

This is a game that relies heavily on luck. You can very easily get a random event that completely ruins you seconds into your game. You might end up starting a new game over and over before you make it through the first ‘story’ goal. And yet, it’s very much worth playing.

Once you get that little bit of good luck mixed with frugal resource management, you can make it through the first twenty or thirty tiles and clear the first couple of challenges. Learn your limits – don’t overspend or expand too fast. You’ll learn what impact each event choice has, which upgrades work best for your kingdom.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Interactive Fiction Management Games.

Had fun in the short time I’ve played and quickly figured out how to keep a 0 loss of people.

I would love to see it expand more than 100 tiles but even at 90 it became slow to move across the screen when zoomed out. Some kind of option to speed up the cursor would be needed to expand more I guess.

More levels of 100 tiles but with harder conditions would be nice if expanding to more tiles is not feasible.

The text sections are a little long and some repeat through the game, so I did as another reviewer had done and skipped through the text to find the main points.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Hexia on Steam

Wonderland Nights: White Rabbit’s Diary

Wonderland Nights: White Rabbit’s Diary

You are the white rabbit working for the queen of hearts. There is a 4 day submit with the other kings and queens from the other countries in wonderland to decide how they will govern between war, magic, trade and borders. For the 4 days you’re there it’s your job to schedule the activities between the kings, queens and their daughters/sons/advisors.

Quite an interesting game, I’d say. Basically, you will unlock mini plots and stories between the characters depending on who you pair off with who. Re-playability is a given. It’s highly advisable to play it many many times to get all of the plots and it will involve a lot of trial and error for a lot of the acheivements without a guide. Luckily for you, 1 complete playthrough is quite short so you wont have to worry.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Interactive Fiction Political Sim Games.

Wonderland Nights: White Rabbit's Diary on Steam

Adventures in Morality: An Interactive Case Study

Adventures in Morality: An Interactive Case Study

First to the creator(s) of the ICS, you should be aware that there appears to be a bug with the cassette recordings. Every time you find one and play it, it also plays all the ones that you have found and played before, simultaneously, making understanding anything pass the third one nearly impossible. Onto the review.

This is an interesting experience. The idea being that an AI is the one conducting the Case Study on you is both intriguing and perhaps a bit alarming and I mean both of those ideas in as to whether you accept that at face value or if you accept that as part of a fictional narrative. I was actually most interested in finding and reading the log notes about the “childhood” and growth of said AI, and I got a good snicker at the mention of bonono monkies (i dont have to google, i actually saw a N.G show on them so totally got it ;) As for the Subject of the case study, this idea of sympathy types, while the particular labels used to describe said types might be newish, the idea behind it is not. I was reading about where people fall into self, tribe, and human kind in self help and spiritual enlightenment books back in the 80’s and 90’s. And those authors were NOT representing the knowledge as something new; but, rather as something very old and mostly forgotten or purposely suppressed (Those in power naturally tend to keep those below them divided and weakened through the use of Us vs them, whether thats Individualism vs Communism or Tribalism in one form or another.) The one thing none of those authors ever did was threaten to use the knowledge being shared to bring about an apocalypse and try to divide up the world based on results of some case study. Really not sure what to make of that.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Interactive Fiction 3D Platformer Games.

Opening video has a couple good lines.

The rest is random questions that don’t make any sense as a test of morality. Not to mention that just by walking around you get 80+ ‘Humanity’ rating.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Adventures in Morality: An Interactive Case Study on Steam

Don’t Miss The King

Don’t Miss The King

Dont miss the king is a strategy-platformer game that lets you strategize while you are in battle. You will be able to fight using different types of soldiers on many different maps in this game where you have to defeat a dark wizard-king who is trying to take all of humanity under his will. You have to save the humanity!!

Don't Miss The King on Steam



I’m very pleasantly surprised with this fantastic little piece of interactive fiction. Sure, the sci-fi premise had me interested from the start, but Lifeline turned out to be a LOT more entertaining than I expected. The writing and plot is top notch with an incredibly likeable protagonist in Taylor. I didn’t think the story would have kept me so engaged considering it’s set on a desolate moon in the furthest reaches of the galaxy, but the rapport you build with the stranded science student keeps you concerned for his well being as much as you’re interested in discovering just what the deal is with the creepy moon he’s crash-landed on. Heck, towards the end when things go nuts I was absolutely hooked, even having dreams about it after I’d finished!

Real player with 115.8 hrs in game

TL;DR Lifeline is a well written choose your own adventure style game that is played in real time.

I am changing my review from a negative to a positive after learning more about this game and giving it another try. Having tried it again I found that I enjoyed Lifeline for what it is and hope to see more of these games on Steam, It looks like there are 5 other games in this series.

My main problem with the game originally was that it would keep pausing in the story and just give you a message that “Taylor is busy”, and some of these pauses would take hours before the story would continue. I have since been told that this game was originally designed as a mobile game, and was meant to be played in “real time” as Taylor was messaging you. I bought this game from the Google store and it turned out to be a game concept that works great on your phone. I then retried it on Steam and found it to be enjoyable to play through once I knew what to expect.

Real player with 67.1 hrs in game

Lifeline on Steam

Rewrite - DYH

Rewrite - DYH

The demo does not compare to the full version. I don’t want to make any spoilers, but I played through a few scenes that brought tears to my eyes.

The game can be a bit challenging sometimes (the game trailer actually helped me to figure out where to go next), but it is definitely one of the best multiple choice games I’ve played by far.

Real player with 363.9 hrs in game

I’m glad I found this game. The story and the characters are really fascinating.

