

Its a good game, i recommend it if its a good sale.

The story is nice and the puzzles are somewhat hard, but not a lot.

The only downside is that it is very short.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Interactive Fiction Cartoony Games.

Cute yet somewhat dark at the same time with simple controls. It’s pretty good.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

EmptyBottle on Steam

Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood

Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood

A splash of Wizard of Oz, a blop of Red Riding Hood, and a dash of some southern accents

Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood follows, you guessed it, Scarlet who dreams to be the star she believes she was meant to be. She happens to have gathered herself one heck of a band, calling themselves Foxtrot Bop, and they got their first big gig! Not to mention that they have a chance of being signed a deal as an agent (Savannah) from Wicked Records would be there. While they did end up being late and the threat of a tornado loomed over them, they managed to arrive just in the nick of time. And good thing too! Everyone there loved them, especially Savannah. However, Savannah only wants to bring in Scarlet and have her play with some people she already gathered. Conflicted, not knowing whether she should take the deal or stay with her talented boys, Scarlet tries to tell her band, only for them to find out and react in the very way she feared. They wouldn’t even let her get any word in! Despite not letting Scarlet explain the situation or realizing that she hasn’t even signed the contract (which, you can’t blame her if she does now), they leaves her all alone on the road. Well, except that tornado.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Interactive Fiction Adventure Games.

EDITING 6/4/2021: I am going to change this to a recommendation, I have already fully completed every achievement so I can’t validate the issue was solved, but I will take the developers word for it as it was mostly my only issue with the game.

Original Review: Randomly crashes on loading screens which then makes you have to repeat your progress. Happens very often.

I do wish there was a scaling review system on steam instead of yes or no, because overall the music, art, story, and puzzles are pretty solid.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood on Steam



Take on your developer dream in Catalina City in Unscripted! Follow the journey of a software developer aspiring to publish their video game into the PackStore’s prestigious arcade while starting a new life in Catalina City, the city for software developers. Reconnect and meet close friends like Zen’no, new peers like Katorin, the Kotlin-loving developer, and possibly new enemies like Christina, an enigmatic Python developer.


  • Discord rich presence integration with each chapter* (opt-in by default)

  • Personalized routes based on choices and story maps (four base routes)

  • Ambient sounds and support for emphasizing sound effects and ambience over music

  • Ability to switch to the Lexend font and variant to increase readability

  • Puzzle mini-game with advanced scripting support

  • Rich notifications and realistic desktop via AliceOS

Read More: Best Interactive Fiction Immersive Sim Games.

Unscripted on Steam




Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

当火车鸣笛三秒 on Steam

Songs of Armageddopolis

Songs of Armageddopolis

Songs Of Armageddopolis is a point’n’click detective game. In a world where magic and technology go hand in hand, and people disappear without a trace every day, you will play the role of a young psionic named Glaz, who is doing an internship at a detective bureau. The bosses don’t like you. You think that the reason for this antipathy is the form of your head: it is too round. But that is not the point. The point is: you stink of death and defeat. Why are you even here? Well, there were some reasons, probably, but now they are of no significance. This city has secrets and you must reveal them. To become the best detective. To plunge your enemies into dust. And to find your true love.


  • Mysterious Tower, which combines platforming mechanics and point’n’click adventure mechanics.

  • Lots of mini-games.

  • The ending depends on your playing style

  • Telekinesis is your main tool. Use it to interact with the game world.

  • This game is not for weaklings. If you die on Normal difficulty, you cannot continue playing.

  • Realistic coffee machines.

Songs of Armageddopolis on Steam

10mg: Always Down

10mg: Always Down

An interesting abstract thingymabob that seems to be about a man turning into a frog, running away, and then hopping all the way back once he reaches full frogitude.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

10mg: Ten Ten-Minute Games!

