in game

Blockchain Tycoon on Steam

Factory Engineer

Factory Engineer

I enjoyed this game, it’s fairly easy, relaxing and although it’s far from perfect I feel some of the reviews are a little harsh.

This game does look like Big Pharma but the game play is quite different. Besides, I’ve completed Big Pharma and absolutely loved it, would it be such a bad thing if more games were like it. In Big Pharma you raise and lower the concentration of ingredients which you then combine to make drugs while competing against the AI. In Factory Engineer you import raw materials to make intermediate products which are then used to make and sell finished goods. You start off with only a few simple products to manufacture but as you research more technologies many more products become available that are much more complicated and require many components to complete them.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Inventory Management Strategy Games.

This review is late. Very late. To preface; I bought the game a long time back, for some substantially low amount, during a sale. I hadn’t played much when I did get it, and now, as of writing this, I’ve “Finished it”. Though the game has no end, there no reason to keep playing. By “Finished it” I of course mean I’ve now gotten all the achievements. All 8 of them. A concerningly low amount for a game that is about solving complex puzzles. However, they’re not real puzzles. I call them that because having to figure out the most efficient way to make something is a challenge in and of itself in this game.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Factory Engineer on Steam

Logistics Simulator

Logistics Simulator

so along with some bugs and lack of directions i’m finding this game a challenge to play. i figured out how to get to warehouse level. but right now i have no clear understanding what to do next to progress in this game. so i guess i just experiment til it seems i have the right employees and my warehouse seems somewhat organized. no tutorial right now being as it played my first game and now is non existant.

Real player with 98.6 hrs in game


Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Logistics Simulator on Steam

Survival Vacancy

Survival Vacancy

Survival vacancy is a very approachable simulation game that is in early access. Some notable features, lossless experimentation (make mistakes, try new things, see what happens), resource tiles as well as resource nodes, flight available (no limitations on movement besides the jet pack timer), well paced phases to the game. The first phase of the game, you’re in what amounts to a safe sandbox. You can experiment with resource collection, production, supply chain. However, progress is gated by the introduction of enemies. Once you bring survivors in, you will be attacked, meaning you have to think through your supply chain beyond “just the next step”. This is an interesting challenge when first encountered and effectively shapes gameplay once understood.

Real player with 73.4 hrs in game

Survival Vacancy I recommend, for a game made by a single dev, its extremely impressive to see.

But because it’s only 1 dev, only so much can be done in a given amount of time.

For the genre it feels like a bit of Oxygen Not Included, and a bit of factorio at its core, but aside from that it does have its own unique aspect which also sets it quite a bit apart from those titles.

I’ll start with the Pro’s:

-runs pretty well if you are aware of what causes lag spikes to avoid that, Dev has told me personally, that he’s working hard on fixing these before going to 1.0

Real player with 58.6 hrs in game

Survival Vacancy on Steam

One Time In Space

One Time In Space

Survive and Explore.


  • Customize your character’s looks and wager what advantages and weaknesses your character will have.

  • Prevent oxygen depletion at all costs.

Build Ships

  • Build the hull, maintenance, flooring, and wall layers of a ship to make it functional and free of oxygen leaks. Place wires, pipes, and cables on the maintenance levels to implement connectivity amongst machinery across the ship.

  • Create and incorporate machinery to make your ship functional.


  • Mine asteroids for different resources to run your ship. Maintain an abundant supply of oxygen so your character doesn’t suffocate. Manufacture fuel to propel your ship.

  • Manage power through a connection of wires directed to your machines.

  • Craft resources into machinery and expand your ship.


  • Build machines to help run systems in your ship. Oxygen harvesters make a sufficient supply of oxygen for the crew. Storage tanks contain fuel to be used in thrusters. Computers allow the player to navigate their ship through space. Conveyor belts connect to machines to make automated systems. Energy storage units hold energy to power the ship and its components.


  • Navigate your way through deep space.

  • Find all the resources you need to survive by mining asteroids.

One Time In Space on Steam

Inventory Manager

Inventory Manager

A cute little idle game for a dollar. Gave me Flash game nostalgia.

It’s rough around most of its edges, but it does handle an enormous number of customers just fine, which is fun to watch. I’m also easily motivated by bars going up and the “made a sale” sound happening faster and faster.

Weirdly, in the end, my shop was just sellers, my initial bag, and a hundred grabber arms and distributors.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

I’m not sure how i feel about this game. it’s a bit like a clicker, but without the clicking. you make numbers get bigger until you get to the biggest number, and then you win. I saw it through to the end though, so I must have not hated it? 18 hours played, but probably 12+ of that was leaving the game running to gather funds to get myself over the finish line

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Inventory Manager on Steam

Engineer Alpha

Engineer Alpha

I hesitate to say ‘yes’ with this one, BUT, I think it has a lot to offer in the future. Getting started is rough, you’re thrown into what appears to be a near-desert world and left to fend for yourself. Intriguing, I know. Five hours and two restarts later I have - through trial and error -learned the very basics of getting started. There is no tutorials and no quick start guides (may try and start one). The game itself is rough around the edges, gooey in the middle, and the top might be a little burnt … Bakers reference :) but it has a concept of world building, planet exploration, and automation – Think Satisfactory + Minecraft + Most Mechanic Games – There is a lot to unfold on the potential lying around in this. There is survival aspects, building, automation, the works that can and a lot most likely will be done. I recommend this game based on it’s future development. I think the developer has an idea that has been on the minds of many players for a while now and it could easily take off.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

This game has a lot of potential to be something epic. I really really hope the developers stick with it!

As for the game in its current state:

  • UI is very limited, kind of a press every key until something happens so you know what to do

  • Running the timbers to connect power is a little odd at first. Main concept; if you’re not going from one building to another, you must connect to a stand. (ie no free hanging timbers)

  • Starting grind is very heavy, no automation for parts needed to advance the tech tree, at least so far for me, I just unlocked copper.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Engineer Alpha on Steam

Grim Clicker

Grim Clicker

~~TLDR: The game itself is pretty good but the state of the cash shop has led me to ultimately downvote this game.

This game is definitely better than a vast majority of other garbage clicker games on Steam. Good art, music, UI. The items can be a bit confusing. At least early on the game is pretty generous with handing out chests, so you’ll end up with quite a few weapons. To me at least, it’s very difficult to tell what is good and what is bad. I would like to see some additional way to tell how good a certain item is.~~

Real player with 1245.7 hrs in game

So, this review will be a bit long, but it will be a idle game lovers view, and marking all pro’s and con’s I see, with some thoughts on it.

What I would like to begin with is, I had a save issue, after I had drop some $ into the game, and I wrote a message to the email given when I was looking for support. The first response back was amazing. They gave many different ways to try to fix my save file from loading cloud, or finding computer save, etc. They said if I could, they would love to at least have me start from the beginning and they would refund “all” my shards. If I could find a save of me in the 2nd world, they would start me there while refunding all my shards.

Real player with 823.8 hrs in game

Grim Clicker on Steam

Piece Of Mind

Piece Of Mind

Game does not work and main file has viruses detected in it. Fix or take off of steam, not worth paying for.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Doesn’t even work!! Why are you selling this STEAM? Somebody needs to remove this garbage.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Piece Of Mind on Steam