I just got a special ending with Isabelle that really took me by suprise.

Isabelle and Andrian are just adorable ❤️

Real player with 160.4 hrs in game

Rewrite - DYH on Steam

A Long Journey to an Uncertain End

A Long Journey to an Uncertain End

Not looking good, Captain. That holo-influencer you sent Matias to guard has been “upstaged”. Putting a former drag queen before every camera in the verse? Not the best idea. And the anti-sentience rally we sent Aylah to… that’s a riot now. Not saying it’s entirely her fault the audio drones were hacked but, you know. Probably didn’t help.

On top of that Truly and Denny are nowhere to be found. Any chance of keeping a low profile is out the airlock. Now there’s an incoming message from… your ex?

All in all, a quieter day than most.

A Long Journey to an Uncertain End is a narrative focused Space Opera that’ll have you flying around the universe assembling an unruly crew from an eclectic cast of characters and taking any job you can to keep one step ahead of your abusive Ex. The twist: you’re not just piloting a ship… you are the ship.

Supplies don’t come for free in the verse, doubly so for outlawed sentient spaceships. Every planet, moon and space station is a valuable source of jobs and their precious rewards. Assign crew tasks based on their skills, and help their decisions along the way. If everything pays off you’ll have what you need to escape, and if not…well, you can call in those favors you’ve been saving.

A Long Journey to an Uncertain End presents a unique vision of the future, a universe of inclusivity and diversity tainted by uncertainty and fear. Build a family within your crew. Every crew member has their own story, every planet its own history, and even your own adventure remains unfinished.

Sentient ships have been outlawed for centuries. With the help of your holo-companion C.O.R.G.I. and your (mostly) loyal crew, you managed to evade capture. Now there’s an entire galaxy between you and freedom.

So…where to next, Captain?


  • Fly across a unique galaxy, from the dust-bitten badlands of the Rim, to the techno-industrial megacities of the Core…and Beyond.

  • Recruit an eclectic crew from a diverse cast of characters with their own stories and varied skill sets.

  • Explore planets, moons and space stations as you put distance between you and your abusive ex. Match your crew to jobs and decide their actions along the way. If all else fails, you can always rely on a favor or two.

  • Manage your resources to keep your crew happy. Boosting between worlds can take its toll, as can failing at jobs. A happy crew is a productive crew… most of the time.

A Long Journey to an Uncertain End on Steam

In Marte - The First Moon

In Marte - The First Moon

lol, i was compelled to change scripts of game to pass through pipes scenes, they are just broken, looks like if you rotated it wrong a lot, you will never solve the puzzle. Awful game, found it in similar games to my own one. Do i have any chance to contact with developer? want to discuss some details of game.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

I don’t think I even need to explain why this game is bad, the video speaks for itself.

I don’t understand why Valve allow these sorts of games to exist on this platform.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

In Marte - The First Moon on Steam

Interstellar Airgap

Interstellar Airgap

Excellent read! The story grabbed me from page 1.

Real player with 313.6 hrs in game

The Story is interesting but the damn Code is frustating

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Interstellar Airgap on Steam

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind

It’s an excellent game. Surprisingly engrossing graphics, quite a lot of fun to manage your clan, etc. The negatives are… Difficult to cover without some spoilers though. So I’m giving it a thumbs up because as a stand alone it’s a masterpiece. As a successor to KoDP it has definitely gone a bit off the rails. Spoilers to follow so stop reading now.

Yes it’s an amazing game. A couple things to be aware of though, which made KoDP a standout for it’s time but which Six Ages has given up on: unlike KoDP where you were expected to follow the path your ancestors set or you were punished severely, in this one you’re supposed to be “good” using today’s moral compass instead. Seriously. You can’t kill off other tribes, they’re super easy to ally with, it’s almost impossible to lose heros (compared to the original,) you’re supposed to jump on board with everything that’d be attractive to modern sensibilities (slavery is bad, yeah help enemies consistently, etc.) That’s a pretty big departure from the original where if you spit on your clans history you’d consistently be wrecked for it, so yeah. Important to know: Your ancestors were all idiots and the gods actually support going full hippy rather than doing whatever backwards crap those apes cared about. I tried KoDP like that the first time and was shocked how punishing the game was towards applying modern morality to the game. I was dissappointed that all I had to do to be this game on its hardest difficulty was to just disregard literally everything I’d learned about the lore and the world from the original. As long as you’ve never played the original, this is a nonissue; it’s only if you’ve gotten to experience the alternative, where you’re having to make judgements based on how their culture would likely interpret and react to events, that you realize how much actual depth that removes from gameplay.

Real player with 152.9 hrs in game

A number of your clan’s children have gone missing while foraging. Your people are anxious for their return. What do you do?

** consult the clan’s spirits

consult a god  

immediately send out a search party  **

King of Dragon Pass 1.9

Six Ages is a great game. It is basically a streamlined version of King of Dragon Pass with various new systems and all new stories and events. You have to manage your clan, make sure people are fed and happy, please the gods, explore lands close and distant, negotiate with other clans, practice magic, fight, etc. etc. I have heard people compare it to the Banner Saga, which I have not played yet, but I think the gameplay is fairly different. In Six Ages, you do all of the actions above by picking options in the various screens and events, not by e.g. positioning armies or walking around places. There are many, many events, which are beautifully painted scenes with text, where you have to make interesting choices that will effect the management of your clan and the world. There is really no other game quite like it; the genre is unique.

Real player with 132.1 hrs in game

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind on Steam