Always Down is ‘a game about going away’ and is made up of simple puzzles, cute enemies and light platforming challenges. The player controls a cube-shaped character who, after declaring that they are leaving proceeds to descend deeper into the ground, undergoing subtle changes the deeper they go. The game uses simple pixel art aesthetic to portray the varying environment and matches this well with relaxing classical music. Despite a few hurdles, the overall experiences was pleasant and somewhat meditative with a thought-provoking conclusion.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

10mg: Always Down on Steam



Cracks is a single player side-scrolling platformer following the couple Liam and Lana, as they navigate the highs, lows and struggles of their relationship. Their relationship is part of the game, where their level of cooperation depends on how connected they are. Join them on their adventures and learn how you can overcome the biggest obstacles as a team, whether it’s dealing with overbearing store clerks, or finding seats together on the tube. Experience the joy of doing even the most mundane chores together, and grieve with them when their arguments turn ugly and they are unable to work together on the smallest task.

Cracks on Steam

DeMagnete VR

DeMagnete VR

DeMagnete is an interesting puzzler with an original game mechanic that was fun to use. Basically you have to figure out how to manoeuvre cubes around (like Portal companion cubes) in order to unlock a door to get to the next level. You have a floating orb companion that leads you through the levels and gives you some backstory, but does not provide any clues to solving the puzzles. The levels were unique and the puzzles never felt repetitive. The difficulty ramped up gradually as you progressed without being crazy hard or too easy. Some thinking outside the box was needed as well; not all solutions are straightforward.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

This is an enjoyable and kinetic puzzle game, you get to play with magnetic forces in a quite innovative way, and I enjoyed it a lot! 😮 A few more mechanics are introduced along the way, so do pay attention to what the cubes do! 👀 I didn’t and I payed for it in confusion 🤣

The environments are… surprising, let’s just say you’ll be in for a treat, and it’s definitely not what I expected from the trailers! The puzzles start out quite straight forward, but progressively gets more and more complex! Near the end it was pretty challenging indeed! 😅

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

DeMagnete VR on Steam

Recontact London: Cyber Puzzle

Recontact London: Cyber Puzzle

The Technology points are out of proportion, to win each puzzle. It costs to do Satellite, you need at least extend view (5 pts) and 360 degree view (15 pts)…. to solve each sat tracker puzzle. The win technology points are most of the time 0 (zero) gain it rewards box, before pressing Start. It takes a long time to gain points in decipher at 1 point every 9 minutes. This makes it unplayable, til you get enought to buy – Extended/360 views. Have played 31 hours so far, and I’m Not Impressed with game as it now stands —- Sorry Devs, back to drawing board at this point.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

I really, really wanted to like this game. I love FMVs, I love investigation type stuff, this is right up my alley. The early parts of the game looked great.

But then you get to a point where you realize that (at least in its current state) the game is just a big mess.

Progression seems to be based on an attribute called “sense” that you increase by correctly playing minigames. You have to find specific people in video footage, like Where’s Waldo but with moving video. You have to track things moving across the city. You have to uncover a pattern hidden in static. You can control a drone looking for things in homes or buildings. But where the trouble comes in is that by messing up in the games, you can lose sense instead of gaining it.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Recontact London: Cyber Puzzle on Steam

A Tale of Synapse: The Chaos Theories

A Tale of Synapse: The Chaos Theories

My only real complaint about the game is that the regular enemies are kinda awful to fight or generally interact with., and you can brute force many of the puzzles. I think that if instead of just having enemies scattered around, spawning them when a player messes up a puzzle would be far better.

aside from that, the game is fun to explore and quite well put together. It’s fun and casual, as opposed to some more stressy puzzle games.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

Let’s start with some AP Bio - A synapse is a point where electrical and chemical nerve impulses are transmitted in the brain. Think of it as two things communicating with one another. This is the basis of ‘A Tale of Synapse – The Chaos Theories’, a wonderful puzzle platformer that melds art, with science and maths-based logic. It’s an indie like no other.

In the game you take control of Nero and Sci. Nero is controlled with the left stick and Sci with the right, when required. Nero is a synapsian that can attack enemies and jump around the levels; in some ways, he reminded me of Ori from Moon Studios’ games.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

A Tale of Synapse: The Chaos Theories on Steam